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[Frame Concept] Lifeline - Combat Medic


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“When your team is in trouble you are the one they call”

  • Lifeline


“This is Lifeline, the medic, the savior “

“When all seems lost, Lifeline will come to the rescue”

  • Lotus


Name - Lifeline


Armor - 250


Energy - 150 (225 at max) 


Health - 150 (450 at max) 


Shield - 100 (300 at max) 


Passive - similar to Khora's Venari, Lifeline has a paramedic (the paramedic is like the syndicate/rescue npc) that fight along his side. It can teleport and revive teammates or even you. However, doing so takes half the health away, and it take 60 sec to come back. It has 1,000 health, 500 shield, and 600 armor (upgradeable with mods) , it is also equipped with castanas that deal 100% electric status chance but does no damage. (This passive will help players that get downed across the map or if someone is playing solo) Lastly, all abilities that heal can heal him as well. 


Ability 1 - Replenish - throw down a supply pack, the pack refills all ammo and grants debuff immunity for 10 sec (not upgradeable with mods) . However, every time you or an ally uses it, it takes 10 energy. This ability deactivates when the number of times you can use it runs out.


  • Charges - 5

  • Energy - 25


Ability 2 - Emergency - release a circular wave of energy that stops at a certain distance, then stays at that area. Any enemy that is in the circle gets damaged slowly and with every enemy that's in the circle the more energy you and your allies get if you or they are within the circle, also higher the damage will be.


  • Radius - 10m

  • Duration - 10 sec

  • Energy received - 10 energy per enemy per sec

  • Damage - 100 per sec x 1.5 per enemy

  • Energy - 50


Ability 3 - Stim Shot - cycle between four different shots, Healing, Rush, Fortify, and Berserk. Healing heals you. Rush makes you run, reload, and melee faster. Fortify doubles your armor and grants 75% damage reduction. Berserk increases all damage by 25%.


  • Duration - 10 sec

  • Healing shot - 5 health per sec

  • Rush shot - +.20 run speed, reload speed increased 25%, +.25 melee speed

  • Fortify shot - x2 armor, 75% damage reduction (not upgradeable with mods)

  • Berserk shot - 15% damage increase (max 25% when upgraded with mods) 

  • Energy - 75


Ability 4 - Purge - release a blanket of smoke that damages foes and heals allies, also any enemy that dies in the smoke doubles the healing. 

  • Radius - 15m

  • Duration - 10 sec

  • Damage - 250 per sec

  • Healing - 5 health per sec, doubles per enemy death

  • Energy - 100

Edited by SurvivalistX
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-04-03 at 5:34 PM, AvPCelticPredator said:

Is that combo (Trinity + Khora) frame? 🤔

Yea pretty much, I like trinity but I always wanted her to have something more crowd damaging. So I thought of making a medic with more crowd damage output. Also, I wanted to put something that would solve the problem of players dying across the map lol, also to give solo players a chance to get revived. 

Edited by SurvivalistX
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On 2019-04-03 at 6:02 PM, SurvivalistX said:


“When your team is in trouble you are the one they call”

  • Lifeline

“This is Lifeline, the medic, the savior “

“When all seems lost, Lifeline will come to the rescue”

Passive - similar to Khora's Venari, Lifeline has two paramedics that fight along his side. They can teleport and revive teammates or even you. However, doing so kills them, and they take 60 sec to come back. They have 1,000 health and 500 shield but low armor, they are also equipped with castanas that deal 100% electric status chance. (This passive will help players that get downed across the map or if someone is playing solo)

Ability 1 - Replenish - throw down a supply pack, the pack refills all ammo and grants 50% of max over shield. However, every time you or an ally uses it, it takes 10 energy. This ability deactivates when the number of times you can use it runs out.

Ability 2 - Emergency - release a circular wave of energy that stops at a certain distance. Any enemy that is in the wave gets damaged slowly and with every enemy that's in the circle the more energy you and your allies get if you or they are within the circle.

Ability 3 - Stim Shot - cycle between four different shots, Healing, Rush, Fortify, and Berserk. Healing heals you. Rush makes you run, reload, and melee faster. Fortify doubles your armor and grants 50% damage reduction. Berserk increases all damage by 25%.

