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{Idea} DNA Stabilization


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Greetings Tenno,

today I'd like to present a small concept regarding organic companions in WARFRAME. Unlike MOAs and Sentinels, the biggest issue for the animals is that they have DNA degradation and thus are dependant on the incubator. And because of this only one animal can be un-stased at the same time which is extremely annoying in times where someone has multiple loadouts and wishes to have multiple animals equipped on different loadouts.

My idea: Add a quest. It should require "Howl of the Kubrow", an installed Kavat Incubator Segment and a Nutrio Incubator Segment installed. Upon having fulfilled all necessities, you can talk with MASTER TEASONAI in Cetus. He would offer a possible cure that would require many wildlife lifeforms' DNA as necessity. So you will have to go out to hunt e.g. Feral Kubros, Feral Kavats and many more. When you then deliver those to Master Teasonai, he will state that these DNA samples should be sufficient but he was lacking the equipment to further process it. One would then need to head to THE BUSINESS in Fortuna and he would help in refining the materials all for the sake of preserving life.

From there on you can purchase DNA Stabilization Cure from THE BUSINESS for a whopping 20k standing each. Applying the cure will permanentely freeze the DNA stability at 100% and it will also remove the necessity of an incubator for that specific animal. Thus you will be able to have two animals active at the same time, e.g. Adarza Kavat being free and pickable everytime and Smeeta being in incubator.

Perhaps you can also add the cure as a market item for 100p or something.

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11 hours ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

Greetings Tenno,

today I'd like to present a small concept regarding organic companions in WARFRAME. Unlike MOAs and Sentinels, the biggest issue for the animals is that they have DNA degradation and thus are dependant on the incubator. And because of this only one animal can be un-stased at the same time which is extremely annoying in times where someone has multiple loadouts and wishes to have multiple animals equipped on different loadouts.

My idea: Add a quest. It should require "Howl of the Kubrow", an installed Kavat Incubator Segment and a Nutrio Incubator Segment installed. Upon having fulfilled all necessities, you can talk with MASTER TEASONAI in Cetus. He would offer a possible cure that would require many wildlife lifeforms' DNA as necessity. So you will have to go out to hunt e.g. Feral Kubros, Feral Kavats and many more. When you then deliver those to Master Teasonai, he will state that these DNA samples should be sufficient but he was lacking the equipment to further process it. One would then need to head to THE BUSINESS in Fortuna and he would help in refining the materials all for the sake of preserving life.

From there on you can purchase DNA Stabilization Cure from THE BUSINESS for a whopping 20k standing each. Applying the cure will permanentely freeze the DNA stability at 100% and it will also remove the necessity of an incubator for that specific animal. Thus you will be able to have two animals active at the same time, e.g. Adarza Kavat being free and pickable everytime and Smeeta being in incubator.

Perhaps you can also add the cure as a market item for 100p or something.

I like the tie in between the two open world wild life NPC's and I will always support new mini quests, as well as any mechanic that supports player control within the game.

Well thought out, I hope to see this in game some day.

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Am 18.2.2019 um 17:50 schrieb MagPrime:

I like the tie in between the two open world wild life NPC's and I will always support new mini quests, as well as any mechanic that supports player control within the game.

Well thought out, I hope to see this in game some day.

Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. 🙂

Am 18.2.2019 um 07:02 schrieb DerGreif2:

They could just remove this gimmick. It is just annoying and is not very helpfull. No need for a quest or standing item for that. Just remove it. Or for 100k credits in the market. 


Am 18.2.2019 um 06:27 schrieb Volkeris:

Nah man, 20k standing is way too low for such a convenience. Should be at least 100k.

Well, costs are ofc open to adjustments... i really could not care less about the costs at first. I just want it in the game soon to diversify my loadouts.

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I would pay plat to keep my pets from dying, but the best fix is to remove this mechanic entirely. It’s becoming more of an annoyance than being a game mechanic and also remove stasis and make all of our pets wander our orbiter, it will make the orbiter more lively than usual or make it an option if performance is concerned.

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On 2019-02-23 at 9:22 AM, DrivaMain said:

I would pay plat to keep my pets from dying, but the best fix is to remove this mechanic entirely. It’s becoming more of an annoyance than being a game mechanic and also remove stasis and make all of our pets wander our orbiter, it will make the orbiter more lively than usual or make it an option if performance is concerned.

They removed pet death already.  Stock incubator will stasis the sick animal and having the Nutrio upgrade will give discount on stabilizer.

With the other change to the pet mechanics the Nutrio upgrade should automatically swap out pets.  I see no problem with needing to keep them medicated but now that people with the upgrade get instant defrost it should swap the pets too.

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1 minute ago, Ohforf3 said:

They removed pet death already.  Stock incubator will stasis the sick animal and having the Nutrio upgrade will give discount on stabilizer.

With the other change to the pet mechanics the Nutrio upgrade should automatically swap out pets.  I see no problem with needing to keep them medicated but now that people with the upgrade get instant defrost it should swap the pets too.

I know that also, but the only thing I hate the most is the stasis mechanic. It’s very easy to miss it, for example I always forgot to swap my Smeeta for Sahasa for Eidolon Hunting because I have to stasis my Kavat and unstasis my kubrow and I cant do that in social lobbies (like cetus and relays). Allowing us to swap pets in social lobbies is a huge QoL change.

And the second thing I hate about pets is Kubrow Loyalty especially in Arbitrations. You can’t revive pets there and if your pet dies that’s a whopping 40% reduce in loyalty. I would suggest that kubrows get the kavat treatment by NOT reducing loyalty when it dies and remove the daily cap for interactions because that’s basically a 3 day of huge disadvantage if your Kubrow loyalty is very low.

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On 2019-02-23 at 9:22 AM, DrivaMain said:

I would pay plat to keep my pets from dying, but the best fix is to remove this mechanic entirely. It’s becoming more of an annoyance than being a game mechanic and also remove stasis and make all of our pets wander our orbiter, it will make the orbiter more lively than usual or make it an option if performance is concerned.

God I hope there’s a limit, otherwise all 100+ of my pets would crowd the ship.

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Honestly, pet upkeep is one of those things that seems completely unwarranted. It's listless busywork and a pointless money sink, made far worse by being forced on players very early on in the game. I know it was an almost-ragequit moment for myself when I got to it, because this level of upkeep is just inexcusable even in a F2P game. Far as I'm concerned, Beasts can lose their DNA Stability and Loyalty stats entirely and not a lot of substance would change.

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I like the idea that of tying in the open world settings with your companions. Not sure about the DNA fixes but having Master Teasonai have some kind of weekly quest where you have to use a kubrow or kavat to track down a lost hunting party or spy in Cetus who has escaped out onto the plains in return for stabilizers. On the fortuna having the kubrow or kavat aid you in hunting animals for the biz could be interesting.

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