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Reworking Ember


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Ever since I bought Ember's Prime access back in 2013 on my original account (which was hacked into :/), Ember's has always had a special place in my arsenal. She's had quite the rough ride and getting nothing but negative attention. I mean, just look at her last major change. You think they changed Ember for people who LIKES Ember? No, they changed her for the brats who complain that all their kills are taken from them... Since doing an ACTUAL rework would take TIME and DE didn't really feel like making a real rework. Anyway, unless we're talking about the Warframe 2013-2014, Ember has never been a per say, a "good" Warframe. She was primarily used for crowd control (when it was still relevant) and killing low level enemies. And when 2016 hit, killing low level enemies easily was all she was good at. And then once that update dropped and new Warframes were added, Ember became irrelevant. There were better Warframes to clear out low level missions, and bringing her to higher levels resulted in usually death due to her squishiness. I managed to force my Ember to be somewhat tanky... But it took six formas and one Umbral Forma to do so. Now, let me list Ember's several problems:

  • Ember can die easily
  • She uses the weakest element in the game (Fire)
  • None of her abilities help the team in any way
  • There are alternatives that are better in almost every way
  • Her passive is very situational and very, very rarely EVER comes into play
  • Every single one of her abilities need lots of observation and need to be changed (and for this article, observing I definitely did)


Current function: Regenerates 10 Energy/s and increases ability strength by 35% while on fire.

Riddle me this... How can I use the passive to my advantage when the fire proc rarely ever happens?!?! Yes, there are SOME situations where this can help Ember. Like in Invasions, where you'll find tons of the fiery ash things on the floor and you can step in it to light yourself on fire, or the new tileset for Jupiter, you can ignite those fire pipes. And even then, you cannot regenerate energy when you have an ability like WoF active, meaning you'd have to either for some reason use Fireball or use Fire Blast to even put both in effect, and those abilities are... Well... Near useless. Meaning you'd have to either choose the 10 energy a second or that 35% power strength. And lemme give you a hint... That power strength will rarely help. So now we got a passive that is far too situational and half of it isn't even useful. Fine job designing this one, DE. 


In my opinion... Remove this thing entirely for a new passive. Unless you had some way to set yourself on fire, you just simply can't use this passive. It's so situational that it's near useless. And a passive doesn't need to be complex, it just needs to be useful and actually be there in every mission. For example, Ivara's passive. It works well with her kit AND is useful in every mission. And it's just simply marking all enemies within a 20 meter distance. So simple, but incredibly useful. In contrast, Ember's passive. Does it flow with her kit? No. Besides the fact it's fire related. Is it useful? Very, very, VERY rarely. Zenurik's already got my energy covered anyway, and that 35% power strength buff is useless. I mean, really. You have to COINCIDENTALLY be somehow caught on fire, have enough energy to where you wouldn't need the energy increase more, and have enough enemies around you to give you a reason to use WoF. When does that happen? Never. So how could we make a useful passive? It could honestly be as simple as a 30% decrease of enemy armor and shields in a 25 meter distance. Meaning it acts like a Corrosive Projection along with Shield Disruption... And you can still put Corrosive Projection on for ultimate armor stripping or since you already have that armor strip passively, you could fit something else in the aura slot for more potential builds. And sure, it wont be as useful if you were per say in an Infestation mission, but they already don't have armor anyway. This change would flow well with her kit and would pretty much always be useful. Funny how just a change to the passive can make a world of a difference.

Theoretical function: Enemies near Ember have 30% less armor and 30% less shields.


Current function: Charge and release a fiery projectile that ignites enemies on contact and leaves behind a treacherous patch of flame.

Treacherous? Bssh, my Ember's foot. Unless they're low level, the enemies can just walk around or right through it... I'm sure the AI just laugh inside when they see me use this. And plus... IT'S A CHARGE ABILITY!!! I HATE charged abilities because why charge up something when I can just instantly shoot my gun and kill them anyway? There's absolutely no reason to use this ability. Similar to why Wukong's old Iron Jab was useless. There is just simply no reason to use it. Period.  And, a problem that goes across the entirety of Ember... It's proc is fire! The only time you will ever. EVER. Find a use for this ability is guarding doorways at lower levels. Even then, why guard one doorway when you could just bring Equinox and have the slash aura she has guard EVERY door way on the map? 


