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Teoarrk's concepts, lore and ideas thread, part 2 (Latest post - Where Part 9?)


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1 minute ago, keikogi said:

Same goes for comands , your solotution would fix 99% of the problems but they just can do anything between a makeover and bbandaid. ITs either a bandaid or makeover for DE. 

Fairly sobering, but sadly true take. 

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This post is dedicated to my lovely wife. We've been married for 5 years and if it weren't for her in my life, I would not have been exposed to many things that makes living that much more enjoyable and exciting. Love you <3


Vault of Orryphus: The people that inherited Mars

The empire splintered like tempered glass. Excitement entered each hushed conversation. Repressed ambitions were realised, or dashed aside. Millions were put to the sword, or died from neglect. The fertile land, kept so by a careful balance of technology and suffering withered, as if as an act of divine and final punishment for our hubris, that our perversion of nature had finally been overruled. Dark days and darker nights fell upon us all. I am now the king of dust, my people the only ones that do not lay beneath it. 

-Baba Abi

Mars is my favourite between our two rocky neighbours (sorry Venus). Perhaps growing up learning about all the probes and robots that we've sent there over the years lead me to wonder how our relationship will be in the near present and after. Therefore, it was with happiness that I learnt that the Orokin character that we know the most about in lore is the Executor of Mars - Ballas. The Sands of Inaros quest gave rise to an understanding of the extent of the inhuman cruelty the Orokin delivered upon the people of Mars and one of the ways the Empire tried to control the population.

Now frankly, as much as I like the story of Inaros, I don't think that it is practical for one Warframe to hold jurisdiction over an entire world. It certainly sounds cool, presenting Inaros as an epic hero, similar to John Carter from A Princess of Mars (1912), but with the expansion of the story beyond the single track narrative presented in earlier years, perhaps there is room for other stories on the red globe. 




This will be, in many aspects, an excuse to gush over my wife's culture. Iranians have a long history that stretches into myth, the Shahnameh (The Book of Kings) giving The Lord of the Rings a run for it's money. Indeed, Tolkein himself may have found spiritual kinship with Iranians, for just as he saw the past as some great and monolithic era that could never be reached again, both in majesty and wonder, so too do the people of Iran yearn for the ancient glories of their empire. Morghe Sahar, a song written almost a century ago is still popular today and refers to a poem that goes back even further. 

Indeed, it was a great empire. 

Image result for persian empire map

While as a British man, I can claim that Britain once owned 75% of the world's landmass (the sun never sets), at it's height, Ancient Persia contained, or directly affected 75% of the world's population. That percentage is staggering. 



This one is the story of the Tuktarians. While the Corpus rose from the chattering classes, the Grineer from the clone slaves, the Solarians from the working classes on Venus and the Ostrons from mercantile pacifists, the Tuktarians rose forth from a unified dream, to see their glory restored. To talk to one versed in their history, they would say that the story of their people is one that disappears back into the mists of time, but can be split into three main eras.

The First Era: The city of Tuktar

 Any Tuktarian proud to say as such, can trace their history back to the ancient city of Tuktar. The founder's name has been lost to time, but the first stones were laid down as humanity expanded beyond the confines of Earth to colonise the solar system. In time, it grew to be a place where knowledge was created and shared. Its citizens built great wonders in the red soil and nurtured it to bear fruit. For many years, the majesty of it stood as the pinnacle of what humanity could achieve. Architects imitated its spires and landscapers copied its gardens up and down the Solar system. Each and every time, something more awe inspiring was erected, or grew from the burgeoning earth. Truly, it was with surprise that any would seek to destroy the jewel of the system, but the Orokin did.

The Second Era: The time of weeping

The Orokin, the barbarians that brought ruin to the system razed the city and created a hollow mockery of it upon the surface of Lua. They enslaved the people of Tuktar, taking extra care to ensure that they were made an example of by making them work on the ash soaked land where Tuktar once stood. While other populations were given a chance, however small to move up the caste system over the course of generations, the Tuktarians were purposefully kept at the bottom, out of spite for what they had achieved, or the malice the Orokin thought fit for those that dared fight back.  The Tuktarians endured their plight, their spirit kept through the knowledge that every thing passes, even times of great hardship. They yearned for glories past and the day, however unlikely when their glory would be returned to them. They passed on the knowledge of their culture in hushed whispers, or scrappy notes written covertly on the fabric of old rags. Then, suddenly, he came.

The Third & Current Era: The Kingdom of Baba Abi 

The final years of weeping were among the darkest. The Tuktarians tended to the fields, their masters the whips at their backs. When the soil started to fail, their concerns were met with harsher capital punishment and longer days under the uncaring sun. The hand cracking the whip changed many times as fractions took over the place where they were enslaved, the terms of their internment changing from the spartan imprisonment under Dax to the bizarre rituals of the Crimson Blades, with many groups ebbing and flowing in between. One night, the sky grew heavy with the burden of many glider-craft. Dax and Crimson Blades fought long into the night, until only Dax stood. The people of Tuktar lashed out, the promise of Dax imprisonment returning being too much to bear. The Dax dealt with this with their usual cruelty, their visors awash with blood. Then silence took hold. A figure approached on the horizon. He said with the boom of rolling thunder "The Cycle is Broken!" and each Dax fell on their swords. The stranger gave the people of Tuktar an ultimatum: follow him and be free, or to stay where they were and be slaves for all time. The Tuktarians agreed to follow and he released each and every one of them of their shackles. They followed him into the wastes, where the land had fallen further into disrepair. Great dunes of shifting sand greeted them. Mad desperation lead them to follow this stranger, who never once faltered.

Finally, he came to a stop. For miles, nothing but the roar of the desert could be heard and no sign of deliverance could be seen. Not a single identifying point could determine why and what would bring him here. The Tuktarians thought themselves doomed, lead astray by a mad man. Then he reached out and touched something solid. Before them, a great complex of white and gold spires appeared, reaching high into the sky. "You will be safe here, for as long as you wish", the stranger told them. What an Orokin looked like had been lost to time in the Tuktarian's minds, they had only seen their thralls for many generations. To them, this tall blue figure with a disfigured right arm was an enigma and generations of servitude had made the idea of asking questions unthinkable. So, to the stranger, the people of Tuktar simply said "Hailie mamnoon Baba Abi." (Thank you very much father blue).

The complex was a research base. Within the bowels of the place, the Tuktarians were taught the ways of science, of critical thought and every other thing that their benefactor could imagine important that an independent people should know. Baba Abi was their constant advisor, nurturer. Vast stores of food and methods to grow more were at arm's reach, their curiosity satiated by expedition either in the pursuits found within, or without the walls of the place. The people thrived in the sanctuary, hidden from prying eyes. In time, this place became merely the school of the Tuktarian people, around which the growing population erected a city that shimmered like a mirage in the wastes. Gone were the days of mindless servitude, of the whispered murmurings of past greatness. The Tuktarians had been refined from their disgrace, a meteoric rise back to resplendence. To their benefactor, they offered their gratitude, building a rise that stood above all others, a hall where he could call his own for his selflessness. Thus, the city of Hahn Abi made it's mark on the wastes.

Hahn Abi could only be hidden from prying eyes for so long, however. Greedy eyes saw what had been done and what could be theirs. The outer world had been ravaged in the intervening years. Scavengers grew jealous of the intricate food production system that fed the city, the infrastructure that powered its manufacturing. What started as simple raids by desperate survivors became more militarised as Grineer bark-speech started to flood the radio waves.  The two sides fought to a stalemate, until it became obvious that taking the city would have costed as much as it contained, weapons long thought extinct coming to horrible life among its soldiers. More diplomatic attempts at exchange lead to more amicable results, Tuktarians finding their wares and skills useful at every port of call and as their ambitions grew, the planets beyond. 


The Diamond in the Rough - Hahn Abi

While thinking about direction for this idea, with the use of Farsi names or conventions I also thought of how to make a sci-fi version of ancient Persian architecture. The pinnacle of this, the ancient capital of Takhti Jamshid (Persepolis) boasts angular, ornate buildings with an emphasis on bright colors and lavish use of expensive materials.


Image result for Persepolis audience hall

Image result for Persepolis audience hall

Image result for persepolis in farsi

Image result for persepolis in farsi

Image result for persepolis in farsi

Image result for persepolis in farsi

Similar architecture can be found in another city the ancient Persian's ruled, Susa.


Image result for Susa

Ancient Susa, Iraq

Then, to consider what a future home of Mars might look like, we have this Habitat design concepted by team A.I. SpaceFactory back in 2018.


Team AI. SpaceFactory of New York is the second-place winner in NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge, Phase 3: Level 1 competition

Both forms of architecture are fairly different obviously. While the Mars habitat is fairly robust and functional, it speaks nothing to an outward expression of opulence. While the Ancient Persian designs are ornate, they speak to a majesty of a time that is long past. So how could both be combined? One angle is to see how to combine the flowing lines and euclidean architecture of later eras of Persian traditional architecture, up to something quite modern such as the Azadi Tower that respects the old while being very abstract.


Image result for shiraz

Image result for the arch of freedom tehran

If we consider a combination of the martian habitat pictured above combined with the structural motifs of the Azadi Tower, the result would be sleek, modern, but with small intricacies that bely a certain opulence. Indeed, it would be more fitting of Warframe, given that the Orokin aesthetic lends itself to a similar minimalistic style of simple elegance, amounting to a larger whole. What then could be the larger whole of Hahn Abi (blue haven) ? Take for instance the design of the city of Bevelle from Final Fantasy X. 


Image result for final fantasy x bevelle

The main structure, being that of the grand temple dominates the city, while every little red building besides fits into raised tiers around it. While this would be too much of an exaggeration, it is more to give an idea of what it could look like, that the city itself is a work of art. Alternatively, this early concept art from the same game presents a much more alien and brutalist cityscape. 


Image result for ffx early concepts

Returning to reality, the rise leading to Baba Abi's hall could look similar to the terraces of the Univeral World Centre in Baha'i.



Ideally this would have to be something that might require a spot of pen and pencil magic. That attempt can come later.

Beyond the walls - the Tharsian desert

Tharsis is a region of Mars with a lot of variation. Volcanoes to the western part of the region, and the Vallis Marineris in the east. While in principle, this makes it a great place for an open world, it is simply too large a region. Instead of a strict open world, what could be added instead is a procedural tileset that focuses on desert plains, wind eroded terrain, dusty, spare shrubland and bizarre structures like hoodoos and dried canyons. 


Image result for wind canyon earth

Image result for wind canyon earth

Image result for mojave desert earth

Image result for gobi desert earth

The reasoning for this is twofold - Adding more tiles to the Mars pool, but also to incorporate some 'open world' activities (not the usual suspects) to Mars and for it to not be over the same map every time. I will talk about these later, after the Trial is written out. This post is crazy long already.

The man on the high rise - Baba Abi

An Orokin being charitable? How out of character, how irresponsible! This character is part of a larger story, one that I hope to share sometime in the future. In his previous life, he had been an Archimedean, one that focused on the humanitarian effort of healing the Origin System of The Great Plague. Not entirely a people person, but one that cared for others. He achieved much  in this goal and for that reason he found himself in service to another work, one that stood against his principles. In time, he endured it long enough to ascend. That lead, among other things to being actively involved with the Tuktarian people - but not as a nurturer, as the tale exalts. No, he owned them, as a farmer owns cattle, the crops they harvested his milk and cheese. The assignment was an Executor's joke, one that bore into his soul. Indeed, where it not for The Fall, this would be a tale of open rebellion, of the low people rising up through bared arms and raised voices. Instead, it is a tale of his redemption. 

Here is the story, as told by the Archaeologist Dokhtar of Keshan of how the Tuktarians came to learn of the truth.

The Ballad of Baba Abi

Baba Abi is the closest thing to a mayor that the city has, although it might be better to call him a governor of sorts. He comes to us to cleanse the Vault of Orryphus before it falls into the hands of the Grineer. Weapons, experiments, unspeakable things void borne lie within. 


Thats it for part 1. Part 2 will come after I write up a sort of 'mainline update' post of sorts. 

I hope that it is at least a good read. 

Hope you have a good one wherever you are.



Edited by Teoarrk
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2 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

dominates the city, while every little red building besides fits into raised tiers around it. While this would be too much of an exaggeration, it is more to give an idea of what it could look like, that the city itself is a work of art. Alternatively, this early concept art from the same game presents a much more alien and brutalist cityscape. 

Temple exist for two things , place off prayer and huge way to show off. Every religion that was rich had massive Temple with unique arxhterure to show off. The spear ammount off gold on the Vatican would be seen as bad taste if was just a king flexing that much. I don't think a city desing like that would be overkill on a universe like warframe.

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6 hours ago, keikogi said:

Temple exist for two things , place off prayer and huge way to show off. Every religion that was rich had massive Temple with unique arxhterure to show off. The spear ammount off gold on the Vatican would be seen as bad taste if was just a king flexing that much. I don't think a city desing like that would be overkill on a universe like warframe.

I guess it would sort of make sense given that the Tuktarians worship Baba Abi as they do.

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A Mainline Update, if I had the reigns - Reader beware, your opinions may vary!

First off, I would like to thank @exturkconner,@L1fewater, @Gaz_TTV, @keikogi, @fo3nixz Cloudkraker, @(NSW)HoodieDeku and many others for inspiring some of what follows and Life especially for giving this post an industry title.

The first question is of course, what is a mainline update? 

A mainline update is one where the developers look at everything currently in the game, what the balance situation is (if relevant), what is popular and what isn't and tweak everything that they feel needs tweaking, meanwhile adding to the game with new game modes, features and items.

An example of this would be TF2's Tough Break update. 

Therefore, it is my pleasure to introduce: -

The Omen of Eudoxus - a Warframe Mainline update concept

Damage system overhaul, as detailed here.

Riven system overhaul, as detailed here.

Lich system overhaul, as detailed here.

