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I'm afraid to continue Forma'ing my gear because I know the Nightwave challenge might appear again. Can we get confirm/deny on whether it will happen again?


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As in title. I have a number of Warframes and weapons ready to be forma'd and improved on, yet I'm reluctant to do so because I know that I might need things to forma for Nightwave. Meaning I'm now in a progression rut where I don't know whether to play or not play and keep the status quo.

Can that Nightwave challenge be removed, please? Can we get official confirmation on whether it will or won't occur again? This is really messing things up for me.

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no, it's still in the cycle

seriously though, is it really that hard to use forma three times? here's an advice: 

the more mod polarities a frame has, the higher their starting energy will be, so you can try to maximize that if you don't have anything to forma. if that fails well.....adding no polarity is a thing, the 100+ forma challenge is a thing 

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As someone with almost everyting in the game, there aren't many items that I want to forma. Like low tear weapons or K-drives that I just don't really have enough mods to make different builds.
For this challenge, I just forma either stuff I want and didn't forma or just use an old low tear weapon that I just ranked up to 30 and forgot about it. I will probubly start formaing K-drives once I get them all to 30.

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21 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

And if you let this challenge stop you from forma'ing stuff, then that's on you, and not the game's fault. (Just to make this clear)

If the developers set up a scenario that puts players in that position then it is very much the games fault for implementing a system that encourages it. 

8 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

the more mod polarities a frame has, the higher their starting energy will be, so you can try to maximize that if you don't have anything to forma. if that fails well.....adding no polarity is a thing, the 100+ forma challenge is a thing 

Here's some more advice, the more polarities you put in your Warframe the more locked into a specific build you become and the more limited your build potential becomes.

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4 minutes ago, Oreades said:

If the developers set up a scenario that puts players in that position then it is very much the games fault for implementing a system that encourages it. 

Sure, the game puts us in this or that position. But letting this situation stop you, then that's totally on the player and not on the game.

I mean, going by OP's logic, we never should forma anything, because there might be a better item coming out next update. Strangely enough, nobody thinks that way. So why would you stop forma'ing anything, just because of Nightwaves.

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23 minutes ago, D20 said:

You can just farm forma blueprints a bit and keep three formas ready just in case that one forma mission pops out. This is pretty much a non-issue really.

The problem isn't a lack or resources, the problem is sitting on a bunch of things you want to forma NOW but you can't because you're trying to avoid a scenario where you forma a bunch of stuff this week and have the challenge drop next week. Which could very well leave you in a position where you have nothing you want to forma, which means you essentially have to throw forma away on things you have little to no interest in actually formaing.

I know I dropped ~6 forma into my archguns one week prolly two days before reset because it's what I wanted to do and then reset hit and "forma something three times"...... real great feeling having just formad a bunch of things six plus times and now having a bunch of Forma sitting around and nothing I really care to forma. 

It can very much put players in a situation where the optimal course of action is to actively not play the game which seems very counter to the intent of the challenges. The whole point of Nightwave was to allow players to play the game at their own pace and this challenge simply runs contrary to that goal. 


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41 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

I'm reluctant to do so because I know that I might need things to forma for Nightwave


Even if you somehow reach the magical moment when you have installed eight Forma on each single item in the game, you can still install Forma.

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49 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

I mean, it is a challenge in the pool. So it will come back.

And if you let this challenge stop you from forma'ing stuff, then that's on you, and not the game's fault. (Just to make this clear)

Yeah, it's totally my fault the game has Nightwave challenges requiring Forma. Yup. On me. My bad guys.

38 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

no, it's still in the cycle

seriously though, is it really that hard to use forma three times? here's an advice: 

the more mod polarities a frame has, the higher their starting energy will be, so you can try to maximize that if you don't have anything to forma. if that fails well.....adding no polarity is a thing, the 100+ forma challenge is a thing 

No, it's not "hard". It *is* a big waste of resources and time if I don't strictly need that forma applied.

p.s. I'm MR27 and this is not the "new player advice" section of the forums.

29 minutes ago, FrostedMike said:

As someone with almost everyting in the game, there aren't many items that I want to forma. Like low tear weapons or K-drives that I just don't really have enough mods to make different builds.
For this challenge, I just forma either stuff I want and didn't forma or just use an old low tear weapon that I just ranked up to 30 and forgot about it. I will probubly start formaing K-drives once I get them all to 30.

