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Corpus and Infested "Liches"


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I am not sure if these are in the works or not, but I kind of had this idea that the other factions might look at the Grineer Liches and would like to copy that "Success" seeing they kind of do counter the Tenno. Now really quick, I know that Liches Spawn because of Kuva and Kuva is kind of limited to Grineer. These are more so just my ways of thinking of how the factions might get around that.

First, the Corpus.
Being the more Robotic faction, I would imagine they would invest quite a bit into trying to figure out how to defeat, capture, or even harvest Warframes, hell, its already happening in Alad V, and now having some investment in Sentient tec, well, we have an interesting combo.
Basically, a "Volunteer" might be pulled from whatever life they where living, soldier, mechanic... so on, to be operated on, flesh bonded with tec isn't something all that too new to Corpus, but with sentient tec, well, that could be interesting, giving a select "Soldier" some abilities that before only Tenno had access too, but its incomplete, it needs a spark, and like with Liches, need to be stabbed with a very special part to activate what lies within them.
When they are "Knocked down" they go back and get repairs, more surgery, they make gear that counter some of your abilities or weapons, so on. They basically work like a Lich. Given there is already a system to take out Liches I say we barrow form that, maybe a few new "Mods" that let you do it, or maybe a big final mission boss style. Not all that too sure.
As for weapons, these are more based on Corpus design, made as laser weapons, energy or plasma based, special customizations by the said "Lich" give them different functions, like a charged alternate attack, or the like. Given how creative this community can be I am half way tempted to leave it to you, the reader, to come up with some different weapon ideas.

Now for the infested
Now, small spoiler alert, we learned that Warframes where made of the infested, or part of it from what I understand, so a small part of me could imagine a "Warframe" made by the infested to suit its needs, acting as the faction's Lich. I know we have an infested warframe, but the point of it is more this, the infested dedicates a special unit "Pod walkers" to wander around, their sole goal is to collect some spare energy from your warframe. Inside is a collected mass carefully arranged to "give birth" to a new being who will begin their campaign to defeat you, or add you to the collective mass.
It will act like a "Lich" of the other two factions, evolving new defenses as you defeat it, fears and so on, but I think being infested their weapons would be special. Being infested, the "Growth" will have a weapon that grows and is part of it, so when you "Harvest" said weapon, well, this weapon would do the same for you when you have it equipt, using your energy to incress damage, your hp as ammo, so on.

Weapons and evolution
I will just admit out-front, as much as I would like to dream up weapons, damage said weapons do, so on, well, as I said in the Corpus, I feel the colective Comunity would have more fun with the ideas seeing all the Lich weapons are is just repaints of existing weapons, so maybe dreaming up compleetly new weapons should be left up to a group instead of one person. As for how they develop, I have a rough idea, but again, well, these are two different factions, and I am not the biggest lore buff so again, maybe best to let you guys talk out how they evolve.

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They've been talking about adding them for a while now, actually. I was hoping that Corpus liches would come next after Deadlock Protocol (maybe related to Parvos Granum and his specters somehow, or else Alad V's Amalgams), but instead we got Deimos....

Fortunately, Deimos opens up possibilities for Infested liches.

I'm hoping their next content push is updating both Liches and Railjack with the other factions.

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Well, for now my biggest hope is we don't get "Copy paste" kind of deal, I mean, I am fine with how it starts out being the same or at least super similar, but if we are going to be chalanged to take down the other factions, I hope it is somethign besides just glyphs in an order, like maybe for the Corpus you have to hack them, or the Infested its a form of toxin/antitoxin kind of thing where you carry the items into the mission as gear to protect yourself form them or use a life steal mecanic agenst them.

Also, if they do like the did with the Kuva weapons... anyone here curios what a "Kuva Lenz" would look like?

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  • 1 month later...
В 20.09.2020 в 21:42, (PSN)Solevnt_Golem сказал:

I was just thinking how interesting it would be to have posibly 3 kinds of trouble on you at once.

Kuva Lich: *busts through a wall* PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!
Corpus Lich: *gets out of the floor* AND MAKE IT DOUBLE!
Infested Lich: *breaks out of the ceiling* SCREEEEEEEEEEEE

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  • 3 months later...

So, before I forget about this. I had an idea for how the Infested Lich would work.

We know nothing is sacred to the Infested, a hivemind dedicated to consuming matter and taking over all that it sees.
In turn, warframe cryo pods are... EVERYWHERE! I mean, sure maybe what is inside isn't a warframe, but still, it has that title, and I am sticking to it.
And the last key here is Alad V, he taught the infested quite a few interesting tricks, like infesting (even if partly) a warframe.

Basicly, here is what is running through my mind, and I would rather discribe it as an incounter than anything else.


You land down on an old abandoned ship, Corpus more than likely, clear out the ship of all infested bodies, burn all in your way with equipt weapons so this scurge dose not spread.

As you begin your mission, the Lotus, during her discription of your mission pauses, saying she will return in a moment, that something is not quite right here, but you do have your standing orders, and so you carve your way through the infested that stand before you, clearing the destroyed ship up till a point where the Lotus returns, commenting that she is detecting a warframe signal, but it is weak, and that it dose not seem right for she can not seem to communicate or wake it up. You are given a choice, go out of your way to check out or save this warframe, or leave it, after all the Lotus seems unsure of this, and it could be a trap.

But curiosity can get the better of all of us, and the need to save a warframe in need can sometimes over ride logic. You enter a room, a dome like structior of infested, metal and otherwise has been pushed out to focused on one pod in the center of the room, looking inside shows a large mass of infestation, no sign of the warframe in need of help. The Lotus chimes in, something about unable to power up the pod, and well, your warframe has plenty of power, so maybe all it needs is a small dose of energy to open. 

