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Walking the Path



I've recently tried myself with Steel Path and it was clear as day that I am not ready for it.

Tho I do wonder what frame/weapon loadout would be effective even without the use of corrupted mods (point of contention for me; please don't ask further) in clearing the Path.

(and I wonder how many Forma I'd have to sink into my equipment for this)

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

This however, is the build I run for Steel Path and bosses, this build is about mobility and using chaos for defense. Don't get hit lol

bearbeitet vor 8 Stunden von -CdG-Zilchy

Do you have a version that works without Narrow Minded and Fleeting Expertise?

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Cyberius_001:

Yeah. A Frost with a mostly/fully ticked Narrow Minded is great for defending mobile defense consoles (and thermia canisters) from nullifiers, and Nova actually has a build revolving around reduced power strength (speedva). Then there's other cases where warframes don't actually make good use of a stat in their kit, Limbo's strength being one of them. Limbo's ult deals a fixed 300 on crossing the boundary, regardless of strength, and the rest of his kit is pretty bad at applying damage.

I was never on board with range below default on Frost or Limbo, neither with the nullifier argument because to me, they are simply too easy to spot and take out to really come off as a threat to me.

And with Nova, I prefer SlowVa because I see more benefit in slowing enemies down than to makethem attack me faster. (I also don't use Nova in defense tho).

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It's the nature of the beast that the higher you go, the more you have to min-max (including doing "silly" things like using utility weapons). Also means that you need to keep changing loadouts.

That said though, you can still brute force a lot of steel path's missions (with said tank Inaros and any good melee weapon).

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

I think you're just afraid to die. Losing is the only way we learn what we did wrong and improve.

In that regard, I am afraid to put in that time and efford (and I usually don't have as much time as I'd like to have) just to loose all the rewards I might have gotten. Coming back empty handed after putting in the work is not something I enjoy.

I admit, it makes me very cautious to take risks (and those mods are kind of a high risk-high reward thing to me)

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9 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:


I get what you saying. Tho I also still have the concern that if there's an enemy that somehow escapes the CC, they might be able to take me out faster than I can react if I don't have an additional layer of survivability put on the frame's stats themselves.

(and in addition, any for of negative stats does have that feel of it hurting that survivability)

Again I ask, did I look vulnerable in those 2 videos when I wrecked 2 Steel Path bosses in seconds? You can easily use mobility to help with survivability, I think you're just afraid to die. Losing is the only way we learn what we did wrong and improve.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

CC is by far the best damage mitigation in this game


vor 1 Stunde schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

That's just one example of a CC style frame being able to survive

I get what you saying. Tho I also still have the concern that if there's an enemy that somehow escapes the CC, they might be able to take me out faster than I can react if I don't have an additional layer of survivability put on the frame's stats themselves.

(and in addition, any for of negative stats does have that feel of it hurting that survivability)

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9 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

Normally, I'd do that to determine which stats to buff to benefit the majority of a frames kit. Because I never mod for specific abilities, rather than the whole kit. That's also one point where corrupted mods might be of detriment as their penalty hurts abilities I'd like to use and compensating for that feels like I'd waste a slot or the effect of a mod.

Honestly, all I can think of with those mods is what they take away from a stat and from the value of the mods you use to offset their penalty.,

Well firstly, you should be specialising your builds more, a jack of all trades build is generally going to be weaker overall than say focusing one ability that can be a game changer. Secondly, it's not taking away anything if it's the only way a stat can even get that high. Let's take Banshee for example, with using Blind Rage in the build which takes away from efficiency, I can reach a 1600% damage bonus. If I take Blind Rage out of the build that will drop to about half that damage and there's no other mods to use to reach that same value.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

it boils down to looking at each frame's abilities, what each one scales off of ie pwr str, duration, range or efficiency)

Normally, I'd do that to determine which stats to buff to benefit the majority of a frames kit. Because I never mod for specific abilities, rather than the whole kit. That's also one point where corrupted mods might be of detriment as their penalty hurts abilities I'd like to use and compensating for that feels like I'd waste a slot or the effect of a mod.

Honestly, all I can think of with those mods is what they take away from a stat and from the value of the mods you use to offset their penalty.,

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16 hours ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

You might also wanna add that despite my hours in the game, I'm just a casual after-work player who's understanding of the game is about as deep as a puddle (as evidenced by me not understanding utility weapons or synergies in any form). Which also explains me having centered my playstyle around facetanking; a rather 'easy', but as you say, limited way of playing. In fact, I never really took a deep dive into the mechanics in any game I played; doing that mainly confuses me as things often boil down to a game of numbers.

Steel Path is something that I dipped my toes in out of curiosity, but it clearly showed me I was in over my head.

You probably won't believe me when I'm saying this, but I was genuinely looking for advice. Tho it seems me stubbornly keeping with my idea how to play made that pointless.

