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Sudden FPS drop in general




I stopped played warframe about a few months ago and recently decided to come back on today, but I was met with 10-20 FPS which is a big drop from the consistent 50-60 I used to get. I turned off enhanced engine and changed to Dx11 and also vertified and optimized download cache, but it didnt help. Any suggestions or do I just need to get a better pc lol. Thanks.

My Specs:

Intel i5-7200U @ 2.50Ghz 8GB RAM

Intel HD Graphics 620 

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14 answers to this question

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2 minutes ago, _Tormex_ said:

I have been experiencing similar issues. My guess is that maybe the ensmallening is causing it?

Sorry but i dont understand "ensmallening". Is that an issue on their side or on our side

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3 minutes ago, RisoIarin said:

Sorry but i dont understand "ensmallening". Is that an issue on their side or on our side

The "ensmallening" was a series of three updates where warframe decreased the size of the game download and consolidated things considerably. I don't have a game development background, but when you change that many things, in my mind that gives lots of opportunities for things to go wrong.

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47 minutes ago, _Tormex_ said:

I have been experiencing similar issues. My guess is that maybe the ensmallening is causing it?

you'd have to have an extremely (close to or below minspec probably) slow CPU for to be likely to make an impact - storing the data more efficiently does mean adding a JIT Decompression, but Oodles' goals are for a JIT Decompression that is very low load so that it doesn't slow down the system. 

well, maybe if someone has a fairly low end CPU and they have a bunch of stuff open in the background? maybe then.


however, those local data changes could be not great for spot loading responsiveness, if after a major change like that, that one does not Optimize. mainly for a Hard Disk.

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Since you have integrated graphics you may need to make sure first all background tasks are closed and get the latest drivers as well. Your chipset being from 2016 may need driver updates across the board to get your FPS back up as well. 

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29 minutes ago, RisoIarin said:

All my background tasks are closed yeah. So from what you're saying if I cant update my drivers I pretty much can't play until i get a new pc?

Well, i have a 
pretty old PC too (FX-8300, 8gb ram and gtx 960 2gb) and sometimes i can experience a bit of stutterings and sudden drops, but hey, i have a SSD where my o.s is installed and a hard drive with more than 20k hours where the warframe is installed on (problematic hard drive asking for retirement). 

What im trying to say is: if u can upgrade ur notebook with a SSD it will help A LOT since the notebook hard drivers are waaaay waaay too slow to handle the new processors (included ur i5).

If u already have a SSD, forget what im saying, but if dont, and when u can manage to buy one, u will see the real power of your notebook.

Oh yes, sadly the integrated gpu wont help so much, thats true.

PS: Warframe have a lot of loading screens and such, and it takes a good driver to read it, even more these days that the game became so huge with lots of content, so really consider it. Still, theres a brazilian community here that i follow and ppl are always talking about how insane a notebook can be with only switching the original hard drive for a SSD unit.

Sorry for my grammar, im not using translator xD cheers, and good luck!

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An update, i remember i used to play warframe and at the bottom left it would usually use around 2gb of ram. Well now it's only using about 1gb of RAM, but my task manager says about 2.4k RAM under Memory. Could this be why my FPS is so low? If so, how do i fix this..

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The ram usage is not that accurate i guess, and it depends where ur located in the game. Open world maps like plains, orb vallis and deimos will consume way more, just for taking notes.


I have forgot to say it on the quote that i wrote, but when i stopped playing on 2017, the games was so smooth, thats normal, since the new updates makes the game more heavy. 

You can try some tutorials on youtube too, it may help ;)



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Hmm... I have almost the same exact specs. The game runs around 72 fps for me.

I do have virtualization enabled. (You can check this in tast manager > performance tab). And I also play in a slightly reduced resolution in windowed mode as my screen is way to big and I particularly don't enjoy moving my eyes too far out of the center.

However, I am under the suspicion that there can be a virus or malware hogging up your resources. I'll still ask to update your drivers, or reinstall them, if you haven't already.

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34 minutes ago, Soy77 said:

The fault is not entirely on your end. The ensmallening and recent texture updates screwed plenty of people even those with better specs.

So yeah, just try what you can and hope one of it would work.

thats dissapointing from DE. But im happy to hear its not entirely my fault, thanks for letting me know

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Update: It seems like I got my FPS back to somewhat normal although im dropping to about 40-50 in particle heavy environments. I found turning v sync and changing to bordless fullscreen help. Also I made sure in my intel graphic settings that everything was set to maximum performance. 

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