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Fortuna Enemy Nerf?


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15 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

So you support that the hole game is ez mode without artificially adjusting it by the PLAYERS side? Wow dude... games should be challenging. Thats the thrill. The nerf was fine but they need to increase the difficulty for the 4th and 5th bounties. That are level 40+ enemy! They should not be so ez to kill from new players.

They shouldn't feel like level 80 sortie enemies.  Level 40 Elite Crewman and Terra Moas are fine.  Their alert level 4 upgrades , the trencher (grineer butcher on steroids,) overtaker (grineer bombard on steroids) scale extra freaking hard on top of just having superior abilities and weapons.  "Newbies" are getting crushed by these guys, as they show up even in tier 1 bounties and alert 4.  They showed up right away upon attempting a take over of an outpost in a tier 1 bounty.  I've got my serration maxed, my umbral mods, and I was half assing with fun weapons like the Braton Prime.  They were still feeling spongy and hit pretty hard before the nerf.

DOOM had multiple difficulty settings, the core 4 being:

"I'm Too Young to Die"

"Hurt Me Plenty"



You're basically picking "I'm Too Young to Die" and refuse to take the tougher options, but demand everyone complaining take "Nightmare" and that easier options shouldn't exist.

Can I just rightly say, as one gamer to another, go muck yourself?  There are easy options for you to make, but the guy complaining about things getting really tough can't just up and make it easier at the drop of a hat.  This isn't difficult, your ego is just that fragile you need people to complain about things you find easy being hard to feel better.

Not a winning play in any developer's playbook.  Even Dark Souls offers easier difficulty options for player not in it for the challenge, and they offer the opportunity for more advanced players to challenge themselves.  So yes, REMOVE EASY MODE MODS LIKE SERRATION AND VITALITY OR EQUIP DRAGON KEYS.  This.  Is.  Not.  Hard.

Agree. It should be more on the players control how strong they the enemies want. Maybe choose from the beginning how much the alarm level should begin with? Maybe 5. tier sortie as default one point and on the others you could choose.

The most natural way would be for each beacon to amount to only 1 alert level, instead of needing only one to build up to 4.  At present, One can write off alarm level 2 and 3 as a thing.  You either have a trickle of simplistic fodder enemies, or it quickly builds into a tsunami of sortie tough enemies.  An army of nullifiers, combas, bombards, mortars, super butchers, and dudes floating mid air with a high power laser that just stops you in your tracks for whatever reason instead of just pushing you back.  It's odd that the hyena spawns are the easiest part of alarm level 4.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb peterc3:

3) There is a mechanic specifically for increasing the danger for anything you do on OV, the threat system. This is where the challenge should come from. Not for anyone who thought level 20 enemies should be doing Sortie level shenanigans right off the bat.

Instead of posting this "solution" in every thread and then ignore the answer i gave already maybe accept that some people want challenge without having to do weird stuff?

Because its not as simple as you want it to appear...what do you have to say to this?


Well, this beacon system isnt the best right now.

- alert lvl often simply decreases for no reason even if they are up (hopefully gets fixed)

- make it so that you cant "accidently destroy them", make it so that we have to press "x" on them to remove them (or make us hack them, whatever)

- we have to rely on a system that is barely working right now which is frustating, just read my post about farming Toroids..in 9/10 cases the system simply failed to give us enemies even when we were playing after the rules of this system

- also, i dont like the concept that people that want a challenge have to set up that challenge for themselves always. People always say things like do this or that if you want a challenge, "remove all your mods and play mk1 weapons if you want a challenge" ..."play blindfolded or spin on your chair after each kill until you get dizzy". Afterall, a game should provide a challenge on its own, the players shouldnt make up this challenge with weird workarounds (still, i am doing that on sorties for example already like mentioned)


Its basically the same as saying, just do endless runs...yes it is somehow possible to get to a point of challenge, you can play for hours to get to a point where its challenging (not a solution for most people because not everybody wants to play 2 or 3 hours nonstop just to get to a point where its challenging, and the boring hour that comes before that is annoying).

Or we have to rely on a new system that isnt really working all the time (more often it doesnt work) to get to the point.


vor 8 Stunden schrieb Highlord83:

Better than bending over for the Digital Fighting Elite among the all-important veteran players 12-second daily loggers and their almighty epeens. 

Why exactly do you have to insult people instantly although they didnt insult you? Is your "peen" so small that you feel the need to do this to feel awesome?