This person gets it. There's not much left in my inventory that hasn't been fully forma'd. What I have left, I'm reluctant to further forma because I might need to save it for Nightwave.

16 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Sure, the game puts us in this or that position. But letting this situation stop you, then that's totally on the player and not on the game.

I mean, going by OP's logic, we never should forma anything, because there might be a better item coming out next update. Strangely enough, nobody thinks that way. So why would you stop forma'ing anything, just because of Nightwaves.

Nothing about my "logic" said "never forma anything". You're ignoring the context I've provided. I'm not sure if you're trying to troll or what.

And there's legitimate reason to avoid forma'ing items that very obviously will have a better version coming out (e.g. non-prime Warframes). Plenty of people think about optimal use of forma, that's a straight-up falsehood to sweepingly claim "nobody" thinks about that.

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9 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

Yeah, it's totally my fault the game has Nightwave challenges requiring Forma. Yup. On me. My bad guys.

Never said that it's your fault the game has this challenge. Looks like you didn't read properly.
It's your fault to let that challenge stop you from doing things, considering how easy that challenge is, and how easy it is to get Forma.

In other words, this isn't an issue at all. You make it an issue. So again, it's on you.

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3 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

This person gets it. There's not much left in my inventory that hasn't been fully forma'd. What I have left, I'm reluctant to further forma because I might need to save it for Nightwave.

Listen, even allowing this is the case, here's the truth.

According to this thread from yesterday, you can skip 130000 reputation points in the current Nightwave and still obtain max rank.

130000 points.

So, do you want to skip the 4500 points from the Forma challenge? Man, you can skip that roughly 28 times and still obtain max rank. 28 times is, by the way, more than it can happen.


So... it's not that I don't get your concern. But why are you worried? DE allow us to miss out on 130500 points. It's not even tight. You can skip one elite weekly per week and still skip all the Forma challenges.

Don't like the Forma challenges? Then ignore them. Just consider them to be lost points - you can 100% ignore them without repercussion. Just play as you want and don't do the challenges you don't want to do.

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3 hours ago, Oreades said:

Here's some more advice, the more polarities you put in your Warframe the more locked into a specific build you become and the more limited your build potential becomes.

I think there's too many advices now, so here's an insight: can you have 3 builds set in a single frame that you don't need to change since they work just fine, so limited build potential is meaningless.....also, re-formaing is a thing 

2 hours ago, TheGreenFellow said:

No, it's not "hard". It *is* a big waste of resources and time if I don't strictly need that forma applied.

p.s. I'm MR27 and this is not the "new player advice" section of the forums.

1- MR =/= knowledge and experience in the game 

2- if you're MR27 and consequently have almost all the items in the game, then what's the point of forma? you have a bunch of it since you're not using it, and lets not kid ourselves, forma is one of the most common things for people who played a lot anyway, and they're pretty cheap of the market as well with 35 for 3 

3- I gave advice because you sounded like you knew nothing about the game, so.... 

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@OP: I recommend you stop stressing out over a single Nightwave event, and just forma your gear at your own pace.  When the event comes around again, feel free to forma 3 things.  When it's gone, resume your regular forma pace.


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4 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

I think there's too many advices now, so here's an insight: can you have 3 builds set in a single frame that you don't need to change since they work just fine, so limited build potential is meaningless.....also, re-formaing is a thing 

Because you can potentially have three different builds over three loadout slots doesn't change the limiting factor of "over formaing" your frame. I was originally going to just put this in a "spoilers" reply because it kinda deviates from the core of this thread but the more I thought about it, it's also in a way the answer to the issue of this thread without just removing the "3 forma challenge all together" because at the very least the push for a true incremental multi polarity system would make the challenge feel "less bad" at least for quite a while. 

Ok so say you forma your build 4 times to get your build to fit, then another mod comes along that you really want to try but none of the mods that you "can" and retain enough of your build to be functional will allow you to place it because you don't have enough mod points to account for the mismatched polarity issue. Having a second or third loadout is meaningless if you flat out can't fit the mods you need for the build you want. 

