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RIP Ember


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Befor the update Ember was one of my favourite frames. Different to the most frames world in flames was not a static ability, it was a continuous one. With the update it become a second volt, u charge some reservoir up, empty it with on attack and that's it. Only difference is that volt can reach enemys outside of line of sight. Even tho, let comets fall down from a non existing sky makes totaly no sense at all.

Maybe it's just to reach the little kids who ask less question befor spending money, thats ok it's you business.

But from my point of view Ember become obsolet.


PS: A medal to the genius who decided to use yellow color for text on yellow background in the main menu. Also put the interaction elements from the middle to the side. What is useability, just important it look fancy ...

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1.Against every sencible thought I had, I tested her vs Lv 100 bombards.

Not only did she face tank it all, but with a 3+4 combo cleared them all in no time. Bonus points for 0 changes to my pre-update build.

2. I may not be a champ at spelling and grammar but damn.

3. What does she have to do with Volt at all?

4. If you miss your extremely unique frame's world on fire, Maim Equinox is still available.

5. She's gonna be Saryn jr. with that armor shred and aoe.

Edited by Ver1dian
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I didn't said she become worse, the strength has been improved thats true. But her 4 become just a static ability. And english is not my native language, so sry for bad grammar...

Volt is the same, you charge him up with running and cast his 4 once, thats it. Same with ember now.

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Gerade eben schrieb Miser_able:

Oh no, how sad. You can't just push one button then run around watching everything die. HOW DARE DE WANT YOU TO ACTUALLY PLAY THEIR GAME. For shame DE. 

How dare not to play the game as you do, because your are the chosen one..

Achieve a Frame, set it up, forma it, test it and use it is definitly not playing the game *facepalm*

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1 minute ago, (PS4)ScourgeousOxide said:

First of all, Volt’s damage generator passive is not that similar to Immolate. It’s not just ‘run around and get a measly amount of damage’. It offers damage reduction, and makes the other abilities more powerful while also making you have to balance the meter.

Volt doesn't have a meter? Confused here are people mixing up gauss and volt.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

Wait so whats gausses meter thing? Doesn't he get charge for every second hes sprinting? And some of his other abilities.

I thought volt had a different gimmick huh.

Gauss’ meter also fills up when he runs, and not only helps with shield recharge, but is needed to be filled a lot to get the best effects of Redline.

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Just now, (PS4)ScourgeousOxide said:

Gauss’ meter also fills up when he runs, and not only helps with shield recharge, but is needed to be filled a lot to get the best effects of Redline.

So volts and gausses passives are extremely similar.

Huh.  Doesn't matter too much i guess. I used gauss as mastery fodder. And volt i use solely for ediolon sniping body parts with his energy shield ability.

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Dude she can nuke whole armies of level 165 bombards with a few button presses.

With Immolation, she is finally, FINALLY able to survive endgame missions.

Pop on the new Healing Flames mod and you got yourself a self-sustaining nuke tank.

After so, so many years...Ember is finally awesome again. And I, who has seen every iteration of her, is extremely happy with this change.

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Just now, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

So volts and gausses passives are extremely similar.

Huh.  Doesn't matter too much i guess. I used gauss as mastery fodder. And volt i use solely for ediolon sniping body parts with his energy shield ability.

I suppose they are, but Mirage and Nezha’s are even worse. I’m not exactly a huge fan of either of them myself, but I like Gauss sometimes for the Plains or Orb Vallis.

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16 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Oh no, how sad. You can't just push one button then run around watching everything die. HOW DARE DE WANT YOU TO ACTUALLY PLAY THEIR GAME. For shame DE. 

I am totally critical when it comes to static skills, the problem is not pushing buttons the problem is standing still because the skill is fixed, all frame ultimates should have two activation options, fixed with long range and mobile with low range, static skills are horrible for new open world maps making old frames obsolete with their static ability to stay alive

ninjas play free?

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31 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

Not only did she face tank it all, but with a 3+4 combo cleared them all in no time. Bonus points for 0 changes to my pre-update build.

Can`t wait to get her on console and enjoy my firehawk memes again, except i will enjoy being like Amara in BL3 and just brushing off the DPS, instead of being in constant motion and relying on world on fire to keep enemies distracted.

31 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

4. If you miss your extremely unique frame's world on fire, Maim Equinox is still available.

Praise the EquiNox for she is my multi-tool of doom, still needs to get her QoLs though for many things, but she is still the rocker of stock and bomb, sleeping any mobs like noxes/bursas/other annoying dangerous mobs and even can power str/damage reduction aura to an extent.

Plus it can all be done on the same build with no real hassle at all. 😜

31 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

5. She's gonna be Saryn jr. with that armor shred and aoe.

Anything with the ability to launch a AoE stripper is going to get compared to her. Cept Saryn spreads it over a field & can easily lose it once the enemies are cleared out and Ember just detonates in a wide spot on command, Very sure Ember is going to have better effort between the 4th ability and her 3rd/4th ability augments on top of having more innate survivability compared to what you normally have to build to get Saryn some survivability.

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