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TennoGen Round 18 Submission Deadline


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Hi Tenno!

It’s been a while since our last TennoGen round, and with the holiday season upon us, we want to give ample notice for the next deadline for those working on the finishing touches for their creations.

We are closing Round 18 submissions on January 20th, 2020 at 2pm ET! Any items submitted or updated between August 26th and that deadline will be considered. 

If you have an existing submission with several iterations from feedback, we strongly recommend re-submitting it so it doesn’t get missed in review!


All creations must be submitted with the following screenshot guidelines, so we can properly judge your creation. We reserve the right to reject items without proper screenshots, due to our inability to properly review your item.

  • Please make sure to include a tint breakdown. 
  • Have at least one well-lit screenshot on a 50% grey background and uncoloured lighting.
  • For Skins and Syandanas, make sure the colouring in your screenshots matches the colouring in the files you uploaded.
  • For Warframe Alt-Helmets, please be sure to match the base colours of the Warframe in your files and in one of the screenshots!
  • Make sure your screenshots are all up to date! If you have comparison shots for previous versions, please indicate which screenshots are of the current iteration -- aka the ones we should be evaluating!
  • Finally, provide both back, front and side views of your creation so we can see the whole picture. These views should not be partial -- we need to see the FULL item from all sides.

That's about it! Happy creating, Tenno!


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5 hours ago, Cellbound said:

I want nidus ion & blade of the lotus skins.



Not to be rude, or stomp on your parade, but neither of those skins have been updated yet for the recent round. That's a requirement for an item to be eligible for the potential to be added again. Also, having to see that graphic over and over on every TennoGen Round thread, is getting kind of annoying and showcases some ignorance from the person posting it. DE is the ultimate decider for what gets added into the game, the community barely has a say if any at all. If the TennoGen artists don't want to make skins for Nidus or update their already made skins for him, DE can't really force them and neither can we.

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On ‎2019‎-‎12‎-‎08 at 11:33 PM, Scruffel said:

Not to be rude, or stomp on your parade, but neither of those skins have been updated yet for the recent round. That's a requirement for an item to be eligible for the potential to be added again. Also, having to see that graphic over and over on every TennoGen Round thread, is getting kind of annoying and showcases some ignorance from the person posting it. DE is the ultimate decider for what gets added into the game, the community barely has a say if any at all. If the TennoGen artists don't want to make skins for Nidus or update their already made skins for him, DE can't really force them and neither can we.

Well, 'not updated' is not necessarily means 'not accepted ingame'.

Remember wukong auman skin? That skin was never has been updated since first registered. but after 1 year. It's accepted ingame.

And besides...even DE have right to decision, but we are who buy tennogen skins, not DE. I don't think DE not consider our opinion

for tennogen item completely.   


...Maybe you're right & my efforts are futile. But, I still wanna try with hope. Therefore, here's my new nidus meme...lol XD




Edited by Cellbound
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1 hour ago, Cellbound said:

Well, 'not updated' is not necessarily means 'not accepted ingame'.

It does. When a item was previously denied in one round, and if it's not updated for the next round, it still would be denied.

1 hour ago, Cellbound said:

Remember wukong auman skin? That skin was never has been updated since first registered. but after 1 year. It's accepted ingame.

Not sure what you're talking about since the Workshop page tells a different story in relation to that TennoGen round. First (officially) uploaded on August 25th, 2017 and last updated on Oct 12, 2017. Technically, it would have been eligible for Round 10 (deadline was August 31st), which it wasn't accepted in probably due to the Halloween theme at the time, but Round 11 had an exception where it allowed items that were last updated or added from June 20th of that year before the November 8th deadline. So it was perfectly accepted. Unless you're talking about the Wukong Mithra skin, well that one was still being constantly updated in between rounds until it was finally accepted.

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