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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A Corpus style hybrid frame made up from parts of discarded Warframes from Alad Vs Zanuka project. I imagine a visual style that combines bit parts from existing frames, alongside Corpus robotics. 


Power set would be multi-elemental combining earth, wind, fire and water (or powers from whichever frames are incorporated).

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an assassin character like loki and ash except it would be a big bug and it would be able to adapt to whatever it was fighting by eating the corpse of an enemy to gain armor or some form of way to reduce a type of damage said enemy uses primarily or even a damage buff against said enemies.

could have an exalted weapon/state that gives you wisp's passive letting you be invisible while you float around while using it's claws but they would function more like dual swords.

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I'd love a warframe themed around bones. Think about it there's so many possibilities.

Ripping bones out of enemies, using your bones to create stuff (spears, walls, hooks, boomerangs - "bonemarang", shovels), the nutrients inside bones to give healing properties (or stem cell like stuff), skull bowling, bones being used for witch like spells such as a cauldron (or cooking with bones to make stock) or divination/seeing the future like people used to do with chicken bones, pets/skeletons(dooting??)/monsters with crazy bone structures that attack enemies, bone density changes like lightweight bone wings to fly or bone like exoskeleton/armored bones for defense or spine like bones for maneuverability, bone dust to blind enemies, bone instruments like a Gjallarhorn bone horn/flute or or large bone guitar with ligament strings or drums with bone drum sticks and skull drums or xylophone ribs, bone dice (ancient people/civilizations used bones for their game pieces)/other game pieces, bone fertilizer for plants or livestock, having shiny teeth *plays shiny teeth and me*, wolverine like stuff/metal(or other materials) that cover the bones, even having a base melee weapon if you dont have one equipped, but most importantly..............................

drinking milk bc every tenno is a growing kid who needs their milk.....sponsored by pepperidge farms.


plus we could have 'spooky scary skeleton' play non stop whenever you play equip this warframe for added memes and never dying halloween

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Theme Idea: Metallic Dragon

Chroma's counterpart. The metallic dragon to his chromatic. This frame would be a female, with a graceful draconic look, featuring sweeping horns and wings.  She is wise, regal, and agile. Her abilities would have a focus on debuffing enemies and causing effects such as sleep and paralysis.

I know this is a focus on theme, but I made a sketch.

Metallic dragon girl frame


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Since we have modular weapons and an upcoming modular Archwing, how about modular frames


There is a given default ability regardless of the 3 chosen parts (Neuroptics, Chassis and Systems) and we can select 2 - 3 passives

Each piece can lightly affect the 4 warframe stats, duration, efficiency, strength and range. (Including health, shield and armor)

Best thing is you can name it :D


We access an abandoned Orokin labratory which has these blueprints. Each piece will act in a similar way with any modular weapon, having their own stats which can synergy or not with other pieces.

Future events:

For future event regarding this idea, it involves raiding the corpus and grineer labs for event exclusive only parts. (Maybe even Sentient themed.)

Loot tables for Corpus/Grineer survival can have an extreme drop chances for modular blueprints.

Random notes: (best to ignore but you'll read it out of curiosity anyway.)

We need prime toilets for our operators.

How do enemies stand completely still and not fall if they're hit with Ivara's arrow?

What is in Konzu's lunch?

Kuva looks like spicy ketchup.

Does the Corpus have something similar to Social Media?

If a Grineer were to wear a shirt, would they start from the bottom or from the top?

Ever thought of Cephalons going sentient?





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I would suggest a "perfume" based frame which could then be linked with aspects of vanity and luxury.

The backstory could perhaps link back to "upper-class" members of the Orokin and give more insight in their culture.

Abilities could focus around the different facettes of gas damage with the theme incorporated into them; the abilities could perhaps have a narcissistic, almost egoistic touch to them.

I don't have a concrete idea regarding the name, but I think something connected to "Hybris" would be fitting.

