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Is Garuda, insulting to Religion? (closed, questions answered)


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14 hours ago, Nyx219 said:

We're brainwashed, powerful teenagers under the influence of a cult leader directing us to murder whomever draws the short straw for any given mission, leading 4 separate genocides (two, if you discount the Infested & Corrupted entirely) and stealing everything not ours that isn't nailed down.


But frame inspiration, that's the baddie there.

Give me a break.


If Warframe kowtowed to the SJW PC White Knights, this game would not be worth playing.


In other words, nobody cares so long as it's fun, immersive & engaging. Try loosening those pearls a bit, you'll breath easier.

I take it you didn't read everything.

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4 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Garuda is a great warrior like Wukong, courageous hero, and bard.
Garuda's stuff,
Passive: Lees health = more damage
Power 1: Steal enemy's soul and use it like a shield and weapon.
Power 2: Impale enemies on spikes and drink their blood to heal.
Power 3: Harm self to recharge energy.
Power 4: Mobile sentient blender.

Can I just point out that there's two "Garuda's" in mythology. In Hinduism it's a single mythological bird-deity, the mount of Vishnu. In Buddhism it's a race of giant birds that kills nagas.

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14 hours ago, Pr1A said:

Meanwhile, the actual followers of said religions give zero s**ts about a biomechanical ninja in some online game being a vague reference to their mythology.

In anime and manga (and Japanese fiction in genral), references to Judeo-Christian mythology are quite common. Just go watch Evangelion and take a sip of an alcoholic beverage of your choice every time they mention a biblical name or throw some random religious symbolism in your face. Chances are you'll pass out before you're even half-way through the series. The reason why they do it is pretty simple: in THEIR culture, Judeo-Christian mythology is seen as cool and exotic. Do you think people following Judeo-Christian religions should rally against 'cultural insensitivity' in Japanese media?

As long as they have some resemblance of they mythological setup I don't really care.
But, when you make a heroic, courageous hero, defender of mankind,
cut themselves to get reinvigorated, (Garduda frame's Bloodletting power, self harm to gain energy), I get weirded out.

Remember the warframe Vlad? They changed the name to Revenant because his power-set didn't fit a vampire them.
They should have done the same with Garuda and changed her name, like Rancor, Spite, or Malice.

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15 hours ago, TankHunter678 said:

It seems to me that Garuda is inspire more by the monster version of Garuda (a vicious bird of prey, the king of birds, in typical RPGs) and Elisabeth Bathory then the real world mythological Garuda.

Which makes sense to me. As someone who really does not know much if anything about Hinduism or Buddhism.

Thank you very much for your impute.

So most peeps that use the name Garuda for a scary monster do so because Garuda is the king of birds, and a giant scary bird of pray.

Still need to know why she steal souls, drinks blood, and cuts herself though.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

well I haven't seen a single buddhist make a thread like this claiming to be insulted, so it's definitely just you. plus warframe is not meant to be a game with accurate mythological references, they likely just picked the name because they thought it was cool at the time. that's the only reason you actually need for naming anything really IMO.


Applause Yeah, it is a cool sounding name.

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5 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:


You keep saying this.

They should have changed the name, they should change the kit etc. Why do you get to decide what DE "should" do?

The only one bothered by this is you, the only thing DE "should" do is not listen to a random opinion that goes against their frame design philosophy and inspiration. The argument that you've provided here can 100% be used against other frames and their inspirations, the most obvious example being Loki, in that he's based more on the Marvel version than the actual mythological version.

Isn't that insulting? No. It's artistic/dramatic licence, that's literally it. That is the explanation of why she has the powers that she does.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

I love how that post that first made me go "Why the f is this a thread" is now making me learn about the depth of mythology and history.

I'm open for a mythology reading suggestion, do guide me.

One of my faves is the story of Jiraiya and Orochimaru.
Not the guys from Naruto, the guys from Japanese myth.
Image result for Orochimaru myth

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Well I'm an Indian and a Hindu and tbh I couldn't care less,  it isn't an insult to any culture or religion.  There may be people who might not like it but in the end,  it's not like DE is trying to bash a religion. The name sounds cool and is kinda suited to the frame.  Basically,  people who want to be offended will always will be.

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10 hours ago, LarryYourWaiter said:

It’s ok to be offended.  It’s not ok to expect other people to have to change what they do to tip toe around what you find offensive.  

When did we suddenly come to this point where it’s not ok to offend?

A true Buddhist won't get offended, but that doesn't mean you should try offending them.
Offending others on purpose would be mean.

Garuda never stole souls, drank blood, or cut himself, so the frame's power-set is offensive,
if they got the name from the god Garuda.