Ability 4 - Purge - release a blanket of smoke that damages foes and heals allies

starcraft fan, am i right? -raises fist for a fist bump-

or at least the abilities remind me of the medic unit from starcraft terran faction.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)LoneWolf_001 said:

I'm okay with this but couldn't this be modified to be a Trinity-rework instead of a totally new Warframe? Either way, I'm behind some more support-frames.

Yea we definitely need more support frames! But the only reason why this shouldn't be a trinity rework is because my design is more toward health over time, similar to Oberon while trinity has more abilities to instantly replenish things. Also I tried to put more dps in my design to make it a healer and damage dealer and I feel like trinity is more of a defensive support

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  • 4 weeks later...

So...oberon is a medic and also trinity then we got our operator who play in the role of healing the Var tree side, nekcros also play as somewhat medical if you use desacrate to have dead enemies drop health orbs then there is Nidus who is able heal if he use his 4 and lastly there is Inaros who can use that sand in his hand and trap an enemy as your going tell your allies to feast the enemy's health to heal their own health...The question is why do we need another medic class?

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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11 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:

So...oberon is a medic and also trinity then we got our operator who play in the role of healing the Var tree side, nekcros also play as somewhat medical if you use desacrate to have dead enemies drop health orbs then there is Nidus who is able heal if he use his 4 and lastly there is Inaros who can use that sand in his hand and trap an enemy as your going tell your allies to feast the enemy's health to heal their own health...The question is why do we need another medic class?

I just feel we have no actual medic. Yea those frames are healers but I want a for real medic. I just think it would be really cool

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I do love me a support frame, and definitely need more.  I feel like the content that warrants support frames is limited more now than in the past.  So I feel like DE should bring new content that strongly enforces bringing a support frame, at the same time releasing a new support warframe. 

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3 hours ago, SurvivalistX said:

I just feel we have no actual medic. Yea those frames are healers but I want a for real medic. I just think it would be really cool

hmm $##! fair enough.  I was wondering that type spot too, maybe give this medic class a medic gun like TF2 guy The Medic which we had a forum saying things extremely out loud that they wanted to have a medic gun and medic warframe (this was like 2-6 years ago) understanding it sounds like sarcastic but it is not which we had lots request about medic gun and what it turns out the hema gun




Pretty much we end up with that gun and no one wants to bring up again about the subject the medic gun that heals people.  As again less side subject, we do want to make sure the frame doesn't turn out to be the next "Vauban" (what I mean is I am hoping it doesn't turn out Vauban's non-rework version), we all remember him right getting killed like cutting butter and not saying thank you butter (Vauban as butter which cutting butter that is how Vauban of his unrework which he dies a lot). So make sure you scale his hp well and shield which I see the armor is fine.

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3 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:

hmm $##! fair enough.  I was wondering that type spot too, maybe give this medic class a medic gun like TF2 guy The Medic which we had a forum saying things extremely out loud that they wanted to have a medic gun and medic warframe (this was like 2-6 years ago) understanding it sounds like sarcastic but it is not which we had lots request about medic gun and what it turns out the hema gun

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Pretty much we end up with that gun and no one wants to bring up again about the subject the medic gun that heals people.  As again less side subject, we do want to make sure the frame doesn't turn out to be the next "Vauban" (what I mean is I am hoping it doesn't turn out Vauban's non-rework version), we all remember him right getting killed like cutting butter and not saying thank you butter (Vauban as butter which cutting butter that is how Vauban of his unrework which he dies a lot). So make sure you scale his hp well and shield which I see the armor is fine.

Yea I got some ideas to buff him up a bit. Also I like the idea of him having a medic gun, I'll see if I can incorporate that into his abilities. Here is the concept art so far, any suggestions? KUKhLQc.jpg

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6 hours ago, CeejAttack said:

I do love me a support frame, and definitely need more.  I feel like the content that warrants support frames is limited more now than in the past.  So I feel like DE should bring new content that strongly enforces bringing a support frame, at the same time releasing a new support warframe. 

I agree, we have frames with supportive aspects but no actual support frames. The only healing support frames we have is Oberon and Trinity. 

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I saw the suggestion to change the stats at rank 30, and I have to agree, those should probably be upped. Your base stats are fine though, and you shouldn't be too concerned what the stats at rank 30 are, because what matters most is your base stats, since those are what Vitality, Redirection, and Flow function on. Also, most warframes also gain +50% energy in their level progression. 150 energy at rank 30 is pretty low for a combat medic, support intensive frame. You might consider changing that to 150 energy at rank 0, 225 at rank 30. That's pretty much it.