I dont get why everybody gets angry because some people want a challenge in this game and fight with everything they have against this.

Its ok for us if you guys only want to play this in easy mode and farm for stuff, get a new toy here and there and relax, if you enjoy that, fine!

But what exactly is the problem with adding something that is a little harder?

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15 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

Plasmor Crewman didn't need a nerf, its gun is like super low-ranged, Overtaker didn't really need a nerf since they don't spawn in a lot, Jailer didn't really need a nerf, since they only spawn in "Rescue Solaris" missions. And I don't really know about this whole alert pylon that replaces normal units with overtakers and what not, I don't think I've noticed it yet so I can't really say anything on that, I've done a few camping in Temple of Profit to like level 130, and the most I've seen are mostly...Combas and a buncha Elite Crewmen and stuff, i think Elite Crewmen by then still spawn a lot more than Overtakers. Combine with the fact that they deal a lot more dps than Overtakers, that's a lot crazier than the nerfs that we had. 


Overtakers actually outright replace Elite Crewman as the common enemy as the alarm level goes up, and since they have heavy hitting projectiles that act very much like the homing missile of the bombard, they can be a sudden death for many players with how fast they scaled on a base of 120 damage.  You'll note, a lot of the nerfed enemies only spawn with alarm level.  And since spawns are ass without a single star, more experienced players are compelled to let the alarm level rise so they can actually find 15 drones within 8 minutes, or they're too newb to figure out the alarm level is bad news and get mobbed by Corpus that somehow scale more durability than their Tusk Grineer counterparts.

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6 hours ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

They actually have to unlock Sorties first, it's not like you just start up the game and oh looks there's Sorties lets go try that

No but its Venus the second planet, they shouldnt have to put in work grind and level up to be able to do content on  the second planet in the game (Sarcasm) lol

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vor 24 Minuten schrieb Littleman88:

If people want enemies to hit harder and soak more damage, they can remove vitality and serration, or equip dragon keys if they can't bear the thought of actually managing their own difficulty slider like anyone's actually judging them for being an under geared scrub. 

No matter what game or forum there's always this suggestion when it's about game difficulty. :)

Sme people out there want to be challenged by a game. Downgrading yourself is unsatisfying since you want to beat the game without rising the dificulty artificially. It's like playing pinball with 20 extraballs and you say: I'll start new after 3. It's simply unsatisfying. I don't want play onehanded to say: great gameplay, I challenged myself today, aweseome.

It's also sad that asking for higher difficulty is always associated with keywords like bittervet, epeen, elitism. I'm playing this game for about half a year and I got used to that monotonous kill-em-all-kill-em-now gameplay that playing Fortuna in PUGs was really a great experience. The experience to actually work for you bounty. There was at least the 'possibility' to lose a bonus reward in some missions. I wrote somewhere else that content accessibiliy is the big point behind the term "new player experience" in a free to play game. You can put in time gates to strech the content. But adding some gear barriers to tell people: come back later when you've got that epic sword doesn't work. Sad. That's so sad. The saddest thing of all sad things, myabe ever. :´(


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2 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

Why exactly do you have to insult people instantly although they didnt insult you? Is your "peen" so small that you feel the need to do this to feel awesome?

I dont get why everybody gets angry because some people want a challenge in this game and fight with everything they have against this.

Its ok for us if you guys only want to play this in easy mode and farm for stuff, get a new toy here and there and relax, if you enjoy that, fine!

But what exactly is the problem with adding something that is a little harder?

Problem is two-fold:

1: No where else were level 40 enemies soaking and doing the kind of damage alarm Corpus (Overtakers, Trenchers, Hyenas, etc.) were capable of.  Nor was there such a spam of abilities (the actual challenging part and one mods can't just make go away.)

2: There's a group demanding people get on their level, and another group that can't just install better mods and equipment and "git gud," and when they counter argue "just remove some core damage/durability mods" is suggested to allow DE to lower the difficulty and for players to scale themselves to it, the former group gets in a huff that that just isn't enjoyable or how the game should be played.

Problem:  Newbie players still have tons to buy.  Veteran players rocking whatever's META don't.  And yes, the latter group can nerf themselves.  It always has been and always will be any option.  They just won't, because when people ask for "challenge" what they really want is to find that place they find easy where the majority complain about the difficulty so they can feel superior to others.  That's it.  That's the only reason.  Rational people don't go in with duration/strength builds to go super tanky with a weapon that one shots everything up to level 130 and expect the game to raise to their level.  No, you step back, and ask yourself if you really need all this stuff to "win" and then move to challenge yourself.