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Maybe a silly idea, but I'd love to see a Ventkids-esque skater frame, maybe with elements from Tron and Go-Go from Big Hero 6

  • Animated to zip around as if on skates/rollerblades
  • Maybe makes enemies drop scraps(the way the ventkids steal parts from the corpus) to fill a parts bag which can be emptied to drop buffs for allies?
  • Exalted K-Drive you can use a secondary on or that deals consistent damage some way? Or exalted throwing glaive in the form of a tossed K-drive or wheel?
  • Have them pull of some drumsticks and play some Ventkid skeg music while idling.


Thanks DE for giving us a chance to toss out our ideas!


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How about a praying mantis themed frame that specializes in open handed combat. Could have melee weapons that are fashioned after the mantis' claws, syndana that looks like the clear style insect wings. maybe even an armor set to make it look more beetle-ish.  


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*Note: this is a concept that I've thought about for a long time, and have hoped and dreamed about seeing something like it come to fruition in-game ever since I first got Trinity Prime and saw her buglike design. 

I've always wanted to have an arachnid spider-lady frame. The design would be like a black widow, and I feel that it would be cool if she had 8 legs. Helmet design would incorporate subtle features such as fangs and multiple eyes, but in a way that it still looks like a helmet with eerily lifelike features, not just a head. 


-- She can switch between forms: normal frame, and full spider. In normal form, the extra legs are protruding from the back near the spine, or maybe even appear or function as extra arms during the animation with certain abilities/attacks. In spider form, arachnid features become more obvious and grotesque. Fangs are sharper and a little longer? "Eyes" open in a way and have those creepy slits that add to the spider look. 

-- Specific ability ideas: She can weave a web that traps enemies when they run into it. She can grab enemies with web and either: wrap them in web (cocoon), which silences them (I.e they cannot make noise to alert other enemies) cocooned enemies can be later consumed for either health or energy, like how a black window will eat her mate? or grab them and then trigger a finisher where she uses her fangs to poison and kill the enemy. (On triggering the finisher, if in normal form, facial features change as if in spider form). She can use her extra limbs as weapons in combat and can use her webs as tools to aid her as well. Maybe she could use a swarm of her children to attack and devour her enemies. 

Overall, I'd really love the design to be a part of the frames overall abilities as well. A unique animation set that incorporates her extra limbs would be awesome as well

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Summoner based warframe based on reptiles. Has a 'companion' (like Khora) that's based on element: gecko for heat, snake for venom, komodo dragon for corrosive ect. Or your companion is a little gizmo that morphs into different reptiles based on it's ability (throwing a gecko to sit on a squad mates shoulder and heals them?? yes please)

Man... I'd kill for like a helminth giant lizard/komodo dragon. Would be dang sick. Just want some more lizards yo.

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Would be a cool idea for a Frame, would be a frame that can summon Three Sphere (Eye) Drones that hover round her. 
Each Drone Backstory is that she can infuse Souls into machines, and the drone where people close to her, the Drone could do different things like shoot enemies, set up traps and other uses for them. On Top of this she could have abilities that complement these drones like chaining lighting between them ok tethering two of them together and throwing them at enemies like Bolos and stun enemies.

I think this would bring a different element to this game, and I would like to see it made one day. 


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A fierce aggressive frame that has a very wolfish theme to it named fenrir. Basically male valkitty lol. Here are ability ideas

1. Maim : lash out with exalted weapon kinda like sword dash. Adds to rage needed for beserk.

2. Razor hide: gain armor that deals damage when attacked. 

3. Howl: basically just bootlegged radial howl?

4. Berserk : use exalted weapons (claws? Maybe two axes?) . Needs 10 rage

Passive: builds rage for each time you use main or take damage. Rage slightly increases damage for each stack of rage.

Has a wolf like head and has claws. Other wolf things? 