Similar to the passive... Just remove it for another ability. Wukong got a new ability, so why can't Ember? Oh yeah, I remember. She doesn't have a Prime Access in less than a week. Wukong's rework was great, so lets look at DE's reasoning for replacing Wukongs Iron Jab. (Taken from the Steam Announcement) "Iron Jab was replaced as it essentially exists as a weaker version of other powers. Wukong’s Ultimate can fulfill and surpass the role of Iron Jab, while fulfilling more of Wukong’s lore and creating a more powerful, synergized kit." Oh boy, sounds familiar to Ember, huh? Besides the lore part since Ember doesn't really have any lore. Ember's WoF, despite not being even close to as useful as it was before, can do exactly what Fireball does. It lingers until you uncast it and has a much larger (but that's not saying a whole lot) distance than what one fully charged Fireball can do. So taking the logic behind the replacement of Iron Jab, how could we replace Fireball? After thinking for quite a long time about what could possibly help Ember out the most, I finally settled on my favorite idea. 

Theoretical function: Build a charge of volcanic energy that can either be bursted out to your teammates to increase their power strength or keep it within to supercharge your abilities with       increased power strength for yourself.

This would be HUNDREDS times better than the current Fireball. Instead you'll be able to increase your own power strength or your team, meaning it solves one of Ember's problems of not being any support to the team. Since I can't actually test this out in-game, I'm not exactly sure what would be balanced and what wouldn't, but here are stats for the ability I think would be very good, but at the same time not broken.

  • 100% Power Strength increase maximum for squad mates (Can vary depending on the base power strength of your Ember's build)
  • 200% Power Strength increase maximum for yourself (Cannot be increased or decreased on your base power strength)
  • Upon cast, you will NOT have to hold down 1 for it to charge, it will automatically charge 5% (100% maximum) every second (meaning it takes 20 seconds for a full charge)
  • If held down, it will spew out to your teammates, if instantly pressed it will be kept for yourself (Or some other better way to carry out the two functions)

Similar to Wukong, it'll instead synergize with the kit more and is unique among the rest and cannot be replaced by using just another one of her abilities. You might be thinking... "But this would be far too OP!!! Imagine the kind of crap that could be pulled off!" Well, just look at Wisp. She gives constant health regen and an insane increase in the health pool, and it varies on power strength. Wisp can also use it for herself and increase the power of what her Ultimate can do. And it of course it wont be able to be stacked amongst other Embers, as then yes, that could be game breaking.


Current function: Stun nearby enemies with strong accelerant.Increases all fire damage dealt

This, at the moment, is most likely the most useful ability in Ember's kit. After explaining what the new first ability can do however, it would kind of make this ability only useful for it's extra casting speed and stun to enemies, and you wouldn't want to the fire damage increase along with an overall power strength increase, so this would have to be changed as well. I honestly don't really have any complaints about this ability for this current kit with Ember. It does what it does, and it does it well. Something none of the other abilities can currently do.


Instead of it being a fire damage increase, it should just be a simple armor/shield strip, along with what it can currently do. Stunning enemies and increasing ability cast speed.

Theoretical function: Strip the armor and shields of your foes and increase the cast speed of future ability casts.

So yeah, if built right, you can remove all the armor and/or shields of your enemies along with the passive of an already 30% decrease in enemy armor. Which is something you'd think a Warframe that uses fire as their main source of damage should be able to do anyway. This would make endgame content a lot more viable with Ember, since armor is technically what makes the enemies (most notably Grineer) seem like bullet sponges.


Current function: Slam the ground to create a wave of plasma that incinerates nearby enemies and forms a persistent ring of fire. Add Heat Damage to weapons by firing them through the ring.

Hah! INCINERATE ENEMIES?!?! More like make them fall on the floor of laughter because of how WEAK this ability is. And adding heat damage to weapons? Heat is a frickin' joke to begin with. This persistent ring part could be completely removed and the ability wouldn't even change. I get enemies that get in your ring get kind of damaged, but isn't that WoF's job...? You see, that's the problem with Ember's kit. All her abilities (except Accelerant) do the same exact thing, except the they do the previous abilities job, but better.


This is the same case as Fireball. Just remove the ability for something that's actually useful, and leave World on Fire to deal the consistent damage. World on Fire... Make this ability World on Fire. Similar to how Excalibur's Radial Javelin was made from his Ultimate to his third ability. World on Fire in general is very, very underwhelming for an ultimate. You press 4 and then... Stuff just starts burning all over the place. Similar to Excalibur's Radial Javelin. For an Ultimate, is was quite boring. Just make this a shorter version of the original World on Fire and maybe make it do slightly less damage, but not to the point to where it's useless.


Current function: Blast nearby foes with a burst of fire, and follow that up with a barrage of fireballs against any enemies that dare approach. Over time, these fireballs burn hotter as they consume more energy.

I don't really have much to say since I said to make this ability her third ability, so let's just get straight to my idea of a change.


