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When will PRIME ACCESS BUYERS be heard?


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3 minutes ago, sinnae said:

Another day, another thread where people don't understand the purpose of bundles in retail. No, they're not going to deconstruct their Prime Access bundles so you can buy exactly what you want for much cheaper. That defeats the purpose of the bundle.

Another day, another functional analphabet.

I didn't ask for them to deconstruct their prime access, i asked them to allow us to choose which booster to pick, and, if the buyer doesn't feel they'll get enough use out any booster, they can pick the exact same value in platinum instead.

Prices all stay them same.

And if you didn't read, i bought over 30 prime access, i'm not asking for a discount, I'm asking to get something i'll use instead, something that exsists already and HAS THE SAME EXACT VALUE AND DOES THE SAME EXACT THING, a booster.


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The mindset of this community. Jesus f*ing christ. What is so goddamn wrong about improving something a little bit so that every. single. person. that buys it benefits from the change.

People just love to defend things that have no right to exist! Why you'd want them to remain worse than they could be is beyond me.

This is NOT a suggestion to remove things. It's a suggestion to replace them with something more suitable. There is nothing wrong with that. Hell, it should make people more prone to actually buying the prime access.

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Let's be real, OP: you're gonna buy the Prime Access anyway. If consumers actually voted with their wallets, DE might actually change some of their more antiquated products. But the riven-hoarding completionist playerbase is physically incapable of skipping exclusive cosmetics.

14 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Another day, another functional analphabet.

I'm responding to this:

10 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

Aside from packs without boosters, how about packs without plat as well(for those sitting on 20k+ plat they have nothing to spend it on)? Just the prime and cosmetics.

Calm your defensive lil booty down.

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22 minutes ago, sinnae said:

Let's be real, OP: you're gonna buy the Prime Access anyway. If consumers actually voted with their wallets, DE might actually change some of their more antiquated products. But the riven-hoarding completionist playerbase is physically incapable of skipping exclusive cosmetics.

You're completely right but DE is often thought as a company that doesn't let it reach that point as per the doggo thing that was removed

I'm an outlier regarding the amount of packs bought though, the vast majority of buyers and potential buyers (will) do the math and though i have no way to prove it, i'm pretty sure overall sales of prime access decreased; regardless, my suggestion would undoubtedly increase sales and consumer satisfaction.

It's not too much to remind that the new primes also used to have an intrinsic value that's almost non existent right now due to how easier they bacame to obtain, which i'm not complaining about, i'm happy players that farm them are getting less frustrated; i'd like the same consideration to be had with the people who buy accesses.

22 minutes ago, sinnae said:

I'm responding to this:


22 minutes ago, sinnae said:

Calm your defensive lil booty down.

I should indeed, read the post above yours, his indignation is the same as mine; it should be everyone's, since it's a community and all would benefit from it.

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See, what you're requesting (Things like instead offering equal platinum value, or "pick two boosters") aren't at all bad, and would be beneficial additions.

But boy howdy that is a mess of an OP and title that set the tone for the entire thread, and coupled with the way OP responds to criticism (both on the idea and on the perception based on the mess of an OP and title) shows that this thread wasn't going to be productive right off the bat in the first place.

What would have been wrong about frankly and plainly laying out how certain Boosters hold relatively little value to you and suggesting that due to the special nature of Prime Access (and the removal of Vaulted Accessories selling the other two boosters) it should be made more flexible?  And Illustrating how by limiting the type of boosters it's lowering the perceived value of the bundle, likely harming sales?  I could vouch that I've been tempted but ended up passing on a PA in the past because I didn't need one of the boosters and knew I wouldn't get much use out of it.

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Actually, while not a mechanic in the game, you can convert resources into plat.

Many things you farm, the more you get, the more plat potential you have, sadly this doesn't apply to resources, you can't turm them into plat by trading, however some clans do have resource payments, so for a certain ammount of a certain resource you can get payed a certain ammount of plat, so the booster can come in handy in those cases.

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3 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

See, what you're requesting (Things like instead offering equal platinum value, or "pick two boosters") aren't at all bad, and would be beneficial additions.

But boy howdy that is a mess of an OP and title that set the tone for the entire thread, and coupled with the way OP responds to criticism (both on the idea and on the perception based on the mess of an OP and title) shows that this thread wasn't going to be productive right off the bat in the first place.

