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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A blade-themed melee frame

Passive: adds 1.0m rage to your equipped melee weapon

Ability 1: a dash forward through enemies, forcing a slash proc that scales with your melee weapon

Ability 2: increases melee damage at the cost of hp, kills restore a % scaling with ability strength (initial cast costs energy, drains hp)

Ability 3: cast to negate any deterioration to the combo multiplier, excluding heavy attacks (duration)

Ability 4: exalted two-handed nikana, lots of mobile combos, high status chance, Low (but not unusable) crit chance 

300 armor, 150 shields, 200 energy, 125 hp, 1.15 sprint

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Warframe Name: Djinn

Backstory: Members of the Golden Skymen Djinn and his brother Inaros defected together to protect the colonists of Mars. After the battle of Mars and Inaros's ascension as god king, Djinn scoured the system for knowledge of Oro. While studying the effects of Oro, Djinn learned it is more than a life energy, Oro could be manifested and manipulated to reflect spirits of the dead. With this new found knowledge Djinn returned to find his brother, only to learn that time in the void moved differently than time in the origin system. Upon Djinn's return he found nothing left of the colony of mars as it was broken by the infested. Djinn was grief stricken and began to frantically hunt for his brother, only to find the shell... the Warframe left behind. Djinns grief quickly turned to rage as he turned his eye on the infested and any faction who dared take his beloved brother away from him. Djinn used the knowledge gained from the void to summon long dead spirits of the old war. Within his ranks, a ranger using a mystic bow said to hold enough power to destroy a fomorian class ship with one arrow. A guardian who's shield could defend against endless hordes. A swordsmen who's blade could obliterate a foe in a single sweep. Finally a magician who's power could bend the mighty Orokin to his will. With his party assembled Djinn unleashed a wrath onto the corrupted and unjust... until he ran into a different type of being. Sentient. Wise. This being promised to show him the whereabouts of this brother if he would only aid him in his mission to retrieve his lost sister. Djinn agreed, desperate for any information that would lead him to Inaros. The sentient then showed him the way beyond the Veil Proxima. After reaching the sentient's fortress Djinn was lead indoors only to find a trap waiting for him. He tried to call forth his warriors however the sentient had been studying this Warframe and knew of his ability to summon beings from Oro. Chains attached to Djinn and began to siphon the Oro from his body, the sentient would then cast the Oro into giant red crystals... for a purpose we are not yet aware. 

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We have a lot of warframes that correspond to elements, (ember = fire, mag = magnetic, etc.) so why dont we finish the lineup? Introducing Cheren, the radiation based warframe. Cheren comes from Cherenkov Radiation, which is when radioactive particles move faster than light in a medium (like water). I know we have oberon as our radiation frame but he is more like a Paladin than a pure radiation frame. There are a lot of themes that you can play off of in a radiation based frame, for example: nuclear reactors for energy production, nuclear fallout for aoe DoT or crowd control, nuclear missiles, mutations, etc.

Backstory: Cheren was valued more as an energy source by the orokin than a warrior. They had enough of those. So off to Venus she went to power the massive terraforming project to turn the planet into a more hospitable place to live. Even as the Orb Vallis changed hands from the Orokin to the Corpus, she still powered the machines to this day in her half prison half nuclear plant.

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5 minutes ago, Loopgru said:

"Sarge" - Grineer-themed frame

Why: We have a couple of Infestation-themed frames (Nidus & Saryn) and a few that seem aligned with Corpus tech (Hildryn, Vauban, Gauss), but none that really cleave to the Grineer. The closest would be something like Rhino or Ember, but that's pretty thin. 

World tie-in: We know that the Grineer (or their forebears) existed in a non-degenerate form at the time of the Old War / creation of the Warframes and weere the primary ground forces of the Orokin / origin system, so it seems natural that there would have been a frame built with them in mind- even if they were outmatched by the Sentients, there were still a TON of them. A frame designed to lead a Grineer platoon (or more), either by taking point or taking more of a field commander role.

Look: Chunky Grineer-style armor, Clem-style helmet? Camouflage. 

Abilitiy ideas:

  • A group buff? Short term status clear / immunity to shore up their resistance to corrosive? A SC2-style stim pack steroid? A deployable ammo station like you see in Grineer camps in the Plains? A headshot attractor to deal with their Imperial Marksmanship School issues?
  • Maybe Grineer eximus styled abilities? The cold bubble or the big flame wave or a Nox cloud? Maybe even the ability to rotate between them to fit the situation?
  • Tactical deployables? Gun emplacements, inflatable walls, arc traps, latchers, rollers, grenades, ziplines, door sensors, hyekka master floor fire, AoE Scorpion pull, Commander teleport... Lots of options here.
  • Active support abilities? Charge to an ally and grant damage immunity or DR or overshield? Called focus fire target that marks and gives damage boost against it? Charge/Retreat style MS boost with DR and/or a damage boost?
  • Selfish abilities? Hellion jetpack? Bombard mortar? Manic mode- stim yourself up and gain speed / damage / phasing invis that lasts until you run out of energy?
  • Passives? Passive buff to allied units? Something gun-oriented, -recoil or +reload or something? 
  • Maybe your ideas are better than mine?

