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XB1 Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime


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XB1 Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime



Engulf your enemies in the sacred fire of the empyrean as Nezha Prime. The Prince of Flame arrives in his ultimate form along with the Guandao Prime, Zakti Prime and more!



Behold: the Scion of the Burning Wind, donned in his most courtly accoutrements. 


Engineered for the divine to reap a harvest of lives.


Unleash waves of gas damage with a smattering of spiny, toxin-filled flechettes.


Get the newest Prime gear with Nezha Prime Access and Prime Accessories in the in-game Market! 



*Please note that the Nezha Leverian will come in a later Update!


Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime, and Redeemer Prime have entered the Vault!

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Mesa Prime Systems with Titania Prime Systems.

  • Replaced Steel Meridian’s Sacrifice of Redeemer Prime Blade with Zhuge Prime String.

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.


Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers. See the full Disposition changes here:



Nightwave The Glassmaker: Episode 5 - The Finale is here!


The time has come, Tenno. After meticulously investigating crime scenes, poring over clues and shattering glass across the Origin System, you’ve tracked the Glassmaker to a pivotal location. A place where the Glassmaker killed thousands, if not millions in an age long past. 

More questions await as the latest victim you discover is Orokin, possibly someone who stood against Nihil in the past? Find clues to reveal where the Glassmaker is hiding and shatter his schemes once and for all, Tenno.



Mastery Rank 30 is now available for eligible Tenno!

8+ years of Warframe content later and eligible Tenno can now achieve Mastery Rank 30! This is your True Master test. Prepare yourself with skills you’ve acquired on your travels throughout the Star Chart for this pinnacle test. 


True Master Tenno will be awarded the following:

  • 3x Umbra Forma

  • 15 Loadout Slots

  • 30 Riven Mod Slots

  • True Master Chat Emoji

    • Access both the :truemaster: and :truemasteralt: Chat Emoji.

  • True Master Emote

    • Only the True Master may use this Emote.

  • True Master Sumdali

    • This Sumdali hull ornament is awarded exclusively to Tenno who have earned the rank of True Master. It can be mounted to the exterior of your Landing Craft to display your Rank to all who see it.

  • True Master’s Font (Relay Blessing)

    • Visit a Blessing Altar in any Relay once every 23 hours to grant a Blessing to each person on the Relay that lasts for 3 hours. Blessings you can grant are:

      • Affinity Boost

      • Credit Boost

      • Resource Boost

      • Damage Buff

      • Health Buff

      • Shield Buff


Mastery Rank 30 Facts:

  1. Each Mastery Rank beyond 30 requires the same amount of Affinity as Rank 29 to 30.

  2. Mastery Ranks beyond 30 are considered/titled as “Legendary 1”, “Legendary 2”, etc.



  • Updated Mastery Rank icons to a new Vitruvian design! 

  • Increased the Nightwave Prestige Rank cap by 30 Ranks!
    • We know some Tenno have already reached the current Prestige Rank cap. Increasing it allows those Tenno to gain Crystal Cred for the remainder of Nightwave Series 3.

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Thanks for increasing the Nightwave prestige cap! Now if I could only find the last clue in the Glassmaker Act 5 crime scene... I searched for about 90 min. now but nothing. Clanmates talked about it being a ceremonial weapon of sorts (dagger, glaive), but I didn't spot anything that only halfway resembled a weapon. Hopefully, it's not glitched under some infested mass as with the mining spots at the release of Deimos... 

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Soooo we gonna get the tennogen or what, pretty taunting only being able to link it in chat on console, I thought one of the updates was supposed to sync updates on all platforms? or does that not go for tennogen? Also, melee weapon holster styles are glitched across the board and always revert to showing the standard holster style on the warframe.

Edited by (XB1)Lit Saitama
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