What would have been wrong about frankly and plainly laying out how certain Boosters hold relatively little value to you and suggesting that due to the special nature of Prime Access (and the removal of Vaulted Accessories selling the other two boosters) it should be made more flexible?  And Illustrating how by limiting the type of boosters it's lowering the perceived value of the bundle, likely harming sales?  I could vouch that I've been tempted but ended up passing on a PA in the past because I didn't need one of the boosters and knew I wouldn't get much use out of it.

Well, did you see the kind of  'criticism' I was met with?

There's no criticism to be had: It's just the addition of 2 other options for those who have no interest in exp/credits boosters.

What's bad about it?

Critics came from people who simply failed to read what I wrote.

Part of the op was meant to be funny like the brother analogy;

Part is the real feeling: we don't want boosters. So much so that they were removed from the accessories in the unvault program.

Part is a reasonable solution.

Unvault got a straight decrease in price and was applauded, I come here to ask for more options to pay the same price and somehow get people with pitchforks, like it was my obligation to stick with whatever crap they offer because i have money to pay and like the game?

In other words, you abuse your consumer with more buying power and have rainbows and unicorns dialogues with the others?

Can´t help but feel indignation.



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7 hours ago, Ksaero said:

How is replacing 90d affinity booster and 90d credit booster with 1200 platinum not a solution? You want these boosters so much? Go to the market and buy 30d versions three times each. That's 1200 platinum.

Lmao because they'd use direct replace based on numbers thank you for understanding marketing LOL. If they had 90d boosters available it'd be less then doing 30d each. Also the $ value of 90d boosters and more platinum still doesn't change its value. Having more items available makes its value higher... you're all looking at this from a "what I want" over a what works perspective...

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2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Well, it seems like your inferiority complex had a wild night with your inability to read and gave birth to this excuse of a reply, i'm replying to.

Please point where in my post do any of my suggestions remove something you enjoy.

I'll answer: Nowhere; it's not about removing, but rather about GIVING OPTIONS.

You want exp/credits boosters like it's always been? You get it, nothing changes.

Are these boosters useless for you and you'd like to swap them for resource drop/ chance boosters? You get to do it, with my suggestion.

Are none of the boosters useful for you? Get 1200 plat instead.

How is this bad?

Well would you look at that, someone got all upset because everyone didn't line up and just agree to do what they want?

What a genuine surprise. /s


Want to know why it's not surprising at all? Because you started by trying to make out that your purchases are so very important to the company, that they're the justification for listening to your suggestion. 

But the fact is that many of us do want to buy the bundles as they are. And from a business point of view it's better to try to target newbs, because there are always more newbs and potential newbs than vets. 

Now if you'd just presented the idea of a 'pick and pay-mix and match' without the entitled 'I spent money so you need to listen to me' you would have probably met with more support. 

Buy hey, why present things in a logical, clearly written way, when you can try to launch silly little attacks instead? 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Well would you look at that, someone got all upset because everyone didn't line up and just agree to do what they want?

What a genuine surprise. /s


Want to know why it's not surprising at all? Because you started by trying to make out that your purchases are so very important to the company, that they're the justification for listening to your suggestion. 

But the fact is that many of us do want to buy the bundles as they are. And from a business point of view it's better to try to target newbs, because there are always more newbs and potential newbs than vets. 

Now if you'd just presented the idea of a 'pick and pay-mix and match' without the entitled 'I spent money so you need to listen to me' you would have probably met with more support. 

Buy hey, why present things in a logical, clearly written way, when you can try to launch silly little attacks instead? 

Well, my purchases ARE very important to the company and the fact that i'm a consumer of the product i'm giving my two cents about is indeed the justification for listening to me. Would you read a review from someone who hasn't tried enough or at all what they're reviewing?

Don't you think that having a paid product that becomes less and less relevant to the point of complete irrelevancy the more you dedicate yourself to the game is a problem?

The fact that i'm a paying costumer proposing an idea to the product i consume, that can factually make more costumers feel satisfied with their purchases while also driving more sales is the reason why they should do it. It has nothing to do with entitlement.

Don't you think that by adding more options you get more statisfied clients and possibly even more clients? I know you do.

I feel in no way entitled to anything except the opinion of a paying customer, i got what i paid for, knowing what i paid for. It's through that scope that i present my view, and i've seen many many others do it too, just with less organization amongst themselves.

You want them as they are? That's great, nowhere did I suggest these should go away. Heck, in months filled with content i'd go with the exp booster myself.

The silly attacks were simply because you saw arrogance where there wasn' none and accused me of it; believe it or not, i'm a very minimalist person myself, so accusing me of wanting to show off or entitlement really did strike a nerve.

