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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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I totally agree with the OP on pretty much all of his points.  movement is very herky-jerky and detracts from combat as a result.  yes, there are a lot of work arounds for many of the systems shortcomings.  you can slide on landing from a 3" drop.  you can zoren copter all over the place to get more speed.  you can jump kick over railings and hope you timed it JUST right to land on the stair case below.  you can double-crouch at the peak of a vertical wall run and sometimes initiate a horizontal run.  However, work arounds detract from the over all experience.  they require added effort to achieve something that should happen naturally, effort that could be put towards other parts of gameplay.  you shouldn't have to rely on what appear to be bugs to do what ninjas do.  in addition, changing parkour and movement in general to be more fluid would probably further enhance melee.  the biggest limiter in my melee gameplay has been quickly closing on enemies and keeping pace with my ranged allies.  the quick vaulting and smoothed out movement over environmental obstacles would go a long way to fix that.


one funny thing i noticed recently was that ash has ninja hand spikes, which are used irl to climb and hang on pretty much anything, for as long is required....  he clearly doesn't use them in game.

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Parkour is one of the more subdued by highly enjoyable parts of this game.


I'd like to propose further that we be able to get mods or some kind of design mechanic that brings in some Metroid style 'double-jump', 'double wall jump' and 'ball morph'.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good thread, absolutely what I'm thinking. Vaulting has always annoyed me as it has deprived me of simply jumping. Instead of going up, I was going down. Now there is an option to turn it off completely.


I don't understand it. It's a good feature. There was an idea behind it. Now it's just on / off. Why not both? How about vaulting when the Sprint key is pressed? Honestly, no vaulting is still better than annoying all the time vaulting but now I've got glitches where I collide with the obstacle hovering in jump mode. Just make this depend on the Sprint key.


And make the roll depend on fall speed or height. Make it optional, possibly by tapping the roll key in a short time window before hitting the ground, so you either get a hard landing right on spot which takes time and stops the flow but gets you where you want to be without the frame rolling off like an idiot, or you get a smooth landing roulade that you have chosen to execute because you're a master ninja and not just a jerky-&#! frame that trips and rolls wherever possible and impossible.


And god, the collisions. Super Jump on Excal is a chore sometimes. Just jumping on top of a crate is hard work when you're right next to it. Excal will perform his jump in place without gaining altitude.


Speaking of Super Jump, why can that frame jump to incredible heights and then not deal with the fall? Super Jump is a technique I use all the time but I can see why players often don't even bother equipping it. You jump very high and then slam into the ground, wasting a second trying to catch yourself. Super Jump needs to include a Super Fall.


And yes, I've gotten used to tapping the crouch key. This leads to an interesting movement concept which is absolutely unintuitive. Better than completely being without control but worse than having an actual way of controlling movement.


As for wall runs, I agree with control over that, a lot, that needs to be improved. As a workaround for now, try either of the following:

- Run up high, perform a backflip, look in the direction of the platform, perform above mentioned crouch kick for a short ruck in that direction.

- Run to level, look at platform, perform wall attack.

- Run up, use Super Jump while on wall because you're playing Excalibur.

Those can help you until things get fixed.


Man, this is such an important topic. At the moment, it feels so botched. Grineer and Corpus are more agile than Tenno. Have you ever seen a heavy-&#! Grineer just zoom 20m up onto a ledge and down again without inertia? Woosh. Serious impressive ninja skills while Warframes have trouble climbing up there without falling out of the map.

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The difference between good and great.  Honestly DE should re-release an older version of there game (for a short time) at a later date to show the improvements that have been made and how far the game has or will come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why isn't this a priority again?

instead of adding new stuff DE should refine this first!


and @Aure7 has DE even responded to your threads ?

thankfully trough pm - yes, well kind of. They did read it sometime in the past, have no idea how often do they read it or if they read it later. They've also mentioned it in the livestream.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, okay. So some of the things being railed on in this thread, I mean, have you ever run up a wall? Changing your direction or jumping sideways is not really... real. Momentum can be shifted, but not after it is reduced climbing the wall. The same goes for wall-running up "irregular" walls; you aren't Spider-Man. Climbing over a lip or ledge is slow.


