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Limbo question



Is there a feature, way to notice if Limbo has cast Shift on a target?

A color change an Object indication, Something??

Playing Limbo is kinda strange with his ability based on Shifting things back and forth, but you cant tell if its working.and which targets were hit, if any.

His power seems to require him to Shift things, before the rest of his ability can Do much to the enemy, and the only 1 that Can be noticed is when you create a HUGE bubble and anything in it, can be affected.

Having 10 Enemy shooting at me, casting and they are ALLL still shooting at me, but 1/2 of them have been shifted, and you cant tell WHO IS SHIFTED..

Is htere a way to tell, in a better way then to figure out who can still shoot me?

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Am 21.2.2020 um 00:45 schrieb ECACA:

Cata works pretty good, but not on the run, with spawns behind you..

Limbo has no REAL casting when not in limbo.  He has 1 skill that affects, the Cata is a bubble and Allot of the enemy will Pause outside..  But higher ranks just Jump in..and it Costs to much to use all the time..as a single Cast, Cata dont work for anything with higher ranks, and STOPPING to cast 2 skills, is asking to DIE.

Casting Cata then 3, is abit stupid, except it DOES mark those in the Bubble ONLY..  Doing Cata then 2 then 3, is kinda neat but stopping to cast 3 skills is REALLY asking to die.

Casting Cata and being enveloped then leaving Cancels my Personal limbo???  WHY???  there can be 2 times as many enemy OUTSIDE..

Rift is larger then Cata?  it dont work outside of Limbo.

Range??  Stasis rift and cata Range??  Iv thrown them and had good affect, but HARD TO SEE IT..except cata which create a large bubble.

There are so many things that dont work while in Limbo/rift, why does Status from outside carry into it.

While in Limbo....There is this thing about Not much working, but then a Long List of items that DO WORK...which is very interesting.

But since this is an alternate ??  Alarms and many other things should not work EITHER or be changed/augmented.

reading ur setences are like wtf. limbo is the warframes name. the different dimension is called rift !

the rift part is exactly the thing! thats what u are ment to play around.

rift is ment to be ur safeguard mechanic, hence it is on shift, to quickly enter rift if situation becomes dire. Addtionally the main factor of his 2nd and 3rd abiliy is to strengthen that differnt demensional theme, as neither of them affect the normal plane.

so you can stay outside rift fight and just play around rift dash,repositoning urself or waiting for stealth + heal from sentien to trigger. Or you activly use ur abilitys to get a few selected enemies into the rift (which cant move if stasis is active --> no dmg taken = secure killing) at the downside of useing energy for it. Which seems absolulty reasonably.

stasis range = all rift (has no range as far as i know, or its alot higher then the other ranges so you dont nice it in gerenal)

ur setence about 4,2,3 makes 0 sense ! you can sit in rift (safe) press 2, press 4 (open a rift bubble at the location u want to) --> enemies are directly cc as they enter rift. then u can take all the time u want to cast ur 3.

you just have to literally use ur brain to effently use rift and ur abilites. sure if u stay outside rift, take 1sec to cast 4 then 0,5sec to cast 3 and then 0,5sec to cast stasis is asking to die.

when u leave the cataclysm area. u are automatically leaving rift urself (since it opens a rift pocket) there is only 1 rift. so leaving the ctacylsm area means leaving rift. if you dont want to leave rift you can just press shift directly after u left cataclysm area.

--> alarms dont work. all sensor based alarms dotn affect limbo. but camera based ones still spot limbo. so if you combine rift + stealth kubrow/sentinel he makes a great spy frame.

Am 23.2.2020 um 03:05 schrieb ECACA:

If they are Paused/Stasis..  they are on Edge(most times) and popping in and out and its hard to hit them.

thats why u use ur 3 ! when the edge shrinks so they normall would leave cataclysm and as such the rift. riftsurge triggers the radial banish, so they stay in the rift. Thats also how you get more enemies in the rift if you play with banish while in the rift. you banish a group of enemies press 2 and 3, leave atleast 1 enemy alive and when other enemies that arent in the rift get near him (not in rift so not affected by stasis) you cast banish on the enemy in the rift. this "unbanishes" the target which triggers the riftsurge radial banish on leaving rift. since its a radial banish the enmies close to it (if in range) enter the rift. then you repeat that. It is just really slow playstyle and way less efficient then casting 4

--> maybe you forgot being in rift gives you +2 energy/sec and each enemy killed in the rift while in the rift gives you 10energy aswell. so for 1+2+3+1 (+3) to be even someone efficient (lets say 150% efficieny) it costs 62,5 (75) energy.  (as you wouldnt want - duration for cataclysm) 130% efficiency 4+2 (+3) = 105  (140) energy.

the thing is cataclysm is way bigger then banish (especially radial banish). its base duration is also longer, so if you have to be "stational" anyway (waiting for new enemies to approach ur banished target) or people to enter ur cataclysm, cataclysm will always be more efficient. longer duration = less frequent casting. bigger range = more enemies in rift = more energy back.

for 1+2+3+1 you need about 6-7 enemies to have net energy of 0. for 4+2 its ~10-14 enmies. comparing the size and its duration... you get my point

Am 23.2.2020 um 21:54 schrieb ECACA:

would like to see him with more then 1 dimension.  Because if you Cast Banish to get a group from shooting you, which is nice...to hit them, or if your FRIENDS want to hit them..  They must KNOW they are banished,,, and that dont know if you do.  

As a counter, to Stop being shot at, and just SAVE your rescue, its great, but you DONT want to Cast Banish on the enemy or they will kill your rescue...  Not sure as it dont say, is there a Tone/noise when banish ends??  or do I have to keep looking at the bottom Corner and Run into things while doing it.  Stasis does, which is nice.

here you start bringing up the visual clarity and HUD problem.

For the recuse target situation. why would u even banish enemies ? you go max duration, min range with 2 speed mods and rest defensive mods. you press shift after getting into mission. run to rescue target. rescue him --> for that go in operator press shift (void mode makes u invisble) hack terminals. once you got the rescue target you press shift, banish the rescue target press shift again and walk to extraction point.

