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[PC] Mainline Post Launch Status: March 11 Update!


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The most important thing I have to say is, please DE beware of people that say "we" on posts like they are talking for everyone or the community as a whole.

From what I have seen on feedbacks, happy people usually post less than unsatisfied ones. So when someone says like "Viral needs a rework or nerf. Don't forget it!", read like "IMO viral needs a rework or nerf".

For example, I think that some of you guys are like" why the hell are ppl asking for self damage back when they were asking for us to take it off?" Same thing, seems like the majority of the ones that weren't happy with self dmg, now are happy and thus silent. While the ones that loved self damage started to talk...

My feedback:

- I like Viral the way it is;

- I think impact should change to not ruin Hydroid's Barrage, maybe change ability to proc blast or some knockdown effect without a condition;

- To me Corrosive is pretty ok IF you guys don't buff enemies armor;

- Hate the falloff on AOE weapons BUT since enemies are weaker, I can live with that. If you buff their armor tho, would be cool to just get rid of this falloff;

- Enemies are now weaker, I like it but also dislike - I need more time to think about it. lol 

Also I would love if you guys can rush Hydroid Deluxe please lol

Ty ❤️

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One change I hate and never want to see reach console is that you took away some of the lich missions changing to exterminate.  You need to do the opposite....spy should not be in the rotation ever.  The endless types node should work endlessly.. after the first round thralls stop...they should keep coming and the rounds should be able to continue going...  Captures are way to short and should also be exterminates.   (Your change of taking away exterminates and making us skip more nodes = less fun)

I dont want to over react before playing it but the shielded crewships sound like Railjack killers, as in making people never run RJ again lol.  Solo those missions are already incredibly long.  This just seams like an incredibly cheap way to drag those fights out even further.   And since you havent done jack to help force randoms to play correctly, IE RJ permissions,  doing them with groups of people is still a horrible choice.  (No permissions + shielded crewships = less fun)

I really enjoyed both of these additions to the game and here we are a quarter of a year later and your already cranking up the difficulty and time wasting to make them into something that you do not want to spend any more time in then absolutely necessary.  (like what happened with open worlds)


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On 2020-03-07 at 4:24 AM, LupoDWolf said:

shotguns status chance needs to be looked, most of then relied in it, as most have bad critical related status

also shotguns have ass crit mods for the few than have decent crit stats


On 2020-03-07 at 4:31 AM, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

Those that have/had R3 arcanes needs be retroactively to R5 arcanes. That's it. 

not at all
they where not nerfed in the slightest and you can distill arcanes back to their unranked components again
just instead of being able to run 2 copies of the same arcane at once you can now rank them up further
also if you had 2 rank 3 arcanes then you can distill 1 then you have 10 of the 11 you need to take the other from rank 3 to rank 5


On 2020-03-07 at 4:31 AM, Frelus said:

Honestly grineer units need a damage nerf, they just destroy you now even on tankier builds (at least compared to before). Buff corpus damage, nerf grineer?


the corpus have always out damaged the grineer


On 2020-03-07 at 4:32 AM, xRufus7x said:

Seems like we exchanged Corrosive for Viral as our primary element and a lot of the other elements are still going to get ignored. Obviously you mentioned Impact and Gas as points of immediate concern but are there other plans to bring other elements in line with viral through other changes?

against armoured targets corrosive is still slightly better than viral
at least at max stacks


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On 2020-03-07 at 5:27 AM, kpa732 said:

One thing I’ve noticed in terms of difficulty is that most enemies don’t have an answer for hardly anything a player does. This makes sense, given the power fantasy Warframe shoots for, but at high levels of play, say R5 Lich missions, enemies still just rush headlong at the player. The recent addition of the Elite Shield Lancer is a great example of one such answer. No amount of punch through can pierce their shields, so you’re forced to stun them or flank. I think an increase in enemies that require a tactical response (at high levels) could benefit those who want more difficult play, while allowing casual players to maintain their difficulty.

For example, if the enemy level is 80 or higher, an elite heavy gunner may instead spawn as a heavy gunner captain, wielding a shield alongside a gorgon, and increasing the damage output of nearby grineer, forcing the player to switch focus and either take cover or stun them (maybe with diminishing returns like with Demolysts).

