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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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ah yes "balance", you mean giving more power to two factions and totally neglecting the third (which has 3 bases on mars btw)

we have dismissed these claims

infested are the abnormalities in the solarsystem thus they need to be cleansed.

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Corpus wants the cryopods to grow stronger

Grineer wants the cryopods for the sake of having it (too stupid to put them to use I guess)

Tenno should help either side... why? betray them? Why would either side let us help them in the first place


oh yeah i agree that the whole concept makes no sense. we should go in, F up the corpus right now, save the Tenno, and then take the Grineer on from behind so they are waging a 2 front war.


They will withdraw, weakening them, and the corpus will have lost the Tenno. Balance + Save Tenno.


But that's not an option so...

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I guess I'm definitely fighting for the Grineer. I was starting to consider Corpus, but it's more important that we save those Tenno. And if the Grineer gain more territory, so what? Just more opportunities to chop up my favorite enemies after the event.

Or does someone still want to sell me on the Corpus? (no pun intended)

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More Tenno = More dead Grineer later. The Grineer, we can handle. They are a decaying army of replacment parts. The Corpus are the only sustained, growing army. Thinning their numbers is highly in our interests.


Going Corpus means going against the Tenno and against the future of the Solar conflict.

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Im thorn up, how come we bring balance by leaving our fellow Tenno behind? Makes no sense to me.


This event is basically:


1 - If you dont care at all, go with Corpus, have Tenno be captured.


2 - If you care go with Grineer, but at the same time make them get way stronger around the solar system.


I wanted to thin Grineer forces, but to bring a balance as we have much more Grineer, but not by sacrificing brothers... :/

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Friendly Shield Ospreys.


Are you implying that surviving is an issue? Or that a floating Sentinel that shields you instead of shooting would be worth selling out Tenno? If this was war, you would have been shot for treason, Russian style. Cannot have you on the battlefield with such an attitude. (No personal offense or attack intended, just exaggerating a situation to examplify the severity of the options.) The thing is - it doesn't matter what each side offers as reward, because they aren't the source of income or necessity. We don't need them. What we need are loyal Tenno, and they hold them hostage.


We go with whatever decision sets the most Tenno free.


And when we are done, we kill them just our enemies same. Getting rewarded for killing one party and then using those rewards to murder the other party sounds like a sweet deal for us. Selling out the Tenno does not.

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Im thorn up, how come we bring balance by leaving our fellow Tenno behind? Makes no sense to me.


This event is basically:


1 - If you dont care at all, go with Corpus, have Tenno be captured.


2 - If you care go with Grineer, but at the same time make them get way stronger around the solar system.


I wanted to thin Grineer forces, but to bring a balance as we have much more Grineer, but not by sacrificing brothers... :/


Its a crap sammich no matter which way you cut it. I'm honestly very pissed off at DE over it. To the point i might be writing something rather strongly in the coming days. But i'm waiting on the official announcement first.


The fact is i have a better way imo and i want to pursue it. If it cant be well then maybe i play something else.

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I don't care about the other tenno, we have to balance the solarsystem, even if it means to sacrifice our brothers and sisters!

Imagine you wake up after a long cryonap only to see Alad's face leering at you, with all sorts of corpus surgical implements and mechadendrites quivering at the opportunity to dissect a live Tenno.

Nope.jpg. Grineer4evar.

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What makes you think siding with the Grineer will save the Tenno? I didn't get that impression from the event announcement. In fact it said the opposite.


To those who may not be aware of this "new information" there was a typo in the Lotus transmission. It should have read:


“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”


This was made clear on Facebook.


Edited by Haldos
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What makes you think siding with the Grineer will save the Tenno? I didn't get that impression from the event announcement. In fact it said the opposite.


That is outdated information. Lotus Transmission Correction via Facebook:

The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”

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More Tenno = More dead Grineer later. The Grineer, we can handle. They are a decaying army of replacment parts. The Corpus are the only sustained, growing army. Thinning their numbers is highly in our interests.


Going Corpus means going against the Tenno and against the future of the Solar conflict.


And thus spoke the wise man

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To those who may not be aware of this "new information" there was a typo in the Lotus transmission. It should have read:


“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”


This was made clear on Facebook.


Then hopefully the event announcement pic will get fixed.
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All I've seen in this forum and now with the Facebook message from DE is, Grineer Fanboyism exaggeration, and Corpus senseless hate...

Check Facebook DE just joined Grineer exagerated Drolling fanboys...


So, we do have an issue here. With you. Your behaviour.


You seem to think that picking any side is a matter of loyalty, and that siding with the Corpus means being against the Grineer. I have a pretty condensed message for you: They are both our enemies. We hate both of them. Both of them hunt us, kill us, steal our Cryopods, perform experiments, cut us up, try to steal our technology, despise us and will do anything to destroy us. The only reason why we side with one party in this conflict is riding on their waves, to drive in the dagger deeper, and twist the blade in the flesh.


We are not allying with Grinner or Corpus. They are our enemies.


The only allies we have are the fellow Tenno, the very beings AladV wants to slice and dice for his research. Siding with Corpus is treason to the Tenno cause. We need to save those Tenno, even if that helps the Grineer. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy, but with a cold, logical decisions to execute a mission by standing strategical parameters.


PS: Corpus are also the only party in the Solar system that can be a long-lasting, sustained enemy. Any damage we deal to the Corpus helps the Tenno cause in the long run.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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