Now lets go down the re-formaing path, say you decide "Ok self, I'm going to bite the bullet cause this (lets say augmet) looks interesting enough that I really want to try it" . So you go on to reforma that slot (we're gonna assume the frame was already lvl 30 by that point) so now you need to sit and re-level your frame, f

Fash forward to however you decide to do that because regardless of my descritpor someones gonna say "well don't level it in Hydron 4head!" or "Well why didn't you fast level it in Hydron 4head?" the end result is now your frame is 30 again. You slot that mod you've worked sweated out for aaaaaaaand (for the sake of this scenario) you dont' like how the build works/feels/plays...... aaaaand now your old build doesn't fit because you re-polarized that slot, time to re-re-polarize that slot . Congratulations you've just been punished for trying something new in Warframe, welcome to the diminishing likelihood that you will ever try anything that isn't obvious/blatant power creep again.


Now it is entirely possible that you can eek by for example I have three Nova builds on a 4 forma Nova. 

  • Slow 
  • Speed
  • Portal

Thankfully like 80% of those are functionally the same build so over polarization isn't hurting too much, tho my Speefva is certainly feeling it. I definitely have enough headroom in two of those builds to incorporate some mis-polarization however the Speedva build is hanging on by tooth guts. At present it can absorb 1 high cost mod IF and only IF it is replacing something that isn't polarized.

Fun fact the things that are polarized are for better or worse important to that build. With the exception of Cunning Drift which I can replace with anything I feel like because that mod isn't super important to the build.....it's just there because nothing else would fit (and the problem congeals) thing is the reason I took that is It's a V and the slot it fits into is a V, I would literally love to put practically anything else in it's place BUT it wont' fit~ and polarizing anything so something could fit is most likely going to break one or both of the other builds. 

See right now Warframe has a srs problem with the fundamental design of it's polarity system, and that is the fact that one you've hit peak power there is no where to go.

It's frustrating because people keep defending it as a trade-off and I guess it is but it's the worst kind of trade off, one that exists for no other reason than to exist to be able to point and say "look there's a trade off". It literally adds nothing to the game because we've already hit peak power by that point, we literally can't get any stronger. 

So shocker everyone just reads a guide, slaps three forma into their frame to hit the "peak power" build and NEVER touches them again. Because the game actively punishes you for pushing into flexibility. 


Theoretically speaking I could probably maybe incorporate an additional mismatched slot in my Nova IF I used an Aura Forma but IMHO Aura Forma are a poor attempt at a multi polarity system because instead of being incremental (as IMHO a multi polarity system should be) they are an all or nothing deal. A deal that also doesn't save you anything over an incremental system (EG they cost 4 forma to build where as an incremental system would have cost you 4 forma to apply for the same effect). 

Which is another place in the game where it is forcing you to play on it's progression scheduled instead of the players. Feel free to double down on all that unpleasantness if you happen to find endless missions to be boring as sin and as such loath Arbitrations (the only semi reliable place to get the expensive blueprint).

Because what I NEED right now is just a -/V but I can't get that without the additional resources for the other two polarities that I at present have zero use for. Well maybe the argument there could be "well you might need them in the future" and that is true I might but at present they do me zero good and I'm paying for them up front. Just doesn't feel good. 

Now personally I think they could implement an Incremental system without completely abandoning the Aura Forma by making the Aura Forma cost 3 base Forma with the benefit of giving you the 4th polarity as a bonus along with the fact that you only ever have to use it once instead of spending (potentially) 4 leveling cycles adding those 4 slots one by one. Which would keep it as a relevant trade-off because you could either do it the "hard way" with more resources and more time or get an Aura Forma and save a little of both. 


Sooooo getting around to why this mismatch of whoozle is something that is somewhat related to the issue at hand. 

A true and good incremental multi-polarity system would not only solve a glaring issue with the fundamentals of Warframe it would also seriously take the edge off of this whole "use three forma" problem. 

Because sure I might have used six forma the week before and have nothing I currently "need" to forma but I "could" forma a frame I enjoyed playing up to 40 times and get a benefit from each and every one of those forma. In the form of additional build flexibility in the future. 

There is literally no power creep because the literal first thing we do in Warframe is hit "peak power" with our builds. The limiting factor is the same as it always was. The fact that we can only ever use 8 mods (not counting forma/exilus on Warframes) and in a incremental multi-polarity system we can still only ever use 8 mods.

Hands down Warframe would be a better place and an Incremental Multi-Polarity system would be the single greatest QoL update that the game has ever received. 


Heck so far about half the answers to this have been "just forma something you don't care about" or "just repolarize a slot to the same polarity". Wouldn't people actually like to get a benefit from using those forma even if that benefit is only the potential of build flexibility? Something that actually feels good to do instead of something you just do to get it done? 