DE probably didn't know about Gardua the god-king of birds,
probably just thought the name was cool, or took after all those JRPGs with an enemy bird monster named Garuda.
Or maybe that scary spiky samurai skeleton guy from Street Fighter?

However, if there are scary stories about Garuda I don't know about or can find,
I would like to know about them, history and mythology are my to fave subjects.

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8 hours ago, Pinegulf said:

I'm not insulted. Why are you? There hardly is sole ownership to the name. Given that that the name is similar there seems to be little overlap. 

Let the offence takers stand on their own arguments and not take offence on behalf of supposed others. 

I am offended because Warframe already has some warframes that are at least somewhat accurate to that frame's name's mythological stories.

The Garuda frame however has no mythological anchorage.

42 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Passive: Lees health = more damage
Power 1: Steal enemy's soul and use it like a shield and weapon.
Power 2: Impale enemies on spikes and drink their blood to heal.
Power 3: Harm self to recharge energy.
Power 4: Mobile sentient blender.

The Garuda from myth doesn't do any of that.
The most accurate power-set would be,

43 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Passive: Less health = more armor for self / Allies with less health = more armor for them too.
Power 1: Recharge party's shields, or give 100+ over-shields to those with 0 base shield, or shields are already full. 
Power 2: A combination of Zephyr and Excal's 1st. Fast flight when not targeting an enemy. Quick rush attack when targeting an enemy.
Power 3: AoE music that buffs allies as long as it is playing.
Power 4: Take to the sky with mighty wings, with exalted throwing wind orbs that explode in gales of force that always knock-back enemies and generate tornadoes.


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8 hours ago, (PS4)Ana_Nuann said:

 Garuda is invoked as a symbol of impetuous violent force, of speed, and of martial prowess. 


Mythical bird of prey.


Looks like they hit the nail straight on the head, considering how she literally swoops around goring people like those birds do.


You're cherry picking and pretty confused. Garuda is not the heroic defender of the weak. Vishnu is. Vishnu rides Garuda. But god forbid you read what you cherry pick from.

On 2018-11-10 at 9:03 AM, General_Durandal said:

He is the "personification of courage", 
"one who is fast, who can shapeshift into any form and enter anywhere."
"whose wing flapping can stop the spinning of heaven, earth and hell."
"Garuda has roots in the verb gri, or speak."
"He is a metaphor in the Vedic literature for Rik (rhythms), Saman (sounds), Yajna(sacrifices), and the atman (Self, deepest level of consciousness)"
"a literal embodiment of the idea, and the Self who attached to and inseparable from the Supreme Self (Vishnu)"

Garuda's power-set.

48 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Passive: Lees health = more damage
Power 1: Steal enemy's soul and use it like a shield and weapon.
Power 2: Impale enemies on spikes and drink their blood to heal.
Power 3: Harm self to recharge energy.
Power 4: Mobile sentient blender.

What I would have setup for a Garuda frame

48 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Passive: Less health = more armor for self / Allies with less health = more armor for them too.
Power 1: Recharge party's shields, or give 100+ over-shields to those with 0 base shield, or shields are already full. 
Power 2: A combination of Zephyr and Excal's 1st. Fast flight when not targeting an enemy. Quick rush attack when targeting an enemy.
Power 3: AoE music that buffs allies as long as it is playing.
Power 4: Take to the sky with mighty wings, with exalted throwing wind orbs that explode in gales of force that always knock-back enemies and generate tornadoes.


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Your a little late, Final Fantasy has been depicting Garuda as a female harpy for years, which is probably what inspired DE, just like FF took inspiration from D&D for Bahamut the dragon, when it's some galactic whale in Islam.

Art transforms many things, if it was literal, we'd have very little creativity. 

Excalibur uses a single edge blade rather than a double edge, Valkyr is a claw berserker rather than a Norse maiden, and Garuda is a clawed impaler. 

I know, it's terrible that it's not called Camilla, but Garuda is a perfectly serviceable name.

Since it's the internet in 2018, this subject was guaranteed to arise, and it's guaranteed to be meaningless too. 

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8 hours ago, Squeekly said:

"Shape shift"

Usually leads me to believe genderless and "he" is for what ever reason dominant in speaking when referring to a unknown individual,  even more so than "they". For multiple reasons I'm sure. 

Flying Spaghetti Monster has no issue with multiple beliefs. 

I'm not complaining about the gender though.
Zephyr was also a man, but the frame is a woman, but don't care, because the power-set is accurate.
Garuda's power-set is not accurate though.
Steal souls, drink blood, cuts self to recharge energy, none of which Garuda had ever did in ant myths I know.

If someone does know a myth where Garuda did any of those I would like to know though.