Apon opening the pod, you can see the mass surge, it lives, its breathing, it screams, and something flees out, faster than you can see, melding with the infested mass in the walls around you as it vanishes. Mission change, Evacuate, abandon your objectives and get out of there.

You run, more than likely killing or avoiding anything that gets in your way, board your ship, take off, and once out of the mission, you get a message from an unknown being.
"Thank you for giving me life, but now it is time for me to give you your's."


Now, this Infested Lich is active, and can be activated at any time by the player once they are running around on Eris. I figured this kind of event will only apear for some missions that have a map that allows for "expleration", so no defense or those like it. The player who donates the energy to the cryopod will be the one who gets the lich. 


The Infested Lich has the ability to "Command" infested, in a sort gaining a compion that can add to the creatures leathal abilities.

As for rewards, if you chose to kill this abomination you will get "Grown weapons", specialty weapons that the Lich will grow from its own flesh. These weapons will more than likely be melee or bow type weapons. These weapon will have a passive "Feed" ability to them where kills done with these weapons can restore hp to the user, and in turn if you want more damage, HP can be sacrificed to make your attacks more leathal. If you chose to leave this creature alive, it might look back apon its existence and question if being loyal to this hivemind is worth it, and can appear/be summoned in missions to assist you in combat. 


Lich elemental type will base itself on what could be counted on the warframe you are using, as will its weapon type. Basicly it will mod itself to be a counter to the last version of you it saw, so if you played an Ember it will go for fire resitance and might get some ice damage in to chill you out.


That is about it. Now a tired me is going to go to bed and pass out.

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I'm rather surprised that the "Corpus Liches" don't use the Zanuka model. The original idea behind Liches was that they are these nearly immortal things who keep getting stronger the more they're defeated because you can't really kill them permanently. The Grineer variant use Kuva, aka "Orokin Blood" as a means of bringing themselves back to life over and over again, which makes sense thematically. For this reason, I thought it make sense to use some kind of constructs from Alad V's Zanuka Project as the Corpus version of that. Those we could kill, potentially over and over again, without really putting them down. As we've seen, Zanuka is built from Warframe parts and appears able to be repaired indefinitely. Moreover, BECAUSE it's made of Warframe parts, it could potentially learn from us as we kill it, slowly developing powers similar to our own. To me, that would make sense.

I'm not sure what the lore reason behind Corpus Queenpins is - I don't think DE ever got into that. I do hope they don't just half-ass it, though, and go "They're Team Rocket. You keep beating them up but they keep coming back." Having reasons for why regenerating enemies actually ARE regenerating is far more interesting than lampshading it and offering no explanation.

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On 2020-09-20 at 2:29 PM, (PSN)Solevnt_Golem said:

I am not sure if these are in the works or not, but I kind of had this idea that the other factions might look at the Grineer Liches and would like to copy that "Success" seeing they kind of do counter the Tenno. Now really quick, I know that Liches Spawn because of Kuva and Kuva is kind of limited to Grineer. These are more so just my ways of thinking of how the factions might get around that.

First, the Corpus.
Being the more Robotic faction, I would imagine they would invest quite a bit into trying to figure out how to defeat, capture, or even harvest Warframes, hell, its already happening in Alad V, and now having some investment in Sentient tec, well, we have an interesting combo.
Basically, a "Volunteer" might be pulled from whatever life they where living, soldier, mechanic... so on, to be operated on, flesh bonded with tec isn't something all that too new to Corpus, but with sentient tec, well, that could be interesting, giving a select "Soldier" some abilities that before only Tenno had access too, but its incomplete, it needs a spark, and like with Liches, need to be stabbed with a very special part to activate what lies within them.
When they are "Knocked down" they go back and get repairs, more surgery, they make gear that counter some of your abilities or weapons, so on. They basically work like a Lich. Given there is already a system to take out Liches I say we barrow form that, maybe a few new "Mods" that let you do it, or maybe a big final mission boss style. Not all that too sure.
As for weapons, these are more based on Corpus design, made as laser weapons, energy or plasma based, special customizations by the said "Lich" give them different functions, like a charged alternate attack, or the like. Given how creative this community can be I am half way tempted to leave it to you, the reader, to come up with some different weapon ideas.

Now for the infested
Now, small spoiler alert, we learned that Warframes where made of the infested, or part of it from what I understand, so a small part of me could imagine a "Warframe" made by the infested to suit its needs, acting as the faction's Lich. I know we have an infested warframe, but the point of it is more this, the infested dedicates a special unit "Pod walkers" to wander around, their sole goal is to collect some spare energy from your warframe. Inside is a collected mass carefully arranged to "give birth" to a new being who will begin their campaign to defeat you, or add you to the collective mass.
It will act like a "Lich" of the other two factions, evolving new defenses as you defeat it, fears and so on, but I think being infested their weapons would be special. Being infested, the "Growth" will have a weapon that grows and is part of it, so when you "Harvest" said weapon, well, this weapon would do the same for you when you have it equipt, using your energy to incress damage, your hp as ammo, so on.

Weapons and evolution
I will just admit out-front, as much as I would like to dream up weapons, damage said weapons do, so on, well, as I said in the Corpus, I feel the colective Comunity would have more fun with the ideas seeing all the Lich weapons are is just repaints of existing weapons, so maybe dreaming up compleetly new weapons should be left up to a group instead of one person. As for how they develop, I have a rough idea, but again, well, these are two different factions, and I am not the biggest lore buff so again, maybe best to let you guys talk out how they evolve.

personally i was thinking for infested Liches is take the Zealots/zealoids and make them all swole and jacked

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