Am 23.2.2020 um 21:54 schrieb ECACA:

Iv taught a friend how to deal with Limbo, but I hear most people dont like him..  But he can setup a safe point, and you can go in and out..  the 1 problem Iv seen, is bullets shot OUTSIDE will hit on the other side of the Bubble..so you can be shot from the other side, just not in the bubble.

instead of that being a problem its acutally sth great.if he doesnt want to get hurt he can go in cataclysm and take benefits of rift + stasis. or he can stay outside and kill everything outside. since ur "aggro lvl" doesnt lower or higher depending on same or different rifts. the enemies will still mainly shoot targets that are in cataclysm, since its infront of them.

Am 23.2.2020 um 21:54 schrieb ECACA:

Cast Banish on team mate, when does it end, and did I HIT an enemy with banish>???  add to this the ability to Tap 1 person into banish..would help allot...That person getting hit HARD..NOW has a chance to heal for a short time.  Also, raise heal about .5 in banish.  Shields go up fast, but healing inside still sucks.

on allies (squad members) you can see that on their hud icon, timer + banish icon. For rescue targets or other banishable non player targets you can only see on ur banish hud (which is also only the timer of the last cast/active banish instance). --> thats why most of the better limbo builds are - range + high duration. you just press stasis and then 1 at the target you want to banish. (you see a grab like effect around the target if it was hit by banish --> depending on energy color really faint. and all enemies you have accidentally hit are "frozen" so you can see quickly which are in rift and which arent.

for solo play its a bit more difficult (-range in solo.... normaly ud want here + range, which makes it harder to distungish that stuff thought, hence i see ur problem)

generall adivse, strap as much defense mods on limbo as possilbe. great combo is fleeting + narrowminded + overextended + natural talent + (primed continouity, not needed but duration is always nice) --> it gives you alot of efficiency decent duration and decent range, casting speed in solo is great as that could be a matter of life and death (also always would use handspring in exilus)

this leaves you with 3-4 mods you can use for defensive purposes. qt + primed flow + vitality (give alot of surviveablity) 4th mod could then be rolling guard, adaption or rapid resilience. or another ability mod (could go more range, or 75% effency or duration, depending on ur playstyle, but never ability strength!!)

Am 23.2.2020 um 21:57 schrieb ECACA:

Banish heals,

thats banish augment 🙂

Am 23.2.2020 um 21:57 schrieb ECACA:

those 2 dimensions, real and 1 off, are NOW shooting at me

they are shooting you but you only get hurt by the enemies shooting you from the dimension as you are in. so those enmies that you just banished to the rift, cant hurt you.


vor 11 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

WOULD LOVE, to cast banish to BRING enemy to my realm..NOT away

that was limbo prerework. getting into the rift was on a timer (like invisible abilites are) and costed energy (2). and 1 was single target. his 3 made limbo fast i think (reload speed and holster rate) augment just gave a buff (i dont think it was affected by enemies in the rift) and 4 literally stayed the same. as you can see limbo played really differntly at that time. he was completly useless. whoever used his 1 99% used it to troll other people. getting a single enemy into the rift in a game were 1000 enemies spawn makes it complelty useless. Him not having stasis or cc ment he was even weaker in rift (but dealt more dmg in rift as riftsurge augment was more usefull). At that time limobs surviveablity was all on his range. you build high duration, 130effency + strength (if u used riftsruge augment). it only made him for some missions better (rescue, spy) and to some extend solo play in general.


vor 11 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

Energy generation inside the rift can not be Interrupted??  BUT them they can??


complaining about a wiki article on forum.. good idea cause all of us wrote the articles on the wiki (hint: half of the content in wiki is outdated and most interactions arent even listed, or often said "further testing needed"  --> its a fandom wiki and not Warframes official Wikipedia (i am pretty sure often DE doesnt even know themself what interacts and what doesnt) IF its fun it just stays as a feature if its too gamebreaking its nerfed (--> either case they look into the subject and then "generlize" it. which still only affects half of the stuff or then twice as much should be)


vor 12 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

Players in the Rift plane cannot perform most of the interactions with the environment that require the action key (default X ), such as:

  • hack consoles (entering the rift will cancel any hacking action)
  • introduce datamasses in Mobile Defense objectives (casting Cataclysm130xDark Cataclysm before introducing the datamass is therefore a bad idea)
  • open lockers
  • activate Life Support capsules
  • call elevators

Players in Rift cant do ??? unless in a CATA???


For all this, I can still open doors..While shifted??

im pretty sure cata has nothing to do with it. you cant start mobile defense terminal when its in cataclysm. you can only pick up the datapad when its in cataclysm. you cant pick it up when u are in rift but datapad is not.

--> as a limbo player just get used to use ur operator for that stuff, as operators are never affected by rift

as far as i can know it used to be that you couldnt open doors aswell (alteast thats what i remeber, so it mused have been changed somewhere in the year i didnt play or i just remeber it wrong)

i am just gonna leave a limbo thread i did a month ago. in my last comment to it i go over visual changes and rift mechanics. maybe it gives you a more coherent idea then reading through 20 comments (you can ingore the changes i submit to fix it if it dosnt interest you, but as you also have ideas to what would help maybe it does)


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MAke 1 change..at least.

If Im in the rift, I shifted, and cast banish, I can bring others TO limbo, rift, shift them//..

PLEASE..THEN I can play with them, insted of NEEDING to Phaze, shift to GET TO THEM..And my team dont have to worry about TRYING to kill them, and the need to Shift my team, While there are also Many other enemy that ARNT..

Hitting banish on 1 or a group has to Blatantly SHOW they can NOT be hit if you are NOT also Banished or in the bubble.

Let do it this way..Ever been on a stage..And all the Characters are Lit..  And then a spot light comes on..The players really dont see the spot on 1 person if there is Other light on.  Just 1 Side of then is Brighter then the other..But very little difference.  The Audience can see it, Partly.  but it dont stand out.

When fighting, ask a real soldier, What he is looking for..  NOTHING except a target.  IF thers is not a noticable difference to stand out, we SHOOT THEM ALL..  but those few keep standing, not falling down...WTF??

