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No Cautious Shot on Lenz?


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2 hours ago, (PS4)sixsecondsleft said:

DE, make Cautious Shot equippable on all self-damage primaries. Lenz included.

Lenz actually deals decent damage, meaning Cautious Shot would be useless and still get you killed, anyway.

Just roll out of the Cold field if your shot lands too close, Lenz is the most forgiving Launcher in that regard.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)sixsecondsleft said:

DE, make Cautious Shot equippable on all self-damage primaries. Lenz included

What would be the point? Even if they buffed Cautious Shot the Lens can one shot pretty much any frame. It's a killing shot before it crits, which pretty much every shot on any decent build does.

Void mode is your only hope.

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3 hours ago, Air-mage said:

lenz primary boom can kill you too if you have enough damage on it, so it would be nice

Ok so my incredibly high damage lenz only deals 80 damage on the initial cold burst. And this is without taking the damage reduction of armor into account. Equip a vitality mod. There’s no reason for you to waste a mod slot on Lenz for failure to mod your frame for minimal survivability.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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I have an idea for cautious shot:
Make it punch through allies and their abilities. 

There, 90% of self-damage is prevented, but now it's "No damage in 90% of situations where you would have killed yourself" instead of "-15% damage to enemies, and you still kill yourself when Frost throws up that fifth snow globe in front of you."

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