Ember... With an Exalted Weapon... Sounds crazy, I know. Don't worry, it's not a melee. I had to think long and hard about this one, as I though giving Ember an Exalted weapon sounded a bit too much. But Excalibur got Exalted Blade... So why can't Ember get one, too? An Exalted Rocket Launcher. Well, in Ember's case, it'll be explosive fireballs. And it doesn't need to look like a rocket launcher, either. It'll do explosive and fire damage and will have a large radius. Every blast in the ground causes the fireball to explode and make a bunch of smaller ones bounce out of it and hit other targets around it. It should have a balance between status and critical chance, to it can be made hybrid. No matter how it's modified though, it'll always deal heat damage, as it is a fireball. And yes, you can blow yourself up with it >:D.


Yeah, yeah I know, and Exalted Weapon might not be the best idea. But hell, I thought when Wisp was showed off for the first time, summoning a portal to the sun was a bit much for a frame like Wisp, but then I grew to enjoy it. And all these abilities together in one sound like a super fun Warframe to me. World on Fire on while blowing your foes to embers and at the same time being a huge support to your team. Ember will then be what she should've always been, a Warframe using the max potential of fire. and Heat damage isn't that great, but with the power of these abilities, Ember can force it to be great. Anyway, these are just thoughts. If you couldn't tell by me writing an entire novel about how to rework Ember, I care a lot about this Warframe and I want her to be good again. And if you've read this far, I thank you for caring to read what I have to say. Even if you disagree, I bet at least 75% of the people who'll read this will just skip past most of it. Anyway, give me your thoughts below. I'd love to hear feedback and if you agree or disagree with any of my points. And if you disagree, tell me why. I'm open to criticism. Just... Don't be a jerk about the whole thing.

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8 hours ago, --CV--Father_Nox said:

And one thing I wasn't able to mention due to running out of space is that I'm aware that the augments for Ember would have to either be removed and replaced or drastically changed to fit for a huge change like this.

Just a Pyromaniac strolling by and sharing the goods.



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On 2019-07-03 at 1:45 AM, --CV--Father_Nox said:

And one thing I wasn't able to mention due to running out of space is that I'm aware that the augments for Ember would have to either be removed and replaced or drastically changed to fit for a huge change like this.

With current augments she's still trash. So no worries.

Hope DE will finally adress this issue. I see more and more rework topics popping up. I hope it will draw some attention. If it does not, there will be no words to describe my disappointment in DE's modus operandi.


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When ember deluxe 2 comes, they will reowrk ember, until that point she will be the product of moaning and complaing on the forums, a fine example of what hapens when players are unable to keep up, they remain unable to keep up, but affect a warframe in the process.

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10 hours ago, --CV--Father_Nox said:

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks Ember has a lot of potential as a Warframe.

You should've seen the forums a month ago. Every 12h you see another Ember rework thread pop-up. It's so sad.

When it comes to your suggestion for a rework, though:


1. Fireball
It's an ability from the old days of warframe where most 1st abilities were some kind of damaging ability (Frost, Nekros, Mag, Excal, etc.). I think they tried making her playstyle more dynamic by... uh... making her wait for an ability to do damage? It contradicts how the meta functions (dps is king, cc is nearly dead). Imho, I don't think Fireball needs a change. It's simple, it does what it should, every warframe has at least 1 ability that ends up being unused later on, the charge mechanic has no place in the game, let alone in a DPS frames kit. She already has an augment for Accelarant that effectively boosts cast speed and gives heat damage.

2. Accelarant
If heat damage got reworked to work like other DoT statuses, people would cry for a nerf. "Ignoring that Saryn's 4 does 400% more damage to Spore-affected enemies, a 5x multiplier is too much", he said sarcastically. Stripping armor would very much be great on her, but you can't have 2 amazing affects on a single ability. Like, give her a cap on the multiplier (or make it unaffected by Strength) and make the armor shred scale, or vice versa. And honestly, removing the heat damage multiplier on Accelarant sounds like a bad idea, because a frame needs to be able to support it's own kit before supporting weapon damage and allies, at least when talking about a primarily DPS frame.

3. Fire Blast
I'd rather have a battery-acid enema than attempting to make it viable, let alone using it actively in missions. It even has a S#&$ty hitbox (only the top-middle parts of the ring hit, if the circle is 1m above the ground, chargers/crawlers who are visibly being touched by the ring don't get damaged). Making WoF her 3 is a good idea, but WoF needs a rework too. I'd suggest a Zenistar-esque area around Ember that deals a smaller but more frequent DoT. Making it Duration based could be fine, maybe even giving her some DR for the duration.

4. WoF
Exalted weapon need to fit the "lore" for them to make sense. Giving every warframe an exalted skill is very gimmicky. And when speaking of "lore", there is room for an ability that lets her appear more phoenix-like, maybe even as an ultimate or passive. They gave Wukong 5 passives, so they're not down on creativity, it's just not top priority to fix frames they gimped (my thoughts and prayers go to all Nyx/Vauban mains). I mean, it's pretty obvious that's what they planned for her (the chicken legs, the rooster helmets, the Vermilion skin). I don't any other bird that's on fire most of the time.

