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Kuva Liches are ruining this game for me and I don't even have one active


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I hated my first Kuva lich. I hated having to grind the star chart to learn their weakness. I hated having to farm kuva missions for relics when I didn't need Kuva. I hated spending my void traces on relics so I could get the parazon mods. I hated having my rewards put in time out until I killed my lich. The only thing I enjoyed was when I finally got rid of my lich and got control of the game back.

So I decide to spend the rest of my evening enjoying the melee update and ranking up some weapons. I join Hydron and before the first wave is even over up pops the message from the Kuva Guardian, There's no way in hell I'm risking even the smallest chance that anything I do creates a new lich to ruin my game so I abandon the mission. "What are the odds that could happen again?" I wonder as I join Hydron again. Then the Kuva guardian message pops up, so I abandon. Join again... Kuva guardian message... abandon. Join again... Kuva guardian message... abandon.

Congratulations DE. Not only did you create a Kuva Lich system that ruined the game for me while I had it active but you made it so I can't even play any missions involving grineer ever again if I want to avoid it.

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And this is partly why I haven't even activated my first lich yet 🙂

I'm not exactly thrilled by the multiple layers or rng needed just to kill the damn thing, then there's the 3 use restriction on mods that can ONLY be gained by at least 2 layers of rng meaning 'constant' farming of relics filled with stuff I have no need for (I don't really see a use for the weapon exilus without more capacity) and throw in a forced farming mechanic to figure out the correct mods needed to kill the lich.... Then to top it off you can actually lose a relic you need for farming the mods if it happens to fall in a lich controlled zone.....

I'll get all my relics etc done first (not that I'm in any rush for this content) then I'll go look at a lich... and the rng on the weapons that go with it... Hopefully by then DE might have done something to make it less of a grind fest...yes I know the game is grindy but there comes a point when there is too much for such a small reward.

Bit annoyed I can't even buy the relics via syndicates too...

I've said it elsewhere but the rng/design of the lich system is basically for 2 reasons...

1 - to get players to buy the relics or mods with plat.... if that wasn't the intention they wouldn't have them in the store.

2 - It's 'repeatable' content for 'veterans' because essentially DE can't come up with a better solution than time limited gear we need to keep farming, through multiple layers of RNG just to make it 'last longer' or frustrate to the point where we just say screw it and resort to reason 1... (lets be honest DE's business model of late is anything but complicated)



Edited by LSG501
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2 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Well I mean if you're only doing Hydron that won't be a problem.

And this is how far people will go to defend this update.  They couldn't get "just don't spawn another lich" to work so now they've seriously moved on to "just don't do another grineer mission ever again".

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1 minute ago, PlanckZero said:

And this is how far people will go to defend this update.  They couldn't get "just don't spawn another lich" to work so now they've seriously moved on to "just don't do another grineer mission ever again".

go ESO not hydron if you are smart

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2 minutes ago, PlanckZero said:

And this is how far people will go to defend this update.  They couldn't get "just don't spawn another lich" to work so now they've seriously moved on to "just don't do another grineer mission ever again".

No I'm just having some fun actually and pointing out that mindlessly sitting in Hydron is not playing the game anyway.

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Just now, (PS4)Ragology said:

I've read that lichs will eventually be made for the other factions too. (heard from players, nothing official from DE.) 

Could be interesting. My clan and I were speculating the same thing the other day, imagining it stealing argon crystals, corpus ones only stealing credits etc, the infested ones can keep the Juggernauts infected tubercules for all I care.. As long as I can have a band of misfits and in a mission brandish my pokemon belt before selecting a ball and throwing it while yelling "insert name here!" I CHOOSE YOU!" Then hey, I'm happy 😄

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2 minutes ago, HiemalSummer said:

inb4 larvae spawn with the grineer troops in ESO lol

That's actually a thinker but they shouldn't they should only spawn on tiles that are naturally grineer and the ESO tiles are modified so it should be safe?

That said I can't recall the pre-reqs for being able to access SO/ESO

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Was really excited for the Kuva Lich update, went in the game and activated one. 

Then regretted my decision as I just don't have the time to grind the mods. Perks of not reading the notes! 

Now I avoid the content altogether. But eventually I will have to face it due to sorties ending up in these influenced nodes yea? Maybeeee next time bro. 

Some long time players I know are enjoying this content, but I don't feel the same as someone who just joined the game for a few months, still trying to learn about the game. I feel punished just by playing Wf now. 


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

I've read that lichs will eventually be made for the other factions too. (heard from players, nothing official from DE.) 

And even if they don't come to other factions it's not like you're going to be able to avoid the lich system forever.  There's no telling how they may expand on it in the future since unlike other game modes it's flexible enough to keep adding onto, at the very least it should eventually tie into empyrean since the grineer are going to be the first faction featured there and the demos they've had featured attacking your lich's fleet. 

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