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PS, Iv been in a Map and my Enerfgy would not Add up..it Sat at 15-20..  it was on Earth and kinda sucked, as I was TRYING to protect the mining drill.

I can never figure out What Stopped Limbo from gaining his power back.  Shot, Hit, ??? that stops him from gaining power.

Rift is a safe place as long as you dont banish anyone into it.

stassis is 1/2 the time of the bubble.  only works on those in rift.But can cast Stasis while in Rift, but cant Cast banish while in rift..

The need to cast, All the spells to protect the bubble is Stupid.  Cast stasis, cast #3 to set a curse that travels to others Outside the bubble...3 casts, about 5-6 seconds, but you Want to leave the bubble to kill those with Curse #3 on them??  you cant heal that way.

The casting takes to long.  you would think they would Just happen, he is Unique and it isnt magic.  its an ability..  A nice movement is good, but it should be faster..

Just Change Banish..  I can run around  in Limbo and Cast it on small groups and kill them as needed.


Edited by ECACA
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I think you are mixing up two things. One is how to play Limbo as he currently works, the other is how you would like Limbo to change. If you play Limbo like you would like him to be and not how he currently works you'll have problems. And not only you, your squad will have problems as well.

Both Limbo and rift works quite consistently when you get the hang of it. There are some important "extra rules", like that unmovable things cannot be rifted (consoles etc.) even within Cataclysm, but otherwise the rift <=> normal world works quite well.

In your first post you identify one of the problems, a Limbo banishing enemies (and squad mates) to and from the rift. The problem is not that rifted/unrifted enemies and friends are hard to distinguish, but that this kind of banishing interferes with everyone's play. My advice would be to never use this in squad play unless it is a predetermined squad tactic (everyone onboard with it) and/or you can communicate with the others. I play Limbo a lot and like both him and his unique abilities, but if I encounter a Limbo banishing friends and enemies all over the place I will leave/abort. Better colors wouldn't help.

The most "not understood"  Limbo thing is playing in the rift outside Cataclysm (+ Stasis). There is no need whatsoever of Limbo playing inside a Cataclysm, but a lot of Limbos hang there just the same, being vulnerable to nullies, having to keep a constant eye on Stasis & Cataclysm clocks. This is even more important during solo play and/or against higher level enemies.

So my advice would be:

  1. learn use Limbo's abilities effectively for what they are and how they work (and just as importantly: how they don't work and mess things up)
  2. complain and demand changes as much as you like but don't let it affect your gameplay (Limbo already is a god warframe with unique abilities)
  3. stay outside Cataclysm most/all of the time (always)
  4. Cataclysm without Stasis is often worse than worthless when fighting enemies (not only for you but for the whole squad)
  5. smaller is often better than larger (Cataclysm)
Edited by Graavarg
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22 hours ago, Graavarg said:

I think you are mixing up two things. One is how to play Limbo as he currently works, the other is how you would like Limbo to change. If you play Limbo like you would like him to be and not how he currently works you'll have problems. And not only you, your squad will have problems as well.

Both Limbo and rift works quite consistently when you get the hang of it. There are some important "extra rules", like that unmovable things cannot be rifted (consoles etc.) even within Cataclysm, but otherwise the rift <=> normal world works quite well.

In your first post you identify one of the problems, a Limbo banishing enemies (and squad mates) to and from the rift. The problem is not that rifted/unrifted enemies and friends are hard to distinguish, but that this kind of banishing interferes with everyone's play. My advice would be to never use this in squad play unless it is a predetermined squad tactic (everyone onboard with it) and/or you can communicate with the others. I play Limbo a lot and like both him and his unique abilities, but if I encounter a Limbo banishing friends and enemies all over the place I will leave/abort. Better colors wouldn't help.

The most "not understood"  Limbo thing is playing in the rift outside Cataclysm (+ Stasis). There is no need whatsoever of Limbo playing inside a Cataclysm, but a lot of Limbos hang there just the same, being vulnerable to nullies, having to keep a constant eye on Stasis & Cataclysm clocks. This is even more important during solo play and/or against higher level enemies.

So my advice would be:

  1. learn use Limbo's abilities effectively for what they are and how they work (and just as importantly: how they don't work and mess things up)
  2. complain and demand changes as much as you like but don't let it affect your gameplay (Limbo already is a god warframe with unique abilities)
  3. stay outside Cataclysm most/all of the time (always)
  4. Cataclysm without Stasis is often worse than worthless when fighting enemies (not only for you but for the whole squad)
  5. smaller is often better than larger (Cataclysm)

I agree with every thing you said.

What I believe they should do is make Banish Gray tone without any color mixture. When in Rift and banished targets become colored based on frame chosen energy color, if not they are grayed out indicating nothing in gray can be damaged or can damage you (similar to enemies with invulnerability phases). Therefore casting banish on targets will trigger them gray for other players to see instead of the small swirly light flying around them and vis versa.

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I like playing Limbo, but there isnt much future in some of his abilities.

IF' his Bubble would Cause damage along the edge constant, until the enemy entered or exit, fully..  Would be interesting.

How well does Stasis work on higher levels, Iv stopped level 40 with it, but aint faught much higher.

Still think banish should Pull, not push out of Limbo Status at the time..  Becasue I need to Shift to Limbo to combat them.  If I Could be in limbo and Pull them in to hit, would be faster and more interesting.  Being able to take 1-2 enemy into limbo where I am waiting is easier to kill.  But Being in Limbo and CANT cast banish is a pain.  It would be a bit of a cheat, but would give limbo the ability to Bring a TEAM into it and pulling the enemy TO US, not Go in and real time, Banish and Jump to Limbo to kill them..  Other wise the team cant tell WHO is what.

The real Pain is also, being in the bubble and leaving a Drill thats protected pretty well, but you have to Shift again, because you lost the protection.    And HOW in hell can that Moa Spit Acid/lava/what ever into the bubble from outside??  unless anything that CAN move can enter, except Bullet and weapons, Except High explosives can enter and go boom and hurt you.

Still wish the bullets going thru would kill off enemy on other side..

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Am 29.2.2020 um 08:50 schrieb ECACA:

I like playing Limbo, but there isnt much future in some of his abilities.

