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Edited:Ground based volt sprint speeds proven unchanged


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I know you've said we'd keep the same speed but legs have been changed to not freak out at high speeds but this also seems like a stealth nerf. I play volt pretty much every day for speed because I hate how slow every other frame is.    It  Seems volt slows down considerably when he slides or even double jumps too,with double jumping seeming to slow me down more.Not digging this if it is indeed a stealth nerf . I'm not here to move at grandma speeds,I play for the speed! 😎

Please give volt back his speed 

Edit: To describe in more detail,Volt now loses a lot of momentum when double jumping in a direction at the end of a full sprint when under volt speed. Before the update,the speed would send you cannonballing across a room instantly,now there is a slowdown in the double jump that's removing most momentum and speed,no longer allowed to cannonball across the room.

Edit edit: A player uploaded footage of same timings,ground based sprint speeds confirmed unchanged. This thread can be locked now,I've taken the movement speed in the air over to the bugs forum.

edit edit edit: Information update.


1 hour ago, -BoG-07734Willey said:

I was hoping someone else could at least search through the videos to find one that displayed the build, had a nice long & straight tile, and was just sprinting. Regardless, I found a decent video, and so-

My run (don't judge, I usually don't run volt, I use nova + augment), starting at 0:07 sec:


And the reference run, starting at 0:38 sec:


Note that the tile is reversed in my run, but it still is the same distance, so just time from door A to door B on each.

After reviewing the videos, I really don't see a difference in time, which leads me to believe that if there is a sprint nerf, its not nearly as pronounced as I originally thought. I don't know about the jumping and rolling bit though-  I didn't try since that'd be significantly harder to reproduce, and it doesn't make much of a difference for me as nova, just sprinting.

7 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

It's good someone did a test and found no change in speed.  OP, can you add that it's a disconnect with the animations and move speed as well? That's pretty much the issue here.

I'll add to it by dropping a theory on why this is happening. The animations were normalized, so they're most likely set to a fixed interval when it comes to foot falls. Movespeed seems to be in dynamic intervals (how many in game units per second you travel increases or decrease in decimal values). Because animations are fixed no matter what, you get a weird feeling.

Don't get me wrong, I hate how the animation feels. I don't feel like I'm going fast. I'll take the cartoon legs so I can feel fast again. I have to remind myself I'm still going the same speed, but it doesn't feel that way.

Edited by wizardeiges
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Just now, WhiteMarker said:

He is as fast as he was before...

Unless you can provide proof that they nerfed him, you are just spreading a rumor...

Go play as volt then,also double jump while sprinting. Significantly slower than he was before the patch. 


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Just now, wizardeiges said:

Go play as volt then,also double jump while sprinting. Significantly slower than he was before the patch. 


He isn't. Because of the running animation changes he seems slower, but he isn't. 

The part about jumping and sliding is not true. Why would they change it only on Volt?

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1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

So you fail to provide evidence...
So all you said was: "I think, something changed. I have no clue, if it really happened. Just let me rant a bit".

I'm not buying more RAM so I can upgrade my rig to record,install recording software,and then spend hours uploading to youtube to show you videos.
I'm telling you he moves slower. Go play him yourself with a max speed build and compare to every other youtube video of max speed volts. There is a huge difference.

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1 minute ago, wizardeiges said:

I'm not buying more RAM so I can upgrade my rig to record,install recording software,and then spend hours uploading to youtube to show you videos.
I'm telling you he moves slower. Go play him yourself with a max speed build and compare to every other youtube video of max speed volts. There is a huge difference.

That's what I said. You fail to provide evidence.
I won't go play more Volt than I already do just because some people have false perception. He moves are the same speed, just with a changed animation. People THINK he got changed beyond that, but he didn't.

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Just now, WhiteMarker said:

That's what I said. You fail to provide evidence.
I won't go play more Volt than I already do just because some people have false perception. He moves are the same speed, just with a changed animation. People THINK he got changed beyond that, but he didn't.

Not everyone has the means to record youtube videos. :thumbup:
How can you say he wasn't stealth nerfed if you refuse to even test it yourself which only takes less than a minute assuming you have a max speed volt.

Here you go,took like 2 seconds to find this. You run,then you look at them run. Much different speeds.


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2 minutes ago, wizardeiges said:

Not everyone has the means to record youtube videos. :thumbup:
How can you say he wasn't stealth nerfed if you refuse to even test it yourself which only takes less than a minute assuming you have a max speed volt.

Not everyone has the means to use a maxed out Volt. Maybe I don't even own a Volt...
You spread a rumor, you have to provide evidence. That's how things work. Not the other way around.

But I used my Volt, he is as fast as he was before. You are wrong. End of the story.

Edited by WhiteMarker
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I did a topic on the matter and instead of people trying to be absolute edgelords with one-liner answers, we came to the conclusion it is most likely a reduced perception of "speed" because they removed the cartoon legs animation and other SFX for his 2nd ability buff.

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I have to believe there's video out there where someone timed a volt between two static points. If that video can be found, then replicating the test now would put everyone's concerns to rest.

Also, maybe they had to remove his accelerated animations due to his new cloth physics.

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It's a perception issue. The animation speed was normalized but you feel like you're running slower because there's a disconnect between what is actually happening and what you're viewing. Stop spreading this rumor already. It's only going to start flame wars.

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7 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

He is as fast as he was before...

Unless you can provide proof that they nerfed him, you are just spreading a rumor...

No he is not. All the speed frames have been nerfed.