Instead of Corpus Queenpins, Zanuka Amalgams .

Core Syndicate changes, as detailed by the 8 posts I have made on the subject, which starts here. Additionally:


The 6 way path: Each Tenno Syndicate can have their reputation gained at the same time, but with 50% reduced efficiency. Talk to Teshin to unlock this ability.

6 way path operatives gain additional benefits to Tenno aligned to a specific Syndicate, including access to each Syndicate headquarters and no penalty for intercepting and disrupting Syndicate missions.

They however, do not have access to specific Syndicate missions.

Pet System overhaul, as detailed by the posts in this thread starting here. Additional changes are as follows. 

  • Pet breeds can be hybridised with DNA from captured animals. Given the extensive changes listed in the overhaul already, this will extend only to cosmetic changes. I.e, A Kubrow with Stover DNA will have a chance of having multiple eyes and a more brutish, front heavy appearance.
  • Conservation animals can be kept on the ship as 'home' pets on the Orbiter.

MR changes:


Mastery will be tied to quests. This change is more a thematic one than an overtly practical one. The reasons for it are thus:

  • Grind and affinity are bugbears for the community. Progression being tied to a highly repeated activity does not help in this matter. 
  • Hydron/Ophelia/SO/ESO are what a lot of playtime is devoted to. Instead of spread out over many different nodes. it is focused in a few spots. This is not conducive towards the 'content variety' Scott wanted to see among content creators in his "I hate the Simulacrum" rant on Frozenballz podcast.
  • The current mastery system brings to light which weapons and frames are very underwhelming and which ones are not and forces you (in progression) to obtain and do the same loop for each.
  • The current mastery system does not provide significant additional features or unlocks to players from MR 16 up until MR30. That means for 13 MRs, the most significant rewards are increased syndicate reputation gain per day and additional loadout slots.
  • The title of Grand Master at present is more a test of endurance and persistence and while the rewards are not insignificant, the road to those rewards make it underwhelming. A 'reset' of sorts could give DE more time to produce a crescendo worthy of the time investment, as well as give Founders (who have held the title of Master since 2012-2013) a way of helping players out through the blessings on Relays.
  • Story events lend themselves to be formative moments for our character - our Operator is still finding themselves and yet is awarded the highest military rank available to the Tenno?


At present, there are 15 Main quests. Each one completed would grant you the ability to Rank up, meaning that by the end of Vor's Prize, you would be MR 2 and a player that is up to speed would be MR 15. The New War quest Erra may not be as significant in the minds of players than The Second Dream, but the divulged information helps players better assess the situation and helps them understand that the situation that is unfolding. 

Side quests will not be included in this list, as while they are significant, they are more the stories of others, gateways to Warframes or additional systems.

Relay overhaul is detailed here.

Dojo overhaul is detailed here.

Foundry changes  -

  • It is now possible to set the foundry to produce x number of items from a blueprint in one go, as long as the player has the correct number of blueprints and resources. 
  • If a player is missing resources, they can be informed at the foundry where to acquire them.

Codex changes

  • Every mod and location of acquisition will be revealed. 
  • All mission types will be explained.

Helminth changes

  • Mods from the Warframe ability Augment pool will be converted into 'upgrades' for the Helminth. These augments can be added to a Warframe in addition to subsumed skills. 
  • Mutation Capacity - Similar to mod capacity, a Warframe can only be mutated so much from Helminth. Warframes that are fairly popular, such as Nekros or Mesa will have a smaller Mutation capacity than say Hydroid.  To offset necessary augments from taking up space that could otherwise be used to experiment, augments that should have been part of the base ability will be either incorporated into the basic ability, or made free. (Credit @keikogi)

Scanner changes - In addition to random chatter and Nightwave, the Scanner can also be used to pick up special missions as detailed here.

Mission overhaul - a focus on more 'depth' to each mission in the gameplay loop. I will now go into detail, but firstly, ground rule for each mission:

  • Instead of getting a random completion reward, or a rewards for an interval instead there will be a token payout. These tokens will be unique for each mission type and their vendors will be on the relay.

What I mean here is that each mission will have more stages to them, or require the team to split up in some way.


Capture - focus on this being a 'sting operation'. 

Basic mission will be similar to it is right now, but emphasis on not raising the alarm and only killing when necessary.

Advanced mission will be more involved (Steel Path only)



The final screen will take inspiration from Total War Warhammer 2: The Warden and the Paunch

Image result for total war warhammer 2 the warden and the paunch interrogation

Sabotage - a focus on side missions taking place before and after the main event - a prisoner on board may get executed as an informant, the chief engineer knows something, etc.

Mobile Defence - More variety and ways to interact with the timer, or simply be more engaging. For instance, some objectives could physically move, such as a train car to rescue Grineer Prisoners from Grineer Drydocks, or defending Kubrow dens to then extract members of each colony for study,  Compromising a ships' Beehive network to create rogue moa, or lastly and most regrettably, recapturing the magic of the Glast Gambit's first mission - sealing the doors to protect colonists from Infestation.

Hijack - Similar to the Law of Retribution's second mission, the entire team should coordinate to get the objective to extraction, not just one guy sitting on the objective and getting it to the end.

Defence - The arena should be hostile and discourage a very passive playstyle. The best example of this currently is  Nabuk on the Kuva Fortress, or the progressive arena variation of Stöfler on Lua. In addition to this however, it should gain access to anti-Tenno enemies after the first 20 waves on regular starchart and 10 in Steel Path. The defence target could also gain modifiers from Disruption.

Exterminate - Now that kill totals do not display the total number of enemies in a mission, but only the required number to kill, maybe the focus should move to specific anti-Tenno elites. Consider the Gustrag 3, Manics, Ghouls, Juggernauts, Arlo's Zealots, Zanuka, Raknoids.


Image result for how tough are you?

(They won't be as easy to handle in Steel Path, but more on that later)

I wrote up a concept for Endless exterminate - Slaystorm

Disruption - Mostly fine as is.

Survival -  I have already suggested changes for this here.

Spy - Alert status outside the vault could add additional layers of security and challenge to each vault interior in a sort of 'pandora's box' type approach. (Once the vault is open, no further changes take place). Additional step could also be required in order to access vault rooms in heavy alert situations, such as finding a 'high level official' and 'encouraging' their cooperation.

Defection - Expansion of this game mode to Corpus, Infestation and Corrupted. For Corpus, we could be saving Solarians. For Infestation, lt could be protecting rare 'prey' fauna from regular infested and for Corrupted, we could be trying to save stranded Grineer or Corpus from being 'corrupted'.



(pictured: not a good time)

Excavation - The process of extracting ore can vary from area to area. A giant drill can be deployed as usual, or a 'delicate' specimen may require us to use our hand drills on a spot, where the player drilling becomes the defence target, or the mission could take a similar process to Thermia extraction, where we need to take a special tool from an enemy to prepare an object for extraction.

I have written a non-endless challenge excavation game mode here.

Interception - Specific enemies can 'lock down' a node if they capture it for a punishing time frame. Otherwise no changes.

Rescue - For the rescue to take place, maybe a system elsewhere needs to be compromised, or maybe the rescue target really  has unfinished business and refuses to leave until you let them claim their dues.

Assassination - I wouldn't be the first to say that assassinations, aside from the open world bosses and Emissary Prelate are not entirely memorable, being more a roadblock of seconds rather than a challenge. The two worst offenders of this are Phorid and The Sergeant. They will both get their own section later.

Infested Salvage - While good at current, it doesn't offer anything (aside from Nidus) that can't be gotten elsewhere easier.

Trials - Reintroduced via the addition of Rail Synova Terminus Proxima and The Vault of Orryphus.

New gamemode -  Tenno Tower, @Triburos's roguelike procedural dungeon.

Additionally, for Arbitration missions, the following challenge mutators can apply:

  • Low supplies - enemies will drop no ammo/orbs for a set number of waves / minutes.
  • Fomorian radiation leak - smog will slowly move through the level. (Defence objectives are not affected by these
  • Ascaris applicators - Enemies will be armed with Ascaris for a set number of waves/minutes. Do not go down, or have to build an Ascaris Negator.
  • Draining Toxin - Attacks / bullets that enemies use will proc poison. Use an ability to 'burn it out'.
  • Armoury upgrades - Enemies will use upgraded equipment.
  • Lech Kril/Juggernaut Pack/ Hyena pack invades - boss invasion
  • Assassins - Grineer manic like enemies will spawn in the mission.
  • Sappers - Enemies armed with explosives will try to take out you or your defence target.
  • Capture Reserve Commanders - Capture mission as a subojective.


Invasions System -  Needs new blood. The Gravidus Dilemma was 7 years ago and new players entering the game are used to just seeing that Grineer and Corpus fight, but the reasons why are not very well known. A new conflict could be introduced between Phorid and The Sergeant, which I will call 'The Phobos Outbreak'. The reasons for this are twofold - They are among the oldest bosses and need to be updated. It would allow DE to make people interested in them and give both a sort of 'Oh yeah, those two'.

Conclave/ PvP system - addressed here. However, a change that also comes to mind now:

  • Inquiry into problematic weapons, i.e. buggy or exploitative weapons getting fixed.

Decoration tools - as current, with the additions promised in the near future.

Captura - As current.

Warframe balancing / reworks. 


This graph does not tell the full story, but what can be gleamed from this data is that a fair few Warframe abilities, even among popular Warframes are being replaced with others via the Helminth system. Several Warframes are popular in calls for reworks, those being:

  • Inaros - kit is very underwhelming and his popularity is mainly focused around his high durability. His passive, undying does not scale with anything but the Bleedout damage mod Provoked. It can also be disabled via nullifier bubble.
  • Banshee - with her 4th ability in its current state, her use case in missions is not very secure. 
  • Valkyr did not change much, while the game around her did. Now that her most useful power can be subsumed to other Warframes, she finds herself with a kit that while not bad is also handled better elsewhere (also 1 ability slot is taken up by a meme and should be removed.)
  • Chroma - Chroma is in a weird place where he is useful in almost all content, but the optimal play strategy relies on you ensuring that you keep 2 of abilities up by pressing 2 and 3 whenever they are about to expire. 1 and 4 aren't useful and his passive is out of place with the core of his kit.
  • Nyx - While Nyx gained interest with the release of Steel Path, with the removal of Steel Essence from Eximus enemies crippled her biggest recent use case as a farm staple. The kit is not exactly where it needs to be in the current game.
  • Frost - Elemental damage themed Warframes are at the mercy of the damage type they represent being good, or good enough. Frost is not completely useless, but the use cases of Snow Globe, his staple compared to another ability, such as Limbo's Cataclysm, Khora's Strangledome or Gara's Mass Vitrify leave him as a sub par choice for defence most of the time. Another build that focuses on Avalanche with an augment still remains strong.
  • Hydroid - Hydroid has become obsolete in his area as an area denial loot frame with the release of Khora. He either needs a rework to fill another niche, or he needs to be brought up to compete.
  • Vauban - replace Vector Pad, or give players the option for it and only it to be replaced with a subsumed ability.

Final additions to this section:

  • Adding a forma to a Warframe does not lock out all its powers until it is ranked up again.
  • Warframes can gain energy from all usual sources while channelling.
  • Universal Vacuum. 
  • Basic Warframe progression - rather than a basic Warframe taking up a slot and gathering dust, or being fodder for the mouth in the wall, instead it can 'advance.' After first mastery, the Warframe can be upgraded to the 'Immortal' version of the Warframe. Then, when this Immortal frame is mastered, it can be upgraded to a prime using Prime augmentors, or alternatively be upgraded to an Exilus - a sort of proto Warframe, similar in design to the proto skin series on the marketplace. While primes have their void gimmick, Exilus Warframes could gain advantages from Open worlds, such as passive health regen, or something similar while out on the land.

Weapon balancing:


There are 458 weapons in Warframe and thats before considering Kitgun and Zaw permutations. 

I'm not going to try to balance every weapon and to be frank, neither should DE. They should be trying to focus on the top 50 or 60 weapons and trying to ensure that the ones that stick out as 'the weapons people are using are a sort of 'end of the line' upgrade. 

How this could be achieved is through something already in the game: crafting paths:



but arranged in a way like this:



This style of pathing, from War Thunder is easier to read.

This information could be accessed in the codex, but if a weapon has a direct upgrade, the UI could hint at this through some kind of icon:


Clicking on that icon could then take you to the Market, where you could buy a blueprint that had the next weapon along the tree, or if it was a family with two end variants, both.

Normal weapons like the Braton will have a tree as such: Mk1-Braton ->Braton -> Braton Vandal/Braton Prime

Some special weapons will get Prisma and even Umbra variants at the end of their tree. 

In addition to this change, the following changes should be made:

  • Overall ranged weapon buff - this is in line with the melee 3.0 stat changes. Due to the massive buff in base damage, melee enjoy the freedom to choose between Condition Overload or Primed Pressure Point for damage output (although Condition Overload normally wins). This should be handled on a class by class basis, with some bows and throwing knives most likely receiving a sizeable buff.
  • Weapon still isn't powerful when fully upgraded? Meld it and another one into a better gun. Details in the Relay link.
  • Combo system overhaul - Flow:
    • Combo counter is now extended to ranged weapons. This means that combo multiplier mods will now have either universal application, or have ranged analogues. 
    • As a general rule of thumb, while this point system will encourage aiming for headshots, it won't require it. The focus is on hitting.
    • Flow will also take into consideration if you are in aim glide while a shot is taking place, or wall latching. 

These changes however will not topple the top weapons, nor make the Kuva Nukor stop being used by 43% of MR30 players alone. We also need to consider the other side, what the enemies are doing.


Warframe Arcanes are given expanded functionality. The arcanes will not necessarily require you to have additional cosmetics equipped, but they need to be unlocked to function.

