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Getting Ready to Take On The Exploiter...



So im only one Server reset away from getting Magus Repair. Which means I can drag inaros into Missions where I don't need Pocket Sand For Healing.... or rather I can't use Pocket Sand for Healing at all.... one such mission is The Exploiter Orb fight....

As always I have to do this solo (keep getting disconnected in groups)

So I was thinking of going with Inaros, Opticor Vandal (3 Forma Viral + Hunter Munitions) and my Tombfinger (5 Forma, Multi shot Riven).... I haven't setled on what I need for melee just yet....

Anyways I have issues with almost my entire loadout.... 

Inaros is just slow and I can't flip flop back and forth to stop all The Raknoids fast enough.... uhm.... if I can Squeeze Proton Pulse and Arcane Consequence into this build then maybe I can get him to move Faster... oh I do have Naramon's Mind Sprint and Zenurik's Void Flow on my Spoiler Mode but the Area is Vast and I definitely run out of energy just trying to cover all the directions the Raknoids come from so yeah... a fast warframe wouldn't hurt. 

My Opticor Vandal only has a 60% Crit chance but i can amend this issue by just getting the last two arcanes i need to complete my Arcane Avenger set and because im using the 60/60 mods....im having issues Proccing Viral Specifically. Oh I can proc Puncture just fine thanks to having 80% Status chance... but the viral combination is weighted so low that it rarely ever Procs... I was thinking of adding another Forma so I can use the 90% Elemental mods instead.... sure I would be Proccing fewer status effects over all but when a status does proc atleast Viral will have a fighting chance over puncture. 

The The issue with Tombfinger is straightforward. Projectile Travel time.... but its my strongest secondary with decent Range... so.... yeah... not many Options there....

I was thinking of using My Dagger Zaw with Exodia Contagion but honestly don't know what for...  its either that or Stick with Redeemer Prime.


So.... I can either go with That.... or....

I can swap out Inaros for Nezha and my Opticor Vandal For My Trusty Lanka.... the issue here is obvious. Without Arcane Guardian Nezha's Halo isn't as effective as it could be and The Lanka may perform more Consistently (especially with 5 Meter Punch through that allows me to shoot through Exploiter's Leg) but like my Kitgun it has travel Time.... and those lil buggers move pretty damn quickly....


So..... Yeah.... not sure which Loadout is best for me.... I want to do this fight atleast 30 Times to stock up on toroids so I want it to go with as little frustration as possible.


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20 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

I was thinking of adding another Forma so I can use the 90% Elemental mods instead.... sure I would be Proccing fewer status effects over all but when a status does proc atleast Viral will have a fighting chance over puncture.

I believe Exploiter Orb is immune to status effects anyway.

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You don't need much damage. Pick a weapon you can comfortabely snipe the Raknoids (I'm fine with my Tombfinger) and the rest of the fight should be easy. Just aim at their heads and they pop.

As for your Inaros, use Enemy sense and Enemy Radar, plus Primed Animal Instinct on your Companion/Cat. You should see all the Raknoids in 93 meter radius so they can't heal the big one. If you need to travel some distance to pick up Diluted Thermia you can still see Raknoids next to it and snipe them

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I've found a Radiation modded secondary to be pretty good at taking out the Coolant Raknoids, and a Corrosive Primary for taking out the Orb's exposed weakspots (as she has Ferrite armor).

From what I understand of the Heat Guage's mechanics, the Coolant Raknoids cooling the orb doesn't matter too much, as the Heat Guage will continue climbing anyway.

Each Thermia Canister thrown at the orb appears to permanently increase the overheat rate for that stage.

Most of the frustration I had with the fight came from waiting for her base overheat rate to get the Guage to the 45% needed for her to spawn Thermia Fractures. Thus, it's a good idea to stash a few spare Thermia Canisters during each phase, which can then be used to jump-start the overheat rate in the next phase, minimizing downtime. Once I started stashing Thermia Canisters, my solo runs became a lot smoother! I typically use the rock at the bottom of the slope on the left after leaving Deck 12, as it's pretty easy to locate quickly.

It is also possible to carry Thermia Canisters through from the first stage, by bringing them into the tunnel before starting the loading back into the Vallis, which can then be used to speed up the first overheat Guage.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

I believe Exploiter Orb is immune to status effects anyway.

I don't care about the Exploiter.... its Eliminating the Raknoids quickly thats the problem....

2 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You don't need much damage. Pick a weapon you can comfortabely snipe the Raknoids (I'm fine with my Tombfinger) and the rest of the fight should be easy. Just aim at their heads and they pop.

Yeah I tried that last time.... some of them are squishy and some of them are tanky-ish. It took more than one shot to kill them.... meaning another 3 of them were coming up the hill before I dispatch the 2 right in front of me.

2 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

As for your Inaros, use Enemy sense and Enemy Radar, plus Primed Animal Instinct on your Companion/Cat. 

I don't have't room for those mods.... 

2 hours ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

From what I understand of the Heat Guage's mechanics, the Coolant Raknoids cooling the orb doesn't matter too much, as the Heat Guage will continue climbing anyway.

It matters when the Raknoids prevent from climbing up.... the thing that pisses me off the most is it only takes one of them to reset all your progress....

2 hours ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

Each Thermia Canister thrown at the orb appears to permanently increase the overheat rate for that stage.

It doesn't.... 

2 hours ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:


Most of the frustration I had with the fight came from waiting for her base overheat rate to get the Guage to the 45% needed for her to spawn Thermia Fractures

Yep... I remember that.... 