Aaanyhow sry to ramble but I keep getting interrupted and now I gotta jet so hopefully that isn't too disjointed.

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9 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

Never said that it's your fault the game has this challenge. Looks like you didn't read properly.
It's your fault to let that challenge stop you from doing things, considering how easy that challenge is, and how easy it is to get Forma.

In other words, this isn't an issue at all. You make it an issue. So again, it's on you.

Make up your mind. Either way, you're speaking nonsense. "This isn't an issue, you make it an issue" - this statement carries no meaning. It's an issue, period. One that apparently you take personal umbrage with.

9 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

Listen, even allowing this is the case, here's the truth.

According to this thread from yesterday, you can skip 130000 reputation points in the current Nightwave and still obtain max rank.

130000 points.

So, do you want to skip the 4500 points from the Forma challenge? Man, you can skip that roughly 28 times and still obtain max rank. 28 times is, by the way, more than it can happen.

So... it's not that I don't get your concern. But why are you worried? DE allow us to miss out on 130500 points. It's not even tight. You can skip one elite weekly per week and still skip all the Forma challenges.

Don't like the Forma challenges? Then ignore them. Just consider them to be lost points - you can 100% ignore them without repercussion. Just play as you want and don't do the challenges you don't want to do.

4500 points might be the difference between accessing my desired goal (Umbral forma) 24 hours sooner, albeit that is a sizeable buffer zone.

I'm one of those that get enjoyment from seeking out the most efficient path forward. Currently I don't know how many future challenges are going to involve forma. All I can do is speculate and wait in trepidation; it's silly. If I knew for certain whether to expect them (and when), then I could make a solid decision going one way or the other. Ultimately I'd be happiest with that challenge just being removed.

How many players collect piles of forma *without finding things to use them on*, anyhow? Bare minimum you need to spend 72 hours building Forma for this challenge. I think that's a bit much.

9 hours ago, JawNuts said:

Don't worry, you'll have plenty of stuff to forma. When the NW challenge occurs I usually forma my pets, weapons I don't use much, or frames I want to use Umbra mods on.

I have plenty of stuff, and it's all already forma'd. It's usually how I come up with something to do in combination with dailies & relic-cracking, and I'm at 470+ logins...so it's all mostly done by this point.

7 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

I think there's too many advices now, so here's an insight: can you have 3 builds set in a single frame that you don't need to change since they work just fine, so limited build potential is meaningless.....also, re-formaing is a thing 

1- MR =/= knowledge and experience in the game 

2- if you're MR27 and consequently have almost all the items in the game, then what's the point of forma? you have a bunch of it since you're not using it, and lets not kid ourselves, forma is one of the most common things for people who played a lot anyway, and they're pretty cheap of the market as well with 35 for 3 

3- I gave advice because you sounded like you knew nothing about the game, so.... 

Re-formaing every time you want to change a build is anything but efficient. Anyhow.

Mastery Rank is *the* measure of progression in the game. You don't reach MR27 by accident, you *have* to play and experience and accumulate knowledge of the game to make it to this point. You can't buy Mastery Rank, you can't skip Mastery Rank, you can't cheese Mastery Rank. There's no reasonable way you can claim it doesn't correlate to knowledge and experience in the game.

Wasting forma, and more importantly wasting time re-leveling gear, is the last thing I'm keen on doing, especially after having spent all this time playing the game to get to MR27 and to have all of my equipment forma'd to this degree.

I don't know what could possibly have given you reason to jump to the conclusion that I "knew nothing about the game", but you were wrong, as most ill-informed assumptions are.

1 hour ago, Oreades said:


Heck so far about half the answers to this have been "just forma something you don't care about" or "just repolarize a slot to the same polarity". Wouldn't people actually like to get a benefit from using those forma even if that benefit is only the potential of build flexibility? Something that actually feels good to do instead of something you just do to get it done? 

If I were actually getting a benefit from "over-forma-ing" equipment, as you suggest here, naturally it wouldn't bother me.