And some of this is entirely subjective. What to do after vaulting or climbing is said that it should be one thing instead of another, and pretty much makes it impossible to land midway; meaning it would be even worse for players trying to do anything except the one thing you're supposing they want.

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Man, okay. So some of the things being railed on in this thread, I mean, have you ever run up a wall? Changing your direction or jumping sideways is not really... real. Momentum can be shifted, but not after it is reduced climbing the wall. The same goes for wall-running up "irregular" walls; you aren't Spider-Man. Climbing over a lip or ledge is slow.


And some of this is entirely subjective. What to do after vaulting or climbing is said that it should be one thing instead of another, and pretty much makes it impossible to land midway; meaning it would be even worse for players trying to do anything except the one thing you're supposing they want.

Actually some of these suggestions are pretty good, though.


Like shifting Vault to a Sprint move.  If you're sprinting and hit a low wall, you automatically vault over it.  That would be a good move, in my opinion.


And frankly, I think that we SHOULD be Spiderman, as long as we're moving.  We should be able to shift and change direction on a wall.

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Time and time again I wish I could +1 this thread again. Then I think...after a year of this "I have gotten pretty damn good at it traversing using rubberband wall jumps etc.. do I NEED this?".and then...application. How given our environments could we apply these ideas? Oh yea you drew examples of it in current tilesets and other presentations, it looks playable to me Id love to test it out. This thread has been mentioned in at least two streams which leads me to believe they might be takng these ideas seriously. Will we be getting upgrades to tilesets that will allow us to utilize the movements if that is the problem? It seems the stages (designers) are getting a bit of the blame for lack of enemy diversity and new parkour. Im not sure how fair that is. Is U14 the time we will find out? DE_Geoff and company has been talking about (and working on?) this since melee 1.5 was a conversation topic...Patience...virtue...etc. I'm curious to see the outcome.     

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Actually some of these suggestions are pretty good, though.


Like shifting Vault to a Sprint move.  If you're sprinting and hit a low wall, you automatically vault over it.  That would be a good move, in my opinion.


And frankly, I think that we SHOULD be Spiderman, as long as we're moving.  We should be able to shift and change direction on a wall.


Well you can't ask for it both ways. Some things are listed as not being realistic enough, so you can't just throw realism out the window with some things.

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Well you can't ask for it both ways. Some things are listed as not being realistic enough, so you can't just throw realism out the window with some things.

Dood, we're FRICKIN' SPACE NINJAS!  We fight a solar system spanning Corporate Interest group that specialize in Forcefields, Laser guns and bipedal ROBOTS!  As well as a militaristic matriarchy of cybernetically enhanced clones with machine guns and space submarines.  And that's not including the Space Zombies.


Realism?  We left realism the moment we hit the PLAY button!  It's back there, screaming in frustration!


What we want is plausibility, and let's face it, anime styled action, like running along walls, along pipes like an acrobat. leaping from wall to ground and back to wall, is exactly what this game should be allowing us to do!


Realism?  I laugh at your puny realism and substitute my own!

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Man, okay. So some of the things being railed on in this thread, I mean, have you ever run up a wall? Changing your direction or jumping sideways is not really... real. Momentum can be shifted, but not after it is reduced climbing the wall. The same goes for wall-running up "irregular" walls; you aren't Spider-Man. Climbing over a lip or ledge is slow.


And some of this is entirely subjective. What to do after vaulting or climbing is said that it should be one thing instead of another, and pretty much makes it impossible to land midway; meaning it would be even worse for players trying to do anything except the one thing you're supposing they want.

don't get me started with the zorencoptering

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