And since we are talking impressions here, when DE opens up dialogue with unvaulted accessories buyers but not with the prime access buyers it does give the impression that they give 0 Fs about what we think, since we're gonna buy it anyway, but in order to milk those last drops of milk from the more ample player base that doesn't consume it, they'll go above and beyond.

That's literally the opposite of what happens anywhere, it goes against the perception people have of them.

Edited by (PS4)cdzbrbr
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I don't mind the affinity booster, but I don't care about the credits booster since we can farm that so easily through index. I would love to have an option to just purchase the accessories minus the platinum and boosters for just the armor or syandanas that come with. They know what the people mostly want, and that's the armor sets and platinum bonus, at least for me that applies. They'll throw in something of "value" to make the 60 dollar price tag tollerable. Companies do the same thing with bonds so they can market them for a higher price, add a "sweetener" to help close the deal or to push the subject towards buying.  They should offer everything separate. If we want to buy a bundle for a discount, we will do that, if we don't we wont. Maybe more people would be inclined to purchase prime acc. if the items were separated. Even though as a whole less money might be made, we won't really know until they decide to change the way it is structured. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Well, my purchases ARE very important to the company and the fact that i'm a consumer of the product i'm giving my two cents about is indeed the justification for listening to me. Would you read a review from someone who hasn't tried enough or at all what they're reviewing?

You're a very, very funny person if you really believe that. 

8 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Don't you think that having a paid product that becomes less and less relevant to the point of complete irrelevancy the more you dedicate yourself to the game is a problem?

Uh, not really, because prime access by definition will fit that description. The more you buy, the less likely you will need to buy, because you have more of the cosmetics and frames so you're going to be a lot more picky. 


10 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

The fact that i'm a paying costumer proposing an idea to the product i consume, that can factually make more costumers feel satisfied with their purchases while also driving more sales is the reason why they should do it. It has nothing to do with entitlement.

You should look into the meaning of word as it's being used. Because that's exactly what it is. Just saying. 

11 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Don't you think that by adding more options you get more statisfied clients and possibly even more clients? I know you do.

Sure I do, and had you just asked for that, I'd wager that you'd have fewer people laughing at you right now. 

12 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

I feel in no way entitled to anything except the opinion of a paying customer, i got what i paid for, knowing what i paid for. It's through that scope that i present my view, and i've seen many many others do it too, just with less organization amongst themselves.

Uh huh. 

13 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

You want them as they are? That's great, nowhere did I suggest these should go away. Heck, in months filled with content i'd go with the exp booster myself.

That's nice. 

13 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

The silly attacks were simply because you saw arrogance where there wasn' none and accused me of it; believe it or not, i'm a very minimalist person myself, so accusing me of wanting to show off or entitlement really did strike a nerve.

Like I said, you're a very, very funny person. And again, you did and continue to push a very entitled 'I'm a paying customer so you all need to do what I say, right now' rhetoric. If you drop that part, you would probably get more support. 

17 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Hope it cleared up things.

Nah mate, it was pretty clear from the start. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You're a very, very funny person if you really believe that. 

And you're a very sad person if you think that i'm being personalist. I mean that i'm a client and clients are important, period. I don't think nor hope they have a department for me or the people with 30 prime access on their backs. I just meant that as a client.The fact i have to explain this basic line of thinking is what struck me as you having an inferiority complex.

1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Uh, not really, because prime access by definition will fit that description. The more you buy, the less likely you will need to buy, because you have more of the cosmetics and frames so you're going to be a lot more picky. 

So putting up a product every 3 months that targets less and less players is what you would define as their target product? I don't think so, and hence my suggestion.

1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


You should look into the meaning of word as it's being used. Because that's exactly what it is. Just saying. 

You must have a gripe with the word 'paying' but it's just an inherent word of the capitalist world, i'm giving feedback about something i consumed, consume and want to consume more, provided it feels as if i'm getting its value

1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Sure I do, and had you just asked for that, I'd wager that you'd have fewer people laughing at you right now. 

Thanks, why not focus on what can benefit us as community, then?

1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Like I said, you're a very, very funny person. And again, you did and continue to push a very entitled 'I'm a paying customer so you all need to do what I say, right now' rhetoric. If you drop that part, you would probably get more support. 

I like to think I am, but for different reasons. Anywhoo, you played the 'you think your money is better than mine' card when i certainly didn't mean that. Somehow mentioning how much of a frequent consumer i am, struck a nerve of yours.