IF' his Bubble would Cause damage along the edge constant, until the enemy entered or exit, fully..  Would be interesting.

How well does Stasis work on higher levels, Iv stopped level 40 with it, but aint faught much higher.

Am 28.2.2020 um 07:42 schrieb ECACA:

PS, Iv been in a Map and my Enerfgy would not Add up..it Sat at 15-20..  it was on Earth and kinda sucked, as I was TRYING to protect the mining drill.

I can never figure out What Stopped Limbo from gaining his power back.  Shot, Hit, ??? that stops him from gaining power.

Rift is a safe place as long as you dont banish anyone into it.

stassis is 1/2 the time of the bubble.  only works on those in rift.But can cast Stasis while in Rift, but cant Cast banish while in rift..

The need to cast, All the spells to protect the bubble is Stupid.  Cast stasis, cast #3 to set a curse that travels to others Outside the bubble...3 casts, about 5-6 seconds, but you Want to leave the bubble to kill those with Curse #3 on them??  you cant heal that way.

The casting takes to long.  you would think they would Just happen, he is Unique and it isnt magic.  its an ability..  A nice movement is good, but it should be faster..

Just Change Banish..  I can run around  in Limbo and Cast it on small groups and kill them as needed.

man.... there are just issues alot of them (the more i read ur posts the more there are. you are refusing to play around the mechanics in game, actually even worse 90% of the time it seems you just disregard what an ability does or how anything works)

Am 28.2.2020 um 07:37 schrieb ECACA:

If Im in the rift, I shifted, and cast banish, I can bring others TO limbo, rift, shift them//..

PLEASE..THEN I can play with them, insted of NEEDING to Phaze, shift to GET TO THEM..And my team dont have to worry about TRYING to kill them, and the need to Shift my team, While there are also Many other enemy that ARNT..

just read this. i answered to it even before. i already said why its not anymore this way. You can stay indeffinitly in the rift (to answer an other question of you aswell: aslong as you are in the rift u gain energy, only if u are in the rift and if u kill enemies in the rift you even gain 10flat energy) so you are techically always protected (since you cant be dmged cross plane). if you now have the ability to cast banish on the enemy to get them into the rift, you are invunerable all the time. you bascially play god mode. you get energy back always, you get more energy for killing enemies, you can always freeze enemies (stasis), and you can even get always a dmg amp (rift surge augment).

For the sake of balance, so that this godlike perma state invuerbility is not as easibly achieved, they changed it from pulling it into rift to pushes target into opposite plane.

and again (already answered you) you can do this atm. you are in normal plane, you press 1 on a group of enemies, you shift, you press 2, you press 3, you press 1 on the enemies affected by 3. It procs radial banish from riftsurge ! it just takes alot of time and energy

Am 28.2.2020 um 08:21 schrieb Graavarg:

I think you are mixing up two things. One is how to play Limbo as he currently works, the other is how you would like Limbo to change. If you play Limbo like you would like him to be and not how he currently works you'll have problems. And not only you, your squad will have problems as well.

thats only half of it i think.  he just has 0 clue of rift and cearly at best only half understood limbo abilities and problably has even less clue of any game mechanics in general. Throughout this whole thread everytime he encounters a downside its like "thats sth negative, why does sth have a negative sideeffect ??, remove it". Limbo played right is near invunerable and he at one point states how its bad that he dies while not playing around rift or the abilites (it took him 3 weeks to realise that stasis is a important ability of limbo, but i am pretty sure he still nearly never uses stasis)

i dont want to be disrespectfull or anything, but i dont think someone that played limbo for 3 weeks atleast now and still struggels with the basic concept of limbo and how he work, even after it being all pointed out (by others and myself) shouldnt give his opinion about changes.

a short idea of what limbo abilites do:

Rift: no interacaption between different planes (few exceptions, mainly other warframe abilites being "cross" plane and boss type enemies not being able to enter rift). Entering leaving rift deals 300 transitional impact dmg to enemies

banish: push enemies out of their momentarly plane of existence (only works if limbo and target share same plane)

stasis: freezes all enemies in stasis (bosses are immune to this but if they use projectile based weapons, the projectiles are still stopped in their movement) and affects whole riftplane --> only enemies in the rift plane are effected by it

riftsurge: puts riftsurge charge on all enemies inside the rift. can only be cast with atleast 1 enemy in rift and range. if a target with riftsurge leaves the rift, it explodes the riftsurge charge, performing a radial banish. if target with riftsurge is banished its transfered to a nearby target inside its vaccinity (can be a riftbound enemy without riftsurge or a enemy in the normal plane, at which point it has no real use/effect)

cataclysm: rift bubble. shrinks over time but also deals more dmg over its duration on collaps. bubble general affected by rift mechanics, but has some additional features --> loot can be picked up, x interactable objects on the ground (datapads, thermia, excavtor energycells) can be picked up and bosses are "riftbound" aslong as inside the cataclysm --> stasis doesnt affect them thought)

if this still didnt enlighten you to what limbo does and how he should be played i can only tell you to:

  •  go read the warframe. fandom wiki article about limbo
  • watch a limbo guide on youtube
  • go to simularcron and learn/ understand by trieng limbo and his abilites out first hand

if you still dont want to abide to any logic, drop limbo and become a inaros main (for spy go ivara, literally cant #*!% that up, for defense frost and dont forget to always use ur ignis wraith having to aim is sth negative with ignis you dont have to)

now to answer you. Thats exactly what his bubble does on the edge, each time an enemy enters rift or leaves it they are dealt 300 transitional impact dmg (not scaling off anyhting). When you activate ur 2 (which again should be active always), they get frozen the moment the enter (which is the edge) and then they keep getting 300 impact dmg over and over and over for each time they enter and leave rift till they dead.

stasis is cc. CC is not affected by armor or lvl. there are enemies that are cc imune (most bosses/ mini bosses), but its not lvl dependent. So technically speaking since enemy sacling is at exponatial (dmg and survviabity) the higher lvl you fight the better cc will be (it still has the same effect, but getting hit by lvl 10enemy or lvl 200 enemy is wastly differnt, and if u stop both equally you could put more value to it on the lvl 200 enemy).