Too much armor/shield stripping for a single frame. It doesn't fit her aesthetic either. Giving her energy regen per amount of enemies on fire gives her sustain, and it works well on high levels where enemies don't die instantly.


The general consensus is for DE to fix Heat damage, enemy scaling and old frames. Any 1 of these 3 would do more good than any other QoL change (which have gimped Ember further) could do. Outsourcing reworks to the community (even as a simple poll or questionnaire asking us what we want to see) could either do wonders or completely ruin a dying frame. I could make a whole rant why literally any change to the game could backfire and it all boils down to "a % of players don't like this change".

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12 hours ago, Blexander said:

You should've seen the forums a month ago. Every 12h you see another Ember rework thread pop-up. It's so sad.

When it comes to your suggestion for a rework, though:


1. Fireball
It's an ability from the old days of warframe where most 1st abilities were some kind of damaging ability (Frost, Nekros, Mag, Excal, etc.). I think they tried making her playstyle more dynamic by... uh... making her wait for an ability to do damage? It contradicts how the meta functions (dps is king, cc is nearly dead). Imho, I don't think Fireball needs a change. It's simple, it does what it should, every warframe has at least 1 ability that ends up being unused later on, the charge mechanic has no place in the game, let alone in a DPS frames kit. She already has an augment for Accelarant that effectively boosts cast speed and gives heat damage.

2. Accelarant
If heat damage got reworked to work like other DoT statuses, people would cry for a nerf. "Ignoring that Saryn's 4 does 400% more damage to Spore-affected enemies, a 5x multiplier is too much", he said sarcastically. Stripping armor would very much be great on her, but you can't have 2 amazing affects on a single ability. Like, give her a cap on the multiplier (or make it unaffected by Strength) and make the armor shred scale, or vice versa. And honestly, removing the heat damage multiplier on Accelarant sounds like a bad idea, because a frame needs to be able to support it's own kit before supporting weapon damage and allies, at least when talking about a primarily DPS frame.

3. Fire Blast
I'd rather have a battery-acid enema than attempting to make it viable, let alone using it actively in missions. It even has a S#&$ty hitbox (only the top-middle parts of the ring hit, if the circle is 1m above the ground, chargers/crawlers who are visibly being touched by the ring don't get damaged). Making WoF her 3 is a good idea, but WoF needs a rework too. I'd suggest a Zenistar-esque area around Ember that deals a smaller but more frequent DoT. Making it Duration based could be fine, maybe even giving her some DR for the duration.

4. WoF
Exalted weapon need to fit the "lore" for them to make sense. Giving every warframe an exalted skill is very gimmicky. And when speaking of "lore", there is room for an ability that lets her appear more phoenix-like, maybe even as an ultimate or passive. They gave Wukong 5 passives, so they're not down on creativity, it's just not top priority to fix frames they gimped (my thoughts and prayers go to all Nyx/Vauban mains). I mean, it's pretty obvious that's what they planned for her (the chicken legs, the rooster helmets, the Vermilion skin). I don't any other bird that's on fire most of the time.

Too much armor/shield stripping for a single frame. It doesn't fit her aesthetic either. Giving her energy regen per amount of enemies on fire gives her sustain, and it works well on high levels where enemies don't die instantly.


The general consensus is for DE to fix Heat damage, enemy scaling and old frames. Any 1 of these 3 would do more good than any other QoL change (which have gimped Ember further) could do. Outsourcing reworks to the community (even as a simple poll or questionnaire asking us what we want to see) could either do wonders or completely ruin a dying frame. I could make a whole rant why literally any change to the game could backfire and it all boils down to "a % of players don't like this change".

what exactly is her aesthetic supposed to be then if not simply fire personified? 

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How about just having her Overheat mechanic work as a passive and have it build like Baruuk's meter. Using a Flame insignia or something, it could build up when ember uses abilities then at a 50% it could apply blast procs and at 100% it could send Ember in to Overheat mode where ALL her abilities do 100% more damage and affect her abilities in a second way

(1: always firing the full charge blast. 2: some team buff either power str or to weapons. 3: weaken enemies in some way)

This way her Phoenix theme of a second awakening could work in her kit and also PLEASE DE if you are listening just cap the range on WoF to 18-22 meters and be done with it 

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Hello. I'll leave some ideas from a now archived thread I made. Perhaps it may result interesting.


Now, I don't actually play Ember. But I will give it a shot at this rework idea I've been toying in the back of my mind. Tell me what you think.

I have added new Augments, but they are mutually exclusive with the old ones. This is to spice things up. Most of the core mechanics remain intact.