Anywho here are his stats

Armor: 400

Health: 300 

Shields: 350 

Energy: 180

Could have quest centering around the orokin or something? Could be added in an open world? Idk. As long hes not hard to grind. Could be about guy who succumbed to void madness or something and became frame. Maybe some man in the wall lore?

Signature weapon: spear that focuses on dealing radiation and maybe has bigger ammo or blast radius when he uses it?


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I was thinking a more openly militarized Warframe, something that looks like it was made during the War for the specific purpose of absolutely laying waste to whatever the Orokin wanted to throw at it.

And a lot of fragmentation bombs.

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Not sure if something like this has been listed already or quashed in the past but,

A K9 Police Officer biased Warframe almost like a Kubrow variant of Kora.  Focused on non lethal abilities intended to restrain a target/targets with inspiration from riot gear like pepper/tear gas grenades (that possibly block enemy LoS and turn Warframes within invisible, highlight all enemies within the cloud, cause them to be stunned), handcuff take-downs (a grapple action that prevents weapon usage almost like a disarm or knocks them down and restrains them for a time) and other abilities that knock down and/or restrain including one that would use the Kubrow.

The exception would be the 4th which could be an exalted weapon (like a Rifle or Riot Shield and Pistol?) or a call reinforcements which spawns a few Specters of Warframes you have built and outfitted (randomly or even get to select for use once the 4th is unlocked) in your arsenal for a span of time (or a drain?). 

Passive could be the ability to lift and carry another Warframe that is down (possibly while reviving them?) or the Kubrow could be able to drag a downed Warframe (possibly even the owner) and revive them with some form of limitation (your energy?).

Could even have a quest line that is kinda paints it as the opposite of Stalker where it comes in to halt the Stalker and it's Acolytes, (possibly the Gustrag Three or Zanuka Hunter too?) and "save" you.  Getting the pieces to make it could be a new Stalker/Acolyte drop while the main blueprint can only be received from the quest.

It's titles could be things like Peacekeeper, Protector, The Shield ect in it's Leverian.

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I was thinking of something that was opposite or against the general idea of 'space ninja' and the gameplay loop of 'go fast kill everything' but pretty much every ability I was trying to come up with is used in different warframes already, and Nekros kinda already does some of this, but I was thinking a synergy with him specifically.

A Skeleton/Bone warframe, another one without shields, one ability allows him to throw his head that acts as a turret/scout/sentinel to buff other players or be controlled to do scouting like Ivara's arrow but the body acts alive either attacking enemies or wandering around as an ally. others allowing him to summon skull friends to act as allies and control a few permanent companions(Either just taking over enemies or creating skeleton/head allies, until they die), throw body parts to allies to buff them while slowing yourself and removing health or armor, which after an amount results in you falling to a 'down' state where you crawl and move slower and can't do most acrobatics. another perhaps being something that allows you to pull parts from enemies to give yourself something... I don't know, probably better ideas out there I haven't read.

A good passive however would be that when downed he falls to pieces and to be revived he needs to be put back together by gathering a certain amount of parts that he explodes into, or allies pickup pieces similar to the revive mechanic from arbitration to revive, or he just doesn't die and takes time to re-assemble. 

Overall the theme would be plain with excess carved from it, so even less than Nekros' decayed look, similar to Harrow's deluxe skin

Anyway since this was open for anyone I'm hoping for a really good concept from someone.


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I was thinking an "arsenal" themed warframe, as in it's basically its own stockpile of weapons (though there could be ways to make sure that the held weapons aren't obsolete).

Maybe the different abilities are different types of weapons, preferably types that aren't already their own separate classes, like sniper rifles or grenade launchers; I'm thinking more heavy duty weapons. For example, maybe the ultimate could have it open up compartments on its body that it could fire missiles from, almost like Pharah from Overwatch.

I've had this idea for a while now and I think there's a lot that could be done with it, so hopefully you guys take it into consideration!

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