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1 minute ago, ArchXDiablo said:

Regular joe here, MR14, it was and is a snooze fest with non meta. Why are you assuming meta builds were required to steamroll lvl50 enemies? 

Don't waste your time dude.

There are 5-6 people in this thread who simply don't want to communicate.

They just want to be proven right.

Don't engage. It's a waste of time unfortunately.


Whoever knows the dmg system and has taken a bit of time to read about the game

understands exactly what you mean. i.e. you can do wonders with basic mods plus the corrupted set.

This post has nothing to do with meta.

DE has found a "sweetspot" that a lot of people enjoyed before the hotfix.


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21 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

Ok, so i (OP aswell) take our time to answer your questions and try to explain everything in detail.

We try to be polite and calm and even took your opinions into consideration and reduced our wish to only 1 of 5 bountys instead of just applying it to everything in Fortuna to find a compromise (that is usually the goal of a discussion btw).


And then you decide to completly ignore everything we say and dont answer our questions in return and instead proceed to simple flame/insult us and make false accusations like "they want to exclude other players and feel exclusive" and such things. *slow clap* I know i know, thats how the internet works.


Maybe you are just a troll and try to provoke us until we also start to flame people, but i am not gonna do that.

So if you wanna actually talk about this topic in a serious way, i am open for that. but if not i am just gonna ignore this and stop wasting my time.


At least there are some people that manage to stay polite and reasonable even when they disagree with an opinion, thanks to those guys.

The problem here is that your opinion regards things others do as well.

Your solution, designed solely for personal preference, affects others.

You and the OP maintain a selfish desire to roll a hotfix back that you know DE would never have implemented if they didn't see a problem with it to begin with.

Asking for the addition of difficulty levels (Silver, Gold, etc) should have been what you were asking for ...It would have been easier, simpler, and accompanied by less pushback.

You get what you want and they keep what they have.

But, instead, you just wanted what you wanted at the expense of others... and asked for it.

Nobody's trolling ya'll...Anytime you ask to have others inconvenienced, push-back is the least you should expect.

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Got to be honest, first impression I had of the enemies when I tried OV was that they were hitting considerably harder than their level implied.  

As an MR25 I don't mind harder difficulty enemies but at the very least their levels should be representative across the game so that 'newer' players know what they can manage.  

Edited by LSG501
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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

Got to be honest, first impression I had of the enemies when I tried OV was that they were hitting harder than their level implied.  

As an MR25 I don't mind harder difficulty enemies but at the very least their levels should be representative across the game so that 'newer' players know what they can manage.  

That's a fair view. I agree with that.

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1 minute ago, disco_inferno6 said:

Don't waste your time dude.

There are 5-6 people in this thread who simply don't want to communicate.

They just want to be proven right.

Don't engage. It's a waste of time unfortunately.


Whoever knows the dmg system and has taken a bit of time to read about the game

understands exactly what you mean. i.e. you can do wonders with basic mods plus the corrupted set.

This post has nothing to do with meta.

DE has found a "sweetspot" that a lot of people enjoyed before the hotfix.


1. Don't waste your time, says the OP who started the discussion.

2. So we need to get the corrupted set before we should be able to finish these bounties?

3. Do you have numbers? They certainly aren't here in the thread.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

SO it already was a snooze fest? Why change it back then? Just to make it a little bit more enjoyable for you, and more restrictive to some players? You don't sound like you enjoyed the challenge much before anyway.

Read the first reply. It allowed to not steamroll with your eyes closed, and the enemies used more tools, more traps, mini bosses, some flavor. You don't seem to grasp the concept, that sometimes some sort of challenge makes a game entertaining, and in a game where almost everything is so easy, freaking out over a little bit of challenge is nuts. Did you know you could grab a staticor fresh off a dojo and melt every enemy with that secondary? You do not need meta, hell at MR8 you could be wrecking everything in the star chart and beyond.

Oh but no, EVERY player must be able to do max bounties lvl 50 in Fortuna and not die. Oh please.

Edited by ArchXDiablo
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3 minutes ago, disco_inferno6 said:

That's a fair view. I agree with that.

I forgot to put that it's likely the reason that DE adjusted the damage output.  They still need to cater for MR5 type players because it's venus so likely adjusted them to be closer to the damage levels that you would expect on the map at those enemy levels.

Doesn't mean they couldn't 'buff the level' on a higher tier or maybe even add a 6th tier with better standing/rewards etc.

Edited by LSG501
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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Padre_Akais:

The problem here is that your opinion regards things others do as well.

Your solution, designed solely for personal preference, affects others.

