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MR9 test difficulty since Gauss (?) update.



Have you checked the MR9 (stealth kill) test lately?
Why would you. A friend struggled with it so I ran a test and those grineers are much more keen now.

I ran my live test 3 weeks ago easy, I basically crouch hid top of the columns when encroached. This does not work any more, grineers pick you out even high, across the map.
Also at start of phase 3, you could drop down to the edge of the ledge, crouch and wait for the 3 guards to walk towards you and pick them off when they turn away.
Now this happens: https://youtu.be/_4jVVS4tdB8

Did MR9 test difficulty get a boost for you too?
Or does MR difficulty scale with Quest completions? Like I did it before The War Within easy but my friend is now toast post it?

Fellow players have also confirmed the current extreme AI detection ranges in MR9 test Phase 3, so I posted this now under Mission BUGS:

Edit 2:
A tedious but fail safe solution that does not require any weapon or frame:


Edited by srgtcolon
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11 minutes ago, x_xGamerx_x said:

Thats a normal reaction from any Enemy as they have a about 20m detection range. I suggest he should visit the Cephalon Simaris and practice this test and or watch Guides to this Master Test.


Not sure about normal, but it is not what it was just few weeks ago.
Guards will now detect you crouching, up on the phase-2 ledge.
Here is a quick full run up to phase 3 (phase 3 starts at 1:40) : https://youtu.be/0B5c3pJ_IyA
Detection while crouching in phase 2 area!


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4 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

i will show you what i did ages ago. i just re recorded it after like two years or something which was when i finished it for the first time. here.


Thanks, I did actually see your video :), but if you check the test now, you can no longer crouch hide at the start of phase 3 as you did.
See my video in the OP.
Or see this full run (based on your route) up to phase 3:


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42 minutes ago, srgtcolon said:

Have you checked the MR9 (stealth kill) test lately?
Why would you. A friend struggled with it so I ran a test and those grineers are much more keen now.

I ran my live test 3 weeks ago easy, I basically crouch hid top of the columns when encroached. This does not work any more, grineers pick you out even high, across the map.
Also at start of phase 3, you could drop down to the edge of the ledge, crouch and wait for the 3 guards to walk towards you and pick them off when they turn away.
Now this happens: https://youtu.be/_4jVVS4tdB8

Did MR9 test difficulty get a boost for you too?
Or does MR difficulty scale with Quest completions? Like I did it before The War Within easy but my friend is now toast post it?


Banshee + Redeemer = Easy

Edited by RunningChaos
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1 minute ago, srgtcolon said:

Thanks, I did actually see your video :), but if you check the test now, you can no longer crouch hide at the start of phase 3 as you did.
See my video in the OP.
Or see this full run (based on your route) up to phase 3:


yeah i noticed that too. it actually caused me to fail the first time since they noticed me twice and i also overshot that jump on the last section and got seen too. they seem to have went to the eye doctor for an upgrade

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To be honest, it looks like the devs made some tweaks to the AI, so it is less blind. In your videos i didn't see any cases of enemies seeing you through walls or anything, so I guess the tweaks are intended.

I don't know, maybe it is slightly overtuned in the last part, but it looks fine to me.

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17 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

yeah i noticed that too. it actually caused me to fail the first time since they noticed me twice and i also overshot that jump on the last section and got seen too. they seem to have went to the eye doctor for an upgrade

thanks for checking, I posted this now to mission bugs:


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I am in the same boat as you. The detection range has gone up dramatically. Or - the better "stealth" from crouching is broken. Or both. I'm nearing about 70 or so practice runs and so far only beaten it once, by blind luck.

I've tried using swords - whips, and now a kestrel. I've had the guard at the very end on the upper platform detect me when I'm on the lvl 2 platform.(!)

I also notice that the guard that walks in the middle sometimes turn to the left, and sometimes to the right when he reaches the front of the 3d room, making it even harder, as you never know which way he will look when you hind behind the front pillars in the room. If you kill him with a kestrel from being behind those pillars, the two guards at the back will detect you.

The randomness of his pathing makes it very hard, as you have to wait for the two guards in the back to have a path that does not line them up forward when he is walking forward - this can take a while - and while you wait you would like to be behind one of those two pillars that I talk about, or you can't see the rear guards pathing. And suddenly the middle guard turns the OTHER way and you fail. Yep, this happened a few times.


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