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MR 7 and others like it not fair


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MR 7 and some other MR trials seem pretty basic. You have to defeat a certain # of enemies in a certain amount of time. There are 3 waves. Each wave has more enemies and more time allotted. Seems easy assuming you have good equipment, use your skills, and don't die more than 3 times.

No. Not easy, not even close, not even fair. Your success here relies more on luck than skill or skills or equipment or mods. Oh, eventually with ridiculous mods and expense, you can spam mass-kill or AoE skills and have enough energy to win, but that's unrealistic for only MR7. Why? ...

Because enemies don't spawn fast enough! Seriously, you can practice for days (I did, 4 days) and just fail repeatedly (tried several diff frames) because at times you're just running in circles and jumping behind each pylon desperately looking for a mob to shoot, sometimes even 5-10 sec. That's impossible.

Day 5, finally got it. No skill. No change in style, technique, or mods, just random dumb, effing RNG mobs spawning faster and closer to me than the other 4 days. That's not fair to players. Please tweak up mob spawn rate for these MR trial types. If we kill them fast, there should always be immediately another target for us. No running around an empty map for 10 sec.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghent96 said:


I just did the Test to prove you it is possible for a player who is MR6 to do the test with ease.


Normal Excalibur (Unmodded)
MK1-Braton (Serration & Split Chamber)
Lato (Hornet Strike & Barrel Diffusion)
Skana (Pressure Point & Fury)

Mods Maxed out because i believe at MR6 you probably have them at least rank 8 out of 10 tho you would probably have other mods that made these weapons much stronger.

No Sentinel/Companion/Moa used
No Operator used
No Archgun used
No Healing/Shield/Ammo packs used.



There is a limited number of mobs that can be on the test arena at a same time and new ones spawn as you kill them.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if the limit is only about 4, which is the most I ever saw at one time, then that's ridiculously low, especially if their AI script tells them to run off behind a pillar where we can't see or find them.

I'm sure you've enjoyed your chance to gloat at how amazing you are at playing warframe and headshoting every enemy, but it's not helping the situation. You got lucky with where & how often they spawned.

Edited by (PS4)Ghent96
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21 hours ago, (PS4)Ghent96 said:

Well, if the limit is only about 4, which is the most I ever saw at one time, then that's ridiculously low, especially if their AI script tells them to run off behind a pillar where we can't see or find them.

I'm sure you've enjoyed your chance to gloat at how amazing you are at playing warframe and headshoting every enemy, but it's not helping the situation. You got lucky with where & how often they spawned.

Bianca isn't gloating, she has literally just tried the test with equipment anyone could/should have by the point of taking the test. Sure, she would have more experience than a MR6 player but this one is literally just point and shoot which doesn't really improve much with the amount of hours you have played.

I'm a pretty terrible player and didn't even know you could practice when I did MR7 and still got through first time from memory. Pretty sure I was using Rhino as it was the first frame I got and if I wasn't using a Mk-1 Paris I would have been using Dex Sybaris as I was lucky enough to start around an anniversary. You have to remember that we have all gone through that test. Maybe it is a big tougher on console without a mouse keyboard, I know how utterly terrible I am aiming on a controller having barely used one for years but I doubt that is an issue for those using them all the time.

You haven't listed your kit so I can only assume you weren't killing fast enough if I am honest.

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Player with 3000+ hours gloating in no way invalidates OP's feedback on this MR test, which, in crystal clear terms a child could understand, claims the spawn rate is random and often too low... for them... their processor... their connection... their etc. Taking the newer player at their word, that they practiced extensively, they likely have a legitimate gripe.

So I ran through the test and mobs spawned regularly as usual. Perhaps it is a connection, processor, card or other client issue. If so, then with the vast variety of connection and equipment qualities of WF players, perhaps the MR tests, or some of them that have mechanics such as this test, need to be tested under different qualities of processor, card and connection. This would not require many resources to do, and would be a legitimate request. Would be a far better use of time/resources than this or that next unnecessary UI change.

Edited by Buttaface
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There's a couple things to consider here.

First - this is something DE fails to advertise to new players, but you can practice your mastery rank tests as many times as you like at Cephalon Simaris's location in any of the Relays. Look for the stairs to his right.

Second - part of the tests's challenge is your mastery over quick parkour movement to get around the map and engage your enemies rapidly. Higher mastery tests ramp up the difficulty related to parkour here and there. Sliding, jumping, double jumping, bullet jumping, aim gliding, wall-sliding, wall-jumping, wall-clinging, sprinting - being able to combine all of these things in efficient and fluid manner is part of what Warframe has become all about, really.

Learn from the experience, persevere, adapt, overcome, Tenno.

Edited by TheGreenFellow
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9 hours ago, Buttaface said:

Player with 3000+ hours gloating in no way invalidates OP's feedback on this MR test, which, in crystal clear terms a child could understand, claims the spawn rate is random and often too low... for them... their processor... their connection... their etc. Taking the newer player at their word, that they practiced extensively, they likely have a legitimate gripe.

So I ran through the test and mobs spawned regularly as usual. Perhaps it is a connection, processor, card or other client issue. If so, then with the vast variety of connection and equipment qualities of WF players, perhaps the MR tests, or some of them that have mechanics such as this test, need to be tested under different qualities of processor, card and connection. This would not require many resources to do, and would be a legitimate request. Would be a far better use of time/resources than this or that next unnecessary UI change. 

DE seems to have developed a pattern over the last few updates

of prioritizing Content and Graphical/UI new features over debugging existing issues.

as far as best use of time/resources; this does make sense.

New updates and marketing hype helps to sell the game to new players; while a bug is often only noticed by a small number of players.


its why they're constantly adding features no one asked for; have to constantly have something 'new' to sell. Maybe it also has to do with the graphic design artists justifying their own jobs? I do know that there's more of them on DE's staff than there are programers...

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On 2019-06-04 at 11:41 AM, Buttaface said:

So I ran through the test and mobs spawned regularly as usual. Perhaps it is a connection, processor, card or other client issue. If so, then with the vast variety of connection and equipment qualities of WF players, perhaps the MR tests, or some of them that have mechanics such as this test, need to be tested under different qualities of processor, card and connection. This would not require many resources to do, and would be a legitimate request. Would be a far better use of time/resources than this or that next unnecessary UI change.

You really expect them to be able to make the test, "just work," with every single possible combination of hardware out there? On top of that, OP is on PS4! You've literally added nothing to the topic by suggesting this!

What OP is suggesting is that DE has created a mastery test that gives you a set time limit and set spawns and yet they made it possible for the enemies to not spawn within that time limit. This isn't how it works. This is yet another case of someone getting frustrated and blaming the game.

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