You and the OP maintain a selfish desire to roll a hotfix back that you know DE would never have implemented if they didn't see a problem with it to begin with.

Asking for the addition of difficulty levels (Silver, Gold, etc) should have been what you were asking for ...It would have been easier, simpler, and accompanied by less pushback.

You get what you want and they keep what they have.

But, instead, you just wanted what you wanted at the expense of others... and asked for it.

Nobody's trolling ya'll...Anytime you ask to have others inconvenienced, push-back is the least you should expect.

I already wrote what you suggest 😉

vor 6 Stunden schrieb Firetempest:


Anyway. It's the second planet in the system. 

As a compromise. After completing fortuna rep, you should be able to unlock arbitration bounties. 1 life, high level roams.

I know this was probably a joke, but...

I would be happy if they let me chose before starting bountys that i want the "completly overpowered Corpus that shred each Frame to pieces in a heartbeat"  😛 that we had before the hotfix. Then i get matched with only people that have chosen the same option. Everyone who doesnt like it can chose the new enemies that we have now post-hotfix.


And no, i dont want any extra reward for that, i only care about the gameplay which i really liked 😉

And also, we already rowed back to say "only the last bounty should feature prepatch gameplay", and i also said "rewards from stage 5 should be on stage 4 aswell, so no exclusive rewards". How is that selfish if you want 1 out of 5 bountys with the gameplay you liked and accept that everything else (4 bountys + free roam) remains in the new state?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

1. Don't waste your time, says the OP who started the discussion.

2. So we need to get the corrupted set before we should be able to finish these bounties?

3. Do you have numbers? They certainly aren't here in the thread.

Alright dude.

If that's what you understood, good luck to you.

You have your opinion and I have mine.

And as Confucius said, everybody's got an opinion.

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

I forgot to put that it's likely the reason that DE adjusted the damage output.  They still need to cater for MR5 type players because it's venus so likely adjusted them to be closer to the damage levels that you would expect on the map at those enemy levels.

Doesn't mean they couldn't 'buff the level' on a higher tier or maybe even add a 6th tier with better standing/rewards etc.

Yeah. That would be smooth.

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7 minutes ago, ArchXDiablo said:

Oh but no, EVERY player must be able to do max bounties lvl 50 in Fortuna and not die. Oh please.

How does that inconvenience YOU exactly? You can't sleep at night cause a "scrub" managed to do a Level 50 Bounty? Please.

If you're so desperate to fail, there are ways for you to do that. But don't thrust your desperation for failure upon others.

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7 minutes ago, disco_inferno6 said:

Alright dude.

If that's what you understood, good luck to you.

You have your opinion and I have mine.

And as Confucius said, everybody's got an opinion.

Yes exactly. So please don't start a thread if you are going to get all sensitive when people disagree with you.

It's just a discussion 

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7 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

How does that inconvenience YOU exactly? You can't sleep at night cause a "scrub" managed to do a Level 50 Bounty? Please.

If you're so desperate to fail, there are ways for you to do that. But don't thrust your desperation for failure upon others.

Way to miss the point completely. The nerf likely happened because of people failing the bounties. It was much more fun pre nerf. Because of THOSE people it was nerfed, so yes it inconvenienced me because the whole thing was nerfed. When did I mention it bothers me that a "scrub" did a lvl 50 bounty? People are complaining about some people being unable to do said bounties, it is nonsense to complain about them being able to. I wish they could have, then maybe we wouldn't have had this nerf. Before lashing out, learn how to read and comprehend.

Edited by ArchXDiablo
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7 minutes ago, ArchXDiablo said:

Way to miss the point completely. The nerf likely happened because of people failing the bounties. It was much more fun pre nerf. Because of THOSE people it was nerfed, so yes it inconvenienced me because the whole thing was nerfed. When did I mention it bothers me that a "scrub" did a lvl 50 bounty? People are complaining about some people being unable to do said bounties, it is nonsense to complain about them being able to. I wish they could have, then maybe we wouldn't have had this nerf. Before lashing out, learn how to read and comprehend.

The perfect caricature of this whole argument which completely lacks perspective for large swathes of other players. 

I'm sure DE will make the change so it's more fun to you, yet less accessible to most - good business model.

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

Yes exactly. So please don't start a thread if you are going to get all sensitive when people disagree with you.

It's just a discussion 


It's not a discussion. A discussion entails civility and attentiveness to what your discussant is saying.

This is an internet pseudo debate with chants.

Life is finite so take care.