New Mechanic: Heat

It's a special gauge that increases the effects of Ember's abilities up to 100% (basically it increases Power Strength by an amount equal to Heat at the moment of cast, after all mod calculations), as well as their cost. When Heat is below 50%, Ember's abilities generate it, when it's above 50%, they reduce it.

Passive: Pyromaniac

Ember gains 1 point of energy and 1% Heat every 2 seconds for each enemy set on fire



No changes in it's basic form. Can no longer be charged.

Generates 15% Heat. Uses 25%, increasing it's radius by 2m and leaving a Napalm fire.

Augment: Fireball Frenzy.

No changes, mutually exclusive with Cauterize

Augment: Cauterize.

Fireball heals an ally for the amount it would damage and enemy and removes Slash status but it inflicts a Heat proc. Mutually exclusive with Fireball Frenzy.



Generates 10% Heat. Uses 20% Heat

Casting it above 50% Heat will cause all enemies on fire to explode, ragdolling them and dealing 250 Fire damage. As well as give Ember 50% additional casting speed for 6s.

Augment:Flash Accelerant

No changes.

Augment: Chain Reaction.

Igniting enemies affected by Accelerant causes them to violently combust, dealing additional 150 damage to the victim and nearby enemies within 4m radius.


Fire Blast:

Generates 30% Heat. Uses 50% Heat.

Casting it above 50% Heat will increase the ring of fire's radius by 6m and it's thickness by 2m.

Augment: Melting Point.

Enemies affected by the fire wave have their armor reduced by 50%.

Augment: Scorched Earth

The lingering flames will cover ground entirely instead of making a ring.


World on Fire:

Lasts 10s. Ember to instantly gains 100% Heat and generates 15% Heat per second and burn nearby enemies within 6m radius.

Augment: Blinding Flames

Blinds enemies within 6m radius of Ember while World on Fire is active.

Augment: Overheat

Increases Heat capacity by 100% while World on Fire is active. Excess Heat will not be lost once WoF ends.


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1 hour ago, Blexander said:

Idk, you tell me what ties the fire and bird aesthetic. /sarcasm

Yeah i think there's a word for it, it's called a phoenix. Also egads Phoenixes can be embodiments of true fire both destructive and healing aspects. Drop the attitude if you want this to remain civil otherwise you're just proving your opinion itself is worthless. 

Edited by (PS4)chibitonka
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1 hour ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

Drop the attitude if you want this to remain civil otherwise you're just proving your opinion itself is worthless. 

You're the one here with the attitude. It's not my fault you failed to properly read my comment, and now you have the nerve to call my opinion worthless. What are you even arguing here, that have 2 different types of armor strip is within the aesthetic of FIRE PERSONIFIED? It makes as much sense as the literal Sun procing Corrosive. I suggest you get your head out of your ass, sarcasm is not equivalent to a personal attack.

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16 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

Hello. I'll leave some ideas from a now archived thread I made. Perhaps it may result interesting.

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Now, I don't actually play Ember. But I will give it a shot at this rework idea I've been toying in the back of my mind. Tell me what you think.

I have added new Augments, but they are mutually exclusive with the old ones. This is to spice things up. Most of the core mechanics remain intact.


New Mechanic: Heat

It's a special gauge that increases the effects of Ember's abilities up to 100% (basically it increases Power Strength by an amount equal to Heat at the moment of cast, after all mod calculations), as well as their cost. When Heat is below 50%, Ember's abilities generate it, when it's above 50%, they reduce it.

Passive: Pyromaniac

Ember gains 1 point of energy and 1% Heat every 2 seconds for each enemy set on fire



No changes in it's basic form. Can no longer be charged.

Generates 15% Heat. Uses 25%, increasing it's radius by 2m and leaving a Napalm fire.

Augment: Fireball Frenzy.

No changes, mutually exclusive with Cauterize

Augment: Cauterize.

Fireball heals an ally for the amount it would damage and enemy and removes Slash status but it inflicts a Heat proc. Mutually exclusive with Fireball Frenzy.



Generates 10% Heat. Uses 20% Heat

Casting it above 50% Heat will cause all enemies on fire to explode, ragdolling them and dealing 250 Fire damage. As well as give Ember 50% additional casting speed for 6s.

Augment:Flash Accelerant

No changes.

Augment: Chain Reaction.

Igniting enemies affected by Accelerant causes them to violently combust, dealing additional 150 damage to the victim and nearby enemies within 4m radius.


Fire Blast:

Generates 30% Heat. Uses 50% Heat.

Casting it above 50% Heat will increase the ring of fire's radius by 6m and it's thickness by 2m.

Augment: Melting Point.

Enemies affected by the fire wave have their armor reduced by 50%.

Augment: Scorched Earth

The lingering flames will cover ground entirely instead of making a ring.


