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Understanding The Gradivus Dilemma - Event Breakdown (Confirmed By Rebecca)


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Then you rank neutral, so you qualify as being on the losing side as far as rewards are concerned.


Can I get a source on that please? It is the one element of this event that I am not currently clear about and have seen nothing from DE on the subject.

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Can I get a source on that please? It is the one element of this event that I am not currently clear about and have seen nothing from DE on the subject.

Honestly, the source is just basic reading comprehension. You must have done a majority of missions, meaning 50% +1, for a faction to qualify as supporting that faction. That's what DE's announcement says. So if you do 50 each, you don't qualify as a supporter for either faction. That means you'll qualify by number of missions for the tier three reward, but no matter who wins you won't qualify as having supported them, so you get a weapon blueprint.
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I wouldn't say that is basic reading comprehension and I don't think you need to make such a flipant comment.  You're arguing the difference between "greater than 50%" or "greater than or equal to 50%".


Whilst "majority" does imply greater than 50%, clarity on the matter would still be appreciated I'm sure.

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Honestly, the source is just basic reading comprehension. You must have done a majority of missions, meaning 50% +1, for a faction to qualify as supporting that faction. That's what DE's announcement says. So if you do 50 each, you don't qualify as a supporter for either faction. That means you'll qualify by number of missions for the tier three reward, but no matter who wins you won't qualify as having supported them, so you get a weapon blueprint.


He just wanted an official to make it black and white. No need to go to the "basic reading comprehension" part since many didn't caught a lot of things at first sight either. (And sometimes, reading in between the lines about the rules may differ from what will actually happen in some cases.) In any case, I would agree, since logically speaking, sitting on the fence and going to the winning side is actually a sure-fire way to get the better rewards, which will be unfair for those who already took a side.

On the other hand however, if anyone is counting the ratios of areas conquered, anyone can just be sitting on the fence until the last day and make that extra one run for the winning side and get the winning reward. Perhaps an oversight, or perhaps a chance for players to strategise?

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Wasn't trying to be rude, and yes DE may have made an error in communication. I was just pointing out that as far as the info we have now "states" going 50/50 would result in you receiving no badge, the winning sides melee weapon, and the winning sides pistol blueprint. That's the info we've got, unless DE modifies or amends their statement.

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The line "Complete 25 missions of any side.." can be interpreted in two ways.


1) Complete 25 missions regardless of side, hence just need to complete 25 missions for both Corpus and Grineer.

2) Complete 25 missions of any of the two sides. So you'd need to complete 25 missions for either Grineer or Corpus.


So which one is it? That is one badly chosen line if you ask me. And I'd like some clarification on this.

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The line "Complete 25 missions of any side.." can be interpreted in two ways.


1) Complete 25 missions regardless of side, hence just need to complete 25 missions for both Corpus and Grineer.

2) Complete 25 missions of any of the two sides. So you'd need to complete 25 missions for either Grineer or Corpus.


So which one is it? That is one badly chosen line if you ask me. And I'd like some clarification on this.


I'm sorry I don't understand the question. Option number 1 implies needing to do 50 missions and as 50 is not 25, that can't be right.  You've lost me.

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Honestly, the source is just basic reading comprehension. You must have done a majority of missions, meaning 50% +1, for a faction to qualify as supporting that faction. That's what DE's announcement says.


I would like to remind people that this is NOT what Rebecca's announcement says. This is how I am interpreting the phrase "more missions on [one] side than against." While I believe that a 50% + 1 ratio is the proper way to interpret that phrase, the phrase itself does not go on to describe what will will occur in case of a tie, and I don't have a proper frame of reference to determine whether or not Rebecca's language infers this. Comprehension means little without context.


So has DE made any related posts in the last five hours? Anyone? I'm digging through all the requisite threads as fast as I can...

Edited by MiaovenWinter
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I would like to remind people that this is NOT what Rebecca's announcement says. This is how I am interpreting the phrase "more missions on [one] side than against." While I believe that a 50% + 1 ratio is the proper way to interpret that phrase, the phrase itself does not go on to describe what will will occur in case of a tie, and I don't have a proper frame of reference to determine whether or not Rebecca's language infers this. Comprehension means little without context.

Well, there are just 2 options: Supporting and NOT Supporting

Supporting means to have more completed missions (50%+1), so anything else not meeting this requirement would mean the other outcome.

Thus a tie would mean you did NOT support certain faction since you do NOT have more completed missions.

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Well, there are just 2 options: Supporting and NOT Supporting

Supporting means to have more completed missions (50%+1), so anything else not meeting this requirement would mean the other outcome.

Thus a tie would mean you did NOT support certain faction since you do NOT have more completed missions.


Again, I do not know if this is how DE wants this to be interpreted. I believe when discussing competitions on any level, the issue of ties and tiebreakers should always be addressed in a separate independent clause that completely clarifies what occurs in the event of a tie. DE should have known that ties were possible considering they made the Tier 3 reward minimum an even number, so they must have a ruling. We just need to know what that exact ruling is.

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So, this is how I'm understanding this flood of new information concerning the structure of this event and its rewards. PLEASE, PLEASE comment if you have conflicting info with sources or reasoning. If you see a related DE post in another thread that we missed, please copypaste it here so that we can all better understand what's going on.