But hey, if you think you're tha well resolved of a person, the professor xavier who saw through every word of mine with no bias from the history that brought you to where you are today, then i question who's the entitled one here.

1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Nah mate, it was pretty clear from the start. 

Read above.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

And you're a very sad person if you think that i'm being personalist. I mean that i'm a client and clients are important, period. I don't think nor hope they have a department for me or the people with 30 prime access on their backs. I just meant that as a client.The fact i have to explain this basic line of thinking is what struck me as you having an inferiority complex.

And you're really sad because you can't figure out that we're all clients. And many of us spend money on this game. So neither of those makes you special. But you keep waving them as a flag to signal why you are entitled to tell us what to do. 

Leave that part out and you would be better off. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

So putting up a product every 3 months that targets less and less players is what you would define as their target product? I don't think so, and hence my suggestion.

Your question would work well if I got hit in the head and forgot that during those three months we gain more newbs, than the number of vets who are lost because they progressed beyond that point. So the question, while apparently ominous, isn't a question based on reality, just the spectre that you're trying to sell. 


2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Thanks, why not focus on what can benefit us as community, then?

A prime access geared towards newer players, and hence one with a greater potential for revenue is what would benefit us as a community the most. Bespoke bundles, which would probably have less value for the prices we need to pay, and reworking the entire system to meet the wants of a few customers, would not be good business by comparison, and possibly hurt the community as a whole. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

I like to think I am, but for different reasons. Anywhoo, you played the 'you think your money is better than mine' card when i certainly didn't mean that. Somehow mentioning how much of a frequent consumer i am, struck a nerve of yours.

But hey, if you think you're tha well resolved of a person, the professor xavier who saw through every word of mine with no bias from the history that brought you to where you are today, then i question who's the entitled one here.

Oh if you didn't mean it, you would have dropped the "I spend money so you all need to do what I say" tactic long ago. As for the nerve that was struck, it would have worked better if you had tried that before you said this:

3 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

The silly attacks were simply because you saw arrogance where there wasn' none and accused me of it; believe it or not, i'm a very minimalist person myself, so accusing me of wanting to show off or entitlement really did strike a nerve.

But hey, I guess it was worth a shot, right? 

2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Read above.

I have, as you can see. 


Why don't you drop the entitlement and just ask people what they would like most in a given bundle, and what bundles they would be able to afford instead?

That way you could try to build a modest consensus, or at least find out what we're most likely to be willing to support. 



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14 hours ago, (NSW)Drake_Remorea said:

Lmao because they'd use direct replace based on numbers thank you for understanding marketing LOL. If they had 90d boosters available it'd be less then doing 30d each. Also the $ value of 90d boosters and more platinum still doesn't change its value. Having more items available makes its value higher... you're all looking at this from a "what I want" over a what works perspective...

PV's didn't have accessory packs at all. That worked too, still, people complained about not having a choice to buy what they want (accessories) without getting the stuff they don't need (gear). DE listened and made changes accordingly. Now we have Vault Accessory packs that are almost 3 times cheaper than PA Accessory packs (at least in my currency), and the only thing added there is... platinum.

Why can't we have the same stuff with PA Accessory packs? I'm ok with their price, I just want the thing added there be something I can actually use. Seriously, I get exp/credit boosters as daily rewards so often that they won't expire in a very, very long time (and I have no use for them since I already have all my gear and focus schools maxed). Replacing boosters with platinum of equal value would definitely make PAA packs more desirable and essentially generate more profit. I, personally, would have an incentive to buy every PAA pack instead of skipping half of them just to buy later at a greatly reduced price.

Edited by Ksaero
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17 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Well, my purchases ARE very important to the company and the fact that i'm a consumer of the product 

Karen please don't oh God no don't ask for the manager

17 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Don't you think that having a paid product that becomes less and less relevant to the point of complete irrelevancy the more you dedicate yourself to the game is a problem?

What you get in your "investment" in DE, fun is the only thing you get back. Money and time? Bye bye for those


Bundles most of the time are just being bundles, no way any developer/seller can change them, not even the millions of DLC packs sold at Steam can be changed, you want something akin to modular purchasing, combine this add that pick this instead of that, I haven't seen anything similar except for buying milk at the supermarket, not even Humble Bundle does this well. You need to put the pricing into consideration, what makes this thing worth more than that? The boosters are deliberately put in a way it looks like good value to attract more customers (like you duh, who bought everything).