Not that I'm adverse to an actually scale slider for open world and star chart, Lotus knows I'd hard crank that thing to level 30-40 and leave it there as I like middling weapons with some utility mods for fun, but in the short term, if One finds challenge in their enemies having meatier health pools and more lethal damage, there are ways to personally scale the experience through our disgustingly large arsenals and our modding capability.  1% of something's health in damage is still 1%, whether that be 10 damage or 10,000 damage.  

And... DE didn't touch the CC side of the Vallis complaints, but the damage output.  What's that tell you?


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9 minutes ago, Birkenhoff said:

No matter what game or forum there's always this suggestion when it's about game difficulty. 🙂

Sme people out there want to be challenged by a game. Downgrading yourself is unsatisfying since you want to beat the game without rising the dificulty artificially. It's like playing pinball with 20 extraballs and you say: I'll start new after 3. It's simply unsatisfying. I don't want play onehanded to say: great gameplay, I challenged myself today, aweseome.

It's also sad that asking for higher difficulty is always associated with keywords like bittervet, epeen, elitism. I'm playing this game for about half a year and I got used to that monotonous kill-em-all-kill-em-now gameplay that playing Fortuna in PUGs was really a great experience. The experience to actually work for you bounty. There was at least the 'possibility' to lose a bonus reward in some missions. I wrote somewhere else that content accessibiliy is the big point behind the term "new player experience" in a free to play game. You can put in time gates to strech the content. But adding some gear barriers to tell people: come back later when you've got that epic sword doesn't work. Sad. That's so sad. The saddest thing of all sad things, myabe ever. :´(


"Beating the game" isn't hard.  Players wanting "challenge" are always going to be called out for their elitism as long as they keep belittling people that find content too hard that clearly wasn't meant to be that hard.  Sorties are meant to be hard, complaining about that is moot.  Raids were removed because they were too hard and definitely not profitable for DE as a result.

And let's be honest for a second... after a point, you're either near invulnerable or have shut down the enemy's ability to do ANYTHING to you to survive.  "Challenging" is essentially reducing every threat to a target dummy.  Might as well run the Simulcrum with the AI turned off to save yourself the trouble of energy management.  "Winning" in "challenging" content is accomplished through risk aversion, not skill.  Hence why Life of Rio's videos are boring as hell to watch, as he stands in a corner, just one shotting everything that comes to him and unable to hurt him.  "Skill."  Hell, he even suggested that's how you should play. 

Excuse me? 

That's not Warframe.

And actually... I think that explains why "removing mods" to increase challenge is seen as blasphemy.


And while Vallis damage was nerfed, the enemy CC is still very much there.  Adjusting One's own health/damage around the enemy is the most direct form of difficulty control we have.  Use it.

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Am 14.11.2018 um 10:27 schrieb Littleman88:

They just won't, because when people ask for "challenge" what they really want is to find that place they find easy where the majority complain about the difficulty so they can feel superior to others.  That's it.  That's the only reason. 

That is #*!%ing bullS#&$, seriously.

Why should i feel superior? Nobody even knows what gamemode i am playing, i am not rubbing my profil in peoples faces all the time or post videos about how great i am.

I simply want a satisfying, engaging gameplay. thats all.


Why i am swearing now? because im sick of this arguments where people think they know better what my real intention is when they dont.


I made this post in M.O.V.G.A.

Am 13.11.2018 um 10:17 schrieb Firetempest:


Anyway. It's the second planet in the system. 

As a compromise. After completing fortuna rep, you should be able to unlock arbitration bounties. 1 life, high level roams.

I know this was probably a joke, but...

I would be happy if they let me chose before starting bountys that i want the "completly overpowered Corpus that shred each Frame to pieces in a heartbeat"  😛 that we had before the hotfix. Then i get matched with only people that have chosen the same option. Everyone who doesnt like it can chose the new enemies that we have now post-hotfix.


And no, i dont want any extra reward for that, i only care about the gameplay which i really liked 😉


Where do you find "i wanna feel superior to others" in there?

Others say we just wanna exclude players? Seriously guys, its not that we want to exclude anyone, we just want a place to have fun.

And with this suggestion i quoted, both groups have a place to have fun, no one loses anything, no one has to feel excluded.

Both player types can do the exact same thing with the exact same rewards, some chose stronger enemies, some chose weaker... who cares about that?