and also no idea why the "limbo changes" are continoued in this limbo question topic. how is that related to changing limbo ? but whatever i guess ill leave it here aswell.

good old copy paste:

--> what ive personally didnt think about when i ve created this thread was how difficult it is sometimes to see the rfit effect (for none limbo players). Limbo himself has more understanding if somone is banished as he uses that ability and as such is more likely to see the faint visuals, or expects an enemy to be banished and correlates no being able to dmg sth with rift. (i dont look directly at squad who is playing what myself so i cant expect others to do it)

So a easy way to fix both of it:  make the rift monochrome

  • enemies affected by it have no color and are either more whiteish or black depending on sorrounding lighning lvl, if its bright its darker if its dark lighter. (and highlighted/outlined by limbo energy color)
  • while a player is in the rift everything  that cant be interacted with becomes monochrome (envirement stays the same) and enmies that are inside the rift are again highlighted with energy color (+ you get innate seethrough if enmies are affected and behind a wall for example)


  • on rift dash: (remove or lower it significantly)
  • entering/leaving: (got idea from last devsteam) the blending out sound part --> entering: sucks in all sound, leaving: gives sound back.
  • general: --> could go in further on entering rift/leaving rift part -> inside rift only enviromental sounds + sound from enemies inside rift (depending on how "annoying" silent/calm rift sound is, sound outside rift while inside rift (and other way round) could be just tuned down (and get a bit of interference noise)

i think both sound and visual changes would make each on their own it easier to distinguish what plane of existence you are in atm, aswell as the enemies you are looking at. Both together would enhance eachother --> sound + color, less sound + monochrome. Both effects fit well with the differnent planes theme aswell. And the monochrome state of not interacatable stuff makes it easier for Players who just started playing Limbo (as they see on first sight, thats grey while rest is color --> gotta change plane to interact with it)

(clearly there are more simple solutions: --> just highlight enemies with limbo rift color (problem is still black energy color dissapears) and just lower the sound volume on entering/leaving rift.

PS: if you use Limbo to describe Rift plane a single time more ill get an aneurysm.

LIMBO is the name of the warframe. RIFT (PLANE) is the name of the "other" dimension.




Edited by BloodyEy3
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I do understand limbo..

But ask those that dont like playing With limbo..

You gain More energy(+1) and even health while in limbo..but you also do while not in limbo.

And I think there is way to even increase this, as well as Health mods to help the team ALLOT, While Banished or in Limbo.

As a single player he is very good, but still not that great.

My syggestions on the Edge of rift, is using Stasis to Hold them there and let them Die, because it will be constant damage, NOT just 300 in/out..  25/50 per sec would be great.  but it seems its not happening the way you say..  As long as they are not in/out, they should take damage.  But the Bubble/shield, trans-dimensional Field dont work very well on those Over 30..Unless we can use Stasis, and cause constant damage.

Also, noted is that Some enemy seem to be backing away from me, and using longer ranges..  which is interesting.  But I would love to cast more then 1 bubble..  But is that worth it, if they arnt taking much damage?

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb ECACA:


You gain More energy(+1) and even health while in limbo..but you also do while not in limbo.

wfÜOFFOIÜDksfaäüfjgnerg<ädsfasdf  ........................................................... --> just had an aneurysm.

vor 12 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

I do understand limbo..

then atleast once use the right terms !!! PLS! you still saying its

vor 12 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

But the Bubble/shield, trans-dimensional Field dont work very well on those Over 30..Unless we can use Stasis, and cause constant damage.

??? ??? ???

vor 12 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

I do understand limbo..

You dont !

His cataclysm works the same on lvl 1 as on lvl 200 enemies ! do u even know how dmg works in the game ? I am 100% certain you got no clue about health types, armor types, armor value and what armor does.

300 impact dmg. Impact dmg is physical dmg. it has pros and con to certain stuff (armor,health,shield --> look dmg calculation up). the 2nd factor is enemy lvl. each enemy has base hp, base armor and base shields (depneding if they have armor/shield or not). Those values have all their own scaling (for armor its exponential). Armor itself gives dmg reduction on health dmg. So depending on enemiesfaction and lvl 300impact dmg will be near none existent dmg.  i thin at one point it was %max hp true dmg (or that was the factor on cataclysm cant remember) but at that point limbo nuked whole maps regarding of lvl --> which got removed obviously as it wasnt in de intention.

Limbo is CC/ utility. not dmg. if i had to see ur limbo build i am pretty sure you use + range + strength

just saying it now

limbo build: narrowminded, stretch, fleeting,primed continuety, natural talent, quick thinking, Primed flow, vitality, (exilus: handspring or pain threshold), aura: energy siphon, corrsive projection, shield disruption (all mods max naturally)

(depending on mods you can swap out, fleeting for streamline, narrominded for constituation/ augur message, stretch for overextended, natural talent for equilibrium (only if u keep vitality and primed flow), or natural talent for adaption (or handspring/painthresh hold whatever you dont use already)

arcanes: arcane guardian + X

focus: vazarin protecive dash or zenurik energizing dash.

sentient: shade (stealth + ambush) or djinn (reawaken + sacrifice, or fatal atrraction + sacrifice) --> other mods u want both synth mods, medi ray, guardian, vacuum + primed regen and 1-2 sentinel defense mods

(wyrm, stealthkubrow, dig kubrow and loot kubrow are all good aswell --> for kubrows u want the lifesteal mods for both sides, aswell as link health and the good precep mod)

vor 13 Stunden schrieb ECACA:

As a single player he is very good, but still not that great.

if you struggle with lvl 30 enemies --> potato, forma, exilus, max mods (weapon and warframes) --> playing solo you should have atleast 1 way to heal urself --> melee (heavy attack lifestrike, healing return combo build, sacnti magistar) primary (hema), secondary (furis augment), operator arcanes (repair/ elevate), sentient (medi ray) kubrow (lifesteal)

useing syndicate weapons in low lvl missions solo helps also (the syndicate proc deals alot off dmg in low lvl missions aswell as giving you a boost depending of which syndicate)

If you still have not a single thing unlocked or max of which ive spoken, then work towards it !!! that is called progression. No need to give a low mr struggeling to complete star chart content the hand. Its already easy enough. Worst case scenario you wait till 75% discount and buy 500 plat (thats how you play on easy mode, you pay)


also noone forces u to play limbo. arguebly easier solo warframes are frost, rhino, nezha, nyx (assimilate build) or if u have it octavia. energy is never a problem after farming energizing dash (look methods up how to farm focus solo)


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And the biggest restriction on this game is the leveling Just to get parts..

