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A Warframe Is A Suit , So We Must Say "she" For Nova ?


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I don't believe this was ever the case, DE Steve has _compared_ how Warframe differs from LOL champions in an early livestream, but I've seen nothing that indicated that the Warframes were considered unique like the LOL champions, just assumptions that players have made based on the gendered 'Frames.


It is the only way Valkyr makes any sense.

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The Tenno we rescue in rescue missions seem pretty Humanoid to me.



This, for cereal. Their physical features are right there.


Who says they are Tenno? Did someone or somewhere in the Lore specifies which ever faction they belong? NO.


Poll: Mono-Tenno or Poly-Tenno. Two beliefs to consider who we actually are (Lore-Drama)


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It is the only way Valkyr makes any sense.


Not at all, there was one Tenno who was wearing the original-not-broken Valkyr Warframe, they were experimented on/tortured. This, and the damage caused, distorted the nature of _that_ Warframe, _and_ messed up _that_ Tenno. _We_ build Warframes based on _this_ distorted Warframe, hence our built Warframes give our Tenno access to the abilities generated from that experience.


After all the Valkyr's Bonds Syandana flavour text says:


> Remnants of the bonds that restrained the original Valkyr during her time in 'the lab'. A reminder to never forget the torment.


So _your_ Tenno is _not_ the Tenno who was tortured.

Edited by SilentMobius
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So I guess the mental problems brought on by the torture is simply built-into the suit, and in reproducing the Warframe  the Tenno simply decided, for whatever reason, not to replace the broken parts.



Gotcha. Makes so much sense.

Edited by Brimir
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Some good reading material for you guys might be the Eclipse Phase series of RPG books or the Ghost in the Shell Manga.


A body can still be organic and have feelings, emotions, etc, and still be a 'sleeve' to slot a conscious mind into.


We can all have theories as to what makes up a Tenno. DE purposefully left this part vague.

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Some good reading material for you guys might be the Eclipse Phase series of RPG books or the Ghost in the Shell Manga.


A body can still be organic and have feelings, emotions, etc, and still be a 'sleeve' to slot a conscious mind into.


We can all have theories as to what makes up a Tenno. DE purposefully left this part vague.


But what little we do know is enough to toss out any of those ideas though. They are not robots, nor are they "ghosts" inhabiting bodies. In all likelihood they are mutated freaks sealed into these suits in order to provide life-support and/or amplify their abilities.

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But what little we do know is enough to toss out any of those ideas though.


Are you sure? Biomechanical constructs are just as organic as human beings, not to mention that it is not stated how much was left of the survivors from the void, or the limitations imposed upon them from having a physical presence.


What I see a lot of on this thread are speculatory assumptions. What if all that was left was a consciousness? It's stated the 'rejects' were wrapped in steel, but the Warframes are far from steel suits. The Orokin and Stalker lore speaks in metaphors, not documented science. When discussing that, we should all remember to keep that in mind.

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Not a single metaphor that could be interpreted as some sort of downloadable consciousness. Far more likely that they are horribly mutated due to the Technocyte virus/Void exposure which have them fused with their suits.


However the suits were a result of the changed Tenno below, not during the stay in the void, so it is doubtful the changes fused them to anything. Remember, according to the Excalibur lore entry, the Warframe was created as a result of the Tenno's return from the void. Granted, that could mean they were crazed mutants, or deformed or whatever, but ascending beyond a physical barrier could also be a possibility.


Remember, Vor also refers to them as 'Demons of the void' and even mentions they have no idea how the suits work... like they are some kind of lightning rod that channels the Tenno, discrediting things like Nanomachines or other more science-based explanations in favor of something more... eclectic.


To me, that metaphor can be used to show that the Tenno are far from just people in suits.

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Of course they are far more than "just people in suits". The Codex entry for Excalibro states:


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit for their affliction."


To me that is quite clear-cut; no metaphor or anything. In desperation they sent people into the Void, and the few who survived had been twisted (mutated, changed) and given new powers (possibly due to contracting the Technocyte virus in Void?) and the Warframes were built for them to provide life-support and a way to channel their new-found powers.

