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Transmuting Slot Machine



So I spent 2.4Million Credits Transmuting S#&$....

I don't know if I was worth it because this is something thats not practical Early on because its hard to get credits.... or later on because you have most of the mods already....

In any Case theres 2 Methods of Transumting Mods.... Credits and Polarity Transmutation Mods from Semaris....

But they don't seem to use the same Randomness....

When you transmute mods using credits it seems like the one thing you can atleast expect to see is The mod you get in return will be of the same colour as as the mods you selected. Everything is is random....

But if you Transmute using one of the Polarity Cores then the only thing you have control over is the Polarity.... everything else is Random.... including the Colour. 

Really im most dissapointed about the Cores because I expected that if I was going to sacrifice standing to buy a few cores I would be able to control Both The rarity, Polarity and Category of the Mod.... this last part is especially important. 

Sigh.... oh well.... no Agency.... no control.... just another day in Warframe 

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And you posted this in Players helping Players because... we can help you?

How? By pointing our fingers and saying "silly you"?


I mean, yes, the Transmutation mechanics is just a random slot machine, which a handful of people like for its ridiculously small odds of giving something ridiculously good, and everyone else ignores. I remember noticing the randomness five years ago, shrugging and never looking back. But it's nice that it took someone until 2019 to notice.

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5 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

And you posted this in Players helping Players because... we can help you?

How? By pointing our fingers and saying "silly you"?

Maybe I can help not to sound like a #$&(% bag when its completey uncalled for....

The purpose of this thread was not to ask for help.... the purpose of this thread was to help other players to not fall into the same trap.

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This kind of yellow page title can be confusing to a new player, someone could decide you are talking about real money...
It's a "slot" machine as long as you decide it to be.
Personally I've got a few good mods worth a pretty plat sometimes and the credit investment is not so much if you don't overdue it.

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Are you actually playing this game or just thinking of what kind of crap to come up with to try and start a fire on the forums?
Because sure as hell I won't be playing anything I have your attitude towards.

Edited by Ver1dian
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4 minutes ago, vegetosayajin said:

This kind of yellow page title can be confusing to a new player, someone could decide you are talking about real money...
It's a "slot" machine as long as you decide it to be.
Personally I've got a few good mods worth a pretty plat sometimes and the credit investment is not so much if you don't overdue it.

It is real money.... Atleast that was the case for me when I started warframe.... everything regardless of how insignificant it was always had a platinum Price Tag attached to it and I had 0 Platinum to begin with....

4 minutes ago, UnbridledWings said:

I use it once in a while, its not that bad guys

You're just saying that because you got lucky.... kinda like I did because I got Sabot Rounds and Energy Amplifier.... these two mods just flat out refuse to drop for alot of players.... so I got lucky. 

But at the end of the day its still RNG and this RNG is extremely costly.... 

4 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

Are you actually playing this game or just thinking of what kind of crap to come up with to try and start a fire on the forums?
Because sure as hell I won't be playing anything I have your attitude towards.

So what you're saying is you can't see anything from any perspective other than you're own ? Cool.... Go Away then.... you have nothing to offer and id rather you and others like you stop derailing my threads.... if you take issue with my Threads don't respond to them.... move on and bother soneone else.

I bet you didn't even read what I wrote... you just saw my username jumped to the bottom to start *@##$ing about nothing...


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Actualy there is something you can do to make the RNG a bit favourable. If you are transmuting Rare mods you have higher chance of getting a Rare mod.


I transmuted Condition Overload for instance, few times.

Edited by svegurok
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I rather get rubbish in Transmutation and get SSR in FGO (not warframe)

Because who cares man. Transmutation is a way to sink creds and useless mods, not to get anything good.

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3 minutes ago, svegurok said:

Actualy there is something you can do to make the RNG a bit favourable. If you are transmuting Rare mods you have higher chance of getting a Rare mod

I already mentioned this....

4 minutes ago, svegurok said:



I transmuted Condition Overload for instance, few times.

I bought it for 60 Platinum... :)

3 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:


Because who cares man. Transmutation is a way to sink creds and useless mods, not to get anything good

That sounds about right.... :)

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25 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

So what you're saying is you can't see anything from any perspective other than you're own ? Cool.... Go Away then.... you have nothing to offer and id rather you and others like you stop derailing my threads.... if you take issue with my Threads don't respond to them.... move on and bother soneone else.

I bet you didn't even read what I wrote... you just saw my username jumped to the bottom to start *@##$ing about nothing...


Oh no, I perfectly agree that transmutation is an outdated and inefficient mechanic. Which is made aware the second someone attempts it and therefore quickly forgotten.

It's your sad attempts to whine about every. single. aspect. that this game offers that I can't stand and with transmutation youre scraping the bottom of the barrel.

And in this case complaining that something, irrelevant of it's usefulness, is working exactly as described.

Edited by Ver1dian
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2 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

It's your sad attempts to whine about every. single. aspect. that this game offers that I can't stand and with transmutation youre scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You didn't see the last 2 threads I made here.... if you did you'd know how wrong are....

I don't whine cobstantly you jus latch on the threads where I do wine ad then claim I do it all the time... 

The fact that you keep responding keep the whining alive tells me you are most interested in this than in how to Free up a single slot or preparing a Frame for arbitrations.... I didn't see you in those threads I made..... but I say one bad thing and yet here you are...

I shall direct you to something I said earlier. 

If you don't like it... go away.... and this thread will go away too... its your single minded biasism thats keeping it alive....

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4 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

but I say one bad thing 

Hahahahah you just didn't. Literally two topics down you call 99% of the game trash or so and your defense is that I dont care about arbs.

You're going places.

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10 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

Hahahahah you just didn't. Literally two topics down you call 99% of the game trash or so and your defense is that I dont care about arbs.

You're going places.

I didn't make those topics.... and I never called warframe as a whole Trash.... 

You're Ignorant and you just proved it ..

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"99% of the content is also boring and unrewarding.... The 1% of the content still isn't S#&$ is the only % that matters.... "

On a topic regarding Trinity no less and you somehow managed to even diss on the suposedly passable 1%.

I'm gonna see myself out.

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

When you transmute mods using credits it seems like the one thing you can atleast expect to see is The mod you get in return will be of the same colour as as the mods you selected. Everything is is random....

I transmute all the time as a basis for what I'm going to say.  The problem with transmutation isn't how it works but rather the expectation players have about how they think it *should* work.

Most players think it should be some simple method to get hard to obtain, specific mods.  Oh, condition overload is new and I need it so I'll try to transmute it.  30 transmutes later when they still don't have one they decide transmutation sucks.

All transmutation really is a means to take four crap rare mods you have and don't need for a *chance* to get something better.  Something better might not necessarily be something you want.  And it probably will be worse.

I like to transmute a couple of times a week.  If I get a rare back on rares in I'll do another.  As soon as I see a common I stop.  That isn't changing the RNG at all it just my method.  You'd be surprised what good mods you can gather if you do something like this consistently over time (THAT is what smooths out RNG).

Edited by (PS4)Agent_CHAR
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21 minutes ago, UnbridledWings said:

Eh I noticed on these forums that the people with the most green + next to their names tend to be the most arrogant, and this thread is no exception to the rule. I wonder if you guys even read your own comments sometimes. 

I just ignore it....

 I don't know what it means nor do I care... it means nothing....

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