There is one bird that drinks blood though,
called the Vampire Finch, but it's a tiny bird, not a bird of prey.

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8 hours ago, Wind_Blade said:

Hum, i don't see where take inspiration from an god or something to create your own characters for your game/story ... i mean it's not like they said it's the true one.. their are lot more movie that take characters from religions to explains the story.. but that not because they become A****** in theses story that you need to be offended it's inspired character and their personality don't forcely match with the creator intention but with what the story want to say..

but the last time a frame's name didn't match it's power-set to it's myth, they changed the name of the frame.
Revenant used to be called Vlad, after Vlad the Impaler,
but since his power-set didn't match Vlad's history, they changed the name.
Oddly enough, Garuda's power-set would have been near perfect for a Vlad the Impaler frame.
It was said Vald stole souls, while it was known that he impaled enemies, and drank their blood. (dipped his bread in their blood and eat it)
Power 3, Bloodletting, cut self to recharge energy, doesn't fit any character i can think of though.

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6 hours ago, _Keniji_ said:

Wow connecting Warframe to religion??

What a pointless thread, especially because you said you yourself were not offended but others might maybe be? Actually I might take offense at that thread itself .. on behalf of others ofc.. LOL

Garuda is the God-King of birds in a few Religions.
Loki from Norse myth.
Zephyr is also a god from myth.
Wukong, Nehza, Inaros, a lot of the frames are named after mythological characters.
However, they all have a setup that matches their myth.
Which Garuda doesn't.
If Revenant's name stayed Vlad, i'd be saying the same about him too, but not about insulting religion.

Garuda frame steals souls, impales enemies, drinks blood, cuts self to get energized, and blender mode.
Garuda from myth did non-of these, nor did any great bird of prey.
Other then the cut-self power, they'd fit a Vlad the impaler frame.

There is a Finch that drinks blood, the Vampire Finch.

Garuda isn't a vampire though.

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On 2018-11-10 at 12:03 PM, General_Durandal said:

I'm not a Buddhist, or recognize myself as a part of any one religion,
but I respect all religions, and I see the Warframe Garuda as somewhat insulting.

I was Raise Catholic, Please do not be offended or insulted on behalf of something, when you yourself claim are not "a part of any one religion"

1 hour ago, General_Durandal said:

but the last time a frame's name didn't match it's power-set to it's myth, they changed the name of the frame.
Revenant used to be called Vlad, after Vlad the Impaler,
but since his power-set didn't match Vlad's history, they changed the name.
Oddly enough, Garuda's power-set would have been near perfect for a Vlad the Impaler frame.
It was said Vald stole souls, while it was known that he impaled enemies, and drank their blood. (dipped his bread in their blood and eat it)
Power 3, Bloodletting, cut self to recharge energy, doesn't fit any character i can think of though. 

To be fair they probably wanted to name it "Gangrel" but didnt want to get sued by white wolf

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5 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

One survived all the way to Earth it would seem and made a forum post.

I don't know if Garuda is insulting to religion, but this post sure is insulting to intelligence.

+1 for some useful mythological info, however.

If someone made a character in a game after a god you worship, (or respect)
a god of war and courage, 
and their power set had stealing souls, drinking blood, and cutting-self to get reinvigorated,
all of which that god never did,
wouldn't you at least think that it might be slightly offensive in the least?

They really should have changed her named to Rancor.
Like how they changed Vlad's name to Revenant.

Thanks for the +1, glad some of the info shared has been found interesting in the least.

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1 hour ago, General_Durandal said:

As long as they have some resemblance of they mythological setup I don't really care.

That anime ironically enough is the complete opposite (in case you didn't watch it). In their universe, humans shouldn't even be existing (at least on Earth), they were the result of the wrong "egg" (created by an ancient civilization) arriving on Earth, which was suposed to be inhabited by Angels ("children of Adam"), creatures that have nothing to do with their Christian theme. The whole anime is filled with it, the Divinity part of it, yet it's one of the most successful animes regardless.

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5 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Well pretty much the entire Warframe universe is built around a whole host of religions & mythologies. The devs have said this is where they get much of their inspiration for names - at least as far as frames, factions, weapons etc. are concerned.

So any devoutly religious folks, or those offended by the use of religious / mythological terminology in a video game are advised to steer well clear of this game. 

Garuda and Vlad where the only ones that's power-set didn't match their myth though.

Vlad got a name change, while Garuda didn't.

Vlad isn't a god, but he is a partly mythological character, in the form of Dracula.

Oddly enough, Garuda's power-set fits a Vlad power-set way better.
Steal souls, impale enemies, drink blood, but the cutting self to get energy doesn't fit anyone's power-set.

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