We have the Battle Pay and Event Rewards as the two forms of participation rewards for this event.


Battle Pay is, if any of you have observed, the per-mission reward for participation in a particular event mission while siding with one of two sides of the conflict: Grineer or Corpus.


1. You must have completed an event mission five times for a particular side in order to qualify for that side's Battle Pay reward.

2. You will receive the Battle Pay reward in your Inbox after the mission has ended (that is, once that particular mission is no longer selectable as an event mission and has the text "CONQUERED" next to its Operations listing in the main menu).

3. Mission completions for an event mission on opposing sides counteract completions for each other. For instance, if I were to have five completions for Grineer logged on a particular event mission, and then complete a Corpus run on that mission, I would have an effective four completions for Grineer, and would no longer qualify for the Grineer Battle Pay reward (I have personally tested this).

4. In a scenario like the one in point #3 above, any counteracting Corpus completions will be properly recorded in your profile, but will not count towards qualifying for Corpus Battle Pay rewards, as shown on the "Battle Pay Qualification" progress bars in the event mission lobbies (also personally verified).

5. Therefore, if I were to have qualified for Grineer Battle Pay with five runs, and then decided to switch to Corpus Battle Pay, I would need to complete five Corpus runs to counter the Grineer runs, and then a further five runs to qualify for Corpus Battle Pay, for a total of fifteen runs (ten Corpus and five Grineer). This means one needs to complete a minimum of 50% + 5 runs for their preferred faction to qualify for that side's Battle Pay reward (this has not been tested, just using logic here).


Should go without saying, but the stipulations for Battle Pay rewards should not be considered when dealing with the Event Rewards, described below (just to clarify a separation in this explanation).



Event Rewards are the event-wide rewards for player participation, which will be distributed upon event completion (currently scheduled for next Wednesday, the 30th, I believe).


Event Rewards have three tiers. Each tier has two possible rewards, which are to be rewarded to players who accomplish a certain number of event missions. What follows is my translation of Rebecca's post in the Update 10.5 thread.


Tier 1: 



1. You must have a minimum of five total mission completions by the time the event ends.

2. The faction victor of the event, whether it be Grineer or Corpus, does not determine what reward one will receive (I understand the phrase "regardless of victor" in its current location could be confusing, but Rebecca actually sets a precedent for that line in future paragraphs IMO; it then becomes clear that this "victor" is that of the entire event, and not of any particular event mission).

3. You need a minimum of 50% + 1 completions for your preferred faction to acquire a Tier 1 reward (this is my common sense translation of Rebecca's language; "more missions on their side than against" simply describes a base majority to me).

4. Therefore, if I have three mission completions for Grineer and two for Corpus by event completion, I will receive the Grineer event badge for the Tier 1 reward.


Tier 2:



1. You must have a minimum of 25 total mission completions by the time the event ends.

2. The reward for all qualified players will be determined by the faction victor of the event. However, your chosen preferred faction will not determine which reward you will receive (pretty straightforward, can't really be interpreted any other way with the information given).

3. Therefore, if I have, for example, 10 mission completions for Grineer and 15 for Corpus by event completion, and the Grineer win the event, I will receive the Machete Wraith for the Tier 2 reward (once again, to clarify, the distribution of mission completions across factions does not matter).


Tier 3:



1. You must have a minimum of 100 total mission completions by the time the event ends.

2. This reward is determined both by which faction wins the overall event and what faction the player supports throughout his/her total mission completions.

3. To qualify for either the "Corpus win" or the "Grineer win" rewards, you must have a minimum of 50% + 1 mission completions for your preferred faction (now, this is the one that people are most confused about, and we do indeed need official clarification from DE; however, in this post Rebecca once again uses the "more missions for them than against them" language, which as I remarked on before, clearly communicates to me the most basic 50% + 1 majority).

4. If the Corpus win the event, players who sided with the Corpus will receive the Detron weapon supercharged and with a weapon slot; if you sided with the Grineer instead, you will receive a Detron blueprint for your Foundry.

5. If the Grineer win the event, players who sided with the Grineer will receive the Brakk weapon supercharged and with a weapon slot; if you sided with the Corpus instead, you will receive a Brakk blueprint for your Foundry.

(This was confusing to a lot of people as well, and I in fact misread this a couple times, but once you focus, it becomes pretty clear.)


This is a 100% correct breakdown of the rewards. Thank you for taking the time to further clarify the stakes of the event!

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This is a 100% correct breakdown of the rewards. Thank you for taking the time to further clarify the stakes of the event!

Thanks for the clarification!

That means people, if we want rewards from all 3 tiers we need to just do 100 missions total. They can be mixed between factions, just remember the "50% + 1" rule and you will be fine! Also:

* Which badge you get, is up to which faction you supported the most.

* Which melee weapon you get is just up to which faction is the EVENT winner (We will know next Wednesday).

* Which pistol you get depends on which faction is the EVENT winner (We will know next Wednesday). Wether you get it supercharged+slotted or not depends on wether you supported the winning faction or not.


So you do NOT need to do 201 mission just to be sure to get a badge and 2 weapons. BIG phew! :)


And... which faction is gonna win then? My call:


"It's the Grineer" :P

Edited by Azamagon
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