Regarding a bit of the snipped stuff...power creep totally exists, it's the largest issue with the game currently in my view. Being limited to 8 mods is a pain when there's so many mods to pick from - so many neat quality of life mods I'd *like* to enjoy that I will never use on anything in the current status quo; yet at the same time, all of the game's balance problems and many design problems (boss fights, mainly) stem from the modding system allowing us to make our 'frames and equipment literally thousands of times better than baseline by stacking multiplier after multiplier. It's all a mess, really. I could rant more, but probably should try to stay on-topic for the most part here.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenFellow said:

Regarding a bit of the snipped stuff...power creep totally exists, it's the largest issue with the game currently in my view. Being limited to 8 mods is a pain when there's so many mods to pick from - so many neat quality of life mods I'd *like* to enjoy that I will never use on anything in the current status quo; yet at the same time, all of the game's balance problems and many design problems (boss fights, mainly) stem from the modding system allowing us to make our 'frames and equipment literally thousands of times better than baseline by stacking multiplier after multiplier. It's all a mess, really. I could rant more, but probably should try to stay on-topic for the most part here.

General power creep is a definite thing, 

My thing with there being no power creep was to the end that an iterative multi-polarity forma system wouldn't add any power creep to the game because anything that could be done in that system is already being done now. Ultimately the only real thing that it does add is build flexibility, which in turn encourages people to explore the median where now they are functionally punished for anything that isn't min/maxing. 

You essentially go from 

New frame > Max Power (where we are now ~2-6 forma with stagnant build potential) > Build flexibility (that we currently don't have) 

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11 hours ago, TheGreenFellow said:

4500 points might be the difference between accessing my desired goal (Umbral forma) 24 hours sooner, albeit that is a sizeable buffer zone.

Oh, poor you, cry me a river using the world's tiniest violin.

Yes, you are asking for the devs to change the game for nothing more than the mildest inconvenience that is brought to you, having (oh no!) to wait for 24 hours in a game that you have played for years. I have, personally, no sympathy - and I fully hope that the devs will have none either.

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On 2019-07-16 at 11:52 PM, Dhrekr said:

Oh, poor you, cry me a river using the world's tiniest violin.

Yes, you are asking for the devs to change the game for nothing more than the mildest inconvenience that is brought to you, having (oh no!) to wait for 24 hours in a game that you have played for years. I have, personally, no sympathy - and I fully hope that the devs will have none either.

I don't remotely understand your hostility.

What benefit are you (or the devs) possibly gaining from the forma Nightwave challenge causing potential Forma waste & reluctance to continue Forma'ing things between appearances of this Challenge?

Yes, I am asking for the devs to change & improve their game. Inconveniences should get addressed. Wait times of 72 hours (not merely 24) for one single Nightwave challenge isn't reasonable. 

And frankly, I don't care for your sympathy, as you seem hell-bent on irrational toxicity.

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On 2019-07-16 at 2:19 PM, Oreades said:

General power creep is a definite thing, 

My thing with there being no power creep was to the end that an iterative multi-polarity forma system wouldn't add any power creep to the game because anything that could be done in that system is already being done now. Ultimately the only real thing that it does add is build flexibility, which in turn encourages people to explore the median where now they are functionally punished for anything that isn't min/maxing. 

You essentially go from 

New frame > Max Power (where we are now ~2-6 forma with stagnant build potential) > Build flexibility (that we currently don't have) 

Okay, I see what you were saying.

Generally, I would enjoy more flexibility. Personally, I think just having 10 normal mod slots instead of 8 would go a long way - that, and a revamp of the Augment system, including possibly having them use their own dedicated mod slot(s), baking some current Augments into baseline abilities (Hydroid stands out, for instance) and perhaps coming up with new ones to replace them with...all of which, of course, would tie into a general Warframe design update, which thus far DE has been doing piecemeal and not all that consistently.

But multi-polarity would help a little too - and would certainly give me a good reason to bother forma'ing my equipment further!

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48 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

What benefit are you (or the devs) possibly gaining from the forma Nightwave challenge causing potential Forma waste & reluctance to continue Forma'ing things between appearances of this Challenge?

This challenge is aimed and tailored for people who are, say, between MR 10 and MR 20. Mid-level players who start to have a good inventory but haven't gotten into the habit of Formaing their equipment. Or for players in the same range who would anyway Forma their equipment all the time.

For this people, it's a perfectly fine challenge. It might even prompt players new players (say, under MR 5 or 6) to start experimenting with Formas.

So, it's a win in my opinion.

If that comes at the cost of a couple of weird MR 28 people who have nothing to Forma and get a neurosis at the thought of not using 4500 Nightwave points (out of the 130500 they can skip)... it's a fair trade-off.

51 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

I don't remotely understand your hostility.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to communicate hostility.

