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Blood Rush 3.0

(XBOX)Avant Solace

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With the impending change to melee mechanics with Melee 3.0 there are several questions and concerns being raised. Many have been answered, but one still bugs me: What will happen to combo-dependent mods?

To be blunt, my main concern is Blood Rush. As many can attest, this mod is essential for Crit-based melee weapons. Without this mod, even the best crit melees only get yellow crits under 50% of the time. This causes them to be overshadowed by status-melees with Condition Overload. While I admit Blood Rush is abnormally strong, I do not think it needs a massive nerf or outright removal. It, and all combo-dependent mods, trade abnormally high buffs for the need to constantly maintain their effects. Overall I simply hope that crit-based melee weapons will still be able to hit their famous orange/red-crits with the right setup in melee 3.0.

As this is an ongoing development, I hope to have this question answered or at least further discussed.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

What will happen to combo-dependent mods?


6 minutes ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

As this is an ongoing development, I hope to have this question answered or at least further discussed.

Good luck. Will not happen until DE finally decides to show it on stream or release it.

The only 2 "solid" statements are from Scott: "all builds will still work just like now" and Geoff (iirc) "we make great improvements"

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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9 minutes ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:


To be blunt, my main concern is Blood Rush. As many can attest, this mod is essential for Crit-based melee weapons.

I love Blood Rush, but if I had a dream it would be the rebalancing of any 'critical' mods so that we have more build diversity and fewer 'must haves'

(Also the death of spin2win...just put a cooldown on it guys!)

Edited by FreeWilliam
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I thought I remember reading somewhere they were going to do away with combo multipliers for quick melee and instead give a flat damage and crit times (x) multiplier increase to compensate. As far as heavy attack it would still be similar as before. 

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On 2018-10-26 at 7:04 PM, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

I admit Blood Rush is abnormally strong

isn't condition overload the strongest melee mod? with some status chance and elements you can basically kill everything, blood rush on his own not really, except some exception with enemies immune or almost immune to status

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