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Arbitrations Level Scaling is Awful


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Hi everyone,
I want to share my disappointement with how enemy level scaling for the new "arbitrations" elite alert is.
And for those who are wondering, i'm disappointed that enemies in regular missions (survivals, defenses etcetcetc) scale BY FAR faster than any kind of arbitration.

Here for comparison I have a video of me doing 100 wave solo as Gara:

As you can see, at around wave 95-96 the enemies are level ~1300ish.


While in an arbitration Defense, which is advertised at "Higher level difficulty" mission at wave 100 here's the screenshot i have (i have also a video, but i'll need a couple days to upload it)

So as you can see here in the screenshot, at wave 100 the enemies are at level 260.
I don't know if this is a bug, or it is intended to have a so SLOW scaling.

Basically what i'm guessing is that even if the game says that I'm at wave 100, due to the mission taking twice as long to do a rotation reward, it think that I'm at wave 50.
Even the HUD says it when i extract, as per screenshot here below:

I don't know if it is a bug or whatever, but we need some consistency... how could the "most difficult mission" in the game be such low level, while a common lith fissure defense mission on on earth, having higher and more difficult content?

We as a community need some answer!


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Huh, so i wasnt the only one then. I was honestly expecting this ''So unforgiving that it makes you throw your computer out the window'' kind of hard, and a simple line of sight would instakill you, but so far, never had any issue, just that the defense mission seems, strangely easy? The defense target also have WAY to much health. I dont know if the health scales depending on how many players there are, but since i only play solo, i cant really confirms it.

In regards to the level scaling, yeah, i was honestly suprised on how slow it was. Their damage, atleast when i was playing, didnt seem to sting as hard as certain Nightmare missions.
I havent played the Sanctuary Gamemode in a while but i remember it scaling pretty far up as you progress to new rooms.

But im with you there, the scaling is pretty bad, and i like to make a suggestion to the devs that, lower the health of the defense target, or give the enemies a massive damage boost. The rewards we get on these missions dont feel as rewarding unless we work our heads off to get them. And ofcorse, make them atleast scale similarly to how normal defense does. Unless its all a unintentional gltich where we are suppsoed to ahve way, way higher levels and difficulty. If thats teh case, yeah, some elaboration would be nice if this is unintentional.

Edited by Sasha_The_Lynx
fixed my message a bit
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24 minutes ago, Cimbro94 said:

We as a community need some answer!

At that line, if I worked for a Developer, I would promptly slide your post aside, and continue on my day, perhaps if I'm feeling generous adding it to a "This was some stuff brought up by some folks somewhere" public share folder, but I would certainly not call attention to it.

Rudeness begets Rudeness, I suppose. Hopefully this won't turn out to be the case for you and your fairly valid concerns.

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But in arbitration you only have one life and drops only come every other rotation, right? So it's understandable that the enemies scale slower, since the challenge is supposed to come from not dying once, rather than just powering through attrition. 100 waves of regular defense scales faster because you have three lives and get 20 drops, whereas Elite you only have 1 to get 10. It's cost benefit, isn't it? There's no point of difficulty for difficultie's sake, if you just wanted to do a hard thing for the sake of it being hard you could go into regular missions with unmodded frames/weapons and try to get to level 500 or whatever.

I don't know man, I'm on console so I didn't get to try them yet but to me it seems like the point is to have a more challenging endgame activity, rather than just a place for the top 0.01% to circlejerk over their minmaxed "highest damage achievable" builds.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's all just bugged and it's supposed to be so hard that it's literally unplayable. But then again I also think that balancing activities around people who casually fight level 1300 enemies and consider it a no big deal is a quick way to ruin the game for everyone, so what do I know.

Edited by (PS4)Anedime
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3 hours ago, (PS4)Anedime said:

But in arbitration you only have one life and drops only come every other rotation, right? So it's understandable that the enemies scale slower, since the challenge is supposed to come from not dying once, rather than just powering through attrition. 

If the goal is to not just power through attrition what purpose is their to making the game scale at a slower rate? This is only increasing the duration of which you can stay in the mission. Higher level enemies = less room for error= greater challenge and lower overall mission time.


3 hours ago, (PS4)Anedime said:

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's all just bugged and it's supposed to be so hard that it's literally unplayable.

You're right about the 1st part, it's very buggy. But seeing how OP managed to do 100 waves solo in arbitration and NOT in regular defense is rather telling in regards to it's difficulty. 

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So on top of enemies having reduced damage, the scaling is only 1/2 as fast as those of regular missions? Geez, way to kill my buzz. I really enjoyed the no revives modifier, I thought it was great, and the drones are perfectly fine as well, despite all the people complaining. But 60 starting level and only 1/2 the scaling speed pretty much kills this game mode for what it was supposed to be: endurance. 

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On 2018-10-18 at 1:42 AM, Tangent-Valley said:

Rudeness begets Rudeness, I suppose. Hopefully this won't turn out to be the case for you and your fairly valid concerns.

I wanted to say something about your skin but im not gonna, but seriously if this is rude for you than i dont know how you can even open your chat window without getting mad over what people write there.

There was nothing rude or even disrespectful here. He havent made a demand, said that we want answers now or even set up a date to tell your time is limited.

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  • 1 month later...

I have seen this topic linked somewhere, i think its reason enough to dig it out.

I agree, its a bit disappointing that both the lvl got lowered from what we have first seen and that the scaling speed got reduced.


Kinda ironic that it takes you more time in some sort of a "Endgame"-Gamemode to get to high levels as compared to any regular endless mission in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I disagree, it's nice to be able to be in arbitrations and reap the rewards without having to resort to voodoo tricks. One things I dont understand with you people: if you can breeze to level 1300 which I definitely cant and dont even want to since 2 hours is enough for me in one mission, what makes you think you would stop at higher levels? From where I stand you seem to use all the meta tricks in the book and then complain there's not enough challenge and want it nerfed because of that? Think about the players who are having a hard time with arbitrations as it is. If you add challenge that can only be done with certain setups you pigeonhole people even more than they already are, is that really necessary?

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Someone  already replied you:

1)During arbitrations you can't revive and the target to defend  is a guy  running around the map like an idiot and you can't revive him too.

2)The red flying objects are a pain in the ass to kill without a corinth , an arca plasmor or (very)long range weapons and you should know your abilities don't work on them and the near enemies...


I have see an average of 2-3 deaths before 30 minutes , after 40 it starts to become hard and after 60 minutes a tank player can barely sustain 1 good shots (excluding abilities and bonuses) and you have to hit, run and go to operator mode....

During a defence the target died before 10 minutes with other 3 idio.. players.

They will never make this game an hardcore game because most of the players are not and if they will  you should start at higher levels, i can't play for hours to reach the challenge.

BTW I think alone it's more easy overall if you have a frame or a weapon with the +300% strength.

Edited by bibmobello
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