If someone still feels excluded by the sheer existance of a gamemode that they cant play although he absolutly loses out on nothing, he has no disadvantage from not playing it, then this player is the problem, not the people who ask for this.


And to this nerf yourself argument, remove all the mods and so on, i answered this already somewhere else, its not a solution.

1. Warframe is about collecting stuff (actually, thats everything Warframe is about for some people but thats not the topic)

2. you suggest to just not use any of the collected stuff to have fun      that just doesnt make sense

3. if i nerf myself and the enemies are weak aswell, its not the same as if i am on more or less my full potential just like the enemies.

Because if we are both strong, i have to use all my Warframe abilities and my weapons and movement to defend my objectives and or kill them.

When the enemies are weak, there is no need to use abilties, they cant even harm the objective anymore, its not the same.

Killing takes more time then again for me, but that doesnt raise the difficulty.

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5 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

That is #*!%ing bullS#&$, seriously.

I dont #*!%ing care about anything but then fun i have in the game.

Why should i feel superior? Nobody even knows what gamemode i am playing, i am not rubbing my profil in peoples faces all the time or post videos about how great i am.

I simply want a satisfying, engaging gameplay. thats all.


Why i use #*!%ing swearing now? because im sick of this arguments where people think they know better what my real intention is when they dont.


I made this post in M.O.V.G.A.


Where do you find "i wanna feel superior to others" in there?

Others say we just wanna exclude players? Seriously guys, its not that we want to exclude anyone, we just want a place to have fun.

And with this suggestion i quoted, both groups has a place to have fun, no one loses anything, no one has to feel excluded.

Both player types can do the exact same thing with the exact same rewards, some chose stronger enemies, some chose weaker... who cares about that?

If someone still feels excluded by the sheer existance of a gamemode that they cant play although he absolutly loses out on nothing, he has no disadvantage from not playing it,

then this player is the problem, not the people who ask for this.


And to this nerf yourself argument, remove all the mods and so on, i answered this already somewhere else, its not a solution.

1. Warframe is about collecting stuff (actually, thats everything Warframe is about for some people but thats not the topic)

2. you suggest to just not use any of the collected stuff to have fun      that just doesnt make sense

3. if i nerf myself and the enemies are weak aswell, its not the same as if i am on more or less my full potential just like the enemies.

Because if we are both strong, i have to use all my Warframe abilities and my weapons and movement to defend my objectives and or kill them.

When the enemies are weak, there is no need to use abilties, they cant even harm the objective anymore, its not the same.

Killing takes more time then again for me, but that doesnt raise the difficulty.

Really?  Mods like Serration and Vitality and Redirection and Split Chamber and Stretch are integral to your having fun?  Not the gun in your hands?  Not the abilities of your chosen frame?  Not the absolute freedom of movement no other shooter has matched?  But it's the mods that amp up raw numbers?  THAT'S what you find fun?  


You wouldn't survive past the second mission in DOOM 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty.


Nerf yourself - you don't even have to give up your weapons and frame to do it - or go play modes intentionally meant to be hard, like ESO, sorties, and Arbitration.  This is why your arguments always get called out as elitist.  Your notion of "challenge" is horrifically shallow and self-centered.

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1 minute ago, Littleman88 said:

Really?  Mods like Serration and Vitality and Redirection and Split Chamber and Stretch are integral to your having fun?  Not the gun in your hands?  Not the abilities of your chosen frame?  Not the absolute freedom of movement no other shooter has matched?  But it's the mods that amp up raw numbers?  THAT'S what you find fun?  


You wouldn't survive past the second mission in DOOM 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty.


Nerf yourself - you don't even have to give up your weapons and frame to do it - or go play modes intentionally meant to be hard, like ESO, sorties, and Arbitration.  This is why your arguments always get called out as elitist.  Your notion of "challenge" is horrifically shallow and self-centered.

Yeahp - not sure how you can complain things aren't challenging when you are using the best maxxed out mods in the game.


Warframe is not a skilled based game - so people need to stop this notion they are these super quality skilled players. They aren't.

This isn't dark souls with tight controls etc. It's a chaotic power fantasy shooter which matters more about your build than your skill and if you are using the meta build and then complaining things are easy? Boggles the mind tbh. 

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Littleman88:

Really?  Mods like Serration and Vitality and Redirection and Split Chamber and Stretch are integral to your having fun?  Not the gun in your hands?  Not the abilities of your chosen frame?  Not the absolute freedom of movement no other shooter has matched?  But it's the mods that amp up raw numbers?  THAT'S what you find fun?  