Signature weapon: Bashing / throwable riot shield using the pistol + glaive code, or a redeemer-style gunblade-and-shield? Maybe a launcher or something with an AoE buff on alt fire?

Agreed, there needs to be some Grineer reps. They were once slaves, so there is no reason story wise that a Grineer's life wasn't extended by the Orokin 

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A demon Warframe that is as big as the hulk buster armor. It would be a Warframe with no shields but high HP and armor. It would have only damage based abilities as well as a damage based passive. It's signiture weapon would be a Trident with the fire element.

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How about a sentient themed warframe? Abilities could include adaptable resistances and to further it's capabilities, allow morphing into enemies and/or other frames. Morphing into an enemy could allow you to blend in while wreaking havoc, maybe even adopt their weapon. Morphing into other frames could allow use of their abilities, maybe with limitations or reduced power.

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Since we already have umbral excalibur, and with the whole new war thing going on, i figured it would be time to have a sentient hybrid glitch infused warframe to bring a whole new meaning to the term bugframe.

Picture this:

Aboard the drifting ship Zariman Ten Zero, there was one child who unlike the others was a sort of a nerd outcast. He/she enjoyed tinkering with systems and avionics on board the zariman, and happened to be exploring sentient technology he discovered by accident in a secluded room. And then, the whole void incident happened. His void powers unlike the others were far more unstable, more uncontrollable, more random. He would seemingly glitch in and out of existence, and no amount of orokin technology or training could help him control his powers.

Cast away, he, with the help of the Lotus, designed his very own Sentient warframe that will help resonate with his seemingly randomised void abilities. Having to salvage parts of sentients and zariman parts, they finally managed to create a warframe just for him. one that has gone through the same torrent of void energy he had.

Even fully completed, the warframe still shows the quirks of his "glitched" void powers, snapping in and out of phase with the physical world for periods of time, sometimes teleporting into random short distances, at other times dragging his surroundings into his torrent of void powers, tearing them apart from the inside. and the warframe only grows stronger when exposed to void powers of other tenno. 


And so the Bugframe( placeholder name) was created in secret, away from the prying hands of the orokin, grineer and corpus alike, found locked away by the lotus on a sentient ship.

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Give me a frame-slayer warframe, or in other words a warframe made to hunt other frames. He wouldn't be related to the stalker, since he would have come and been wiped out long before the introduction of the stalker. would even make sense in the lore since the Orokin have had trouble controlling the frames and the tenno ever since they were being made, So the Orokin creating a warframe to hunt the warframes and tenno they couldn't control, wouldn't be that unbelievable. His theme could culminate in a kit focused on using enemies or even ally frames to enhance himself and his abilities, so no target is out of his league. And he would now be usable by the tenno due to the collapse of the Orokin, giving him the chance to fight on the tenno side of history. His inclusion late in the game can even be explained by the frame-slayer being the first to be killed off during the old war. The frame being reduced to a shameful and neglected part of their history, until his resurface.

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Ok, hear me out. RAT-KING.

So, we've got Inaros who kinda does some scarab-y things and some sand things, right? And we've got Nidus who does the whole infestation maggots...

Let's go with an oceanic swarm of rodents. Spreading disease (viral damage), gnawing through armor (armor debuffs), sending out waves of rats to assail and break down enemies, bringing back parts of said enemies armor to reinforce the Rat-King's defenses. Passive effect, pack-rat. A somewhat shorter ranged natural vacuum effect from the rats bringing things to the frame.

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Corpus themed Warframe i.e an artificial frame that has no connection to the Tenno.

An experimental prototype that went missing during the old war and is now uncovered by the Tenno during a quest to discover the undisclosed secrets of the Corpus.

The frame will be entirely based upon the corpus such as deployable drones,shields and tech in a more modular approach example: the weapons for the mechanised form(4) can be selected as short range or seekers or melee only.

The frame is gender neutral with the passive ability to negate all forms of enemy special attacks (like the nullifiers)and scanners/lasers.

The frame will transform as part of its ultimate ability  (it's 4) into a mechanised frame similar to the Jackal and will make use of its arsenal like turrets etc.

Leech mechanic which pulls health from teammates(not too much) and transforms it into a team buff.


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4 hours ago, Hydroxate said:



concept: https://imgur.com/a/Ku4GZzW 

I worked on this concept with my bud ZestyDoesThings about a Siren Warframe, the female water frame which is all about luring / incapacitating enemies then using her sharp claws and the power of the storm to do her bidding.


I imagined her quite slender and tall, she looks like she’s in a dress when standing with feet together but its like a long cuffed pants! 