Edited by Brimir
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just for say , i can read in loading sometime "volt est UNE warframe" (in french) , "une" is a feminime word similar to "her" , but Volt is look like a guy no ?

so the tenno inside is male , but we said "une" (she) warframe , in our language , like "une armure" (an armor) or "une combinaison" (a suit) with a feminine prefix .

so for english player i dont know , but we use gender in our language (like a door => UNE porte => feminine gender / a dog => UN chien => masculine gender) , so even if people said many things , about our language (french in this example) , the SUIT (warframe) is designated by a female prefix , even if the tenno inside is a male.

for me , it's proved.


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I'm not sure what you mean? The feminine/male part on French has indeed very little to do with actual sexes of things. "Une Warframe" only means that the word Warframe is feminine, not that Volt is female. Is that what you're saying? Or are you saying that all Warframes are female? I'm confused...

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I'm not sure what you mean? The feminine/male part on French has indeed very little to do with actual sexes of things. "Une Warframe" only means that the word Warframe is feminine, not that Volt is female. Is that what you're saying? Or are you saying that all Warframes are female? I'm confused...

No i mean even if i read "volt est UNE warframe" , i think it show "a warframe" is a feminine word (i our language ,even if the tenno inside is a male) so for me it mean for example :

I play frost , "frost" is an item , not a person , even if frost have male form , i may mean the tenno inside Frost is a male , and the tenno inside nova is a female , but like i've said before , french use gender even for item (little like english use "an" umbrela / "a" door ).

infact i understand why people here think this topic is strange , because english people dont have this "problem" , cuz you don't use gender like us ^^

for finish , when i speak about frost or nova , i use gender word male / female , but in french "suit" and "armor" for example , have a feminine gender  (une armure / une combinaison) , it's why i find logical to say "une warframe" (feminine gender) even if inside we have a male (frost) or a female (nova) tenno.

i think open this topic in the french section (wasnt create when i've make this  topic) , of cours , if nobody clos the topic , people still can speak about this subject.

edit : sorry for confusing ^^ i think "warframe" have feminie gender , but i know the TENNO inside volt is a male  , a the TENNO inside nova is a female.

Edited by Xodahs
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Je ne parle pas Francais....!

i don't speak english :D

so this topic give us another question , if the tenno inside the frame is always the same , when we take a "male frame" (like forst) our tenno is a male , and if we take nova for example , we become a female ? .... very strange...

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That's a complicated issue. DE themselves are probably not sure how they want it to work. There is evidence that points towards


a. The Tenno are unique; changing Warframe changes "character".

b. You play as a single Tenno who switches Warframes like one changes clothes.


Which are two conflicting concepts; they can't both be true.

Edited by Brimir
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That's a complicated issue. DE themselves are probably not sure how they want it to work. There is evidence that points towards


a. The Tenno are unique; changing Warframe changes "character".

b. You play as a single Tenno who switches Warframes like one changes clothes.


Which are two conflicting concepts; they can't both be true.

a : so even the creator are wrong , the Tenno inside never change , it's why we keep the same name when we change frame , we keep the mastery rank , we keep weap and sentinel

b : its exacly the case , we only change the suit , like we change weap or sentinel.

For me , a "warframe" is "only" an item , , a tennos have 5 weapons =>  3 weapons in hand , 1 flying above him/her , and 1 around the body , and it's called "warframe"

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There's no doubt about that. The question is whether or not each Tenno has his or her own unique Warframe, or they are interchangeable.


For example The Stalker only ever uses one and the same Warframe each time he appears, and there's no doubt that he is indeed a unique character.


We just don't know how it is until DE clears it up for us.

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Of course they are far more than "just people in suits". The Codex entry for Excalibro states:


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit for their affliction."


To me that is quite clear-cut; no metaphor or anything. In desperation they sent people into the Void, and the few who survived had been twisted (mutated, changed) and given new powers (possibly due to contracting the Technocyte virus in Void?) and the Warframes were built for them to provide life-support and a way to channel their new-found powers.


"...a conduit for their affliction."'


That is a very vague metaphor. What was their affliction? Was it obliteration of a physical presence, or they grew an extra arm that needs to be severed?


This statement couldn't be more vague. It may be clear in your view, but not everyone is going to share that. I see this happen a lot in lore-discussion threads. People speculate and then try and convince others that their vision is the truth. People disagree, wars start and the whole thing ends in tears.


I want to urge everyone to make sure that although you may have a great theory, nothing is set in stone. S'all I'm saying!

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