World on Fire:

Lasts 10s. Ember to instantly gains 100% Heat and generates 15% Heat per second and burn nearby enemies within 6m radius.

Augment: Blinding Flames

Blinds enemies within 6m radius of Ember while World on Fire is active.

Augment: Overheat

Increases Heat capacity by 100% while World on Fire is active. Excess Heat will not be lost once WoF ends.


Awesome rework. And welcome back.

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En 3/7/2019 a las 0:28, --CV--Agilis dijo:


Current function: Regenerates 10 Energy/s and increases ability strength by 35% while on fire.

Riddle me this... How can I use the passive to my advantage when the fire proc rarely ever happens?!?! Yes, there are SOME situations where this can help Ember. Like in Invasions, where you'll find tons of the fiery ash things on the floor and you can step in it to light yourself on fire, or the new tileset for Jupiter, you can ignite those fire pipes. And even then, you cannot regenerate energy when you have an ability like WoF active, meaning you'd have to either for some reason use Fireball or use Fire Blast to even put both in effect, and those abilities are... Well... Near useless. Meaning you'd have to either choose the 10 energy a second or that 35% power strength. And lemme give you a hint... That power strength will rarely help. So now we got a passive that is far too situational and half of it isn't even useful. Fine job designing this one, DE. 

You're wrong Passive is one of the best skills of Ember, just put the javlok as it was before or add more weapons with the cause burn.

I currently use the Penta with the mod Napalm Grenades and Cautious Shot and I have infinite energy I simply turn off the World On Fire and in a few seconds I have all the energy.

I would like a rework to ember in order to add more utility, but the passive one seems to me one of the most interesting ones of the game simply that they add more weapons with which to be able to activate it comfortably. Also the nerf to the World On Fire seems to me something positive in terms of energy because it does not worry about this, but bad for the range.

Edited by Phernok
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hace 16 horas, Phernok dijo:

You're wrong Passive is one of the best skills of Ember, just put the javlok as it was before or add more weapons with the cause burn.

I currently use the Penta with the mod Napalm Grenades and Cautious Shot and I have infinite energy I simply turn off the World On Fire and in a few seconds I have all the energy.

I would like a rework to ember in order to add more utility, but the passive one seems to me one of the most interesting ones of the game simply that they add more weapons with which to be able to activate it comfortably. Also the nerf to the World On Fire seems to me something positive in terms of energy because it does not worry about this, but bad for the range.

Requiring the use of VERY SPECIFIC weapons to make a frame work is terrible design. The frame should work by itself to begin with, with no need of specific enemies showing up, specific enviromental effect showing up, or having specific weapons equiped.

While the idea of certain weapons, geoeffects or enemies boosting the frame's capabilities are good, they shouldn't by any means be requirement for it to work at all.

I mean look at the idea I posted over there: passive kicks in when she SETS things on Fire. It's weaker than current buff, but it works with just about any equipment, enviro or enemy composition as Ember has ways to set stuff on fire.

hace 22 horas, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- dijo:

Awesome rework. And welcome back.

Thanks 😄

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18 hours ago, Phernok said:

You're wrong Passive is one of the best skills of Ember, just put the javlok as it was before or add more weapons with the cause burn.

I haven't laughed as hard as I am now in ages. No, the passive is the WORST skill Ember posses, closely followed by 3 and 4. As the previous commenter said, designing a passive that works in tandem with <10% of the game's arsenal and content in general is incredibly dumb.

1. Self-damage is already S#&amp;&#036;, but most frames with self-damaging skills have some sustain. Ember does not.

2. Passives already barely contribute in combat, but this one does so infrequently, I barely remember is as Ember's passive.

3. Self-damage from Javlok got nerfed weeks ago, effectively nerfing Ember further.

4. Foregoing a better weapon loadout so you can regen energy by self-harm is also a poor choice.
Operators energy regen is at least 5x better because:
a) It can be refreshed for no cost indefinitely
b) It's longer, so it gives more energy total
c) It makes your frame (while in Operator mode) and you immune (while being stealthed) to damage

Now, if this doesn't change your opinion, I don't know what will.

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hace 20 horas, Phernok dijo:

I would like a rework to ember in order to add more utility, but the passive one seems to me one of the most interesting ones of the game simply that they add more weapons with which to be able to activate it comfortably. Also the nerf to the World On Fire seems to me something positive in terms of energy because it does not worry about this, but bad for the range.

I would like a rework to ember in order to add more utility

hace 1 hora, Blexander dijo:

I haven't laughed as hard as I am now in ages. No, the passive is the WORST skill Ember posses, closely followed by 3 and 4. As the previous commenter said, designing a passive that works in tandem with <10% of the game's arsenal and content in general is incredibly dumb.