  • Warframe armor attachments can equip a elemental 'resistance' arcane. -Unlocked after accessing your first full armor set.
  • Warframe helmets can equip a legendary arcane. -Unlocked after mastering a Warframe.
  • The body can equip one legendary and one rare arcane. -Unlocked on a fresh Warframe.
  • A syandana can equip a 'movement' arcane. - Unlocked after accessing your first Syandana.

(Credit @exturkconner@keikogi )

Additionally, arcane distillers will be added back into the game, to allow Arcanes to be split apart after being combined.


  • Anti Tenno Elites will be added for each faction. These enemies will be much harder to deal with than regular enemies. They will have:
    • 80% aoe damage resistance
    • crit resistance - crit bonuses will not apply to them.
    • immunity to common status choices
    • Some Warframe abilities, such as Switch Teleport, Magnetize, Spores, etc
    • Can use Warframe abilities.
    • Use items like Ascaris on downed Warframes and stop the player from reviving.

(Credit @exturkconner


The Iliad is a ship tricked out for combat - the assassination mission will therefore have multiple phases:

Attempt to reach the target -> get blown into space by a trap ->use an archwing to get back on board ->fight the Sergeant

The fight will have three phases that come one after the other

  • fighting his minions
  • dodging sniper fire from his perspective (like this)
  • finding the him and shooting him until his cloak comes back on again.

Enemy AI

Warframe enemy AI improvement is often considered a non - issue by most players. There are many reasons given for this dismissal, the most common being:

  • I can use one ability and nuke an entire room.
  • What is the point in creating smart AI when it will only exist for a couple seconds?

Both of these points are valid and should remain that way for regular star chart gameplay. Warframe is a casual power fantasy to most players. 

However, for those that want to take the more challenging routes of Arbitrations and Steel Path, there should be something to spice up that formula. In particular, this will apply mostly Anti-Tenno elite enemies. 

F.E.A.R had an AI well suited to providing a challenge to players at any stage in the game. If Warframe wants to venture into creating difficulty through intelligent enemies, it would be a good thing to emulate.



Void Fissure system changes:

  • Void fissures could either exist as a random change to a mission, or something selected. In either case, a void relic could be selected at the instance of awareness, i.e. when the mission becomes a void fissure mission.
  • rather than simply be small 'clouds' of void passing through, it should be that tiles from the map are replaced by Orokin Void tiles, or surreal changes are made, such as seeing, or hearing The Man in The Wall taunting us.
  • Void energy will be acquired as now.
  • Standing in void clouds will provide minor buffs or debuffs for the duration of the mission. 
  • Relic outcomes can be locked in by sacrificing 5 radiant relics with the chosen drop in their drop pool, plus another 500 void traces.
  • Void Relics being upgraded during endless missions will be selected for the next round of the mission until another is chosen.

Railjack Changes

  • Remove enemy ship required killcounts from every mission in the pool.
  • Change Skirmish into a variety of names based on guaranteed points of interest in that location.
  • Add Reinforcement fleets to reward fast mission completion, or present a challenge to those that want it.
  • Range of engagement changes - dogfighting does not need to be at a distance where tether and black hole are always the right choice.
  • Random Sentient fighter attacks - Veil Proxima exclusive.
  • Command Intrinsic
    • XCOM style squad system
      • ability to rank up crew to have different abilities 
      • ability to equip them with various weapons
      • ability to lend crew to other players to earn experience and help friends
      • Pool from Ostron, Liches, Solarians, Lotus Path Guardians, Syndicates
    • Additional crew can be taken as Archwing pilots to accompany the Railjack during missions.
  • Mission type additions:
    • Strip Mining - Take the Railjack out to a quiet sector to mine and fight freebooters
    • Interdiction - Prepare an ambush for a Grineer raiding fleet.
    • Dominion - Fight off Grineer vessels for as long as you can!
  • Iliads - It is possible to set your home ship to the Railjack! During starchart missions, it is possible for random  Railjack missions to appear as alerts. These can be accessed from Railjack navigation. 

Archwing Changes

  • Restoration of afterburner functionality. Tap to blink, Hold to afterburn.
  • Integration of Primary mods for Archguns and Melee mods for Archmelee.
    • Archmelee gain stance mods that allow them to stay on top of a target in Railjack - a focus on a sort of 'Calvary' attack style.

Open Worlds

  • Before anything else, a universal change - reputation caps will still exist. However, following the Tenno Syndicate reputation model, resource hand ins will not be capped. 
  • Barter - starchart resources can be used to acquire open world resources at a steep rate.
  • Specific additions:
    • PoE - addressed here.
      • additionally, Onkko will act as a vendor for Arcanes. This means that the vanilla Trial Arcanes will be more accessible, but frankly they are should be replaced by a newer carrot on the stick evergreen award at events.
    • Fortuna - The Third Orb is added. 
    • Deimos - Strict token system is loosened. A player can choose to complete hand ins for either reputation gains or Tokens.  
      • Slaystorm access through Father.

Steel Path changes

  • Utilization of Nightmare mode and Sorties mutators in missions at random.
  • Additional boss mechanics that really push players during assassinates.
    • consider games that lock abilities for harder difficulties, i.e. World of Warcraft. Monster Hunter, 
  • Focus on the mentality of 'this is to push players to be the best they can be.'
    • Spoiler

      This video illustrates among other things, the sort of mentality most steel path regulars have in mind while playing.

  • Emphasis on 'creating Deviljho moments'
    • Let me explain this one. Deviljho is a creature from the Monster Hunter series that looks like this. Instead of being a monster that people actively go looking for, it goes looking for you - and often finds you at a very inconvenient moment. How this can be translated to Steel Path is the introduction of enemies, or wider use of them, that are never just another enemy. Earlier I talked about creating anti-tenno elites, but some of these already exist. The Grineer Ghouls come to mind as an enemy that fits this category, but is not able to corner you in a Galleon, or in the Sealab, places that work to their advantage. The Lynx gets overlooked in Grineer Spy, but can be trouble for players in Void Sabotage.


Necramech Changes

  • Removal of the stamina system. 
  • Charge maneuver has a similar 'goldilocks zone' to the Demoman's charge in Team Fortress 2. To demonstrate this, here is this video demonstration of what it looks like. Similar visual feedback and damage rewards could be added to make charging more of a staple maneuver.
  • Specific changes:
    • Voidrig
      • Necraweb does not have the range nor the functionality to compete with Warframe abilities. The damage, slow and area of effect scaling need to be greatly exaggerated.
      • Storm Shroud is a worse Iron Skin. It should have better scaling or absorption time in order to compete in mixed missions.
      • Gravemines feels like a wasted ability slot except against low level enemies. This needs to scale off of weapon damage in order to maintain usefulness.
      • Guard mode is fine. 
    • Bonewidow
      • This Necramech is one of two halves - one that focuses on melee and ranged damage. Therefore, it might be best to give her a 'second kit' when Ironbride is active. In addition, change Ironbride into a Chainsword. This is the best excuse to add a rule of cool weapon from Warhammer: 40K and feels like a missed opportunity.

      • Meathook changes - the grab lunge of this ability makes it hard to aim, something that became very apparent during the Orphix Venom update. Instead, it could simply use reticle aim to 'pull' an enemy to you, similar to the namesake. While Ironbride is active, this could be changed to a 30m charge that impales an enemy in the cone of effect, granting instant healing to yourself and your party within 50 metres.

      • Shield Maiden changes - A directional shield is nice in a hallway, but most areas in which this ability is used does not give Bonewidow the ability to keep enemies to her front.  A quick fix is to give it Storm shroud's functionality, but I would suggest something different. The shield will gain health based on your base health and absorption for a short duration. It will grant Bonewidow resistance to absorbed damage types while active.  While Ironbride is active, casting Shield Maiden will taunt all enemies within 100m. 50% of damage dealt to your allies within 100m is taken against the shield. Damage dealt while Shield Maiden is active will grant it temporary health at 20% efficiency.

      • Firing line could stun enemies for a fixed duration and make them more vulnerable to damage. While Ironbride is active, the ability could also pull enemies closer for slicing.

      • Exalted Ironbride - While the ability and weapon is fine, it could do with an option to have a different melee in that slot. Players have wished to use Archmelee in ground missions for as long as Gravimags granted Archguns this functionality.

Simaris Faction changes

  • Both SO and ESO now provide reputation based on how far you get in either
  • Navigation beacons can be handed in to him for reputation
  • New Daily / Weekly challenges in the form of Scan targets, ESO area completions
  • Scan information can be passed around members of a clan.

Sortie changes

  • Persistance reward system change - completing sorties every day for a fortnight will guarantee at least 3 rewards of Rare tier and higher. Gone will be the cries of 'another day, another anasa'.
  • Endo and anasa will be removed as rewards, reducing the total number of rewards and allowing percentages on the other tiers to be slightly higher.

Extraction drone changes

  • Passive (mobile) use unchanged.
  • Use while online adds special 'excavation' or 'survival' missions to the chosen planet where you protect your extraction drone, or distract enemies from it while it farms resources for you.  Successful participation guarantees that your drone is unharmed!

Network Changes

  • Allow players to host dedicated servers for their friends to join in PvE missions. This is already allowed for Conclave matchmaking.
  • Allow player clients to communicate with the main server when a 'rare' item is dropped, giving players more relief during a desync.


Well this might not be everything, but it certainly feels that way. I may add more to this tomorrow, especially if there is interest.

Have a good one, wherever you are!

Edited by Teoarrk
Added more stuff.
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11 hours ago, Teoarrk said:
  • Warframe armor attachments can equip a elemental 'resistance' arcane.
  • Warframe helmets can equip a legendary arcane.
  • The body can equip one legendary and one rare arcane.
  • A syandana can equip a 'movement' arcane.

This brings back the age old issue of I don't want to equip a sholder pad. I think it's better to just have leg , torso , arm and head arcanes slots intead of tying it to anything that has visual impact. As far as creating arcane categories,  I'm all for it , at it is it is almost impossible to create a useful arcane when it has to compete with stuff like energize.

11 hours ago, Teoarrk said:
    • XCOM style squad system
      • ability to rank up crew to have different abilities 
      • ability to equip them with various weapons
      • ability to lend crew to other players to earn experience and help friends
      • Pool from Ostron, Liches, Solarians, Lotus Path Guardians, Syndicates
    • Additional crew can be taken as Archwing pilots to accompany the Railjack during missions.
  • Mission type additions:
    • Strip Mining - Take the Railjack out to a quiet sector to mine and fight freebooters
    • Interdiction - Prepare an ambush for a Grineer raiding fleet.
    • Dominion - Fight off Grineer vessels for as long as you can

I wish the crew system turns with at least these features. I know it will allow you to give the npc a weapon. As far as missions are concerned it would be cool if could accidentally end up on boss fight I strip mining,  something like waking a a oroking worn like digging machine or a infested version of it.

12 hours ago, Teoarrk said:
  • Mods from the Warframe ability Augment pool will be converted into 'upgrades' for the Helminth. These augments can be added to a Warframe in addition to subsumed skills.
  • Make it possible to toggle channelled abilities into timer abilities via Helminth.

If there a helminth mutation limit it would be neat. Chaging channeled skills to duration is unacessary DD should just revert the nerf of energy can't regerate when channeling because it was frankly a overreaction to people using exalted blade 24/7

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1 hour ago, keikogi said:

This brings back the age old issue of I don't want to equip a sholder pad. I think it's better to just have leg , torso , arm and head arcanes slots intead of tying it to anything that has visual impact. As far as creating arcane categories,  I'm all for it , at it is it is almost impossible to create a useful arcane when it has to compete with stuff like energize.

I was thinking more that next to the helmet slot, there would be an arcane 'slot'. The same for attachments and Syandanas. Maybe I should word it differently - reaching mastery for the first time will unlock the helmet, unlocking an armor set the armor arcane slot and the first syandana will unlock the syandana slot.

1 hour ago, keikogi said:

I wish the crew system turns with at least these features. I know it will allow you to give the npc a weapon. As far as missions are concerned it would be cool if could accidentally end up on boss fight I strip mining,  something like waking a a oroking worn like digging machine or a infested version of it.

That would actually be pretty cool. You will enjoy Marineris when it gets to that. :)

1 hour ago, keikogi said:

If there a helminth mutation limit it would be neat. Chaging channeled skills to duration is unacessary DD should just revert the nerf of energy can't regerate when channeling because it was frankly a overreaction to people using exalted blade 24/7

I agree absolutely, but I'm under the impression that DE won't revert these changes for the same reason we won't get a substantial vacuum without companions. Edit: it's my thread, why should I hold back? Lets do it!

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14 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

agree absolutely, but I'm under the impression that DE won't revert these changes for the same reason we won't get a substantial vacuum without companions. Edit: it's my thread, why should I hold back? Lets do it!

My pitch is turn the helminth system into the " riven " ( autobalance ) off warframes. Pretty much every warframe has a mutation capacity ( there is a minimum mutation capacity but no maximum ) , any helminth ability takes a certain amount of mutation capacity and building in arguments would also consume mutation capacity. So for example a frame like Mesa would not have enough capacity to equip pillage and the augument for her 4 th ( on the helminth,  if you wanted to use a mod slot for it so be it ) but a weak frame like Zephyr could have room for 1 ability and 2 Augument. The idea is since Augument are not e a even playing field,  nor the helminth abilities.  Attributing a cost for them could fix the issue if multiple frames had diferent capacity. 

Off corse once a build is done it is done , even if the frame capacity gets nerfed latter.

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2 minutes ago, keikogi said:

My pitch is turn the helminth system into the " riven " ( autobalance ) off warframes. Pretty much every warframe has a mutation capacity ( there is a minimum mutation capacity but no maximum ) , any helminth ability takes a certain amount of mutation capacity and building in arguments would also consume mutation capacity. So for example a frame like Mesa would not have enough capacity to equip pillage and the augument for her 4 th ( on the helminth,  if you wanted to use a mod slot for it so be it ) but a weak frame like Zephyr could have room for 1 ability and 2 Augument. The idea is since Augument are not e a even playing field,  nor the helminth abilities.  Attributing a cost for them could fix the issue if multiple frames had diferent capacity. 