In the end, it doesn't matter if it's vets or noobs because there will be consumers like you spending all those greenbucks just cuz you can't help buying for yourself, your siblings or whatever. You have an opinion, sure go ahead. You say you don't feel entitled to anything but opinions, news flash, you sound exactly like an entitled person from the very first post you've written but you don't want to admit, don't you?


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6 hours ago, RamonLeeYJ said:

Karen please don't oh God no don't ask for the manager

You sound like a frustrated someone who projects yourself on others.

6 hours ago, RamonLeeYJ said:

Bundles most of the time are just being bundles, no way any developer/seller can change them, not even the millions of DLC packs sold at Steam can be changed, you want something akin to modular purchasing, combine this add that pick this instead of that, I haven't seen anything similar except for buying milk at the supermarket, not even Humble Bundle does this well. You need to put the pricing into consideration, what makes this thing worth more than that? The boosters are deliberately put in a way it looks like good value to attract more customers (like you duh, who bought everything).

They did this with Prime Vault, so your argument is pointless, fallacious and biased. 


6 hours ago, RamonLeeYJ said:

In the end, it doesn't matter if it's vets or noobs because there will be consumers like you spending all those greenbucks just cuz you can't help buying for yourself, your siblings or whatever. You have an opinion, sure go ahead. You say you don't feel entitled to anything but opinions, news flash, you sound exactly like an entitled person from the very first post you've written but you don't want to admit, don't you?


I'm giving my feedback about a product I consume, you don't seem to be adding anything to the discussion but your alwful reek of troll and ad persona, ending this discussion with you too.


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12 hours ago, Ksaero said:

Why can't we have the same stuff with PA Accessory packs? I'm ok with their price, I just want the thing added there be something I can actually use. Seriously, I get exp/credit boosters as daily rewards so often that they won't expire in a very, very long time (and I have no use for them since I already have all my gear and focus schools maxed). Replacing boosters with platinum of equal value would definitely make PAA packs more desirable and essentially generate more profit. I, personally, would have an incentive to buy every PAA pack instead of skipping half of them just to buy later at a greatly reduced price

It wont change the price is my point. However you also dont understand that buying a 30d booster in the market for 200p, doesn't mean that they're worth 200p directly in Prime Access. Chances are it'd increase from 2400 platinum to maybe 2800 or 3000 at most with 30d boosters still... they cant just get rid of the boosters they add value. But that amount of platinum doesn't increase the value based in overall purchase because new buyers, target market, wont know the difference. But they'll notice no boosters.

If you dont understand marketing or sales. You aren't going to understand why this will never work. You are all looking at the "what I want" perspective...

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6 hours ago, (NSW)Drake_Remorea said:

It wont change the price is my point. However you also dont understand that buying a 30d booster in the market for 200p, doesn't mean that they're worth 200p directly in Prime Access. Chances are it'd increase from 2400 platinum to maybe 2800 or 3000 at most with 30d boosters still... they cant just get rid of the boosters they add value. But that amount of platinum doesn't increase the value based in overall purchase because new buyers, target market, wont know the difference. But they'll notice no boosters.

Just realized you're playing on NSW. PA Accessory packs already include platinum there right? In that case, yeah, it'd seem like something is missing. I'm playing on PC though, and Accessory packs here include only boosters, without any platinum.

So what's a better choice: to buy PA Accessory pack including accessories and two boosters which costs 23 USD, or PV Accessory pack including accessories and 200 platinum which costs 9 USD?

7 hours ago, (NSW)Drake_Remorea said:

If you dont understand marketing or sales. You aren't going to understand why this will never work. You are all looking at the "what I want" perspective...

Can't customers influence marketing decisions? Why would DE introduce PV Accessory packs then?

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1 hour ago, Ksaero said:

Just realized you're playing on NSW. PA Accessory packs already include platinum there right? In that case, yeah, it'd seem like something is missing. I'm playing on PC though, and Accessory packs here include only boosters, without any platinum

Oh lol I didn't know guess we were both right haha idk why they have different packages then 

1 hour ago, Ksaero said:

So what's a better choice: to buy PA Accessory pack including accessories and two boosters which costs 23 USD, or PV Accessory pack including accessories and 200 platinum which costs 9 USD?

Also on the switch it's like 2400 platinum 90d boosters, prime sets and costs around $65 USD. Somewhere around $55 us i think

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On 2019-08-28 at 6:41 PM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

And you're really sad because you can't figure out that we're all clients. And many of us spend money on this game. So neither of those makes you special. But you keep waving them as a flag to signal why you are entitled to tell us what to do. 

