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New Idea: Watch Mode


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It would be nice to have a watch mode on warframe.


a player can set the watch mode on or off.

If off, end of story, if on, he will allow players to watch him play

If in a squad, the host must have the watch mode on so any player can watch the squad playing

As a user, when you choose to go watch mode to watch other players (without interfering the game),  you will have a list of missions to choose from.

In that way, a new player can understand more what to do, how the game goes,learn more techniques  and will allow more interaction between players

Open for discussion and elaboration

Thank you

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Warframe is one of those games, I find, that are not to be watched but to be experienced. This is the reason people do not watch others play it cuz it is right there for you to jump in.

We watch to see others viewpoints and to get pointers for our own style or to see viewpoints we might have the time to test out ourselves. This is the reason YouTubers Partners are good. They give info for us to take in and go do whatever we want. Watching a few videos is good- watching others play the game that you have right there is not so much fun from my experience. 

Hek, I only watch the Developer and PrimeTime to see what is news for us to get ready for, to see what brainstorming they have that will come to us sooner or later, and to watch a dream of these people become a reality for us to join in. 

Besides, we have Watch Mode when. We die



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3 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

It would be nice to have a watch mode on warframe.


a player can set the watch mode on or off.

If off, end of story, if on, he will allow players to watch him play

If in a squad, the host must have the watch mode on so any player can watch the squad playing

As a user, when you choose to go watch mode to watch other players (without interfering the game),  you will have a list of missions to choose from.

In that way, a new player can understand more what to do, how the game goes,learn more techniques  and will allow more interaction between players

Open for discussion and elaboration

Thank you

isnt this why we have twitch.

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Warframe is not like overwatch/cs/tekken in which i find watching people play to be enjoyable. I mean sure i've put up some warframe streams from time to time when i'm working as a podcasty kinda thing. But if i'm already in-game, why watch and not just play?

That's my 2 cents.


Tho i do find some fun watching the guy in a 80 minute long survival or a 60 wave defense holding on for that last rotation c before running to extraction. The squad chat usually turns into this weird thing like those parrents in their child's ball game where we kinda just encourages/taunts the last guy. 

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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