Thats pretty smart (but I wouldn't expect anything less from you). Adding it in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update on Vault of Orryphus

This has been a fairly interesting Trial to work on. Alongside the introductory quest being a lot more involved than my usual fare, I have also decided to build puzzles to help visualize the challenge section from the first part of the Trial. How do I do that?

With the Portal 2 editor of course. There are some things that the game cannot do, but for demonstration purposes it will be fine. Anyway this is the end of the short update.

It'll come out when it's ready.

Till then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Vault of Orryphus Part 2: Trouble in Haven & The Main Event

Getting Started

And now I'm back. Before I detail the Trial, it is important to present the attunement quest. This one is perhaps going to be a little more difficult than the previous one. I am providing an external link here since it is 20 pages long, written in a pseudo script format.

Trouble in Haven


The Trial

Bring ruin to the Vault of Orryphus, for my shame and to save my people. - Baba Abi

The Trial can be split into several segments, the first being an involved covert decryption mission, the second getting down the chromatic steps and from then on, taking on a selection of experiments before finishing with the guardian and keeper of the vault, Orryphus himself.

Some housekeeping, before we continue:

  • Prerequisites: Trouble in Haven Quest completed, 200 void traces, have 5 Orokin Ciphers in your inventory.
  • Additional equipment: 5x Diluted Thermia, 1000 cryotic, 50 Auroxium Alloy (can be used to forge a weapon in mission)
  • 1 Duty Token will be given per stage unless otherwise stated. Completing the Trial will grant 3 additional tokens.


Stage 1: The Tarkak Excavation Site

The caravan had made it to the Tarkak Excavation Site and not been mowed down by the on-edge workers. The Tuktarians came bearing a solution to the thrice cursed complex, but an adversarial energy permeated the bartering negotiations. Indeed, had the workers seen what else was stored among the travellers cargo, obscured by other, more basic goods, their hostility would have been much more direct. Pouring out of service vent, 4 metallic figures begin their subterfuge.

This first stage will be a grand Spy mission. What that entails is that you have to explore a large area without being detected, while solving a set of two player spy vault puzzles (these are examples, not strictly the ones in the trial). While you work on stealing the Memory Keys that Uluuk Tarkak has been able to acquire, the Grineer himself will be bartering, or rather distracted by what he believes to be a simple Tuktarian trader in his head office. Instead, it will be the Daughter of Keshan, bluffing on your behalf. The stage will have a time limit of 10 minutes.

Returning enemies: Anomaly Seekers. These guys and their drones can see invisible Warframes and Operators. Don't run past Grineer carefree.

While you go around the site, a ui marker, similar to the one from the Orb Vallis will be next to your map, detailing how alerted the base is.

  • Getting spotted by a Grineer that is able to report your activity at a console will raise the alert level by 2 pips.
  • A vault alarm trigger will increase the alert level by 3 pips.
  • Alert will decrease by 1 over the course of 1 minute while out of combat.
  • At 5 pips, the mission will fail.

After all 5 memory keys have been obtained, your team will then need to go to the code console and decipher the code from the clues on the memory keys.

What will that look like?

A hint is this classic puzzle from The Hobbit (2003).

You will have to solve an order riddle. The vaults will contain one part of the combination and the relative position of one part in relation to another part.

This kind of puzzle may seem archaic, but a 5 digit combination under the time constraints is about the level of complexity that is fair.

When the door opens, a short fanfare will play. This, coupled with the sound of the giant, ancient doors opening will bring a swift conclusion to the barter. Both Tartak and Keshan will bare their arms, caught in a standoff. Uluuk's bionic eyes will whirr as the tension mounts.  Eventually Uluuk lowers his Marelok, letting the Daughter of Keshan to leave.

"There wasn't anything for you in there anyway. The Tenno are doing us both a favor."



Stage 2: The Hanging Maze

The vault's antechamber sputtered to life as the Tenno ventured inside. A lounge area, resplendent with the earmarks of high Orokin interior design are lit, clearly after a very long time. Dust hangs on every surface, painting a scene that could just have just casually been abandoned yesterday by the years that have passed since. The faint whirring hum of moving machinery fills the air, the dust quickly and easily brushed aside.

"Master, we have guests. Welcome visitors, it is has been a few centuries since last we have had anyone smart enough to be given audience with master Orryphus. It would be good to learn of your travels in these troubled times; so much has been lost and yet the call was not given." 

A spotlight shines on the Tenno. A more human voice takes over.

"Oh, the Tenno.  Come to kill me, is that it? If you're smart enough to open the door, then you probably have an inkling of what is down here. Leave it well enough alone Tenno. I will not bring destruction down upon you, should you not do the same unto me. Leave in peace and nothing will befall you, or stay, fight like the demons you are. Howl your battle cries and be snuffed out"

Note: At this point, you can leave. If you do so, the Trial will end and you will get a badge called "Accord of Peace". You will not gain a Duty Token from this action, but instead a Pomegranate flower Token. 

"You have made the right choice. Safeguard the present, while I safeguard the past."

For those that take on his challenge, will find a terraced garden, fit for a subterranean king, but past the splendour, there is a clear sign of danger. 

"Come then, animals. I will not make it easy for you. Pilus, activate the Void Well. Lets see if their success was just a fluke of primitive cognition."

"It is in place. Return home Tenno devils. This is not a place for you."

Think of the Hanging Maze as an extended Void acrobatics puzzle designed for parkour 2.0, without any of the abilities that allow you to cheat your way to the end of a typical acrobatics puzzle. The aim here is just as much to survive as to simply get to the end in the allotted time. It's a maze of trapped tiles and snares, security drones and hidden turrets, laser fields and false floors. Getting to the end will be as much about careful footwork as it will be teamwork and sticking together. 

Following @MDRLOz and @Xenogelion's suggestions, traps would not only be randomly placed, but can be avoided by careful adherence to the rules of the maze. Some sections will require you to manoeuvre the maze at a certain speed, i.e. running normally, or sliding to avoid triggering a trap, or bullet jumping to certain points. Others will require careful consideration of where you move, such as moving along the floor, the walls, or aim gliding to stay airborne.

Finally and most importantly, The Hanging Garden will be a timed challenge, so the element of risk will always be there when it comes to geting to the end.

Note: The maze will appear the same each time, but the position of traps will change. 

New Enemies: Security Cleanser. Instead of attacking you by a beam like a Security Eye, it will push you around.


Stage 3: The Experiments.

The Tenno descend the maze, defying the odds. 

"Impressive. Only Ballas's confidant was able to achieve such a similar feat. If we were not at odds, then your labours would be over and your achievement would be recorded. But alas."

The hall that stands before the Tenno is filled with arcane devices that slowly whirr to life.

Think of this stage as a collection of unconventional boss fights. Use the description of the experiment to figure out how to fight them.

Experiment 154: The Listener. 

Description: A blind, amorphous Technocyte creature without a sense of smell.  Capable of flight. Incapable of being killed by small arms fire unless doused by Toxin 154-B, of which some samples are stored within its chamber. The louder the sound, the faster it will approach the target and the more deadly it becomes. If trapped in holding chamber, make as little noise as possible and try to draw it to the poison while avoiding it's screechers.

Strategy:  As per the comments of @MDRLOz and @Xenogelion, this boss fight used to be extremely cheeseable and only needed one or two players to move. Therefore, this will be overhauled to fit a four player team better. Audible sounds will be:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Bullet jumping
  • Shooting 
  • Hard Landing
  • Hacking

But, to make it harder to stand still and opt out, players will have to watch out for Screechers - Tendril drones that fly at players. If they are not removed immediately, they will scream, making The Listener focus on the player that fell victim to the Screecher.  More on that later.

The team will have to hack a panel to activate the poison dispenser. The dispenser will be active for 1 minute. One player will need to draw The Listener close to poison dispenser. While this is happening, the other players will have to kill Screechers that will spawn from the boss every 10 seconds, or dodge away from them. 

When the boss is doused in poison, it can be damaged by weapons the team have brought with them. Weapons fire will also create noise, regardless of innate silent fire or mods that grant silent fire for the first five seconds. The boss will focus on one player that makes noise during this period, moving towards them. Taking reduced damage from weapons and moving faster as the amount of sound increases. If the boss starts to move beyond a certain speed towards a player, the only way to tag the boss off of them is to purposefully have a Screecher attach to another player. The Listener will become invulnerable after 20 seconds of vulnerability.

To add another layer to this, a cleansing orb will pass through the room, which seek out players that are standing still.

The poison Dispensers around the chamber can be activated a total of 5 times, giving players a total of 5 minutes to kill the boss.

Experiment 41: The Shaper.



(a rough schematic of The Shaper and active positions of the players)

Description: A weaponized terraformer, using the base elements disclosed under Combat Legem 071. Sentients caught in its snare will be unable to adapt to the elemental attacks it dispenses. Efficacy against grouped enemies has yet to be properly realised.

Strategy: There are 4 beams at the edges of the room that will deal damage of each of the basic elemental types. Each player should stand at one each, taking 2 damage of the given element per second. Coordinate as a team to expose The Shaper with the opposite damage type (Use the arrangement of the room as a guide for what is the opposite) to the one that it will present at the centre of the room. With combined elements, consider the combinations according to position in the room (for instance, Gas = fire and toxin, so present cold and electric). Complete this 7 times in a row and you will 'defeat' it. Failing to present The Shaper with the opposite element in 10 seconds will cause it to deal 500 damage over the course of 3 seconds of the currently displayed element with an 100% proc chance.

Every 3 seconds that a player stands in one of the beams, they will gain a debuff that increases the elemental damage of their beam by 50%. This means that players will have to swap positions over time to remain alive.

Experiment 188: The Living Plague.

Description: A sentient cloud of pests that will seek victims. The pests converge on sapient victims, infecting with a disease that remains dormant for a short while. After this dormancy ends, it will activate violently, bursting from the host as a new cloud. Panacea vaccine is the only cure. 

Strategy: The players will be in a giant maze, with a Plague Container. This container will operate like a handheld hijack target, with a couple of caveats:

  • Players holding the Plague Container cannot regenerate shields in any way.
  • Players holding the Plague Container will have their shields slowly drain by 2% a second.
  • Players will move as if they are wearing a hobbled dragon key while holding the Plague Container.
  • Attacking in any way will cause the player to drop the Plague Container.
  • If the Plague Container stays on the ground for more than 5 seconds after being picked up for the first time, a plague cloud will spawn.

The players must take the Plague Container to the end of the maze, passing it between players when their shields dissipate. Enemies will spawn in the maze that target player's shields. Plague Clouds can only be dealt with by being avoided, or failing that by finding panacea beacons dotted around the maze.  Some special corrupted called Corrupted Meftis will target the player holding the Plague Container, robbing them of their cargo in a similar manner to a Hyekka Master. When the players reach the end of the maze, the boss will end.

Experiment 271: The Void Beast. (Optional)

Description: Undefinable until observed under the proper conditions. Extremely dangerous, but contained under Entrati protocols. Disturb at own risk. Containment articles named Xata Snares are on site for breach situation. Proceed to Jahu Chamber.

Strategy: This is where the Void traces can be used. Interacting with the Container, which will look like a weird half bowl will activate the boss. The containing room will be a gauntlet, composed of barricades and force test barriers.

While outside of the Logic Chamber, the beast will appear as a point of swirling matter, similar to the core of a hurricane. It will move erratically, interacting with matter and reality in spasmatic leaps and swatting aside barriers like one dismisses an ant. When attacked by the void beast in this state, it will take you out of your Warframe and surround your Warframe with a Void Cascade bubble that you will need to use your operator to remove. If your operator downs while a bubble is up, you will instantly go into the revive menu. It is therefore imperative to stay spread out, but move quickly to the Logic Chamber.

While in the Logic Chamber, the beast will take shape. Like the angels, it will resemble something familiar, this time a tiger made of Void. It's attacks can disable your Warframe, or put void bubbles on you. These attacks include:

  • Void Pounce - The beast leaps through your Warframe, disabling it in a similar manner to a Void Angel's ranged strike.
  • Void Rake - Sends out a wave of force in a 50 degree arc after a short windup. This will deal 400 Void Damage with an 80% chance to proc Void.
  • Void Lunge - Two wide sweeps of it's claws in a straight line, dealing 300 Void Damage with a 40% chance to proc Bleed.

Use these to slow the beast down, while heading to the end, a 'Logic Chamber'. Here, you will be able to see the creature. You won't be able to kill it at first, but you will be able to restrain it within the Logic Chamber by using 'Truth' snares, spears that can be thrown like Speargun weapons.

The ability to kill the boss can be unlocked by activating a hacking terminal in the Jahu Chamber. This will lock the chamber, trapping your team in it's confines along with the beast. It will gain a couple attacks:

  • Void Prowl - Dissipates into a pool of fluid. After telegraphed window will strike at a spot. Players caught in the zone will take 600 Void Damage with a 45% chance to proc Burn. These zones can only be removed with Xata Snares.
  • Void Thread - A cloud of particles will spiral over the battlefield in a wide arc. Players hit by one will attract others nearby. After the attack ends, players will take 100 Void Damage per particle over 3 seconds, with a 60% chance to proc Bleed.

To make the boss vulnerable, you will need to void dash through them. This will reveal an area of the boss that can be pierced by a Xata Spear.

Players on your team can then throw one of these spears to deal damage to the boss.

You do not need to kill the beast, but will gain an additional Duty Token for doing so.

Experiment 6: The Eternal Arbiter.

Description: Grineer captured in Continuity loop by several Void exposure experiments. He does not eat, nor sleep. What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for with sheer dogged persistence to complete any task. Almost bestial territorial focus. Safeguard your Oro if you enter this domain.