But spite, yes.

The Forma challenge doesn't hurt you in any way (no, I don't consider "I can't stand the thought of having to wait for 24 hours, so now I physically can't Forma anything any more because I am paralyzed by fear" a harm). It can be a useful prompt for newer, younger players who might need to be nudged into using their Forma and improving their arsenal.

So... in my opinion, it doesn't hurt you and helps other players. That is for me enough to say that it should stay.

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2 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

This challenge is aimed and tailored for people who are, say, between MR 10 and MR 20. Mid-level players who start to have a good inventory but haven't gotten into the habit of Formaing their equipment. Or for players in the same range who would anyway Forma their equipment all the time.

For this people, it's a perfectly fine challenge. It might even prompt players new players (say, under MR 5 or 6) to start experimenting with Formas.

So, it's a win in my opinion.

If that comes at the cost of a couple of weird MR 28 people who have nothing to Forma and get a neurosis at the thought of not using 4500 Nightwave points (out of the 130500 they can skip)... it's a fair trade-off.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to communicate hostility.

But spite, yes.

The Forma challenge doesn't hurt you in any way (no, I don't consider "I can't stand the thought of having to wait for 24 hours, so now I physically can't Forma anything any more because I am paralyzed by fear" a harm). It can be a useful prompt for newer, younger players who might need to be nudged into using their Forma and improving their arsenal.

So... in my opinion, it doesn't hurt you and helps other players. That is for me enough to say that it should stay.

It's obvious anybody that is in the process of Forma'ing things and has plenty of things to need to forma will not suffer from indecision for this challenge.

That's neither here nor there as relates to this thread.

They'd be using that forma anyway regardless. That's not a "win", that's happenstance.

Dimissing anybody that dislikes this as weird and neurotic is not an argument.

The challenge is causing me to pick inaction over action in the course of playing the game. That's a phrase that should be a contradiction in terms.

Want newer, younger players to use forma and improve their arsenal? Provide better & lengthier tutorial experiences. Provide better tool-tips. Provide ingame all the information that's been kept on the wikia for all of these years. Reduce the time it takes to craft Forma.

Don't stymie other players in the process.

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27 minutes ago, TheGreenFellow said:

Don't stymie other players in the process.

The devs aren't stymieing you.

You are stymieing yourself.


What part of "optional" was unclear to you? What part of "skippable" and "unimportant" remains obscure? The devs aren't stopping you from playing the game to your heart's content and formaing whenever you want. They made it so that you can skip this Nightwave weekly 28 times and somehow this whole thread is based on the premise that you can't skip it even one time of the 28 that are allowed (without repercussions) to you.


Seriously, from my point of view, this whole thread is predicated on the basis of you not wanting to skip something utterly skippable and optional, but also not wanting to do the thing that is completely skippable and you don't want to skip.

Which is why I don't have any pity for you. Make up your mind. If you want to submit yourself mercilessly to all the challenges, then accept it and jump every hoop. If you want to play the game following your priorities and not losing out on any reward, you have that option. Pick one.

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16 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

The devs aren't stymieing you.

You are stymieing yourself.

What part of "optional" was unclear to you? What part of "skippable" and "unimportant" remains obscure? The devs aren't stopping you from playing the game to your heart's content and formaing whenever you want. They made it so that you can skip this Nightwave weekly 28 times and somehow this whole thread is based on the premise that you can't skip it even one time of the 28 that are allowed (without repercussions) to you.

Seriously, from my point of view, this whole thread is predicated on the basis of you not wanting to skip something utterly skippable and optional, but also not wanting to do the thing that is completely skippable and you don't want to skip.

Which is why I don't have any pity for you. Make up your mind. If you want to submit yourself mercilessly to all the challenges, then accept it and jump every hoop. If you want to play the game following your priorities and not losing out on any reward, you have that option. Pick one.

You're merely repeating yourself without acknowledging my view now, which I should say puts us at an impasse.

The idea that the best way of enjoying "optional" game content is to "skip" it and treat it as "unimportant" is a poor one.

I still am nonplussed as to what about this thread annoys you so personally. What's it to you if I don't want to be held in suspense not knowing if I need to save forma & things that need to be forma'd? There's no way that could possibly detract from your game experience.

And again, I don't want your pity to begin with. If you can't stay reasonable and rational in a feedback thread that in no way targets your fun in the game, why would I care for that?


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