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Grineer bow Ideas?


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So I know we have PLENTY of bows but I would like to see a Grineer one some time down the line.


I'm not sure what to expect though since grineer are well grineer... Like an explosive one? Lenz already takes care of that... We got like 1000 cernos impact bows. A couple Paris puncture weapons. And then we stole the stalkers bow that and cut a truck in half...


So like what's next? What's the next gimmick or damage type?

Like do we just attach a freaking spinning saw right before the arrow tip so like primary fire is puncture secondary fire starts the saw if the target isent dead? 


Or just purely build for the secondary fire idea. puncture on impact and then the saw goes off does some slash damage.


Would be pretty neat. But idk would that even work? What would be better anyways? 

An electrical bow with a Taser shot? Flash bang arrow? Maybe that's over powered a bit.

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Basically the Primary Stug that the Nox has. Charge up arching blob. A bit of bow mechanic mixed with a grenade launcher.

If you want something that looks like a bow. It would likely be more of a tech bow with way too many strings and shoots exploding Bolas arrows like Green arrow.


Edited by Firetempest
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7 minutes ago, Spotdodge said:

Grineer bow that shoots saw tipped arrows.

I thought about this but then it would be just another Dread. That's why I was thinking like a pierce/puncture tip with lil saw blades right after it. Maybe like 3 to hit the secondary fire and start doing slash damage. It'd be great for corrupted enemies or like tankier enemies that need some armor tear or viral procs.


5 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Basically the Primary Stug that the Nox has. Charge up arching blob. A bit of bow mechanic mixed with a grenade launcher.

If you want something that looks like a bow. It would likely be more of a tech bow with way too many strings and shoots exploding Bolas arrows like Green arrow.

I like the sound of this. But maybe it takes the idea of the nox weapon away from a future release of it? 

Otherwise yeah no that would be pretty fun leaving behind a toxic mist or a gas mist after the explosion too like the nox weapon does. 


What would the back piece look like tho? A holster for the bow or maybe a tank with a hose attach to the bow?

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I always had this specific grineer bow idea in mind.


it works just like any other, but the top of the arrow is a spike ball that can stick and explode, throwing shrapnel around like the Drakgoon.

It has potential alt-fire modes, from, instant detonation, or sticky delayed, etc.

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Short range, wide area,charged steam propelled projectiles (X perforation X slash)), Shotgun's pellets mechanics bow. Something between Cernos prime and old Arca Plasmor.

Secondary fire could throw a single explosive rocket - straight flight but slow speed (quite similar to Elytron's Warhead without the homing ability).

A Corinth variant in some ways.

Edited by 000l000
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So we basically got AOE bow Ideas coming and then one bow that acts like miter with its syndicate mod lol.

Everything seems pretty neat though. 

So we got Fire, slash, toxic/corrosive/gas, and electrical type bow.


With secondary fires and an alternate arrow firing options.


Question is would DE even look at these ideas for bows lol.



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I was thinking a crossbow:

  • Primary fire: Charged attack that fires bolts that trigger a small-range Blast damage AoE. Increased flight speed and punch through from charge mechanic.
  • Secondary fire: Shotgun-spread of above explosive bolts. Expends more magazine ammunition than primary fire, and has a quicker damage falloff and no innate punch through.
Edited by MasterBurik
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