Strategy:  You are running for your life in a death maze. The Arbiter will target a player at random as his victim. As his victim, you will have to try to navigate the maze while keeping away from the Arbiter. If he gets too close and grabs you, he will deal 500 True Damage to you and apply a debuff called 'Depleted Oro.' This debuff will make you 20% slower and drain 10 Health a second for 30 seconds. If a target gets caught, or 20 seconds pass, he will choose a new target. If a target gets too far away, he will teleport within 30 metres of them. 

The players need not kill him, only escape. He has health which can be depleted, but without activating a Continuity Nexus, all that will do is stop him momentarily before he is up and terrorizing again.

The players can however, choose to fight him.

This is done by activating a Continuity Nexus. To do so requires the team to find the nexus in the maze and then powering it up with amps, while juggling the Arbiter and keeping it away from your team. When the device is activated, the boss will become more active and gain the following attacks:

  • Ambush: Can hide in walls, lunging at passing players. The player will be incapacitated unless they are able to pass a QTE.
  • Scorpion Whip: Scorpion pull.
  • Lich Smackdown: The same ability the Lich has against melee attackers. Has a very short range.

Killing the Arbiter will grant an additional Duty Token.


Stage 4: The Vault Keeper, Orryphus

The experiments behind them, the Tenno enter a final chamber, a cylindrical hall with something approaching a throne set into the far wall. In it's seat, your final quarry sits.

"I must commend you Tenno, you truly are the greatest breed of monster that the Orokin Empire ever conceived. You have proven as such with your actions here today. Amongst horrors, you stand supreme. But beasts and demons both can be cowed." 

A series of floating, esoteric metal shapes float in from the ceiling, gathering around the Orokin in a shimmering dance. In a heartbeat, it has coalesced into a giant construct, resembling as much art as a war machine. This action seems to give it weight and the construct falls to the floor of the chamber, landing with a grace belying it's size. Orryphus has disappeared from his platform, but as he continues to speak it is all too obvious where he has gone.

"Consider this a suitable end, brought to you from Cephalon Cordylon himself. Had those hubris filled Emperors heeded our warnings, a legion of these constructs would have been there to swiftly ended The Fall and brought an end to your reign of terror. Instead, It is up to me, to make the first mark against you ingrates. For the Empire! Pilus, activate Simulation Theta!"

"As you command, master."

The room distorts, morphing into a battleground. The construct stands on a grass covered hill, the Tenno  land cratered to the point of utter ruin.

Description: Orryphus is commanding a construct, a giant golden machine of broad, ornately carved metal plates that bristles with weaponry of all types. Consider the launchers of the Sentry eyes, the Corrupted and the beam weapon of the Ropalolyst all strapped to one frame. If this is hard to picture, consider the following pictures:


Favorite Movie/TV Alien | Glock Forum - GlockTalk

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries review: a broken game saved by one button -  Polygon


Pin on Gundam, mecha, & armor

Cybran ACU-Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander: watch PC Gamer's epic battle against the robot menace |  PC Gamer

So yes, the big, testosterone driven mech-suits of popular fiction.

Strategy: This fight will be a bullet hell. The amount of damage per projectile will be too much to simply tank it. Switching to Operator form will not grant your Warframe invincibility. So firstly, this will be a hand to eye coordination fight that would make the Hydrolyst fight blush. The projectiles will come from various turrets around the body of the construct Orryphus is commanding. Disabling these turrets with precise fire will make the fight easier for you than simply focussing on centre mass.  The boss will have an initial health total, but after being 'defeated' for the first time, it will assess how fast it was killed and adjust accordingly, basing its new total hp on the projected dpm you could have achieved had his health pool been large enough. Therefore, deal massive burst damage for a long fight, or deal small amounts of damage over time to ensure that you have a slightly easier time.

The Duty Token reward for completing this fight will depend on how much damage you deal initially. Players that go over a high threshold will gain 3 Duty Tokens, Those that don't reach that high threshold, but still pass a lower one will gain 2 Duty Tokens. Those that do not pass any thresholds will gain 1 Duty Token.


Stage 5: The Great Escape.

The construct topples, a series of internal explosions wracking it as it falls to the floor. The passenger is flung out, covered in a disgusting slime. He recoils in fear as the heavy boots of the Warframes approach. 

"Who sent you? Who is still alive out there? Or was it your greed, your desire to exterminate us that drove you here."

The solemn, expressionless faces of the Warframes answer.

"Show yourselves! Grant me that much in death!"

A single Tenno emerges to answer for the four.

[Sun] - "Someone that learned from their mistakes."

"Or learnt nothing."

[Neutral] - "The people that inherited Mars."

"War and death, quite a prize!"

[Moon] - "The void will take all of you, in time."

"Then you will go with us."

Regardless of choice, one of the Warframes will attempt a coup de grace of the vulnerable Orokin.

A deep laughter will resound from up above them, a voice projected from above. The Warframe will strike the figure, only to find it decompose faster than their blade can cut into ash.

"Destruction has befallen me and my halls. I will grieve for each creation lost in this pointless struggle. But your demise will come first. Begone to the hell that birthed you!"

The sound of ticking will reverberate from the room. 

"Scurry fast, demons!"

Strategy: You have 5 minutes to leave. In this time, you can find Experiment 14: The forge of many things. Here you can use your materials to craft a weapon that will be described in some detail in the rewards. The forge will take 10 seconds to make the weapon. Otherwise, you are backtracking to the entrance of the Vault. Thankfully, a monorail will take you up The Hanging Maze. When you reach the top, the mission will be complete. 

Completing this stage will grant 1 Duty Token.


Epilogue and rewards

Tenno, thank you. For all that it is in my power to accomplish, it would have been impossible to have brought an end to the threat that the vault presented. That mad arbitrator of the old ways accomplished more than even I could have imagined against our enemies by acting as recklessly as he has done. the Vault will be inaccessible to any living thing for millenia and thanks to your efforts, a pure Grineer will not remain amongst its treasures. A feast will be held in your honor this night. Join us, we will sup on some fine Kushamiri and share the spoils the Daughter of Keshan procured in your wake. -Baba Abi


Note: the forge of many things can give you any of the weapons listed either here, or in the latter half of Arghave Surt's table.

Edit: suggestion from Arma Gideon on Twitch: Prima - When used on any non primed mod, converts it into a primed version of the same mod. 

Edit: Signature weapons added.

Rudra's signature weapons: 




Mastadeno, Rudras Herald. Let fly festering clouds of potent virulence with this cruel weapon. When equipped by Rudra, any enemy afflicted by his abilities will take 15% extra damage from this weapon.

Mastery: 15

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger Type: Semi-Auto

Projectile Type: Projectile

Projectile Speed: 30 m/s

Fire Rate: 3.17

Accuracy: 100

Magazine Size: 1

Max Ammo: 30

Reload Time: 1.7s

Grenade Impact: 100 Gas

Status Chance: 30%

Crit Chance: 22%

Crit Multiplier: 2x

Virus Cloud 60 Virus

Fire Rate: 1

Crit Chance: 25%

Crit Multiplier: 3x

Radius: 5m

Duration: 10 seconds

Damage Falloff: 100% at 0m, 0% beyond 5m

Exilus Polarity: Naramon

Polarities: 2x Madurai, 1x Naramon




Nebulizer, Rudra's Mercy. A beam weapon that ionizes and cleanses the body with the use of explosive cauterization. When equipped by Rudra, killing an enemy with this weapon reloads the magazine instantly.

Mastery: 15

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger Type: Held

Ammo Type: Held

Projectile: Discharge

Range: 25m

Fire Rate: 12

Accuracy: 100

Magazine: 60

Max Ammo: 240

Reload: 1.4s

Normal attack: 24 Electricity

Projectile type: Discharge

Range 25m

Fire Rate: 12

Status Chance: 15%

Crit Chance: 24%

Crit Damage: 2x

Ammo Cost: 0.5

Cauterize Explosion: 600 heat, 200 Blast

Damage Falloff: 100% at 0m, 50% at 3m

Exilus Polarity: None

Polarities: Madurai, Naramon

Rudra, the Plague Bringer. (Theme initially presented in a thread by @(XBOX)ChaosOnReach82, revision discussed with @keikogi)


Honored Seven, though plague grips our far flung colonies, a worse disease has taken root among the citizenry; rebellion. This disease will blossom in time, fed by the apparent weakness of our position against our dismal adversaries. 

It is time that we remind our subjects of our compassion. The diseases we have removed from their lives, the maladies quashed by our perseverance.

The pox-bringer, the sickener,


Rudra is a disease Warframe. Consider what Orryphus was - a lab to test out various weapons, biological or otherwise. Militaries have attempted to weaponise disease as a bioweapon in the past, Anthrax being a common candidate. Thankfully, due to a series of treaties, bioweapons are a thing of the past. However, in Warframe, every Warframe is a bioweapon. The use of disease is just another step into moral depravity.

Mastery Rank: 10

Health -350(550)

Shield -150(300)

Armour -150(250)

Movement speed - 0.9

This graphic can give you an idea of how a Warframe like this could work.


A higher res can be found here.

Passive - Plaguecraft - Rudra can augment the strain of the disease he is about to cast.

Following the Plague Inc. model of disease augmentation, Rudra can tailor disease to focus on a combination of 2 of the following traits:

  • Infectivity - How easily a disease spreads.
  • Severity - How fast disease symptoms manifest.
  • Lethality - How deadly a disease is.
  • Prognosis - The mental effect of the disease.

This will create 6 total combinations.

  • Infectivity combined with Severity will make a disease spread quickly between adjacent enemies and make the respective disease take hold quickly.
  • Infectivity combined with Lethality will make a disease spread quickly between adjacent enemies and the disease will deal more damage
  • Infectivity combined with Prognosis will make a disease spread quickly between adjacent enemies and exaggerate the initial cc effect.
  • Severity combined with Lethality will make a disease take hold quicker and deal more damage.
  • Severity combined with Prognosis will make a disease take hold quicker and exaggerate the initial cc effect.
  • Lethality combined with Prognosis will make a disease deal more damage and exaggerate the initial cc effect.

I will now explain the mechanics of disease here:

  • An infected enemy will be able to infect an enemy within 5m of itself after 3 seconds of becoming infected. (affected by infectivity)
  • A disease will take 5 seconds to mature. (affected by severity)
  • A disease will deal percentage health damage when it matures. (affected by lethality)
  • When an enemy becomes infected, they will be temporarily stunned for 1 second. (affected by prognosis)
  • An enemy that is affected by a mature disease cannot be hurt by that disease again for 10 seconds.

Specialized stats will half infection time, maturity, double percentage health damage and double stun time.

Onwards to the abilities:

1 - Grey Vein - Spray an enemy with a miasma of toxic sludge within 10/12/15/20 metres. They will take 50/75/100/125 Viral damage and will be affected by a Viral status proc. When the disease matures, it will deal 50/75/100/125 Toxin damage. If this damage kills an enemy, they will create a cloud 5m in diameter that will quickly apply Viral status stacks onto any enemy that stands in it at a rate of 1/second. This cloud will last for 2.5/5/7.5/10 seconds.

2 - White Lung -  Rudra emits disease laden smog, leaving a trail wherever he goes for 5/7/10/12 seconds and grants him 5/10/15/20% mobility for the duration. The trail lingers for 3/4/5/6 seconds after being created. Enemies that enter this smog will take 150/200/250/300 Gas damage and be affected by a Gas status proc. When the disease matures, The enemy will be stunned for 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds after performing any action and additionally will take 3/5/7/9% of their health as Gas damage. (Subsumeable ability). 

3- Bone Spurs - Rudra  covers himself in a shroud of insects that offers 50% evasion, Lasts 5/7/10/12 seconds.  If Rudra’s shields are broken, all enemies within 15/20/25/30 metres will take 100/150/200/250 Impact damage and be affected by an Impact status proc. After the disease has matured, the enemy will suffer 0.5/1/1.5/2% of their health as True damage per second when performing any animation.

4. Parasitic Liver - Rudra emits a massive smog cloud that covers a 30/35/40 metre radius that lasts 5 seconds. When enemies enter the cloud, they take 500/1000/1500 Toxin damage and suffer a Toxin status proc. When disease has matured, the enemy will take 15/20/25% extra damage from all sources. Enemies that die while under the effect of this disease will have a high chance of producing universal orbs.

Dhampir's Signature weapon:



Sforza, the tools of Fate. These thrown blades look mundane in nature, but are far more potent than they appear.  When used by Dhampir, these weapons will instantly kill unalerted enemies.

Special: Once they hit an enemy, three copies of the thrown blade will pass through the enemy in an even cone.

Mastery Rank: 14

Slot: Secondary

Type: Thrown

Trigger Type: Auto

Ammo Type: Auto

Projectile: Projectile

Projectile Speed: 70 m/s

Fire Rate: 3.33

Accuracy: 100

Magazine: 14

Max Ammo: 240

Reload: 0.85s

Normal attack: 40 Slash, 12 Puncture, 8 Impact (66.6% Slash)

Status Chance: 18% 

Crit Chance: 32%

Crit Damage: 3x

Elixus: Naramon

Polarity: 2x Madurai

Dhampir, The Fateweaver (Theme originally considered as a content, concept revised with the help of @keikogi)


Spiritual guidance comes in many forms. For us, the Great Plan works to our benefit and our only concern is that all proceeds at we command.

The past has had many less logical sources of clemency. Many of our rituals come from those times, refined, retooled, to our divine purpose. Yet a source of power can be found among the rites of those times, one that should never have been overlooked. The Void pays special attention to those that divine it's will.

Empires have fallen under such hubris.

We shall not be one of them.

Mastery rank: 10

Health - 100 (300)

Shields - 150 (450)

Armor - 50 (150)

Movement speed  - 1.1

Passive - Devil's Shuffle - Every ability in Dhampir's kit work on a shuffled rotation. When you cast an ability, tapping will cast the current ability on the wheel and holding it will allow you to shuffle through the abilities. Each 'shuffle' will decrease the energy efficiency of the ability by 10%, but increase the power strength of the ability by 15%.


