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SOMA PRIME Seriously needs a buff


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Soma Prime is seriously trash

By far the worst prime buff from the original gun

Soma Prime 

Same Base Damage, CC CD as the Soma

only +3% status boost with 200 ammo clip

Not To Mention A FAINT Disposition 

Braton Prime beats Decked out Soma without any riven with just plain status and damage 

IF You Think The Soma Doesn’t need a buff just look at my riven, http://imgur.com/tTIvK48

Soma Sati-Critatis

+41.8% Multishot

+69.6% Critical Chance

+55.7% Critical Damage 

-44.5% Puncture 







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Soma is far from being trash, and comparison with Braton isn't relevant at all. Both are totally different. Braton is status/hybrid and Soma mostly critical.

Braton can't beat Soma bleeds, it can strip armor easily or apply tons of elemental damages though. My first riven ever was Braton's and i must say it's quite a decent weapon for any kind of content, especially as an hybrid, status definitely helps with enemies armor scaling but when it comes to apply tons of dots, Soma is still better, high rate of fire + criticals is all hunter munition needs.

Soma won't necessarily kill faster but if you can shoot a heavy gunner at mid life, hunter munitions will do its job. Here's a simple viral build.


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On ‎2019‎-‎02‎-‎07 at 9:52 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Yeah, it’s really fallen off. Bump it’s MR requirement to 13 and buff it into oblivion.

It hasn't fallen off. It simply hasn't changed--and a lot of other weapons have. Not even mentioning new ones. 

It's MR6. As long as it stays MR 6, it'll be what it is now. I'd be all for a buff to a higher MR level, but DE seems to feel differently. It is what it is. 

On ‎2019‎-‎02‎-‎07 at 9:03 PM, (PS4)iamRayJay said:


The Braton Prime is MR8.

However, there is some hope on the horizon...sometime. That's a Tenora Prime. It will happen and it'll probably be an earthshaker, if Tiberon Prime is any indication. Undoubtedly, it'll have a higher MR than the SomaP and all that comes with that. The only question is will it eclipse the Supra Vandal at MR14?

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It's good with dual stat status mods for Slash and Viral/Corrosive procs or Banshee's Sonar and Harrow's Covenant. (or other buffs that increases crit dmg)

But if it had a gimmick, like shooting the whole magazine in one shot or something stronger, it could stand out.

It's still the mg with the most Slash IPS ratio, isn't it?

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On 2019-02-09 at 5:38 PM, Sloan441 said:

It hasn't fallen off. It simply hasn't changed--and a lot of other weapons have. Not even mentioning new ones. 

It's MR6. As long as it stays MR 6, it'll be what it is now. I'd be all for a buff to a higher MR level, but DE seems to feel differently. It is what it is. 

The Braton Prime is MR8.

However, there is some hope on the horizon...sometime. That's a Tenora Prime. It will happen and it'll probably be an earthshaker, if Tiberon Prime is any indication. Undoubtedly, it'll have a higher MR than the SomaP and all that comes with that. The only question is will it eclipse the Supra Vandal at MR14?

Unless all enemies from now on become OV levels of beef, id rather bet on tiberon getting a 12-13% damage nerf (thus be in line with the supra vandal and kitguns a 40-50% nerf/probably the grip fire rate vastly reduced with damage up to be in line with other secondaries).

Also MR doesnt matter/isnt representative of use or damage for a lot of weapons till another massive weapon rebalance happens. E.g. the basic *@##$ bolto is MR 7 (in fact akbolto is mr9 which is higher than the akjagara which it builds into, yet both arent even upgrades to the basic mr3s lex/sicarius or mr 2 gammacor).

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2 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

 id rather bet on tiberon getting a 12-13% damage nerf

DE will just reduce it's disposition--which is long overdue.

The point was made the Soma and SomaP should probably have a higher disposition than they do at present. Perhaps, but disposition changes are fairly rare, so dunno. It might happen. It might not. 

2 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

Also MR doesnt matter/isnt representative of use or damage for a lot of weapons till another massive weapon rebalance happens. 