"limbo build: narrowminded, stretch, fleeting,primed continuety, natural talent, quick thinking, Primed flow, vitality, (exilus: handspring or pain threshold), aura: energy siphon, corrsive projection, shield disruption (all mods max naturally)"

My MR is 8, I quit for a few years because the game felt like I was Robbing everyone..and loosing money doing it.  getting up and fighitng level 40 isnt a good thing yet for my Limbo.  Got a good bun, but need to get to MR10 to get something Abit better.  Fighting levels 35-40, isnt easy when you need parts.

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then tell me. why should the game be adjusted so you have an easy time ? struggle. put in effort and time. get ur chores done and embrace the power fantasie.

if you wanna have powerfantasy just keep playing lvl 10-30 mission.

99% are farmable in that mission. derelic is easliy done by limbo, just takes abit of time (id argue its quicker to buy the mods when u play solo, all warframe corrupted mods togehter are like 60p)

you can play lith or meso endless and sell ur primeparts (trading is a viable part on ur way to progression). There is index to farm credits and most bounties from orbvallis or poe already give decent amount of endo (and quite frequently).

with mr 8 you should be able to go play sorti, so do it.

Also i have no idea why u refuse to play squad. no idea u if ur pc simple cant handle it or if u like playing solo. nothing is wrong with either but solo is atleast twice as difficult and often takes longer cause of it. So if u want quick progression i can just tell you play in a squad, (or even better go to a new player friendly clan) and be taught the game through it.

medi ray is from seda boss i think. corrupted mods from derelic. credit from index (quickest is medium), endo from arbitration, bounty and sedna arena.

there are weapons that are strong that dont require super high mr (but getting over mr 12 should not be extremly diffcult).

Low mr lvl and the beginning of the game are literally just chores. Its not that fun and it takes a while before it gets more easy. You should try to max out all ur standings for each "faction" that you can play. cephalon simaris, fortuna, cetus, (little duck + onko), play sorti, do 2 round of index, 2+ relics opened, then do other stuff (whatever you want to "farm" at that point)

--> most difficult to farm solo is probably focus/ affinity farming ? (before i had energizing dash i just strapped on energy siphon on everything and unlocked focus just from playing normal missions. (took forever). After eidolons i capped out on most stuff after ~150 hydralist (while getting arcanes) --> but that option is impossible for you unless you leash (or get carried by clan/ friends)

spy or sabotage caches give you the great 60/60 mods. derelic --> corrupted mods, some bosses or mission give you certain "weapon mods" like juptier ropalyst gives amalgan mods, sedna assasination gives grineer weapons and index gives corpus weapon mods.

unlocking syndicate should be suda, arbiters, steel meridan, red veil in this order.

warframe is grind heavy. i have 1,3h into the game and i still do those chores. i admit not to that extent (a) my standing cap is 3times as high as urs and b) its not necessary for me.

the way for you to get plat is just open relics and sell it --> use warfram.market.

There you can then think for urself "do i wanna run 40 sabotage cache mission" to get x or do i buy it for 20plat ?

---> also for all this content you just need 1 good weapon (melee is the most easy for mob clearing, primary is better for boss fights) so just look at what weapons you can get put forma and catalyst in. mod it correctly and then lvl whatever else you have to progress ur mr rank.

when u rank up u have more standing cap so u can progress faster, while being able to use better weapons.

And ill say it again the simplier versions of limbo. is rhino, frost (or nova).

--> frost and rhino have high base armor --> scales good with steelfiber

rhino has his iron skin --> gives few sec invunerbility and scales of dmg absorabed (in that time) his armor and his strength --> same goes for forst snow globe

rhino e gives you a dmg buff --> all ur S#&amp;&#036; modded trash weapons now deal atleast a bit of dmg

frost 4 --> "freezes" all enemies and strips them off armor --> less armor = more dmg --> freeze = they cant hurt you.

rhino 4 also cc all targets ---> cant hurt you

so with max steelfiber, max vitality, flow, streamline, stretch, continuity and intesify they already give you alot to work with.  in last mod spot fits an augment well since frost and rhino both have really strong augments.

nova reaches max slow value with 30% strength (only problem her range is limited by "duration") so having constituation (nightmare mode mod) and augur message would help.

nova 4 is not only slow but its also 200% more dmg to affected targets and when you kill an enemy affected by it. he explodes --> the dmg it deals is often high enough in low lvl mission to have a chainexplosion. and her 1 gives dmg reduction

others that can work are trinity (extremly spammy, and has not a lot of dmg) or nyx ( 2 slows and reduces amror, 1 controls strong targets (and multipliers ur dmg on it) while forcing it to fight for you. 3 stuns enemies while letting it fight for you

even mag can work wonders (--> mainly cause her augments are fantastic), same as oberon (alot simpler to play and probably alot better solo --> you can use rage to fuel energy since he has built in heal --> 4 shreads armor and 2 gives radiation field so enemies attack eachother aswell as taking dmg aslong as they stand on it)

i could go on and on --> ember --> volt --> mirage --> banshee --> equinox ( extremle versitle ) --> ....

noone forces you to play limbo in exterminate against lvl 40 vs a way to regen energy. and if you do you can always play "space ninja"

i played solo all the way to saturn with my starter volt (had 2 forma and reactor) and used paris prime (i didnt focus on mr alot or farming just played the game). After saturn i went into a clan and basically got thaught the advanced mechanics. then my aim got more and more efficiency for x. so while playing volt stealth ninja i took 20min for a sabotage mission exploring whole map opening every locker finding everything. scanning everything (i didnt even know helios was a thing). it had its own charm. then i just hoped on the best frame (which i personally found to be limbo) and completed the rest (which was most of the time solo aswell). It was alot faster then all of the rest and also alot easier. playing excavation with volt was a pure nightmare. at that point i just had all basic mods either max or rank 8/10. having it 8 is quite easily achiave able, also helps abit as u dont neccesarly want to upgrade ur mr fodder weapon with forma or catalyst to fit mods into it