1 - Clairvoyance - Enemies in a 10/15/20/25 m radius are affected by one of the following effects: (subsumed ability.)

  • Mortified - Enemies take 25% more damage from all sources for 2/4/6/8 seconds.
  • Listless - Enemies perform all actions 25% slower, including reloading and jumping for 4/8/12/16 seconds.
  • Entranced - Enemies will take 2 additional seconds to spot you and your allies. They will also be 25% more inaccurate for 4/8/12/16 seconds.
  • Overconfident - Enemies will attempt to attack in melee range for 2/4/6/8 seconds.


2 - Guidance - Allies within 20/30/40/50 metres gain one of the following effects for 10/15/20/25 seconds:

  • Awakened - Your allies can see enemies through walls. Their attacks gain infinite punch through.
  • Warded - You and your allies will gain 20/30/40/50% damage reduction.
  • Invigorated - You and your allies move 25% faster.
  • Charmed - Enemies killed by you or your allies have a 25% chance to drop additional loot.


3 - Crossroad Mulligan - Dhampir creates a beacon within 20/30/40/50m of herself that radiates an aura that extends 10m around it that lasts 10/15/20/25 seconds. It will have one of the following effects:

  • Tainted Stength - Enemies that stand in the aura will be temporarily trapped in place, deal bonus 50% toxic damage, give their ranged weapons a much slower projectile speed and drain 1/2/3/4% of their health for 5 seconds. Enemies that stay in the aura after this duration will take 50 Void damage a second, but maintain the toxic damage buff.
  •  Cavalier's Bargain - Allies that stand in the aura will move 25% faster, will gain 15% of their total shields as additional over-shields and their ammo efficiency will be improved by 20/30/40/50%.
  • Priestess's Tithe - Dhampir gains 50/60/70/80% of the damage dealt to enemies within the aura of Crossroad Mulligan as temporary health that decays by 4% a second.
  • Contorting Moonlight - Anything within the aura is mirrored, creating 1/3/5/7 decoys that taunt nearby enemies for the the initial 1/2/3/4 seconds of casting. Enemies will be able to deal friendly fire damage to each other while under the effects of this aura.


4 - Fool’s Journey - Dhampir creates a quantum tunnel from her current location to a position 30/40/50m away that lasts 10/20/30 seconds. This will grant one of the following bonuses:

  • Fate's Champion - When Dhampir, or your allies pass through this tunnel, their health, shields and energy are restored to full. Their active weapon is reloaded. They gain bonus multishot/range on their active weapons for 5 seconds. An ally that passes through this tunnel cannot pass again for the duration.
  • Cursed Passage - When an enemy passes through this tunnel, they become afflicted by an instance of each status effect. They will be open to finishers for 5 seconds. Enemies that pass through this tunnel cannot pass again for 10 seconds.
  • Voyage of Stars - When friend or foe pass through the tunnel, they phase out of reality for 5 seconds. Parkour speed of both is increased by 10/15/20% and casting speed of abilities is 20/25/30% faster.
  •  Wretched Destination -  A 5m area within each end of the tunnel reduces the health, armor and shields of anyone within it by 20/35/50%.

Further rewards will be added to Trial Reward table. 



Well, this has been a long time in the making. I hope that it is worth it. Next post will cover Hahn Abi Expedition content.

Til then. 


Edited by Teoarrk
Edited as per Tennoclock 453 suggestions.
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Glad see these concepts came to life. About the fate warframe there is a bit to much grieving potential. Giving toxic damage to enemies is one off the wrost damage types to give to enemies ( bypasses shields ). You probably should replace it with corrosive/viral or just give enemies a speed buff. Wretched destination can easily #*!% up a stronghold off your allies , even unintentionally due to massive radius.

There a minor issue with to diferent movement speedd buff so I would suggest 1 movement and 1 parkour buff instead.

At last the radius of the disarm 1 is way to high overshadowing lokis 4. The radius are to high in general specially for round aoe skills.

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15 hours ago, Teoarrk said:
  • Killing a Grineer in direct sight of another will raise the alert level by 1 pip.
  • Getting spotted by a Grineer that is able to report your activity will raise the alert level by 2 pips.
  • If a Grineer is able to put you on the sensors, the alert level will raise by 3 pips. 
  • A vault alarm trigger will increase the alert level by 3 pips.
  • Alert will decrease by 1 over the course of 1 minute.
  • At 5 pips, the mission will fail.

I would remove 1 and 3 and just have if a grinner manages to report you you get bleeps. The whole spot you killing its both to easy to bypass entirely with invisible frames and to hard to deal with with now invisible frame. And add more sensors over the level and allow then to spot invisible units.


The experiments sound really interesting,  all off them.

15 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

boss will have an initial health total, but after being 'defeated' for the first time, it will assess how fast it was killed and adjust accordingly, basing its new total hp on the projected dpm you could have achieved had his health pool been large enough. Therefore, deal massive burst damage for a long fight, or deal small amounts of damage over time to ensure that you have a slightly easier time. 

A bit off and odd hp mechanic but I can understand why it is like this .


The running on the clock last section is neat and I kind feel like normal sabotage missions should have the same feel of urgency and opportunity.


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1 hour ago, keikogi said:

Glad see these concepts came to life. About the fate warframe there is a bit to much grieving potential. Giving toxic damage to enemies is one off the wrost damage types to give to enemies ( bypasses shields ).

Dhampir has been changed appropriately. The damage types work under the premise of the damage system earlier in the thread. I have decided to further nerf enemies affected by giving their fire slow projectile speed.

1 hour ago, keikogi said:

The whole spot you killing its both to easy to bypass entirely with invisible frames and to hard to deal with with now invisible frame. And add more sensors over the level and allow then to spot invisible units.

I should use the Seekers that were part of the attunement quest. Thanks for pointing out the potential cheese.

Edited by Teoarrk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Vault of Orryphus part 3: Hahn Abi Expeditions & Open World Activities overhaul


How can a city exist in such a place, I hear you ask? Thats a good question.

Luck, mostly.

When The Fall passed over the system, this sector of Mars had little to offer. Just some research outposts with unassuming names, all classified of course. Had I not been given the shackles of my previous position, I would not have had any knowledge of the Degasi Hydroponics experiments, nor where the reservoirs that fed from the Marineris Sea were located. While other high ranking Orokin took advantage of the power vacuum, or fought pointless battles against your kind, I waited. Lua fell quickly, blinking into non-existence alongside any attempt to maintain order.

Mars began to suffer the effects of the disrupted chain of command within days. Robes of all colours clamoured for Ballas's seat, the Great Plan discarded by all but a few. Rural territories were swept up in the chaos, either by old threats, or new ones created during the war. Marineris was no longer safe. Now was my moment. I had gathered Dax of many houses. They were using me as leverage for temporary comfort, I was using them to complete a promise and disappear. Trustworthy men would have obeyed my command without question. Trustworthy men no longer existed.

At that place, in the blood soaked soil, our deal was done. Whether they realised it or not, I was at the mercy of those very slaves that I had once owned. I stood alone among 1000 faces, teacher, saviour, leader. Had a bone of ire been within them, or they had recognised what the blue hue of my skin signified, I would have died. Had their honed minds not held curiosity, they would have not have prospered. The final piece of the puzzle, is the desert. The Tharsis sector has much to offer for those that dare to look; indeed denizens have lived in this place since time immemorial. That is how a city can exist in such a place.

- Baba Abi


What is an Expedition?


Expeditions in games are hardly a new concept. In Outriders they are an endless content loop for people that have completed the main story. In Monster Hunter 4, they were a method of killing bosses in a special tileset and also obtain relic weapons. In Final Fantasy X-2, you could take trips out into the heart of the desert island of Bikanel to dig up artifacts. @Nash proposed a specific expedition scenario for the Deimos Catacombs. 

The philosophy for this section of the Hahn Abi expansion follows a similar vein to Rachet and Clank 2's 'open world exploration' on Planet Tabora and later Planet Greblin - The vast area is there to provide a 'fair' way to get large amounts of resources without having to move on. There won't be a reputation tied to this system, only a bartering system for obtained valuables.

The Tharsis bulge is quite a large area of Mars, (being the large, darker centralised area of this map), with quite an array of different locales. The idea is to (eventually) populate this area with various locales for us to explore, but for now the idea is to keep it simple and modular. 



What I am suggesting here is (for now) a collection of three Expeditions, with a quest to help establish each unique activity.

Quest: Dust with a Story - An introduction to Archaeology and the various puzzles you may encounter when opening vaults.

Dunewatch: Explore the deserts of Tharsis, facing their adversity head on.



Randomized terrain composed of dunes, ruins and craters. 

Activities: Grand Excavation, Mining, Archaeology, Conservation. 

Grand Excavation will work as described in this post. These will be large objects, similar in size to the Railjack components found in The Rising Tide, although sunken to not just be towering over the land.

Mining - a few changes and potential upgrades



General UI changes:

  • Visual distinction between Ore and Gem Vein icons.
  • Nodes will have different effects on them to help players distinct the rarity of the node.
  • Hovering over a node with an equipped mining laser will let you know what is in the node.
  • While mining a node, additional resources within will reveal themselves next to the surplus pips.


  • Deposit Interpreting Geolink - Gear item - toggle that allows a player to use secondary fire on a mining laser to show only Ore or Gem deposits in proximity. Also highlights mining hotspots.
  • Lattice Resonating Diode - Increases yield of all ores by 40%.
  • Core Vein Borer - Increases the chance of additional resources from appearing in a node by 30%.
  • Mesa Cleaner - Toggle - Allows the player to mine a node and all nodes within 15 metres of that node a once. Note: Only the additional resource of the target node will be available.
  • Recursive Power Stepper - Slows down the mining laser speed by 15%.

Archaeology - consider this an offshoot to Mining. While Mining for items requires a drill, this will involve a device found on the Plains, at the Hillside Ruin Grineer camp. If you have used the console in the central hut, it activates 3 floating, explosive dirigibles that float to locations around the camp and explode, revealing treasures underneath the ground. Alternatively, objects fit for archeological study could be found among ruins, or under loose rock piles. These findings could be sent to the Ayatan menu for further processing. While Void Relics represent a 'failsafe' seal for Orokin military technologies, many of these objects will not hold a combat function, or even belong to the Orokin Era.

What would 'further processing' look like?

In the Resident Evil series, most objects that are picked up can be examined. This will then allow certain features of the object to be scrutinised, either leading to the object being opened, a puzzle to be solved upon them, or to be dismantled to be used in a larger puzzle in the game world. Ayatan Treasures work under a similar principle. Therefore, some of the framework for this interaction is already in place. An example of an object examination is presented below



What could these objects be?

  • Effigies - Items of worship for the followers of the Vain Faith.
  • Token of the Beast - A relic currency from Mars's turbulent history. 
  • Dax paraphernalia - Skirmishes across the desert created just as many heroes as victims and plenty of debris. These will include Dax Sandals, Visors, armor pieces, nikanas and glaives.
  • Dactus Dead drops - The paramilitary arm of the Dax often monitored the inhabitants of Mars in secret, using dead drops for communication, rations and gathering of contraband.
  • Discarded keepsakes - Survival necessitated travelling light. The world is littered with these.
  • Dessicated seeds - Farms were abandoned when the soil gave way to sand. These Orokin seeds are withered, but with some care can grow. These will be discussed in the Horticulture section.
  • Dulled Arcanes - These arcanes were a gift from Orokin to Orokin, a gift to invite travel to a far off place and a boon to those that did. These will be discussed in the section Lovell's List.
  • Flawed Mods - Flawed mods are a system that would be interesting to explore further, which I will do so in it's own section.

Enemies: Grineer, wildlife, Spectre beacons

  • .Just like the quest Trouble in Haven, Spectre beacons will be there to guard areas. Use them to your advantage if Grineer are in your way.
  • Wildlife will consist of several species, including the ever present sand skater. 
    • Other animals could include a number of reptiles akin to the Agama, snakes and crocodiles. 8d3123048528ad598458acf98a17daf9.jpg
    • African Dwarf Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) range across  tropicallowland regions of sub-Saharan West Africaand West Central Africa.  Such a distribution as f…
    • Cerastes cerastes - Wikipedia

Enemy Level: 50-60

Goal: The goal of this expedition is to provide a sandbox for players to explore, mine and play around with Grand Excavation and Archeology.


Gems in the Cliffs: Explore the cliffs of the Marineris Sea for hidden Orokin Vaults and trinkets.


Randomized terrain composed of Gorges, Hoodoos, Cliffs and beaches

Activities: Vault hunting, Mining, Fishing, Archeology.

  • Vault Hunting is as it sounds - searching the terrain for an Orokin Vault. These will be similar in spirit to the Void Acrobatics challenges, with perhaps other skills thrown in for good measure, such as sharpshooting proficiency, pattern recognition, or how well you have mastered Lunaro. 
  • One of the Vaults will be the cave of whispers, which will reward seekers with a collection of short stories.

Enemies: Grineer, Corrupted

  • Corrupted will serve as the enemy force within the vaults.
  • The fact that these things have a statue form lends them to being surprise enemies.

Enemy Level:100-110

Goal: The goal of this expedition is to provide an area that focuses on the highlights of the Void and Lua tilesets, the spectacular puzzles. 


Devourer No More: Stop the Rogue Devourer from attacking Hahn Abi 


Terrain will be a series of canyons and hoodoos.

Activities: Boss Fight- Devourer

Enemies: Devourer

What is a devourer? A giant version of the Golden Maw from The War Within. What it should feel like however is a selection of the following:




Taking on a massive creature that doesn't relent. There should be an element of fear associated with its approach. When it sinks beneath the ground, everyone should be worried. 

Mechanics: Immune to small arms. (Archgun required). 1 billion HP. (Given the requirements to get to this point, this seems like a reasonable amount.) 5 million shields. 