Edited by disco_inferno6
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Just now, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

The perfect caricature of this whole argument which completely lacks perspective for large swathes of other players. 

I'm sure DE will make the change so it's more fun to you, yet less accessible to most - good business model.

Ironic that you talk about perspective. There are 5 tiered bounties for different gears and capabilities. Where did working towards better gear to be able to do a mission go? Or improving in general?

Imagine if Sorties were public. Then undergeared people would jump in, get rekt, then ask for a nerf. Same idea, there's plenty to do for everyone, and if you can't do something, improve. Oh no, that concept is gone..Now you automatically must be able to do everything with MK-Kunai. Fortuna has low level bounties you know. It's called progression. And I sure as hell am not alone in that opinion.

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try fighting a whatever gives free nulli bubbles, 3 spiders(2 of the medium boys and one of the bigger ones), a scrampus that removes you 2 and 3 hyean pack and raptors while dealing with lag and an overzealous vubnan bursa.  trust me it is hard enough I was killed as Oberon with 88 Hp per second and almost 500 armor from renewal. 

it can also be bland and empty.  if you want a challenge raise the wanted level you will have a challenge

Edited by spirit_of_76
and that was bounty 4 at max wanted
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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

You were being civil when you called us all crybabies yeh?

You must have missed 2-3 pages of personal insults against me before i said to another fella that, broadly speaking, some people reply like braying donkeys.

I never said anything to anyone specifically. But if I scroll up and read right now, I'll find at least 5 or 6 personal insults directed against me.

For what ? For expressing my opinion as an experienced player ?

Is it a sin to be experienced in Warframe ?


Do you see now what I told you ?... You are not discussing. You are trying to win over impressions.

Well... enjoy the meaning of life.


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Just now, disco_inferno6 said:

You must have missed 2-3 pages of personal insults before i said to another fella that broadly speaking, some people reply like braying donkies.

I never said anything to anyone specifically. But if I scroll up and read right now, I'll find at least 5 or 6 personal insults directed against me.

For what ? For expressing my opinion as an experienced player ?

Is it a sin to be an experienced player and have an opinion ?


You see what I told you... You are not discussing. You are trying to win over impressions.


I haven't actually insulted you in all honesty? Just your argument and your lack of awareness.

As I have repeatedly said, my issue with this thread is that you are under the impression that it is constructive.

It isn't. You have in no way offered a constructive alternative to the current patch nor how you could make the 5th bounty fair beyond 'it's a snooze fest'

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

I haven't actually insulted you in all honesty? Just your argument and your lack of awareness.

As I have repeatedly said, my issue with this thread is that you are under the impression that it is constructive.

It isn't. You have in no way offered a constructive alternative to the current patch nor how you could make the 5th bounty fair beyond 'it's a snooze fest'

You seem to be under the impression that you are hiring Engineers or Developers on behalf of DE.

Let me fix that for you. We are both customers of DE. That's it.

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Welcome to CasualFrame. I also don't understand why they put a level cap on enemy scaling during high alert lvl 4. They stop going up in level at around 125ish. Another huge wasted opportunity for what could have been an awesome high level endgame experience. It would have been an option, if you go that far into a high alert, it's because you're actively seeking out the challenge. Why cap it. They seriously need to stop balancing difficulty around what their internal testers find "challenging enough" or what a brand new player to the game can handle without complaining. 

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vor 1 Minute schrieb --END--Rikutatis:

Welcome to CasualFrame. I also don't understand why they put a level cap on enemy scaling during high alert lvl 4. They stop going up in level at around 125ish. Another huge wasted opportunity for what could have been an awesome high level endgame experience. It would have been an option, if you go that far into a high alert, it's because you're actively seeking out the challenge. Why cap it. They seriously need to stop balancing difficulty around what their internal testers find "challenging enough" or what a brand new player to the game can handle without complaining. 

Casualframe - Ninjas farm afk 😀

Sry, not too serious but i couldnt resist^^

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23 minutes ago, ArchXDiablo said:

Way to miss the point completely. The nerf likely happened because of people failing the bounties. It was much more fun pre nerf. Because of THOSE people it was nerfed, so yes it inconvenienced me because the whole thing was nerfed. When did I mention it bothers me that a "scrub" did a lvl 50 bounty? People are complaining about some people being unable to do said bounties, it is nonsense to complain about them being able to. I wish they could have, then maybe we wouldn't have had this nerf. Before lashing out, learn how to read and comprehend.

How is it an inconvenience that they made it a little easier to succeed? That's the point of this game, and any game in existence. Succeeding. Winning. They made it a little easier for that to happen. What's the problem?

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