--> also for that phase the 60/60 mods are god tier as its 4 less drain then a 90% elemental --> 2 60/60 = 14 2x 90% = 22) .you could probably say the same for warframes and the cetus mods (augur/ gladiator)


Edited by BloodyEy3
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Limbo is a fun frame but the rift mechanic can be complex. The subtle effects also doesn't help and just add confusion to players who are trying to explore Limbo's abilities.
If you're new to Limbo, better stick to the simple gameplay of using his 2 and 4 only. And then practice around playing with his 1 and 3 in lower level missions ON solo (don't do this in a squad pls!) or in the simulacrum until you get a hang of shifting things in and out of rift.

I've been playing for a year now and I'm also interested in Limbo's gameplay but to this day I still can't reliably make use of his 3 to pull enemies into the rift. It just gets really confusing, so I only use the 2+4 combo if I really need Limbo for a mission. I also explored other warframes instead of frustrating myself mastering the rift mechanic, there are like 30+ other warframe and you should try them out before judging.

Edited by Yxivi
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well thanks..

Now Im running into Nullifierd Aspry and moa...and My Power dont rise unless Im Phased or in the bubble. great.

It changed or someone fixed it, and its even worse.

I WOULD ASK, that Nullifiers have the same difficulty as Limbo...THEY CANT SHOOT OUT OF THE THEIR FIELD..  I cant defend if inside a field, trying to gain my energy back and 4-6 of them can Rush me while being able to Shoot out of their field, Crash my field, and Stomp on me..  Love those Jumps on the Moa..Great range..Think they are Warframes?..


3 is an ability to TAG them to be killed, and as killed it goes to another enemy...

If used it great if you use 2, then 4 and after they enter hit 3 and kill them..it really dont do that much damage, unless YOU can kill them.  And if fighting over lvl 30,  your skills dont do that much, except Stasis, WHICH REQUIRES they are in Limbo from either 1 or 4..  But does 1, pass thru a Nullifiers Shield....I dont think so..

1 does good on most things below lvl 25..Stasis can stop anything(upto my ability of attacking 40 lvl)..  4 Is interesting as it Supposed to damage, 300 as they enter, but not Kill, unless they loose all health, and Ancients dont count...and everything above lvl 330 walks in, even after damage, unless you are using Stasis.  Stasis will place them on the Edge, and I WISH iot would do DPS, of about 50, and every time they try to enter or are sitting there, they are DYING..but it dont seem to be working that way.

Never get caught between CLOSE 2 door ways with your Bubble...you cant see whats coming..  IF Nulifiers(Blue Shields) are coming, RUSH THEM and kill them OR RUN..

Do not think your shieled Stops anything, its a Phaze, its like they go around it and keep going, you stand on other side and they can still shoot you.  you are BEST to be in Larger areas, dont restrict your area..

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lmao dude. you're the best. you DO understand limbo, but... you don't know how the rift works? Those people told you same things and corrected you yet you still say that you DO understand limbo. I don't think this is the game for you dude.

32 minutes ago, ECACA said:

BEST Eval of this game..


Every thing cost you money, including the Washer to wash your Colthing, Cost money to RUN...Just LIKE THE USA.

wat? wtf are you trying to say? XD

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il y a 2 minutes, Alvengerz a dit :

lmao dude. you're the best. you DO understand limbo, but... you don't know how the rift works? Those people told you same things and corrected you yet you still say that you DO understand limbo. I don't think this is the game for you dude.

wat? wtf are you trying to say? XD

well lets see.. you have 2 abilities, 1 that can kill lower ranked enemy..#1 and shift them so they cant kill you, but you have to cast again to goto Limbo to kill them..

The other is a bubble that really dont stop anything Outside the bubble, so if you are Surrounded, and they wont enter...

1. you cant banish from inside the bubble..

2. you cant do much of anything from inside the bubble..except what only has affect inside the bubble..

3. While you are shifted to limbo you cant CAST #1 #2 or #3 and affect much of anything, 

what else is there to know??

you can run around in Phased mode and do anything you want, UNLESS you break an alarm, and get 4 stars and Nulifiers show up.

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54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

#1 and shift them so they cant kill you



54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

but you have to cast again to goto Limbo to kill them

wait. cast what? To enter Limbo's Rift you can just simply perform a dash by tapping SHIFT(default config) twice. and the same way with exiting the Rift.


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

The other is a bubble that really dont stop anything Outside the bubble

Of course. it's outside of the bubble. your target has to be inside your bubble if you want something to happen to your target.


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

1. you cant banish from inside the bubble..

If what you mean is to "banish something outside the bubble when i am inside the bubble", then of course you cannot. It's like you are in your own space which you can control. It's the same when enemies are inside your bubble and you are outside while not in the Rift. You cannot do anything to the enemies inside the bubble, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your roomYou have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything.


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

2. you cant do much of anything from inside the bubble..except what only has affect inside the bubble..

my explanation above already explain this. "You cannot do anything to the enemies inside the bubble, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your room. You have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything."


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

3. While you are shifted to limbo you cant CAST #1 #2 or #3 and affect much of anything, 

Again, "You cannot do anything to the enemies inside your room, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your room. You have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything."


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

what else is there to know??

a lot.


54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

you can run around in Phased mode and do anything you want, UNLESS you break an alarm, and get 4 stars and Nulifiers show up.

Of course. Nullifier can neutralize most of the warframe's abilities. Limbo's Rift is one of them.

Edited by Alvengerz
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I do very well with limbo in 4 of 7 types of missions..

Im stating the facts I see..Only.

And something changes last update.. strange.

OK, stupid thing in game is Joining..really..

HOW to join a group that is doing the same thing you are..

Iv only had to follow others and notice WHAT they are doing..

Cant JOIN others doing what I am...or what they are..