I know something like that would take a while to implement, so here’s another option for players who complain about the game being too easy: don’t use abilities or items that make it easy. Use an AR instead of that Bramma. Don’t bring restores if you think energy is too accessible. If you try to make the gameplay as easy as possible, it’s kinda on you that it got that easy. Still too easy? Start unequipping mods. Some of the funnest gameplay I’ve had is from purposely making the game hard on myself.

the elite shiels lancers are immune to punchthrough???
i honestly thought that they were just lancers with a fancy looking shield and higher base stats
and i think i have killed them with projectiles from the front
not sure on that though

also i get what you are saying about how players can reduce their own stats or bring worse weapons ect

but honestly that just feels bad

the the only thing that does is make the already bullet sponge enemies feel more like uninteractive bullet sponges
i have tried that before it just felt bad and even more boring


On 2020-03-07 at 5:28 AM, Xsoskeleton said:

Also, please stop sugarcoating nerfs by adding meh buffs like 20% extra radius on top of 90% falloff ratio for aoe weapons. Just, for once be honest and say you are nerfing them due to other aspect toning down gameplay difficulty. If you are open and honest to the community they'd welcome it regardless of the initial backlash and they'd put more proper feedback to prove either these nerf are acceptable or too much. Sugarcoating only makes us trust less of you.

liks shotgun status?


On 2020-03-07 at 5:44 AM, Rogunz said:

These changes have made status weapons significantly worse in comparison to crit ones.

  • Crit weapons benefit more from having to deal with less armor since they have a harder time reducing it.
  • Status weapons get to proc slash less often, crit weapons still have hunters munitions.
  • Crit weapons get more out of the 1 status effect that was significantly buffed since viral multiplies their crits and they apply slash more easily.
  • Other meaningful damage increases status effects were nerfed which hurts status weapons more.

You need to rethink a lot of the changes if you really intended for them to bring status weapons up to par with crit ones instead of just wanting to nerf them.


single stack of viral does EXACTLY the same things as fare as effective damage as old viral did
the maths is just in a different order
in that now you deal 2x damage rather than the enemy having half the health


On 2020-03-07 at 5:54 AM, 3rdpig said:

Remember folks, the Grineer are supposed to be stupid. Stupid enough that jokes are made about it. Their clones are bred for bravery and willingness to fling themselves into battle, not intelligence. Taking this into consideration I'm not sure the AI should be smarter, at least for the Grineer. There are lots of IRL examples of opposing forces where one side flung themselves (or were forced to fling themselves) into battle even though they knew they'd be mowed down by their enemies. I won't name any, because no doubt it would trigger someone into an apoplectic fit. And as fun as that would be, I don't want to get banned for it.

And the Infested are even dumber than the Grineer. IMO the Corpus and Sentients are the only enemies who should behave in an intelligent, tactical fashion.

In many ways I think the current AI represents the average Grineer clone soldier pretty well. Unfortunately, that doesn't lend itself very well to high difficulty levels.

but the gineer have shown that they do have more intelligent units that could act as tactical generals
also for the infest single units are dumb yes but they don't use their own intelligence that have a hive mind and that should be more capable of tactics than even the corpus realistically

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On 2020-03-12 at 11:53 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

One change I hate and never want to see reach console is that you took away some of the lich missions changing to exterminate.  You need to do the opposite....spy should not be in the rotation ever.  The endless types node should work endlessly.. after the first round thralls stop...they should keep coming and the rounds should be able to continue going...  Captures are way to short and should also be exterminates.   (Your change of taking away exterminates and making us skip more nodes = less fun)

I dont want to over react before playing it but the shielded crewships sound like Railjack killers, as in making people never run RJ again lol.  Solo those missions are already incredibly long.  This just seams like an incredibly cheap way to drag those fights out even further.   And since you havent done jack to help force randoms to play correctly, IE RJ permissions,  doing them with groups of people is still a horrible choice.  (No permissions + shielded crewships = less fun)

I really enjoyed both of these additions to the game and here we are a quarter of a year later and your already cranking up the difficulty and time wasting to make them into something that you do not want to spend any more time in then absolutely necessary.  (like what happened with open worlds)


maybe it is a difference in the community between platforms but the only issues i have every had with joining pub squads or hosting pub squads for railjack is peole taking ship that are far too squishy to be there into the veil

that part of that might also just have been the pilot also

and but so squishy i mean getting a major breach every 1-2 min even with 1 person dedicatedly repairing everything on the ship constantly and other helping at times

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10 hours ago, .durandle. said:

against armoured targets corrosive is still slightly better than viral

at least at max stacks


And Corrosive was weaker against the Corpus but because it provided the best combination of damage and utility against all factions it was still used most of the time. The advantages between factions need to more then "slightly" to stop Viral from becoming the go to element.

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