I dont have data at my hand but believe me, if before the Gauss' update there was no room for a wrong turn with Volt, Nezha and Zephyr, right now theyre so slow that you can actually see whats happening and theres plenty of room for correcting a turn while youre running.

Trust me i'm a Sprint boost+Rush user with all my frames, on top of that my instincts are pretty highlighted, im a former national martial artist so tempo, timing and sensing speed are things in my skillset and i swear all these frames are at least 30% slower when youi cast their speed abilities, if not more.

If you dont belive me now youll see plenty of main speedster frames in the upcoming weeks notiicing the issue.

This really pisses me off because i wanted an even more faster frame exactly because i love to test my reflexes and keep them sharp.

Instead they nerfed the other speedsters for a frame which is now the only speedster in game.

Thats a real low blow from DE.

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I can't find any pic with the speed multiplier at it's max from before the update and sadly i don't have any so we can't compare.The attack speed seems fine but running idk, seems slow even after the confirmation they gave us.Right now speed multiplier for 322% str is x2.56.Can someone do the math or provide some screenshot from before?

In any case they messed with a lot of things like the lightning animation has the same straight lines as Gauss so idk but something feels off for sure.

Edited by DeathDweller
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6 hours ago, Nitro747 said:

I did a topic on the matter and instead of people trying to be absolute edgelords with one-liner answers, we came to the conclusion it is most likely a reduced perception of "speed" because they removed the cartoon legs animation and other SFX for his 2nd ability buff.


This is my first thought while reading this. Thought I haven't been playing so haven't checked,

It's an old trick MMOs and other game would do in order to make things appear faster or make worlds look bigger. Animation and sound tricks.

Make the character's walk animation fast and match that with foot steps and you can make them move slower creating the illusion of a larger world map. Likewise the opposite creates the illusion of speed. Rhino + Rush + Arcane Vanguard for instance "looks" like he's moving faster than Loki + Rush because the Vanguard helm is increasing animation speed beyond norm but they're in fact the same speed.

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1 hour ago, LightningStorm84 said:

No he is not. All the speed frames have been nerfed.

I dont have data at my hand but believe me, if before the Gauss' update there was no room for a wrong turn with Volt, Nezha and Zephyr, right now theyre so slow that you can actually see whats happening and theres plenty of room for correcting a turn while youre running.

Trust me i'm a Sprint boost+Rush user with all my frames, on top of that my instincts are pretty highlighted, im a former national martial artist so tempo, timing and sensing speed are things in my skillset and i swear all these frames are at least 30% slower when youi cast their speed abilities, if not more.

If you dont belive me now youll see plenty of main speedster frames in the upcoming weeks notiicing the issue.

This really pisses me off because i wanted an even more faster frame exactly because i love to test my reflexes and keep them sharp.

Instead they nerfed the other speedsters for a frame which is now the only speedster in game.

Thats a real low blow from DE.

Again, it's a matter of perception. The actual speed you're moving is the same, the animations were normalized which happens to make you think you're moving slower. 

It seems to be an unintended side effect of the animation change. People need to stop jumping to conclusions and think already. 

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3 hours ago, LightningStorm84 said:

I dont have data at my hand but believe me

Yeah... I should believe you. You with no evidence to back up anything. You with no insight in the code...

I should believe you over DE... yeah... okay... how about no?

If you have no data or evidence to back up your claim, you are just spreading a rumor. 

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hello everyone , today me and my friend noticed that volt is way slower than before we did several tests and yes volt is slower , it's not an animation thing sadly or his legs just appear like moving slower he is slower , before someone jump on and try to be on the defensive side like some ppl up above who don't go there and do test it out  please go there and test without being so defensive and ending up actually looking dumb . they nerfed him either to make gauss looks more appealing  and they covered it up by saying we only changed the animation or they really tried to change the animation and ended up nerfing him unintentionally .

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2 minutes ago, SuBBZZero said:

before someone jump on and try to be on the defensive side like some ppl up above who don't go there and do test it out  please go there and test without being so defensive and ending up actually looking dumb .

Before you tell someone to test it, how about you provide evidence, video and stuff to prove Volt got nerfed.

All I see is people always saying I should test it for myself. How was is tested in the first place? Show some proof that DE is wrong, that Volt really got nerfed.

I just can do the same by saying that I tested Volt and he is just as fast as he was. And people should just properly test him...

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9 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Before you tell someone to test it, how about you provide evidence, video and stuff to prove Volt got nerfed.

All I see is people always saying I should test it for myself. How was is tested in the first place? Show some proof that DE is wrong, that Volt really got nerfed.

I just can do the same by saying that I tested Volt and he is just as fast as he was. And people should just properly test him...

Prove to us speed frames haven't been tampered with pal, youve gotta know a way right?

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3 minutes ago, SuBBZZero said:

go to test it out yourself don't be lazy maybe you can provide evidence since you're an evidence type of guy who's lazy to try it out instead of hanging around the forums asking ppl to video record it for you . 

But as I said, I tested it. He is just as fast as he was before.
Now we are at a stalemate. DE, and I say that he didn't got nerfed. You say he got nerfed. Who is right? I would go with DE. But hey, what does DE even know about their game?

Just now, ProudlyModified said:

Prove to us speed frames haven't been tampered with pal, youve gotta know a way right?

Or you guys could prove that they got changed... ^^
It's just amazing how many people will just throw a tantrum because they THINK something got changed. But as soon as they have to prove it, they just throw another tantrum.
Triggered Volt-Mains are just the best. XD

Edited by WhiteMarker
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