For my ember has some of the best passive game that differentiates it from other characters, my answer is in response to his passive is useless when it is one of the best passives in the game.

En 3/7/2019 a las 0:28, --CV--Agilis dijo:


Current function: Regenerates 10 Energy/s and increases ability strength by 35% while on fire.

Riddle me this... How can I use the passive to my advantage when the fire proc rarely ever happens?!?! Yes, there are SOME situations where this can help Ember. Like in Invasions, where you'll find tons of the fiery ash things on the floor and you can step in it to light yourself on fire, or the new tileset for Jupiter, you can ignite those fire pipes. And even then, you cannot regenerate energy when you have an ability like WoF active, meaning you'd have to either for some reason use Fireball or use Fire Blast to even put both in effect, and those abilities are... Well... Near useless. Meaning you'd have to either choose the 10 energy a second or that 35% power strength. And lemme give you a hint... That power strength will rarely help. So now we got a passive that is far too situational and half of it isn't even useful. Fine job designing this one, DE. 


In my opinion... Remove this thing entirely for a new passive. Unless you had some way to set yourself on fire, you just simply can't use this passive. It's so situational that it's near useless. And a passive doesn't need to be complex, it just needs to be useful and actually be there in every mission. For example, Ivara's passive. It works well with her kit AND is useful in every mission. And it's just simply marking all enemies within a 20 meter distance. So simple, but incredibly useful. In contrast, Ember's passive. Does it flow with her kit? No. Besides the fact it's fire related. Is it useful? Very, very, VERY rarely. Zenurik's already got my energy covered anyway, and that 35% power strength buff is useless. I mean, really. You have to COINCIDENTALLY be somehow caught on fire, have enough energy to where you wouldn't need the energy increase more, and have enough enemies around you to give you a reason to use WoF. When does that happen? Never. So how could we make a useful passive? It could honestly be as simple as a 30% decrease of enemy armor and shields in a 25 meter distance. Meaning it acts like a Corrosive Projection along with Shield Disruption... And you can still put Corrosive Projection on for ultimate armor stripping or since you already have that armor strip passively, you could fit something else in the aura slot for more potential builds. And sure, it wont be as useful if you were per say in an Infestation mission, but they already don't have armor anyway. This change would flow well with her kit and would pretty much always be useful. Funny how just a change to the passive can make a world of a difference.

Theoretical function: Enemies near Ember have 30% less armor and 30% less shields.


hace 4 horas, Nazrethim dijo:

Requiring the use of VERY SPECIFIC weapons to make a frame work is terrible design. The frame should work by itself to begin with, with no need of specific enemies showing up, specific enviromental effect showing up, or having specific weapons equiped.

While the idea of certain weapons, geoeffects or enemies boosting the frame's capabilities are good, they shouldn't by any means be requirement for it to work at all.

I mean look at the idea I posted over there: passive kicks in when she SETS things on Fire. It's weaker than current buff, but it works with just about any equipment, enviro or enemy composition as Ember has ways to set stuff on fire.

Sorry for my English is bad and I think you have totally misunderstood me. I am in favor of improving ember but it is not necessary to change it for a different warframe.

As they have done with wukong and the rest of warframe they can add synergy between their abilities and of course with their current passive as for example that when you reach 100% World On Fire activate the passive and it is just an idea.

The heat not only serves to activate the passive ember also serves to mirage and be able to have more weapons with which inflicting it comfortably would be great for the game I'm not saying that I want this to be the only way to activate the passive at some point He has misunderstood me.

On the other hand I like the ember that burns everything with World On Fire and I do not like that its range is reduced, with which the power consumption increases very drastically would be enough for the players not to have it activated permanently.

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20 hours ago, Phernok said:

You're wrong Passive is one of the best skills of Ember, just put the javlok as it was before or add more weapons with the cause burn.

I currently use the Penta with the mod Napalm Grenades and Cautious Shot and I have infinite energy I simply turn off the World On Fire and in a few seconds I have all the energy.

I would like a rework to ember in order to add more utility, but the passive one seems to me one of the most interesting ones of the game simply that they add more weapons with which to be able to activate it comfortably. Also the nerf to the World On Fire seems to me something positive in terms of energy because it does not worry about this, but bad for the range.

I have to disagree. Currently it´s limiting in terms weapons (even if you add more of them), useless in standart gameplay and abusive with certain setups. Far from the best or even healthy design if you ask me.

Also it doesn´t have synergy with her signature ability WoF. A lot of people want WoF to be tuned down or straigth up removed with limitation in terms of energy cost and less set and forget mechanics (which seems to be the direction DE want to go as well). An almost passive or aura like ultimate is something very unique in my opinion and if people want something more active there are alot of warframes with this (kinda redundant) mechanic. 