Actually, it is. It's not just damage, though. DE has seemingly weighted all the factors that go into a weapons and then the stats they give that weapon determine its MR. Or they give it an MR and then fiddle the stats around to fill in the available space granted by said MR. We don't know exactly how this works, but it does seem to be the way DE is balancing new weapons going forward. 

You can kinda see it with the Soma family. The Soma is MR6. The SomaP is MR7. They're practically the same thing, except the SomaP has more ammo, somewhat more status, and a very slightly faster spool up. That's it. You can see it much more clearly with the Grakata and Prisma Grakata--MR5 vs. MR11. 

I'd like to see the SomaP be more than it is at present, but that's mostly nostalgia. It's still a pretty damned good gun and any new tenno coming up through the ranks should aspire to it and its sibling. They solve a lot of problems at MR6/7.

However, I miss having a badass prime LMG like the SomaP used to be. I'm hoping a Tenora Prime isn't too far away and it could fill that void the SomaP used to fill as a premier Orokin squad automatic weapon--something to compete directly with the Supra Vandal at MR14 or so. 


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20 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

Actually, it is. It's not just damage, though. DE has seemingly weighted all the factors that go into a weapons and then the stats they give that weapon determine its MR. Or they give it an MR and then fiddle the stats around to fill in the available space granted by said MR. We don't know exactly how this works, but it does seem to be the way DE is balancing new weapons going forward. 


I mean, they did kind of explicitly say that each MR level is given a specific DPS value that accounts for both Status and Crit capabilities, as well things like sustained vs burst damage maximums in the Dev Blogs around the time they did the Primary/Secondary re-balance.

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On 2019-02-08 at 3:03 AM, (PS4)iamRayJay said:

Soma Prime is seriously trash

By far the worst prime buff from the original gun

Soma Prime 

Same Base Damage, CC CD as the Soma

only +3% status boost with 200 ammo clip

Not To Mention A FAINT Disposition 

Braton Prime beats Decked out Soma without any riven with just plain status and damage 

IF You Think The Soma Doesn’t need a buff just look at my riven, http://imgur.com/tTIvK48

Soma Sati-Critatis

+41.8% Multishot

+69.6% Critical Chance

+55.7% Critical Damage 

-44.5% Puncture 







that reminds me of a post i made to ask for a buff for another mr7 weapon and someone replied "its just mr7 weap we are talking about" i really dislike that mr means so much for weapons, especially primes, wraiths, vandals etc. however for soma prime i would suggest something different than a straight forward buff, a change, like instead of what we have now that is:

30% crit chance, 3.0 crit multiplier and 10% status chance


25% crit chance, 2.4 crit multiplier and 20% status chance

the critical stats lowered in favor for status chance would allow the soma prime to become a decent armor stripper with corrosive for armored units and good with gas builds for corpus units 

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On 2019-02-09 at 6:23 AM, 000l000 said:

Soma is far from being trash, and comparison with Braton isn't relevant at all. Both are totally different. Braton is status/hybrid and Soma mostly critical.

Braton can't beat Soma bleeds, it can strip armor easily or apply tons of elemental damages though. My first riven ever was Braton's and i must say it's quite a decent weapon for any kind of content, especially as an hybrid, status definitely helps with enemies armor scaling but when it comes to apply tons of dots, Soma is still better, high rate of fire + criticals is all hunter munition needs.

Soma won't necessarily kill faster but if you can shoot a heavy gunner at mid life, hunter munitions will do its job. Here's a simple viral build.


is the only way i can describe the video you just posted

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Le 10/02/2019 à 23:55, TheGrimCorsair a dit :

I mean, they did kind of explicitly say that each MR level is given a specific DPS value that accounts for both Status and Crit capabilities, as well things like sustained vs burst damage maximums in the Dev Blogs around the time they did the Primary/Secondary re-balance.

Sure more MR means more critical and/or status and/or damage, but a simple Kohm which is only MR 5 could be qualified as one if not the best ranged weapon around. Latron or Sybaris prime are MR 10-12 and they can't wreak havoc like Kohm does.

We can debate all day long about MR but at the end it's only a number - They struggle to balance riven disposition so anyone thinking MR could be balanced too is fool !

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