  • Subterranean Ambush - Will stay underground until ready to strike. Look for rubble trails. When it strikes, it will deal 1500 Impact damage in a 10m area with a damage falloff quotient of 0.5 for people not directly in the crosshair.
  • Gore - Lunge at a player, killing them after an animation unless wounded (dealt 2% hp).
  • Bioelectric discharge - when wounded, will leave a trail of ooze that  will deal 250 Electric damage/s to anyone that comes into contact with it.
  • Defensive Subroutines - Fires airburst rounds at a target area that deal 1000 blast damage.
  • Death Throes - When below 30% HP, all damage values will increase by 50%. Also will gain an ability to stagger party members and cause small rock avalanches with movement.


Enemy Level: 100-110

Goal: Big boss that allows Necramechs to have a dedicated bossfight.


Rewards and additional activities

As I have said before, a majority of activities done on expeditions will be about obtaining items to barter. Therefore, it should be better to talk about the rewards.



Kajpa - Lever action rifle.  

Atasdan - Flamethrower with Overheat mechanic

Paksaz - Trench gun with spread punch through. 

Khazorvat - Sandalwood akimbo handcannons

Justan- Buzlok pistol

Nazar - Argonak pistol

Gerdkuh - Sword and shield / Mace hybrid weapon

Alamut - Twin Tomahawks with throw mechanic

Baktarii - Rapier with Riposte mechanic

Zaw parts:

Note: Zaw parts are usually named after Indian tribes, which is also the origin of Khora and Bo. In spirit with the module, these Zaw Parts will be named in Farsi.


Shlaq - Bladewhip Strike

Daste - Bladewhip/Sword Grip

Tofang - Gunblade Strike 

Mosht - Fist Strike

Tlayh - Warfan Strike 

Meel - Gunblade/Fist/Warfan Grip

Kitgun parts:


Revolver / Carbine Chamber

Flamethrower / Fireball Chamber

Disc thrower / Havoc Launcher Chamber

Magazine that makes every second reload half as long

Magazine that makes every second shot deal increased damage

Magazine that eats one bullet on miss, but replenishes one bullet on kill.

Tuktarian decreased damage but increased crit damage stock

Tuktarian increased damage over distance stock

Tuktarian increased overheat stock

Tuktarian Adrenaline stock



Warframe Arcanes that empowers the Operator. Given that there are areas on expeditions that make Warframe use dangerous, making the Operator stronger to compensate is a good strategy. These Arcanes might prove useful in future raid (based on the update 7 gamemode) / trial content.

Warden's Guidance (Rank 0): When transferring out of a Warframe, gain +5/10/15/20/25/30% Mobility and 10/15/20/25/30/35% Evasion for 15/20/25/30/35/40 seconds.

Warden's Fellowship (Rank 0):  When transferring out of a Warframe, any persistent buffs that affected it will carry over to your Operator for 10/15/20/25/30/35 seconds.

Warden's Encouragement (Rank 0): When transferring out of a Warframe, the Operator's Amp gains +5/10/15/20/25/30/35% Crit Chance Link with the player's Active Primary Weapon.  

Then Amp Arcanes

Virtuous Escalation (Rank 0): Amp Damage is increased by 0.5/1/1.5/2% for every 4/3/2/1% of Amp Energy depleted.

Virtuous Return (Rank 0): On Amp Hit has a 20/30/40/50% chance to restore 5/6/8/10 Operator energy.

Virtuous Supremacy (Rank 0): Amp Deals +15/25/35/45% damage against incapacitated enemies.

Cephalons: Cephalons are voice pack alternatives to Ordis. 


Ligonis - Will love you like a drill sergeants loves their cadets. All about psyching you up.

Speculis - A narcissist. Will boast about previous sorties, but most are borrowed stories, weave chatter.

Laetis - One of the first Orbiter Cephalons. Has a lot of war stories. Was being refitted when The Fall began.

Cupitis - Assigned to an Operator that was monitoring the Corpus in the Inner Neptunian Belt. His Orbiter was struck after suffering colossal damage at the hands of a Sentient weapon. He is still seeking revenge for this slight. 


In addition to these rewards, there will also be some activities tied to items acquired during expeditions.

Lovell's List

Cephalon Lovell is the displaced Cephalon of an Orokin Era salvaging ship, which travelled to and from many locations across the Origin System before coming to it's untimely decommission at the hands of pirates. His functions include identifying the forging location of objects, something important in a time when demagogues squabbled over the most meagre momentos, but just as useful at a time when restoring dormant technologies meets a dead end that the scant hope of finding another working example can amend. Or, in the case of Dulled Arcanes, where they can be empowered.

What is a Dulled Arcane?

Dulled Arcanes can be found during Expeditions. What differentiates them from normal Arcanes is that these arcanes will require additional work in order to be used. 

How it works:

The Granum Void is many things to many people, but to me they signify a way in which a conditional sub-objective can be added to any mission. The Dulled Arcane will require you to go to a random mission. Once there, you need to follow arcane traces (using the Codex Scanner in a similar fashion to when you are looking for Synthesis Targets) to find a Sanctum Portal. This Sanctum Portal will take you to a Secret Orokin chamber. Once there, you will be tasked with solving a puzzle under a timer. This could be something akin to an MR challenge, memory, or logic puzzle.  The lower end Dulled Arcanes may only require one such Sanctum trip, but a Legendary Dulled Arcane may require 3 to 4 such trips.

Arcanes from the pool include, but are not limited to:


Cazador's Presence (Rank 0): Enemies that are within 3/6/9/12/15/18 meters of you have a 15/20/25/30/35/40% chance to cower in fear whenever you kill 6 enemies in 5 seconds. They will become 25% more susceptible to damage.

Cazador's Judgement (Rank 0): Headshot kills on Mercy targets have a 20/25/30/35/40/45% chance to trigger equipped Mercy Finisher Effects.

Cazador's Pluck (Rank 0):  Shield breaks have a 10/20/30/40/50/60% chance to grant you a Pluck buff for 20 seconds. During this, you gain increased primary weapon damage and 25% shield vampirism.

Cazador's Waltz (Rank 0): Scoring 10/7/5/3 Headshots without missing grants you 3/6/9/12 seconds of Gunslinger Mode. During this, hip fire is partially aim assisted towards headshots and critical damage is boosted by an additional 60%.

Simurgh's Sanctuary (Rank 0): When you are brought to low health, you have a 2/4/6/8/10/12% chance to become invulnerable for 6 seconds. During this time, your abilities are instantly cast.

Simurgh's Stoicism (Rank 0): Damage dealt to your health is done over the course of 3/4/5/6/7/8 seconds rather than instantly.

Simurgh's Song (Rank 0): Enemies damaged by a bullet jump have a 1/2/3/4/5/6% chance to fall asleep.

Simurgh's Sundering (Rank 0): Killing 150/140/130/120/110/100 enemies with abilities grants you a Clearcasting effect for 20 seconds: Abilities gain +50 efficiency, strength and range. 

Dragon's Hoard (Rank 0): Enemies that are blinded or sleeping have a 5/6/7/8/9/10% chance to drop additional loot when killed.

Dragon's Roil (Rank 0): For 2/3/4/5/6/7 seconds after flipping, Archgun ammo efficiency and critical damage is increased by 50/60/70/80/90/100%.

Dragon's Decimation (Rank 0): For each second spent continuously aim gliding, Damage and Multishot of equipped weapons is increased by 5/10/15/20/25/30% up to a cap of 210%.

Dragon's Ascension (Rank 0): Slam attacks that hit 10/9/8/7/6/5 or more enemies grant you 50% less gravity and 50% more aim glide time for 20/21/22/23/24/25 seconds.


Now you may be asking why a void touched warrior would have any need to grow plants. We already have uses for them, in the form of Apothics, Health kits, Fish Bait and Antitoxins. This system is therefore to streamline the process of plant gathering and include an interesting theming option for clans via Hydroponics. Since both options have different workings but the same principle, it will be good to explain the basic workings.

To grow a plant will require 4 things: a seed, fertiliser, water and nutrients.

In this abstract cycle, a seed will need fertiliser when planted. Water will be added after a timer. Nutrients will then be used to bring the plant to maturity after another timer. 

Therefore, a list of seeds, fertiliser, water types and nutrients need to be considered.

Seeds - Some will exist out in the world, much in the same way as the scannable plants on Earth, Mercury, Mars and Lua. Others will need to be traded for, much in the same way as relic packs. 


Mercury -

Vestan Moss Seeds

Gloaming Liverwort Seeds

Argyle Fern Seeds

Duskpoppy Seeds

Bamboo Seeds

Nirvana Tree Seeds

Virya Seeds - Dried Virya has been a staple incense used by Arbiter Scholars for centuries.

Sumeru Seeds - These plants used to bloom in the gardens of the Inner Terminus. The unique healing properties of it's pollen have made fully grown plants a dear commodity.

Venus -

Frostleaf Seeds

Mastodon Mushroom Spores

Trento Fungus Spores

Iglua Tree Seeds

Savala Tree Seeds

Hunni Grass Seeds

Kalosht Seeds - The unusual flowers of this plant are the source of a powerful antiseptic.

Aurofluge Seeds - Orokin tuber whose flowers produce a strong repulsive force when touched.

Earth -

Threshcone Seeds

Dragonlily Seeds

Jadeleaf Seeds

Avarna Seeds,

Agkara Seeds

Bamboo Seeds

Cherry Tree Seeds

Nistlepod Seeds

Maprico Seeds

Dandedragon Seeds

Xanthophyl Seeds

Grossa Fern Seeds

Maple Tree Seeds

Trinbula Plant Seeds

Synwan Plant Seeds - Plants gorged on Sentirum deposits. 

Typhina Plant Seeds

Silvana Tree Seeds

Personphon Seeds

Lua -

Lunar Pitcher Seeds

Fascia Ilmonia Seeds

Zen Pitcher Seeds

Kathini Seeds

Glenomori Seeds

Oroarbor Tree Seeds - Orokin White Trees

Orofrutex Seeds -Orokin White Bushes

Trabercule Kia Seeds

Mungala Bean Seeds

Phlothoro Seeds 

Likturr Seeds

Zaqwar Seeds

Cilandrea Seeds

Mars - 

Ruk's Claw Seeds

Yati Seeds - A commonly used incense among Dax Soldiers. 

Chilan-Hattu Tree Seeds - These trees grew in the squares of the Marineris that was.

Hiraji Seeds - A key component in Hiraji Myrhh, used to aid the preservation of valuables in the vaults and tombs of Mars.

Tanan Bladeleaf - A plant cultivated by Crimson Blade insurgents. It's single leaf is a curved blade, razor sharp with surprising strength.

Grok Seeds - Oily seeds. They are one of the ingredients of Grokdrul.

Fhosh Orchid Seeds - The dreaded flowers that the Tuktarians toiled over. Do not show to the people of Hahn Abi, even as a joke.

Phobos -

Myconian Bloodlily - This flowering plant reflects the Myconian relationship with the Triuna; it feeds exclusively on Technocyte infested flesh.

Deimos -

Veforg Seeds

Groptic Seeds

Spilosect Seeds

Glynort Seeds

Ceres -

Dusklight Sarracenia Seeds - A robust, carnivorous plant that has adapted to conditions in polluted waters.

Regolith Larch Tree Seeds - These trees hearken back to the Orokin Era, long remaining after so much else has returned to dust.

Jupiter -

Ionian Heather Seeds

Allagi Seeds - This amalgamated flower is as much technological wonder as it is biological. Don't speak of secrets near it.

Jovian Sycamore Tree Seeds - This tree is grown by the Profit Guilds of Jupiter. 

Europa -

Karisshian Tulip Seeds - The noble flowers were once a symbol of status among the courts of Karissh, now a weed like all that remains of that foul place.

Saturn -

Titanian Moneywort Seeds - The golden leaves of this plant made them a popular evergreen.

Illuminant Daisy - New Loka hold special reverence for this flower, referring them as 'tears of Lokala'.

Uranus -

Spinklat Seeds

Luciferin Seeds

Neptune -

Triton Hydrangea Seeds - This flowering plant of Orokin origin's blooms reflect the oro of their planter. 

Pluto - 

Terminus Frostlily Seeds - The Outer Terminus was surrounded by a field of these flowers, the deep scarlet holding hope in the hearts of those that looked out into the endless night beyond.

Sedna -

Thangji Liverwort Seeds - This plant naturally grows to resemble a Ducat and has been traditionally used for barter by colonists on this planet in exchange for food from inner worlds.

Eris -

Dysnomia Shine Seeds - This ghostly flower, like all things on Eris's surface echoes a past greatness, brought low by time.

Misc -

Rho Seeds -  Corpus plants produced by the Rho Foundation.

Elodea Magnifica Seeds - Commonly used in ship air filtration systems.

Oort Prismafern Seeds - These ferns are prized possessions amongst those living on the edge of the Heliosphere.

Fertiliser - Fertilisers are hard to come by and therefore a closely guarded resource, ergo you will be trading with other factions for this, or finding it in vaults. Your pets may provide a free source, however.



  • Pet Dung - Free!

Red Veil

  • Tempered Void Loam - Purified of any Void influence, this soil from Void Towers is perfect for Orokin plants

Steel Meridian

  • Battleground Churn - Plants that aren't too fussy about where they take root find food in ample supply.

New Loka

  • Eurasian Topsoil - This soil is rich in nutrients from the living forests of Earth.

Perrin Sequence

  • Project Rho Fertiliser - Among other feats, the production of this fertiliser bolstered the faltering Corpus Agriculture.

Arbiters of Hexis

  • Cave Loam - Seekers gather this soil as further riches during their explorations. Guano and other accumulants have made this soil rich indeed.

Cephalon Suda

  • Data Vault Soil - This soil has been infused with the passage of many quintiliflops of neuro-data. (Apparently that makes it enriched).


  • Eidolon-Moh Soil - A hint of Sentient and Unum influence can be felt within, but also their power ...


