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New Melee patch destroyed my warframe


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I came back into warframe to check out how great some of the new melee changes are I've been hearing about only to be extremely disappointing...not that the changes aren't good, they in fact are for the most part but it destroyed my play style and main warframe.

The warframe I love the most is garuda, I've always been a big fan of blood mage style characters and when this came out I was instantly addicted. But my playstyle is no longer possible. See I tried to run as a garuda claws melee only setup, no gun use, being a queen of blades style thing, and one of the staple components was guardian derision:


I would use my one, then hold block to taunt things into damaging my shield as a tank for my team but also a way for me to spam damage faster, positioning being a key part of that as its an aoe taunt and a front shield but now I can't do that.

Manual blocking is gone, or rather its "auto" but with the shield up it never triggers, I can no longer taunt enemies into filling up my shield, on top of that if I try and right click to manually trigger it, it just pulls out my ranged weapon instead. There doesn't seem to be any settings or keybindings I can change to revert it, so my whole play style I fell in love with is now gone, trying to play this frame with out it has put a sour taste in my mouth.

Could we still allow if it was bound or as an option to manually block if we choose too? also if garuda's weapons are selected can we select none for the other 3 weapons as well, since you can do the same with a melee should be able to do the same with garuda's claws...

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19 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

What if uou go in only with a melee equipped?

You can't with her claws. The game doesn't treat them as a weapon properly, so you have to have something else equipped, and that something can't be another melee ofc.

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The problem is that controllers have a limited number of buttons and DE continues to add layer after layer of inputs so the result is streamlined controls like auto-block that are inefficient for everyone.

EDIT: You don't want to see my custom button map as trying to do what is possible on PC required relearning how to play Warframe after years of playing. Thankfully I was a huge Armored Core player so I was used to really abstract button setups. This is also why Archwing needs a full remapping option.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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1 hour ago, VorteX8 said:

I came back into warframe to check out how great some of the new melee changes are I've been hearing about only to be extremely disappointing...not that the changes aren't good, they in fact are for the most part but it destroyed my play style and main warframe.

The warframe I love the most is garuda, I've always been a big fan of blood mage style characters and when this came out I was instantly addicted. But my playstyle is no longer possible. See I tried to run as a garuda claws melee only setup, no gun use, being a queen of blades style thing, and one of the staple components was guardian derision:


I would use my one, then hold block to taunt things into damaging my shield as a tank for my team but also a way for me to spam damage faster, positioning being a key part of that as its an aoe taunt and a front shield but now I can't do that.

Manual blocking is gone, or rather its "auto" but with the shield up it never triggers, I can no longer taunt enemies into filling up my shield, on top of that if I try and right click to manually trigger it, it just pulls out my ranged weapon instead. There doesn't seem to be any settings or keybindings I can change to revert it, so my whole play style I fell in love with is now gone, trying to play this frame with out it has put a sour taste in my mouth.

Could we still allow if it was bound or as an option to manually block if we choose too? also if garuda's weapons are selected can we select none for the other 3 weapons as well, since you can do the same with a melee should be able to do the same with garuda's claws...

and now tank builds are pointless, no more taking all the damage when it is necessary to do so, no more meleeing and blocking at your own will, just an attempt at something "new" with no idea how it will truly turn out and it turned out bad. these current changes goes against too many things that were in the game from the get go, not to mention even down to the advert trailers emphasized melee in their own solo segments "a lot"

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Please undo this change. A few months ago i returned back to play Warframe PS4. I was amazed about the changes. Now everything is ruined again... As a Melee Player and user of "Broken War" i must say that it sucks to use it now. Every third hit is a huge Jump-Teleport out of map, just because of "Animation Reasons" 

Valkyr ruined, Loki ruined... Blocking ruined, Hildryn looks disturbing, No more Melee Mode, No more holding Energy Mode... rly? WTF no more Warframe specific Melee Weapons? 

Who cares between fluently switching weapons when we have a bigger problem now: Having useless stupid Melee animations now that dont allow you to hit the target.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

The problem is that controllers have a limited number of buttons and DE continues to add layer after layer of inputs so the result is streamlined controls like auto-block that are inefficient for everyone.

EDIT: You don't want to see my custom button map as trying to do what is possible on PC required relearning how to play Warframe after years of playing. Thankfully I was a huge Armored Core player so I was used to really abstract button setups. This is also why Archwing needs a full remapping option.

I agree with this.  We need the option to assign separate actions to different buttons instead of the action groups that we currently have.  I want to reassign the channeling button, but couldn't place it where I wanted without messing up another action set.  

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7 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I agree with this.  We need the option to assign separate actions to different buttons instead of the action groups that we currently have.  I want to reassign the channeling button, but couldn't place it where I wanted without messing up another action set.  

What DE needs to do is use separate mappable layouts for each mode (warframe, archwing, operator, etc).

Additionally, controller users need more toggle options. For example, placing alt-fire on a face button makes it impossible to properly aim/move and shoot simultaneously. Having it be an optional toggle would allow it to be switched at will and operate similar to the normal firing mode. And this is just a single example of dozens of such flaws.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Axiom666 said:

Not sure why they made manual blocking only possible with melee only. They moved channeling to secondary fire. Soooooo, why not put manual blocking on aiming when melee is out? Like it is when you only have a melee weapon....

For snipers I'm guessing...

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