If I aetup to DO, a Mission adn run around , doing it, others are doing something different..Would be nice to select what is happening in another group..  WRITE what Im doing on the server and others can join...and help.  but that seems to be the LAst thing these folks THINK is needed..

Just a title to tell them ists a 5-15 lvl mission to do WHAT...

I can do those all day, unless surrounded by Nullifiers..which is strange on a 5-15..


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I was wrong. Its Not that u dont understand limbo or right. You have actually no Clue about the game. None. You play ur on Fantasie which the game doeant is. 

Warframe is One of them Games were u Need no money at all (besides for skins)

You can trade  ingame Content to Premium currency (plat) and unlock Everything u want that Way... Hey u got 30 Chrome prime Systems ? Trade them for Post.... Hey u got 2nd conditionovelord by just playing? Sell it for plat .... when u get into derelic maybe u See Lucky and will get 4 blind rage but Not a Single narrowminded... you could keep doing it Till u get Narrowminded or u sell ur 3 spare blind range and buy missing ones from that Post.

Also how the guck do u Think ans Commany survies ? Because of Charity ? I am pretty sure even charity isnt 100% charity cause someone People that See invested in it have to survive aswell

Living costs Money 

I can only tell you once more to Read my limbo Thread maybe the introduction to limbo there will enlighten you to some aspexts.

And pls for god sake..... its rift and not limbo !!! Limbo is warframe... rift is Plan !! Repeat it !!!! Pls !!!!!!!! Each Time u answer you do the same stuff again... its Not Rocket Sciences

The Thing u Need is someone with a lot of Patience playing together with you explaining everysingle detail about this game... and if u want find that Person, tr y to go int o reich warframepartner stream (makarimov or however its dritten is quite new player Friendly, also he has alot of newplayer Friendly Guides in YouTube --> check him out

The only thing left to say here, to Every teacher out there: You guys have my upmost respect... dealing with guys like this op on a daily Basis and still Keeping Their patience, not losing Their hope.

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il y a 48 minutes, Alvengerz a dit :

there's a feature called "Recruitment Chat" in your chat tab. It's a place where you can/might find people whose goal is the same as you.

but there is no explaination of what you are about ot join..tried it..

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il y a 41 minutes, BloodyEy3 a dit :

I was wrong. Its Not that u dont understand limbo or right. You have actually no Clue about the game. None. You play ur on Fantasie which the game doeant is. 

Warframe is One of them Games were u Need no money at all (besides for skins)

You can trade  ingame Content to Premium currency (plat) and unlock Everything u want that Way... Hey u got 30 Chrome prime Systems ? Trade them for Post.... Hey u got 2nd conditionovelord by just playing? Sell it for plat .... when u get into derelic maybe u See Lucky and will get 4 blind rage but Not a Single narrowminded... you could keep doing it Till u get Narrowminded or u sell ur 3 spare blind range and buy missing ones from that Post.

Also how the guck do u Think ans Commany survies ? Because of Charity ? I am pretty sure even charity isnt 100% charity cause someone People that See invested in it have to survive aswell

Living costs Money 

I can only tell you once more to Read my limbo Thread maybe the introduction to limbo there will enlighten you to some aspexts.

And pls for god sake..... its rift and not limbo !!! Limbo is warframe... rift is Plan !! Repeat it !!!! Pls !!!!!!!! Each Time u answer you do the same stuff again... its Not Rocket Sciences

The Thing u Need is someone with a lot of Patience playing together with you explaining everysingle detail about this game... and if u want find that Person, tr y to go int o reich warframepartner stream (makarimov or however its dritten is quite new player Friendly, also he has alot of newplayer Friendly Guides in YouTube --> check him out

The only thing left to say here, to Every teacher out there: You guys have my upmost respect... dealing with guys like this op on a daily Basis and still Keeping Their patience, not losing Their hope.

LLOOVVVEEE IT../OK excuss as my fingers cant spell.

"You can trade  ingame Content to Premium currency (plat) and unlock Everything u want that Way... Hey u got 30 Chrome prime Systems ? Trade them for Post.... Hey u got 2nd conditionovelord by just playing? Sell it for plat .... when u get into derelic maybe u See Lucky and will get 4 blind rage but Not a Single narrowminded... you could keep doing it Till u get Narrowminded or u sell ur 3 spare blind range and buy missing ones from that Post."

now WHY should I sell CRAP??  Anything besides PRIME IS CRAP...Why sel crap to Nubs...(NEW BEES) it not honest...

NOW f they would add the Market to show thet most are selling ???? then those nubs can buy it...

But the Whole thing, is that you are farming JUST to get a better weapon....  you can make about 2/3 of the org frames work great with the crap we left behind..

PS Ive been playing games for over 40 years....Iv seen al the crap they try to use to make money..

AND they are on the cusp of both, BEING GREAT, aND BEING AWESOME... or DYING...

I could continue but not cogigsent...(Abit drunk)...so,,, GREAT things but NOT quit there,,,,


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vor 8 Minuten schrieb ECACA:

now WHY should I sell CRAP??  Anything besides PRIME IS CRAP...Why sel crap to Nubs...(NEW BEES) it not honest...

NOW f they would add the Market to show thet most are selling ???? then those nubs can buy it...

U saying "nubs" is kinda fun, as you probabaly now less about warframe then 95% of its playrtbasr

vor 11 Minuten schrieb ECACA:

I could continue but not cogigsent...(Abit drunk)...so,,, GREAT things but NOT quit there,,,


Try to intoxicate urself a bit less so more then 2 braincells are Active at a Time. 

---> After 3 weeks + of advice u are still Stuck at the same starting point. Every advice was ignored and Met with "de should change x". Everytime u hit a wall its the game faults, and you do Everything right.

40years of playing Games ???

You cant even go to warframewiki u dont even Watch Guides/ how tos on youtube.

You tried to Show ur expertize in game Knowledge But looking at this Thread and ur answeres it backfired as much as it could.

Honestly at this point i think u should drop wf. Game is doing everything wrong anyway in ur opinion.

Ps: pls Stop responding ! The only thing you accomplish is to further humiliate urself (alot of People already started pointing this out, even when it was more subtle)

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