I´d prefer another approach. In my opinion they should improve this playstyle where your passive and abilities further improve this effect over time. A bit like Gara´s Shatter Shield but with more kit synergy and less artificial effort (essentially shifting the active part to her standard abilities).

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I feel like people keep forgeting that her 3 gives you increased heat damage if your shooting from the center of it ((havnt tested but I'd assume it would be absorbed into radiation damage))

seriously the biggest thing she needs is a new passive.
return over heat as her passive causing it to turn on for a few seconds on skill cast.
that would push ember into using her skills constantly as the caster she is. while also giving her a 90% DR for lets say 5 seconds or so each time you cast.


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hace 8 minutos, Arcira dijo:

I have to disagree. Currently it´s limiting in terms weapons (even if you add more of them), useless in standart gameplay and abusive with certain setups. Far from the best or even healthy design if you ask me.

Also it doesn´t have synergy with her signature ability WoF. A lot of people want WoF to be tuned down or straigth up removed with limitation in terms of energy cost and less set and forget mechanics (which seems to be the direction DE want to go as well). An almost passive or aura like ultimate is something very unique in my opinion and if people want something more active there are alot of warframes with this (kinda redundant) mechanic. 

In short the current passive seems to me one of the best, I see well that if you hit ember with fire it becomes stronger I think it's a great idea, but of course I would like this passive to have synergy with other abilities being possible to activate it.

hace 13 minutos, Phernok dijo:

As they have done with wukong and the rest of warframe they can add synergy between their abilities and of course with their current passive as for example that when you reach 100% World On Fire activate the passive and it is just an idea.


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1 hour ago, Phernok said:

For my ember has some of the best passive game that differentiates it from other characters, my answer is in response to his passive is useless when it is one of the best passives in the game.


I respect your opinion, but you are wrong. Ember has, by far, one of the least utilized passives in the entire game, not counting left inflicted burn procs, and, by extension, the worst passive to date. Even Saryn's 25% increase in status duration has more use just because you don't have to get toxin procs on yourself to get the benefit.


Bad passive, needs replacement.

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En 6/7/2019 a las 23:42, Blexander dijo:

I respect your opinion, but you are wrong. Ember has, by far, one of the least utilized passives in the entire game, not counting left inflicted burn procs, and, by extension, the worst passive to date. Even Saryn's 25% increase in status duration has more use just because you don't have to get toxin procs on yourself to get the benefit.


Bad passive, needs replacement.

I understand your point of view but look at it from mine I think I explain myself badly since I do not speak English. But basically we are saying the same thing.


En 6/7/2019 a las 22:35, Phernok dijo:

In short the current passive seems to me one of the best, I see well that if you hit ember with fire it becomes stronger I think it's a great idea, but of course I would like this passive to have synergy with other abilities being possible to activate it.


En 6/7/2019 a las 22:21, Phernok dijo:

As they have done with wukong and the rest of warframe they can add synergy between their abilities and of course with their current passive as for example that when you reach 100% World On Fire activate the passive and it is just an idea.

Here I leave a Rework idea of Ember that I would like to me without changing skills Just add synergy with another one of your skills, Buff and New Augment Mods.

Fire Blast: 

66 / 100 / 141 / 200 (wave damage)
37 / 112 / 150 / 225 (ring damage)

Slam the ground to create a wave of plasma that incinerates nearby enemies and forms a persistent ring of fire. Add heat damage to weapons by firing them through the ring. New synergy: if used while World On Fire is active the wave damage increases.

New Augment Mod is for its ability Fire Blast - Shield in Flames is that instead of a ring of fire create a fire shield that burns the enemies as it passes and protects . (Things like that would give him more utility instead of focusing all the skills in throwing fire only).

World On Fire:
Blast nearby foes with a burst of fire, and follow that up with a barrage of fireballs against any enemy who dares approach. Over time, these fireballs burn hotter as they consume more energy. New Buff: Remove reduction overheated radius New synergy: When you reach 100% World On Fire activate the passive this effect remains for X seconds after deactivation. (The passive does not regenerate energy while World On Fire is active).

Stun nearby enemies with strong accelerant. Increases all fire damage dealt.

New Augment Mod is for its ability Accelerant : Resurrection of the Phoenix Ember returns to the life of the ashes with an X% of his health this effect can happen once every X Seconds. (This Augment Mod would be similar to that of Oberon Phoenix Renewal).

Charge and release a fiery projectile that ignites enemies on contact and leaves behind a treacherous patch of flame.

New Augment Mod is for its ability Fireball: Flame Fracture Enemy armor is reduced by X% for X seconds. The lingering fire also activates this Augment Mod. (This Augment Mod would be similar to that of Banshee Sonic Fracture and Ash Seeking Shuriken).

Edited by Phernok
I leave a rework idea
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