If you don't mind, I would really like to play around with some ideas of my own, since the drones/healing combo actually reminds me of the Scholars from Final Fantasy 14, and I think that would make an AMAZING healing warframe too.

Most players already run sentinels, and adding 2 more, at least to me, seems like it's gonna start getting crowded. And raising two players every 60 seconds is pretty significant for a passive, but sacrificing them and having to wait and being unable to do anything about it seems painful. Also, Khora only has the one Venari, which is quite durable. My suggestion is fusing the two drones into one, doubling its stats, and instead of sacrificing itself, sacrifice half its current health to heal a downed player equal to the health it sacrificed. This will initially produce over healing, but as it sacrifices more health, it becomes less effective, and requires you to heal it back up to increase its effectiveness or else lose it to enemy gun fire and have to wait 60 seconds. so the player can still have their drone, and it can recover health instead of just dying and having to wait another 60 seconds. Plus, as with Venari, it dies to gun fire, not to sacrificing itself with its own abilities.

Now, if your drone can survive a bit better, add some combination with it. In FF14, the scholar's fairy heals along side the Scholar, but we don't want an exact copy of the Scholar. One thing I don't see in your kit though is a skill that cleanses allies of debuffs. I think that could be an excellent combination with your drone. Each time you cast an ability, it creates a pulse that cleanses nearby allies. Say maybe a 20m radius that can't be modded?

Edited by xZeromusx
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Now I rethink about the last abilities sort of got a picture going the idea from another game I play which remind me of that boss




Yea this guy spam gas everywhere and so does the players too (it was like healing gas vs healing gas during that time XD and that time I was playing as the medic also noted I kick his #$$ even thou I was last one standing).  Anyway, I think its a nice idea still probably closes version I thought of was that guy.

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On 2019-05-17 at 4:48 PM, xZeromusx said:

I saw the suggestion to change the stats at rank 30, and I have to agree, those should probably be upped. Your base stats are fine though, and you shouldn't be too concerned what the stats at rank 30 are, because what matters most is your base stats, since those are what Vitality, Redirection, and Flow function on. Also, most warframes also gain +50% energy in their level progression. 150 energy at rank 30 is pretty low for a combat medic, support intensive frame. You might consider changing that to 150 energy at rank 0, 225 at rank 30. That's pretty much it.

If you don't mind, I would really like to play around with some ideas of my own, since the drones/healing combo actually reminds me of the Scholars from Final Fantasy 14, and I think that would make an AMAZING healing warframe too.

Most players already run sentinels, and adding 2 more, at least to me, seems like it's gonna start getting crowded. And raising two players every 60 seconds is pretty significant for a passive, but sacrificing them and having to wait and being unable to do anything about it seems painful. Also, Khora only has the one Venari, which is quite durable. My suggestion is fusing the two drones into one, doubling its stats, and instead of sacrificing itself, sacrifice half its current health to heal a downed player equal to the health it sacrificed. This will initially produce over healing, but as it sacrifices more health, it becomes less effective, and requires you to heal it back up to increase its effectiveness or else lose it to enemy gun fire and have to wait 60 seconds. so the player can still have their drone, and it can recover health instead of just dying and having to wait another 60 seconds. Plus, as with Venari, it dies to gun fire, not to sacrificing itself with its own abilities.

Now, if your drone can survive a bit better, add some combination with it. In FF14, the scholar's fairy heals along side the Scholar, but we don't want an exact copy of the Scholar. One thing I don't see in your kit though is a skill that cleanses allies of debuffs. I think that could be an excellent combination with your drone. Each time you cast an ability, it creates a pulse that cleanses nearby allies. Say maybe a 20m radius that can't be modded?

I changed the passive, I took your advice and made it one paramedic and I tried to incorporate debuff in the first ability, tell me what you think. Thanks for the advice! 

Edited by SurvivalistX
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On 2019-05-21 at 1:09 PM, SurvivalistX said:

I changed the passive, I took your advice and made it one paramedic and I tried to incorporate debuff in the first ability, tell me what you think. Thanks for the advice! 

I think that works much better.

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