As I said in an earlier response, I'm somewhat open for different frames than my usual go-tos (and I currently consider giving Harrow and Trinity a shot), yet I still feel that there needs to be a bit more than just invis or CC, something that can save me should there be damage actually getting through my other protection.

Well I'm nice enough not to say such things, there's nothing wrong with playing more relaxed. We can give you all the advice in the world but it is up to you to use it. CC is by far the best damage mitigation in this game, if they're not shooting at you because they're suspended, disarmed, frozen etc you name it, they are less lethal than an enemy shooting a rocket at a frame with high tank value. The mechanics in this game can be confusing at first but it boils down to looking at each frame's abilities, what each one scales off of ie pwr str, duration, range or efficiency) and seeing what's required. Take your aversion to corrupt mods for an example. There are many situations where it just isn't a trade off, for example Loki. Invisibility, a large range AoE and a teleport. Now since none of his abilities actually physically attack the enemy with the exception of irradiating disarm augment on his disarm(and the damage is non-existant) there's absolutely no reason to put any power strength on a build for him, which means Overextended which increases range and decreases, becomes a straight up buff to range. Loki can disarm enemies permanently and be invisible so that literally nothing is attacking him. That is straight up tankier than any amount of armour on a frame because you're not absorbing any damage at all. That's just one example of a CC style frame being able to survive and there are different tricks to learn for each and every frame.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Unstar said:

I'm curious about your build, as I'd like to use Nyx more but have been having survivability trouble with her.  From the videos, would I be correct in determining that you're defensive strategy is just Chaos for mitigation and Brief Respite for shield-gate recovery and shields?

Hi mate so the basic strat is don't get hit lol. I use chaos with some range to confuse the enemies and receive less incoming fire. Psychic bolts requires only 125% power strength or more to completely strip all armour and it also removes shields, basically any defense they have. It's duration based which plays perfectly with chaos so mainly range and duration then 175 efficiency and adaptation and umbral vitality for survivability. That's a standard, "can do all" setup, then I use a different setup for Steel Path which I've posted below. Add to that Magus repair and lockdown to stun enemies and the fact I move fast, I don't take much damage. I also have the Arcane menticide helmet for faster parkour but that's just personal taste. You can use brief respite but honestly the best defense is a good offense, when I'm not using redeemer to wreck a boss I use a slash proccing kronen prime and using naramon focus allows me to keep my combo at 11x pretty much constantly since it prevents the combo just disappearing, which means I pretty much 1 shot everytime with my melee. Oh and for bosses I run Zenurik not for the energy but for temporal blast to lower their threat, that's why Zanuka can't move and psychic bolts stripped his shield and destroyed him.

This however, is the build I run for Steel Path and bosses, this build is about mobility and using chaos for defense. Don't get hit lol

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On 2020-08-21 at 1:03 PM, -CdG-Zilchy said:

These are 2 of the Steel Path bosses with Nyx

I'm curious about your build, as I'd like to use Nyx more but have been having survivability trouble with her.  From the videos, would I be correct in determining that you're defensive strategy is just Chaos for mitigation and Brief Respite for shield-gate recovery and shields?

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Gerade eben schrieb (PS4)Deeceem:

I mean, she has an augment that makes you immune to damage and super slow which at the very least should work in missions you play more stationary like defense or survival.

I only have the augmenst you can get from Loka and Perrin.

I didn't side with any other syndicate so far and didn't trade for others

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1 hour ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

I normally use farnes that can facetank. Something like Wukong, Valkyr, etc.
For my first time, I chose my Rhino P with Sybaris P, Tombfinger and Plague Kripath Zaw.

Normally, I avoid more squishy frames, like those who rely on CC or invis to stay alive, because I'm much too worried about getting slaughtered when being caught out of either.

Relying on Invis is not really much different from relying on Valkyr's Hysteria or Rhino's Iron skin for high level tanking.  If you want to have tank without worrying about energy for warframe abilities, Inaros + Arcane Grace (and possible Arcane Guardian) is probably the way to go.  Not sure if the arcanes are an option for you.

Other non-warframe mod related choice is spoiler mode + Vazarin dash or other operator healing arcanes.

If you want to face tank, that means invulnerability, or innate effective hit points + healing.

Daikyu + Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired and a nikana (Nikana Prime is a solid choice, but Skjiati should work well too) should handle most steel path missions (but not all) reasonably well assuming the base frame is tanky enough to take a hit or two. My Nikana Prime is Condition Overload, Blood Rush, Organ Shatter, Berserker, Drifting Contact, Primed Fever Strike, and 2 60/60 mods which are switched up depending on primary enemy type.  Fits with only 1 forma + catalyst.  The Daikyu could be empty except for the Amalgam, and thus could be 0 forma.

