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Solo trial runs prior to PUB Groups


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Am I the only one here that, prior to joining a public group, especially Sortie or Arbitration, jumps in solo with the load out I plan on using to see how  well I can hold my own? I swear I had to join 5 or 6 groups last night to complete Sortie 3 as at least half the squad was under geared or had no idea what they were doing every damn time. And then they give you flak when you ask them if they are okay. To spend half the mission reviving other players who are doing 0-2% of the damage is frustrating. I am all about helping newer players but I feel like some just jump into some of this high(er) level stuff because they have access to it and see no problem getting carried. They are "learning" by jumping into the deep end. I have had the pleasure of having them ask for advice with their build and stuff which is great but when they give you flak like, "Dude, just deal with it and play" it just makes me shake my head. Rant over. Peace.

Edited by Rustmonger42
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2 minutes ago, Rustmonger42 said:

Am I the only one here that, prior to joining a public group, especially Sortie or Arbitration, jumps in solo with the load out I plan on using to see how  well I can hold my own?

No, I am doing the same with one exception. I don't join a public group afterwards because I'm already done 😛

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I just make my Pick so that I am able to carry the Team. I revive fallen Tenno 2-3 times before I let the bleed out. 

Only thing that drives me nut is Sortie Spy. No matter how good you are, there‘s always that one guy failing the mission for all 🤢

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6 minutes ago, nillos said:

I just make my Pick so that I am able to carry the Team. I revive fallen Tenno 2-3 times before I let the bleed out. 

Only thing that drives me nut is Sortie Spy. No matter how good you are, there‘s always that one guy failing the mission for all 🤢

Self inflicted. No Sympathy.

Don't do Sortie Spys in public matches. 

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There is no point in such an exercise, IMO. I'm pretty confident in what setup I use, even if it means covering shortcomings from others (which does not happen very frequently). If I find that a PUB group is not very good in one mission, then I will leave squad and find another one for the next mission. If they are good enough I will stick with them.

Spy, of course solo, especially Uranus and Kuva Fortress which have a nearly 100% chance of failure in a PUB group. Sometimes, if it's the third sortie mission I will try a (Corpus) spy with others, the sole benefit being that on success it's much faster than solo.

In any case, I try to "prepare" before starting the sortie keeping in mind which frames and weapons I'll use, sometimes changing some mods.

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