You wouldn't survive past the second mission in DOOM 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty.


Nerf yourself, or go play modes intentionally meant to be hard, like ESO, sorties, and Arbitration.  This is why your arguments always seem like ignorance at best, and elitism at worst.  Your notion of "challenge" is horrifically shallow.

You know that low lvl enemies acutally act different then high lvl enemies right?

A lvl1 enemy is NEVER a threat, no matter what mods i have equipped.

You talk about my warframe abilites. YES they are part of the fun, and i repeat myself:

When the enemies are weak it dont have to use them to succeed. With strong enemies, i have to play to my full potential, using my abilities, my weapons, everything.


Modes that meant to be hard.

Eso, boring because guess what, enemies are not a threat and at some point the game decides i cant go on because of efficiency, not because enemies are too strong or because i am dying too often or cant kill then.

Sortie, haha. Yes, btw i mentioned somewhere else, i play sortie only with randomized loadouts in a party where everyone randomizes his loadouts, and i even started to turn the hud off  in some mission. so as you can see i am doing that already.

Arbitration: You know what, i actually enjoy them, but this forum works hard to destroy that gamemode aswell with all the "remove drones" "let warframe abilities kill drones" "give us more revives" "give us a chance to get revives per rotation" "give us bleedouttimeer" threads. So i think ill have to see how long i can enjoy that. Also, thats basically 1 mission per hour, and if its something i dont enjoy i can wait and hope.

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But all this aside:


What is the problem with this:


I would be happy if they let me chose before starting bountys that i want the "completly overpowered Corpus that shred each Frame to pieces in a heartbeat"  that we had before the hotfix. Then i get matched with only people that have chosen the same option. Everyone who doesnt like it can chose the new enemies that we have now post-hotfix.

No bonus rewards, just a choice for players to what enemies they want to fight.

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8 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

You know that low lvl enemies acutally act different then high lvl enemies right?

At most, they fire more slowly and have less accuracy.

A lvl1 enemy is NEVER a threat, no matter what mods i have equipped.

Try working in bleed, decaying and extinguished dragon keys then.  This is now an option.  This can apply to all levels of content.

You talk about my warframe abilites. YES they are part of the fun, and i repeat myself:

Then don't mod to increase any of their parameters so that using them is a bit less overpowering.

When the enemies are weak it dont have to use them to succeed. With strong enemies, i have to play to my full potential, using my abilities, my weapons, everything.

With the way most enemies work in this game, "weak" and "strong" are relative terms, since it's all a numbers game in the vast majority of cases.  And again I urge you to note that DE nerfed the numbers side of Fortuna high alarm enemies... not their CC.  You're still going to get roasted if you catch a stun.

But all this aside:


What is the problem with this:

No bonus rewards, just a choice for players to what enemies they want to fight.

Again... remove mods and/or use dragon keys.  Numbers game.  

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But all this aside:


What is the problem with this:


I would be happy if they let me chose before starting bountys that i want the "completly overpowered Corpus that shred each Frame to pieces in a heartbeat"  that we had before the hotfix. Then i get matched with only people that have chosen the same option. Everyone who doesnt like it can chose the new enemies that we have now post-hotfix.

No bonus rewards, just a choice for players to what enemies they want to fight.

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

This isn't dark souls with tight controls etc. It's a chaotic power fantasy shooter which matters more about your build than your skill and if you are using the meta build and then complaining things are easy? Boggles the mind tbh. 

Honestly speaking, even Dark Souls is not that hard after you sink many hours into it. Players running their first run? Sure, they need to be on their toes. But after a few hundred hours, well...


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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Littleman88:

Again... remove mods and/or use dragon keys.  Numbers game.  

Btw that sounds even more elitist. What is more bout bragging: "i can Stay alive in fortuna" or "i can Stay alive in fortuna with 4 Keys and no Mods".  Handycapping yourself is not fun, thats the enemies job After all and they should do it Not me

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When fortuna drops, I checked it, did the quest, did highest level bounty, aaaaaand back to arbitration and MoT. Nothing is hard in fortuna even before the nerfs, just remember to put your mods, do bullet jump, aim glide, roll, use your warframe's abilities, and you are good to go.

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5 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Honestly speaking, even Dark Souls is not that hard after you sink many hours into it. Players running their first run? Sure, they need to be on their toes. But after a few hundred hours, well...


Hahah yeah.