Again with your inferiority complex, it's about the third or fourth time you accuse me of claiming i'm 'special' or 'more' when I'm not. You need treatment and quick, now you are accusing me of telling people what to do. I must be talking with a child or a very, very frustrated adult. Seek help.


Leave that part out and you would be better off. 

Your question would work well if I got hit in the head and forgot that during those three months we gain more newbs, than the number of vets who are lost because they progressed beyond that point. So the question, while apparently ominous, isn't a question based on reality, just the spectre that you're trying to sell. 

Oh yea, nice job pulling that data outta nowhere and accusing me again of trying to push something with ulterior motives other than offering a product that can potentially satisfy more clients.

You haven't been hit in the head but your awareness of everything that is going on is the same as that of someone who has.

Warframe's retention rate is terrible and everyone knows that. De acknowledges it themselves every time. You are an evidence of that yourself. And that's all evidence of my point: Prime Access is primarily bought by veterans. Most new players start and drop warframe, the ratio of new players that keep playing is lower than the amount of veterans, out of that smaller amount, even less will buy prime accesses.

Unlike you, i can prove that, just pick any random devstream and you'll see the topic of new player retention being brought up. They are a company, if they had issues about veterans dropping the game rather than new players, they'd be doing something about it and bringing the topic up. They are not.

DE has been desperately trying everything to keep new players engaged and they left veteran players behind in the process. Again, you've been away for too long and are too new a player yourself to know what is what. EVERY warframe partner has been complaining about it.

You just need to put 2 and 2 together: Whatever things DE aren't touching , you can be sure it's something more consumed by veterans. 

Whatever things DE are touching are consumed by new players.

Heck, why do you think they had to mention for the first time in a tennocon that they had veteran content planned? No, not railjack, the sentient tileset.

Since i'm not special, out of coherence you cannot think i'm the only one who isn't satisfied with it, since there are a good number of people not satisfied with their premium product, it doesn't take a genius to know they should take action.

Which brings me to the conclusion: If someone is still consuming your product because they are loyal, you gotta ensure they feel they feel satisfied. 

It's not because a business or a part of it is doing well that you don't look at it: that's a poor, very poor mentality.

Also, you never, EVER, stop asking your clients if they are satisfied with their product. 



A prime access geared towards newer players, and hence one with a greater potential for revenue is what would benefit us as a community the most. Bespoke bundles, which would probably have less value for the prices we need to pay, and reworking the entire system to meet the wants of a few customers, would not be good business by comparison, and possibly hurt the community as a whole. 

You're too new a player, and arrogant, like most new players, to know that when the prime access program launched, the resource boosters didn't exist.Thus, adding the exp and credits booster along with it was the only option.

So while you're there pushing every kind of crappy narrative to justify the unjustifiable, the harsh truth is that it's just one of the many DE's oversights: to realize that they introduced new and more appealing boosters that have the SAME PRICE and that they could OPTIONALLY include to those who'd want it.

I just love that the 2 of you who have been arguing against the inclusion of options are new players with no prime access on their backs.


Oh if you didn't mean it, you would have dropped the "I spend money so you all need to do what I say" tactic long ago. As for the nerve that was struck, it would have worked better if you had tried that before you said this:

Never adopted that tactic, again with your inferiority complex putting words in my mouth, my silly attacks that served as retaliation were never in the direction to boast my financial situation, i just said your inferiority complex had a wild night with your inability to read. It still seems to be the case.


I have, as you can see. 

I really can't, you´re still unable to read or leave your inferiority complex aside.



Why don't you drop the entitlement and just ask people what they would like most in a given bundle, and what bundles they would be able to afford instead?

That way you could try to build a modest consensus, or at least find out what we're most likely to be willing to support. 

Can't drop what i'm not holding.

My suggestion is freedom to pick the booster the better suits one's needs.

Edited by (PS4)cdzbrbr
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Wow quit it, you are entitled. I like being trolly because it's obvious you get progressively dismissive of other people's opinion when they're seriously explaining marketing and sales tactics, not even defending DE.

But no. You accuse people of projecting, putting words into your mouth (hypocrisy much?), assuming vets only buy PAs, calling them noobs, claiming them having an inferiority complex left and right, not like you majored in social sciences or something, which accentuates your insecurities so much it disgusts me. 

All because you are using straw man arguments from the very beginning and you snark people endlessly. Personalist, really?

What a lost cause, I'll end the discussion with you, not the other way around. Enjoy your capitalist greens while you still have it.

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