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Vent-Kids not showing up to give races +standing broken


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As the title says, right now no matter where I go, races aren't started as the vent-kid to start it literally isn't in the game world. I've tried resetting, restarting, being on and off bounties, it's completely broken.

Oh, and the standing gained on the number on screen is not true of the number you gain. I had 1500 left and did well over 3000+ in tricks, I was still missing 300 after returning to fortuna.

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Adding onto my topic- I just did a race for one that I found and it gave me 3900, yet when I went to fortuna, neither the fortuna people nor the vent-kids gained any standing AT ALL.

So I figured "maybe the vent kids are just disappearing once I complete them" but then at a location I 100% didn't do the race, the vent-kid still was NOT there. Pls help, I love the hoverboards

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Yeah I have no idea what is wrong with the standing but ran into the same thing. I think I was like 4.3k standing went out and did probably at least 2-3k worth of tricks (because I was having fun) went back into town and was only up to 4,666 standing. 



Seems like when I'm the host I can't see or interact with them tho they are marked on the map. However when I'm the Client I can see them but can't interact with them, still marked on the map. 

Edited by Oreades
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I wish that K-Drives standing was 1:1 with combo points. They are nice but they don't feel like being worth spending additional time heavily grinding rep.

Idk. if I'm terrible at this but I'm getting 200-300 combo average. Rarely 500+. Grinding this would take me eternity :x


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I believe that out of all the locations that the races are present (those icons) on a day, only a few, about 4, races are unlocked. So, thats why there isnt a kid in mist of those spots
Also found a vid on youtube which has kinda fast and solid plan to max the ventkid standing

I was able to consistently hit the 3000 cap and pretty fast as well


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I've seen a couple of vent kids out in the wild but most of the spots are empty so either it's meant to be that way (random) or it's bugged.

I do agree about the standing though.  If I'm getting 1000 points for my tricks I expect to see 1000 points in standing, not 1/5 of it (which is what it seems to work out at when I looked). 

I'm hardly going to use k-drives anyway, they just can't keep up with an archwing (don't nerf it DE), so I don't see why they need to have reduced returns from tricks when we do actually use them.

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I am in the same boat. I have done 2 races, most recently the river run, and upon returning to Fortuna I have only gained my non-race vent kids standing.  Also, about 1/10 times will i actually see a vent kid near the purple race icons. 

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All you need is a long grind rail or chain to hit 3k point tricks.  The Pearl has a round rail you can grind on for as long as you want while comboing spins and flips as you jump the 2 obstacles to continue.  


A bit gimmicky but necessary for now while the races are broken.  I expect the races were intended to be the main source of rep.  Leave the gimmick in for now and do a quick grind (get it?) until the races are up and running.

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5 hours ago, Mekanchi said:

I believe that out of all the locations that the races are present (those icons) on a day, only a few, about 4, races are unlocked. So, thats why there isnt a kid in mist of those spots
Also found a vid on youtube which has kinda fast and solid plan to max the ventkid standing

I was able to consistently hit the 3000 cap and pretty fast as well


Wow, thank you for the link. Managed to hit daily cap in 20-30 minutes.

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