This is really close to what I had in mind, and I just wanted to add on a few things:

  1. The Siren's Song could be like Octavia's mandachord, but with a single note "voice" line using a minor scale. Just having another song frame would be cool.
  2. I love the seaweed/hair concept, and the "cloth" on the legs coming together to form something resembling fins/dress is slick.
  3. The warframe could have some tie to Uranus (cause sea and rocks). Maybe the frame was lost fighting sentients at sea or something.
    • To add on to this, a certain tale from Greek mythology comes to mind. Hera persuaded the sirens to enter a singing contest with the muses. The muses ultimately won the competition and plucked the feathers from the sirens to form crowns for themselves. Out of anguish from losing the competition, the sirens turned white and fell into the sea.
    • The backstory could mirror Greek mythology and pit the siren against a sentient (Siren representing the siren, and the sentients representing the Muses).
    • The Orokin elite, captivated by the siren's singing ability, order her to defeat the sentients on Uranus by luring them into a deadly trap. The siren attempts to lure the sentient in to destroy it, but the sentient adapts to the allure. Before the siren can finish, the sentient turns the siren's song against her and casts her into the sea. The Orokin view Siren as an utter failure and don't even bother to retrieve her. The siren remains broken and forgotten for an era at the bottom of the sea.
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A ancient oroking frame that had been balisis first attempt at the hybrids they look a bit like infested but is half normal human/oroking and has a dax looking side and a infested side that makes them look like they have a equinox type split that has ability types like void damage so they can be used against sentients would be a great addition cause we dont have a frame made to deal with sentients cause none of them deal void damage so having one that's a lure relevant early frame with void connection would be cool could even be linked into the diviri paradox story as the first frame made

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I've had the idea kicking around in the back of my mind for a modular warframe, like a kitgun or zaw.


  Technically not a warframe, rather based on the same ayatan technology from TWW that Tenno can transference into like frames, perhaps built by a decaying splinter of an orokin neural sentry.

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A sun based Frame with the ability to Tear off a shard of the sun and fling it into people and maybe as a passive dish out radiation in a radius around him, and as a super, the ability to turn into a phoenix. the name might be Flare, Dawnbreak, or Eclipse if that isn't currently used

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Wolf Themed Warframe. It would be suitable for Lone wolf playstyle and/or  with other players (with his "pack"). More of an assasin type with teamwork capabilities.Could have 2 passives one for playing alone and one with teammates.

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I always thought a Warframe that can copy abilities of other warframes could be a fun concept.

4th ability would replace your 1-3 abilities with the abilities of an ally Warframe you targeted.
If you used it on enemy you would gain corpus/grineer/sentient themed abilities, depending on the type of the enemy you targeted.

Warframe name: Doppel

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Two bodies,

One will.

You’ve heard of her, I’m sure.

That lithe beast, that Khora,

that tightening wire around an Orokin neck.


Two bodies,

One will.

You’ve heard of her, oh yes -

maybe in hushed tones,

depending on what company you keep.


Two bodies,

One will.

Some fates horrify us,

but we just can’t help but watch;

morbid fascination.


Two wills,

One body.

Some fates horrify us,

and all we want to do is look away.

Him, they don’t like to talk about so much.



I couldn’t quite make out the man’s outline in the dark, I thought.

It had to be the smoke. The irregular shapes on his figure would be some odd armor,

some odd weaponry. The eyes play tricks.

The air stirred. The smoke stirred.

It was like the beast had been melted to him.

The fractured jaws of a kubrow jutted from his shoulders, the canine’s shoulderblades grotesquely misplaced on top of his own, the spine not quite lined up.

Part of me wondered if it had been protecting him,

if it had tried to take a blast for its master that simply couldn’t be taken,

and here was the agonizing result.

Part of me wondered why there was enough light to see by,

and why the light was flickering blue.

I didn’t wonder much at all, after that.

I never made my eyes resolve the flickering blue into a kubrow,

insubstantial, formless save for something like hellfire out of the old tales.

I didn’t live long enough to see the hellhound hiss back into the master he’d died for,

to see the man’s burnt skin sputter with the flame.

And I certainly didn’t hear the last, chilling howl they gave before they disappeared.



Listen, y’all know we’ve been saying ‘Khora, but, like, for dog people!!’ since she came out, but you can’t just reuse the same mechanic. That’s boring. Boring, and doesn’t include nearly enough ephemeral hellhound for my taste. So I flipped the khora tagline (which really stuck with me), and here you go! You get a fiery void-echo spirit pooch companion, which I think could really lead to some interesting gameplay expression.

It can leave the warframe body - does that come with a power trade-off?

It’s insubstantial, so it’s not just going to be out fighting or tanking like a normal beast companion - does it even draw aggro at all? Does it debuff? Does it mark? Does it terrify? Does it curl up so you can toast marshmallows on it? Who knows!

You could totally go Cerberus with the dude, if you could fit three entire doggos into the gameplay, but it seemed cleaner to limit it to one Friend Beyond the End. That, and the idea of the individual kubrow burned like a macabre mantle into the body was pretty poppin’.


Possible Names: Zagreus, Kharon, Erebus, etc.

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