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Revenant 4the ability thought...


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3 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

“Infused with the powers of the Eidolon”- Actual f***ing quote from the lore.

Yep, as I said in my post.

That still doesnt mean that he has been more than infused. As I told you in another thread, harness, being infused or being wreathed by something is not synonymous to corruption or massive change. He simply uses the power of the eidolons to strengthen him, that isnt the same as him getting a fully altered ability set, since that would take more than some form of energy and at such a point it would not longer be harnessing or being wreathed/infused. At that point it would be something else, like corrupted, possessed, grafted, despoiled or similar.

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I find it odd that in one breath we not only slam the lore of Revenant but also use it as the source to defend one's argument against Revenant's current design.

Anyway, I don't agree with changing his 4.  I personally liked his mass sleep over his current 4.  I'm also not into the whole spinning around in a fixed pose.  It just feels like a meme is being flashed in my face.  However, I can understand the change to what it currently is.  Having a mass sleep isn't very impactful or punchy for a 4th ability.  Granted 4's don't always need to be the big shabang in a kit.  But in Revenant's case it should be.  Since he's "eidalon themed."  Those guys are massive and powerful with flashy abilities.

I especially don't like the idea of giving him an exalted weapon and to be frank if we never get an exalted weapon ever again it would still be too soon.  (though the next frame they're working on is community created.  So perhaps that's inevitable anyway.)  As far as this whole back and forth arguing goes about his theme i've just learned to ignore it when having any kind of discussion about the frame.

You have people like Gears who very clearly just hates the frame and will go out of their way to trash anything said about it in any positive light.  Using any scraps they can to sling mud at the frame.  And then you've got other very dedicated Revenant players who are very into the current itteration of the frame.  And will often oversell certain aspects about the frame to ward off any legitimate criticism against the frame.

The only neutral thing that can be agreed upon is that he's thematically a mess.  Wether that's grounds for a total revamp of the kit is neither here nor there.  And imo attempting to use lore or said thematic clash as grounds in an argument is both pointless and time wasting.  I share the desire for a more Eidalon focused frame.  I also share the desire for more of a ghostly/specter frame.  DE attempted to push both of these themes together and instead of us getting the best of both worlds it seems it's ultimately not pleased either side completely.

Personally, I like how he is right now.  And i'd love a bit of QoL touch ups.  But aside from maybe his 3 I don't think he needs any major changes.  That being said, I would willingly give up the aspects I like about Revenant currently if DE were to revisit him and create a more interesting and focused kit.  However, if recent reworks are to show (nyx, Vauban, titania) I don't really believe the devs would be willing or capable of giving him the proper love and work he'd need for that.  So i'd rather they just leave him be.  Even reworks I praise like Ember and Mag's reworks they're both still far from top quality.  Ember's feels rather half finished.  And Mag needs a lot of QoL.

It is exactly why I am afraid of asking for a rework on a frame Like Valkyr.  (even though she clearly needs one at this point.)  I simply just don't believe DE to be capable of delivering consistent quality changes anymore.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Anyway, I don't agree with changing his 4.  I personally liked his mass sleep over his current 4.  I'm also not into the whole spinning around in a fixed pose.  It just feels like a meme is being flashed in my face.

I'm hoping to be able to get people to bandwagon behind the idea of changing his 4 in how it functions to remove the goofy animation from it.

Currently my idea is to have it be a Mirage ball that's always on top of him. 

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22 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

I'm hoping to be able to get people to bandwagon behind the idea of changing his 4 in how it functions to remove the goofy animation from it.

Currently my idea is to have it be a Mirage ball that's always on top of him. 

Nah, that idea's even goofier.

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How about Revenant's 4 causes god lasers to come down from the sky that shoot everybody for a long duration? That way he can nuke better on uneven terrain. Also, it's lasers, so it's automatically sentient and not Terminator.

Edited by nslay
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I think if Revenant could make an army of Vomvalyst minions, the alternative to his current goofy 4 could be to have the Vomvalysts themselves fly in orbital formation and project the death beams. It'd blend his minion-mancing with his nuking under an Eidolon theme, and ideally also let him move freely while doing so.

Edited by Teridax68
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 danse macabre is poo indeed but why tf teammates are allowed to kill my enthralled targets

now with explosive weapons not having self damage i dont even bother to cast that ability

honestly its since release i dont bother casting that ability coz lol aoe op which mean enthralled target is getting killed before the enthrall animation even finish

only revenant should be allowed to damage thralls in order to decide where to place pillars etc not some random guy spamming explosions with the bramma


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 danse macabre is poo indeed but why tf teammates are allowed to kill my enthralled targets

now with explosive weapons not having self damage i dont even bother to cast that ability

honestly its since release i dont bother casting that ability coz lol aoe op which mean enthralled target is getting killed before the enthrall animation even finish

only revenant should be allowed to damage thralls in order to decide where to place pillars etc not some random guy spamming explosions with the bramma


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