Put so many hours into all 3 I am used to it. Isn't hard but certainly is a skill based game that a lot of players will need to get used to in the first few runs

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3 minutes ago, Eisdschungel said:

Btw that sounds even more elitist. What is more bout bragging: "i can Stay alive in fortuna" or "i can Stay alive in fortuna with 4 Keys and no Mods".  Handycapping yourself is not fun, thats the enemies job After all and they should do it Not me

In any other game where there are ACTUAL challenge modes, there are plenty of skilled players that actively handicap themselves to have fun.  Warframe is a game where the modding system and absolute breadth of weapon and frame options easily lends itself to the player making their own fun.

Choosing a tougher difficulty in any other shooter is LITERALLY handicapping yourself by the way.  Less health, less damage, sometimes less ammo.  Sounds like Warframe with dragon keys equipped to me.

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I think most of the nerfed enemies didn't really show up much or were already weaker than many of the more common un-nerfed mobs.  Even for those nerfs, most weren't really changed significantly.

I've said this before but I think rather than the mobs getting weaker we just got used to them.

Like the swarm of level 125 mech units that show up after ~15m into a Lvl.4 Alert boosted by T5 Bounty was something I considered challenging at first but after learning and adjusting my gameplay to them, they are now trivial like anything else.

I'm pretty sure the only major change was the Terra Overtaker, which was probably also the main cause of player death. (~85m attack range, almost always blast procs, fires quickly with homing attacks that used to hit 3~10x the damage of other Terra units.

They'd be forced to either nerf him or buff everything else several-fold or else the other Terra units would be irrelevant due to this guy doing everything they could do but better.  Which he probably did pre-nerf, which is probably also why nerfing him had such a noticeable impact.

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1 hour ago, Littleman88 said:

They shouldn't feel like level 80 sortie enemies.

That are level 2 sortie enemy's... level 80. You know that sortie level 1 ARE almost the exact same level given in rank 5 bounties? THEY SHOULD be difficult. Sure I can deequip all things I have but that is not what people SHOULD be doing. You play through the missions and the enemies get stronger and you need more power to beat them and so on and so on. I agree that we as a hole are to strong. But if if the enemys die with no real fight and without primed and riven mods... there is something wrong... rank 5 sorties are level 60! That is more than the complete starchart! It should be take more effort to defeate them. Powercreep is already a thing but that DE now NERFED THE ENEMYS... it was necessary for low levels but it made the high level sorties boring AGAIN! It WAS not bring but it is now because again the same problem: no real thread. Thats the problem. It should feel like level 60 enemy's... and not like 40 or lower... you can see this effect on PoE... level 60 is a JOKE!

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vor 15 Minuten schrieb Littleman88:

Choosing a tougher difficulty in any other shooter is LITERALLY handicapping yourself by the way. 

Thats precisly my suggestion when i say this:


I would be happy if they let me chose before starting bountys that i want the "completly overpowered Corpus that shred each Frame to pieces in a heartbeat"  that we had before the hotfix. Then i get matched with only people that have chosen the same option. Everyone who doesnt like it can chose the new enemies that we have now post-hotfix. No bonus rewards, just a choice for players to what enemies they want to fight.

that is choosing a tougher difficulty.

Yes there are tons of games where you can chose the difficulty.

But name me one game where people chose to not use the tools they earn (and mods are a tool aswell) to have a challenge.

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26 minutes ago, Eisdschungel said:

Btw that sounds even more elitist. What is more bout bragging: "i can Stay alive in fortuna" or "i can Stay alive in fortuna with 4 Keys and no Mods".  Handycapping yourself is not fun,

Thank you. A lot people think that that Warframe is a walk in the park. FInally Fortuna was on a level where I thought "Hell yes! Come at me... ok maybe back off... BACK OFF... HELP! 🙂 ". I really enjoyed there. No handicapping yourself to have fun... because THAT kills the fun...

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28 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

No bonus rewards, just a choice for players to what enemies they want to fight.


No extra rewards? People would throw an absolute fit. If the Void is dead, Fortuna would also be dead to them because they weren't having their ego stroked and pelted by shinies.

Given they can't throw increasing amounts of things at entitled vets, they focus on the vast majority of players who jump in, play a bit, go do something else.

When you are fully capable of making the game harder, even borderline impossible for yourself, and you refuse to entertain it? DE has to look at that and start to wonder if the work they do to appease y'all is worth the absolute garbage that gets thrown their way because X or Y wasn't perfectly to your liking.

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