2 hours ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

Thus, it's a good idea to stash a few spare Thermia Canisters during each phase, which can then be used to jump-start the overheat rate in the next phase, minimizing downtime

Yeah but the issue I have is just how many it takes to do this I think the most I ever needed was 30 and I expired all of them without getting her to overheat.... I had to stock pile another 13 to get the job done....

2 hours ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

It is also possible to carry Thermia Canisters through from the first stage, by bringing them into the tunnel before starting the loading back into the Vallis, which can then be used to speed up the first overheat Guage.

Indeed.... I can grab two of them...one with my Warframe and the other with Spoiler Mode... I also use Spoiler mode to chain throw 2 Cannisters one after the other...

BTW I can't say for certain but it seems like if you try to use your Spoiler Mode to take a cannister outside it can cause he figh o bug out....this happens specifically n groups. Never had an issue with it Solo.

4 minutes ago, Caine2112 said:

My brother and I use Nezha.  His kit has pretty much everything you need for the Exploiter fight.

Thats what I was thinking.... will try it after  I cap my Fortuna Standing. 

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Just now, Lutesque said:

I don't have't room for those mods.... 

You can use sth like this (basic mods)


No Forma, just Reactor. If you have Adaptation switch out Aegis. If you have invested any Forma you can add other Mods as well.

But this build is tanky and fast. If you want more Mods switch Lightning Dash for Mobilize for 5 points instead of 12 points and only lose 4.2% Bullet Jump

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9 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You can use sth like this (basic mods)


No Forma, just Reactor. If you have Adaptation switch out Aegis. If you have invested any Forma you can add other Mods as well.

I don't have the umbral mods upgraded yet....can't get Negation swarm either....

Also I need room for Vigorous Swap....

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9 hours ago, Lutesque said:

I don't have the umbral mods upgraded yet....can't get Negation swarm either....

I only used upgraded mods because almost everyone has them maxed. Just use them as high you have them or switch for normal Vitality/Steel Fiber. Should be a logic conclussion.

What's the problem with Negation swarm? Wrong Syndicates picked? --> Just buy it for some plat or trade for other mods. You are active enough to have some plat and there are always people willing to trade Syndicate Mods.

9 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Also I need room for Vigorous Swap..


9 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

If you want more Mods switch Lightning Dash for Mobilize for 5 points instead of 12 points

13 Points left. Even in above build you could have used it.


Next time don't try to be polite (to me). Just say you don't want info from me 😉 (Your reason seems pretty straight against what I said which will definitely work)

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1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

I only used upgraded mods because almost everyone has them maxed. Just use them as high you have them or switch for normal Vitality/Steel Fiber. Should be a logic conclussion.

Considering how much damage she does in phase one... I beg to differ. 

1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:


What's the problem with Negation swarm? Wrong Syndicates picked? --> Just buy it for some plat or trade for other mods. 

well for one in alot of situations if the If the armor does get reduced after the cool... it will do so every chance it gets....

Also I haven't reached a point where im swimming in enough platinum to buy that mod....

1 hour ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Next time don't try to be polite (to me). Just say you don't want info from me 😉 (Your reason seems pretty straight against what I said which will definitely work)

I will.... when it applies. 

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Exploiter is weak to corrosive. Catchmoon makes the fight a breeze. I like taking Hildryn, makes the raknoids easy to deal with in the 1st phase. Having a squad makes the fight a lot less annoying. 2 players can get the fight done, but it’s head on a swivel dealing with coolant raknoids. 

Having an arcane grace set for your inaros would solve your health needs. Do you run adaptation on him? He really could care less about damage with both lol. 

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Deputy Facepain said:

Having an arcane grace set for your inaros would solve your health needs. Do you run adaptation on him? He really could care less about damage with both lol. 

Im three Arcanes away from completing my Grace set and Arbitrations are dropping everything but Adaptation. 

Luckily I just got Magus Repair and found a rare Orokin Container in the void that spat out a free Forma (and another Mantis Avionics) so I was able to Optimize my Opticor Vandal weighted the Viral Damage Slightly higher...

Nothing left to do but jump right in and get slaughtered. 

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27 minutes ago, Bagadyr said:

Use vazarin to heal yourself because you dont need much energy with inaros. 

I literally don't need any energy at all.... theres nothing to use my abilities on.... 

Also I don't have Vazarin on my alt account. 

28 minutes ago, Bagadyr said:

You can take a sniper and jump into archwing and snipe them.

Yeah this definitely doesn't work.... 

Maybe you can post a video of how this is suppose to be done because when I tried this I died even faster. 

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So I did the Fight with Inaros.... 

It went well....ish.... so My weapons arent dealing alot of damage to the vents.... it takes a long time to Take out just one....

Inaros did pretty well with Arcane consequence and Proton Pulse.... it was easy to cover most the area.... well up until Phase 3 Anyways. 

The opticor Vandal was inconsistent as expected. 

I think something that would helpis if I remove one of Gladiator Resolve or Vigor for Vigorous Swap....

Other than that I think that's all. 

All thats left to do now is buy sone boosters and double up on Resources. :)

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So they nerfed Proton Pulse and now I cant use Inaros to do this Fight any more....

I switched to Nezha.... Survivability is a real problem I keep dying with my Halo on.

But there is some good news....so it turns out I've been running around these past few Weeks without Lethal Torrent inmy build....which now explains why ive been struggling so much....

Anyway....its on my kit gun now and im getting much more conistent DPS....so that helps. 

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