2047 Armor Valkyr (i.e. all 3 umbral mods), using no abilities (neither warframe, operator, or gear wheel), was able to handle steel path Adaro no problem in terms of tanking with that setup. Admittedly, did have Arcane Strike and Fury + Steel charge as Aura.  So, again could get away with 0 forma + reactor.

I do recommend mouse scroll for melee attacks or other similar setup to help with the melee spam.

For Interception, generally I run Nova + Vazarin dash for survival.

For defense, mobile defense, and excavation I run Frost + Vazarin dash or Nikana setup for survival.

For spy, either Ivara or Wukong.

For anything that is just primarily killing or self survival, I tend to vary between Umbra Excalibur, Valkyr, Wukong with differing weapon setups depending on what I'm feeling like.  I tend to mod my exalted weapons to compliment my primary melee.  I.e. if melee is corrosive/heat for grineer, I might go radiation for dealing with boss armor.  And throw viral on a status secondary weapon.

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb -CdG-Zilchy:

Need to stop relying on face tanking with your frames, it will hold you back a lot.

If I can tank damage, it feels like I'm too fragile to succeed, especially in an environment like Steel Path.

I know, there are people using Nyx and Ash to great effect, but I'm always anxious when I think of using either past lvl 25-30.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Miser_able:

I have 5 forma on my harrow, but thats because I use all 3 umbral mods and adaptation, so I need a lot of space. you could probably do with 2-3 if you didnt use them.

I'd at least use Adaptation and anyone else that gets my abilities up as much as I can without those certain mods.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)KyomaSatomi said:

I got recommended Harrow as a frame to do high level stuff without needing corrupted mods and also having all abilities useable (two big points for me when picking and building a frame).

My only question is how much Forma it'll take. Because so far, I barely have more that 2 on any piece of equipment.

I have 5 forma on my harrow, but thats because I use all 3 umbral mods and adaptation, so I need a lot of space. you could probably do with 2-3 if you didnt use them.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Miser_able:

I solo-ed the entire steel path with harrow or vauban. vauban is super easy to cheese it with. just toss down a vortex, then fire something aoe into it (I used the stropha) boom, success.

I got recommended Harrow as a frame to do high level stuff without needing corrupted mods and also having all abilities useable (two big points for me when picking and building a frame).

My only question is how much Forma it'll take. Because so far, I barely have more that 2 on any piece of equipment.

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vor 12 Minuten schrieb Wyrmius_Prime:

I see no point in moving to steel path before fully progressing and unlocking all the upgrades from the regular star chart. Steel Path offers absolutely nothing extra on top of what the regular star chart already has, outside of the Steel Essence reward shop. To get any amount of Steel Essence in a reasonable time, you would have to be able to do 1+ hour survivals without a problem.

I would recommend any warframe that can strip most or preferably all of enemy shields and armor, such as Nyx or Hildryn. That drastically decreases the number of EHP your weapons need to go through.

I actually have cleared the whole starchart a while ago, which also would mean I could do Arbis - if I was confident surviving even 30 seconds in this mode.

Actually pretty funny that I tried Steel Path before Arbi.

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb Am_Sha3gar:

I have a Kuva Shildeg that can do al steel path without tto many problems, with no corrupted mods or rivens; it has the mandatory (for kuva weapons) 5 formas on it, but i have so much capacity left it probably could be done with 3 or 4. In general many melee weapons with a combo build and a couple formas on it can do all the path, and if you do different loadouts for the factions they require even less investment. Just pick some frame with high survivability (inaros, nidus, hyldrin, etc.) and mash away until everything is dead (I personally use hyldrin with the augment for pillage for CC, so that defense missions aren't too difficoult, with just DPS it can be pretty challenging).

Of course something with invisibility or limbo for sabotage and spy, but that's a given.

I thought my Rhino was survuvable enough. But aside from my Zaw, I was doing almost no damage (the only node I've played so far was E Prime and on SP, even that is a chore to play with how mugh of damage sponges the enemies are)

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb (PS4)KyomaSatomi:

Nyx is too squishy for me.

I mean, she has an augment (Assimilate) that makes you immune to damage and super slow which at the very least should work in missions you play more stationary like defense, survival, junctions and bosses. I used her Pacifying Bolts augment more though. You can also abuse shield gating with her quite well with Brief Respite and Augur mods.

You do you.

Indiferencia Shrug GIF

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vor 9 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Deeceem:

I used Nyx almost exclusively and solo. A bit of Hildryn here and there. Ivara and Wukong for spy depending on my mood. The only thing I did in a group was the Ropalolyst because I messed up twice at the end and other clan members were trying it solo at the same time as well.

Weapons don't matter as Nyx or Hildryn as long as they are properly modded and not terrible and in spies you avoid combat.

Nyx is too squishy for me. At this level of enemies, I expect to be one-shotted all the time, even if I use her abilities. Just one stray bullet would be enough.

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