  • Orb Vallis Dirt - Underneath snow flurries and coolant lakes, the earth of the Vallis still holds mysteries.


  • Cambrian Mesa Sample - The Grey Strain hasn't corrupted all of Deimos, only most of it.


  • Ochre Soil - The deep red of the soil betrays the iron content within.

Water - Another well guarded resource. This will be found in the hands of Traders.


All Syndicates: Water Unit - Contains 1 L of water.

Nutrients - In a system wracked by infighting, a simple source would be the carcasses left behind. But better sources can and do exist, for the right price of course.


Red Veil

  • Blood Meal

Steel Meridian

  • Grokdrul Runoff

New Loka

  • Ancient Humus

Perrin Sequence

  • Regolith Salts

Arbiters of Hexis

  • Recovered Ankri Mana

Cephalon Suda

  • Acoustically-aligned Growth Serum


  • Temple Kuva Paste


  • Old Nutrient Paste


  • Exocrine Extract


  • Algoth Humus

Now, I will detail how different methods will work. 

Helminth Grafts - The personal method of Horticulture, for personal use. This will available to all Tenno via their Orbiter or Relay Helminth Room. The Helminth Room already uses plants to provide a breathable atmosphere for the habitation module, so with a little more resources from outside would be able to support a little more. The Wall Mouth is able to grow flowers from Subsumed Warframes, so another organism in the room could reasonable grow plants grafted into it. 

In line with the controlled chaos of Helminth, this would be a Helminth plant, a Bonsai if you will. A well tended and shaped Bonsai represent years of patience and dedication, just as this Helminth Argosai will represent the Helminth's tempering away from the naturally violent impulses of the Infested. Growth not intended for the purposes of war, but for nurturing new life.

Grafting is a common occurrence in Horticulture. Want one tree to bear different kinds of fruit? Simply graft a branch of the fruit of your choice and with a lot of care and attention you will get it. The same principle exists with blooms of different colours, With this in mind, but taking it a step further, the Argosai will have grafting points for seeds to be embedded. An Argosai will have 1 initial grafting point, but after 50 successful grafts this number will have increased to 6 (1 new point per 10 grafts). 


Hydroponics - The clan method for Horticulture. This method will require many more resources, but will grant much larger material returns. Clans can operate solely on the grind of their players, but an alternative option can be opened up by taking on a subsidy from a Syndicate. Doing so will give a clan a number of resources in exchange for a cut of the produce at the end. This could be expanded into a loyalty program for a long partnership with a given Syndicate, such as marks, special banners and glyphs for all clan mates.

The Clan Warlord can decree that one crop will be the main crop and which Syndicate to give the Subsidy to. Alternatively, the clan can as a whole simply subsist as they require. 

Herb Craft

There will be three types of items for this - Luxury goods, Apothics, Antitoxins and Stimulants.

  • Luxury goods will provide crafters a method of obtaining reputation with factions, but also boost your crew between missions.
  • Apothics will be specifically for convening with the Silver Grove and other entities across the Origin System.
  • Antitoxins will be used to counteract chemical warfare enacted by enemy factions.
  • Stimulants will be ways of boosting your crew or yourself. This can be to improve the pips a crew member has in one skill beyond the cap, but also have more interesting effects like giving them the ability to revive themselves when downed, revive dead crew members or become unkillable killing machines. There also will be a stims expansion for personal use.

Luxury goods include:

  • Bouquets
  • preserved fruit
  • recreational drugs 
  • Incense

Apothics Include:

  • All existing Silver Grove Apothics
  • Null Sentry Apothics
  • Eidolon-Moh Apothics
  • Lua Ghost Apothics

Antitoxins Include:

  • All antitoxins relating to The Ciciero Crisis event.
  • Sporicides to counteract Infestation corruption.
  • Cleansers against Sentient anti-organic payloads.

Stimulants include:

  • Group Health Restores 
  • Health Restores
  • Aerosols - Buffs that can be applied to allies, or to provide fortifying buffs to allies that have been downed.
  • Oral stimulants (think of tea, coffee and energy drinks)
  • Stims. Unlike current stims which see very little use due to their niche being very small, these new Stims will allow you to on demand become under the effects of a mod loaded into the stimulant. There will be 4 different mediums for these Stims, relating to the 4 different mod rarities ( Common, Uncommon, Rare and Legendary) and the respective Stim quality will be required for these.

Flawed Mod Restoration

Flawed Mods are an interesting cul-de-sac of content in the game at present. They are only available during the tutorial and then are never used afterward. Mods are a military technology, or at least perceived as such from our gameplay understanding of them. Therefore the likelihood of finding an intact example of one lying around is unlikely. It stands to reason that our enemies have acquired a large supply from ransacking the bastions of the Orokin Era. However, the war-strewn past of Mars provides plenty of opportunities for such objects to become part of the topsoil. There will be flawed mods from this module that come in several varieties: Strife which are the new corrupted mods, Fractures which are a sort of build a bear composite, similar in style, but not function to @L1fewater's Riven rework and Lernaean Mods - mods that work differently based on the polarity of the slot they are slotted into.

How it works:

You can find a flawed mod from Archaeology. The type of mod will be based on how they appear. Lernaean Mods will be split in two, in a similar vein to Split cards from Magic The Gathering: Invasion. Fractured Mods will have a gap for another effect. Strife Mods will look relatively normal.

Flawed Mods can be restored with use of Riven Slivers at the Mod station. 

New Keywords:

  • Partnered - When you start a multiplayer mission, you will become partnered with one other Tenno in your Cell. Both of you will gain the benefits of the mod.
  • Sated - This mod will become more powerful when put in a slot with the wrong polarity.
  • Unstable - Using this mod means thats 1, 2 or 3 mod slots adjacent to it must remain open.
  • Overheat - A weapon mechanic that has been in the game for a long time, but only for Sentinels. Sustained fire increases the damage output of the weapon to a max value. Faster weapons can reach this cap faster. 
  • Riposte - After blocking an attack, gain a benefit.
  • Last to Fall - Activates when all your allied players are downed. These effects are normally quite strong, so will either have a cooldown of 60 seconds or be also tagged Unstable.

Lernaean Mod Examples (note: polarities will be approximated by letters):

  • (Ready - / Able D) - Partnered: gain +15% mobility when within affinity range of each other / Partnered: gain +50% Vitality and +50% Armor when within affinity range of each other.
  • (Turnabout V/ Fair Play -) - Partnered: gain + 100% Melee Damage after being knocked down for 12 seconds. / Partnered : gain Riposte: +30% damage blocked is added to the next attack.
  • (Smoke D / Fire V) - Partnered: whenever you would take lethal damage, drain energy instead at 120% efficiency / Partnered:  gain +50 Ability Strength when in affinity range.
  • (Lying - / Wait V) - Partnered: decreased reload speed by 50% while crouching. / Partnered: gain increased aim glide duration by +5 seconds and aim glide damage by +60% after wall latching for 3 seconds.
  • (Purge D / Pilfer -) - Partnered: +50 Vitality +30% Toxin Resistance / Partnered: Eximus enemies have a 30% chance to drop additional loot when killed.

Strife Mod List

  • Belligerent's Cantor (Primary): +120 Overheat Damage. Sated: +240 Overheat Damage.
  • Guile (Warframe): Unstable 1. +200% Stealth Damage Multiplier on all attacks and abilities.
  • Backup (Pistol): While your Primary weapon's magazine is empty, gain +200% Damage for 6 seconds. Sated: Gain +400% Damage for 6 seconds. Cooldown of 60 seconds.
  • Unquenchable Blade (Melee):  Gain Riposte: +30% lifesteal, + 3 Range for 6 seconds.
  • Bunker-Buster Rounds (Launcher): Unstable 1.+300% Direct Hit Damage. Sated: +600% Direct Hit Damage, + 50% Projectile Flight Speed.
  • Sudden Quiet (Warframe): Unstable 3. Last to Fall: gain+300 Power Strength, +100 Power Range, + 75 Power Efficiency, +30% cast speed. Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Rise and Fight (Warframe): Last to Fall: Reviving teammates will be instant for 10 seconds.
  • Last Hope (Warframe): Unstable 1. Last to Fall: gain +90% damage reduction and increased 50% increased weapon swap speed and accuracy for 15 seconds.
  • Lead Artist (Shotgun): Unstable 1. +50%  Spread, +120% Multishot. Sated: -30% Spread, +180% Multishot.
  • Heavy Artillery (Archgun): Unstable 1. When your Archgun is deployed, it gains +200% Multishot, +150% damage for 18 seconds. Sated: When your Archgun is deployed, it gains +300% Multishot, +250% damage for 36 seconds.
  • Silence the Guns (Melee): Partnered: after killing an Eximus, gain Riposte: All enemy guns within 30 metres will jam.
  • Spellblade (Warframe) : Risposte: gain +30 Ability Strength for 5 seconds. Sated: Riposte: gain +60 Ability Strength for 5 seconds.

Fractured Mod Pieces

  • Riposte: Taunt enemies within 50 metres.
  • Unstable 1. Gain +120% Vitality on Kill.
  • Overheat: Weapon Recoil is reduced by 40%
  • Partnered: Statuses inflicted on an enemy has a 20% chance to jump to a nearby enemy within 5 metres.
  • Last to Fall: The magazines of all equipped weapons are replenished.
  • Unstable 2. Headshots double Critical Damage multiplier.
  • +30% Ability Range while Aiming.
  • 40% chance to restore 5 energy for 6 seconds after bullet jumping 3 times.
  • +150% Vitality
  • +70 Energy Max
  • +15% Ability Efficiency
  • +30 Ability Strength
  • Partnered: +60% Melee Damage when hit.
  • -50% Vitality, +50% Energy Max.



This is an ongoing post. When it is done I will bump the thread with another item I have ready.

Till Then. 

Edited by Teoarrk
Adding more stuff.
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On 2020-08-20 at 5:45 PM, Teoarrk said:

Menagerie in Dojo, completed Howl of the Kubrow, Mask of the Revenant (MotR), own a Tranq rifle and have completed 10 perfect conservations.

This is... a tad obsessive. If you look it the quests in the Codex, they rarely have more than 3 requirements. I reccomend cutting the Menagerie requirement (people without a clan can't complete the quest), and reduce the Howl of the Kubrow requirement to having any Kubrow/kavat conpanion. Also, remove the 10 perfect conservations requirement.

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6 hours ago, Brinstar7777 said:

This is... a tad obsessive. If you look it the quests in the Codex, they rarely have more than 3 requirements. I reccomend cutting the Menagerie requirement (people without a clan can't complete the quest), and reduce the Howl of the Kubrow requirement to having any Kubrow/kavat conpanion. Also, remove the 10 perfect conservations requirement.

I may have gone a bit overboard with it. Thanks for bringing this up. The clan thing is not something I want to budge on since I see clans as something that is part of the natural progression of player home bases. Rising Tide should have remained as a clan mission; if the content it unlocked was good enough more people would do the content.

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3 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

The clan thing is not something I want to budge on since I see clans as something that is part of the natural progression of player home bases.

That's the thing. The Clans AREN'T part of natural progression. While being part of a clan certainly provides benefits, at no point do you have to be a part of a clan to access a major piece of content, besides Dojo research and the clans themselves. And as for player home base, they have the Orbiter for that. The only exception were railjack missions, and the Railjack Retrofit update completely changed that so that you now don't have to be part of a clan to get a railjack.

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1 hour ago, Brinstar7777 said:

That's the thing. The Clans AREN'T part of natural progression. While being part of a clan certainly provides benefits, at no point do you have to be a part of a clan to access a major piece of content, besides Dojo research and the clans themselves. And as for player home base, they have the Orbiter for that. The only exception were railjack missions, and the Railjack Retrofit update completely changed that so that you now don't have to be part of a clan to get a railjack.

The Orbiter is just a replacement for the old menu system. What I mean is that it should be part of the progression. When you join a clan, get the clan key, the dojo just becomes a node on the map rather than your new spot to load when you boot up the game. That, coupled with a lacking amount of content that requires more than one person to complete kind of undermines the creation of a clan and it's use beyond a few mastery points. I can understand why DE made Railjack more accessible, but I don't necessarily agree with the choice. I dislike the idea of an always online multiplayer game that you can technically complete without speaking to another person and/or in the case of railjack, before a large amount of investment in the game.

Edited by Teoarrk
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Burnout, workload and you: finding motivation through a tangent


Hi there. I found myself in a bit of a rut when it came to writing, well anything. When my workload allowed it I would occasionally help others bring their creations to life, offering advice and such. That helped immensely, so I am proud to say that things will move forward quickly this month. This first offering is perhaps a little bit of an ironic one given the reveal during Tennocon yesterday, but I hope it will be interesting nonetheless. 



It is my pleasure to introduce Ghoul Purge Season 2!

I will finish up some of the previous entries in the thread, before introducing some new things. I hope that you like them all.


Till Then.



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On 2021-07-18 at 2:33 PM, Teoarrk said:

Hi there. I found myself in a bit of a rut when it came to writing, well anything. When my workload allowed it I would occasionally help others bring their creations to life, offering advice and such. That helped immensely, so I am proud to say that things will move forward quickly this month. This first offering is perhaps a little bit of an ironic one given the reveal during Tennocon yesterday, but I hope it will be interesting nonetheless. 

Frankly speaking , I'm not a huge fan off the ghools because they ocupy a weird desing space as far as lore is concerned. Somehow a hastly cloned ghoul is more resistent than the standard trooper and their simple behavior is more aki to mindless infested. Frankly speaking I would prefer if they just were failed clones that the grineer salvaged with a 'tamed' strain off the infestation so their toughtness would make more sense. Also would give more desing freeedom for form. 

Pretty much tought off that becasue off of the cadou nonsense being what allows heinserbertg to get away with his bashed in desings. 

Also Mailstorm purge seems overwelminly strong but I guess that what it takes to make non aoe guns good. Idk maybe bouncing shells would make it more 'balaced' 

Edited by keikogi
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