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Various Bugs I've found recently (Texture, UI & some other kinds of things)


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Since the post I made on the 30.1 Console update thread, I’ve actually found some more bugs beyond what I initially discovered! As well as some updates to existing bugs I’ve found (New images / examples, and some new info, etc.). The “Art & Animation” category seemed like the most accurate place for this, but not all of the bugs I’ve found are specifically about that.

  • I wanted to get this report posted much sooner, but it couldn’t be helped (Gathering screenshots and doing weekly College work took some time!).


It is worth noting that all of the bugs I have found occurred in Solo Mode. I do not have reason to believe the matchmaking mode affects any of them; There is also the possibility that PC is affected by these bugs as well, but I cannot test that myself.

  • Here’s the Update 30 bug report I made not too long ago; There’s about 18 different bugs listed there (10 Empyrean, 8 Non-Empyrean), as a reference.
  • In addition, all of these bugs were found before the recent Gara Prime update. I don’t recall seeing most of these in the patch notes either before or since then.


I’ll go into a fair bit of detail for each one, and there may be a suggestion or two along the way;

1. Augur Seeker and Augur Secrets have the same Mod image

  • I heard this may have been the case since the Plains of Eidolon was first introduced, as a matter of fact. As far as I know, no other mods in the game share an image, so this might’ve been a small accident when the Augur set came out. Here’s the two mods, as a reference:



    Having the images here might save a bit of scrolling!

    • They both have different effects, but they both show Chroma looking into the distance (A very nice image in and of itself!). But since one of them could be replaced, I wanted to offer an idea for the new image, based off of Augur Secrets’ name:

      The Thousand-Year Fish. These are various Fish statuettes that are scattered across the Plains, making them quite secret! Perhaps a close-up of one of these can serve as a “Secretive” image for Augur Secrets.
      • I’ve got some examples too, using Rhino Prime (Since he’s one example of a frame built for Strength, sometimes):

        Since these screenshots were taken on the Switch, they may need to be re-taken on a higher-definition console (Or on PC) so it can look smoother.

        Option 1:


        Option 2:


        Option 3:


        Of course if anyone else has a better screenshot with Rhino and one of the glass fishies, by all means feel free to share it.


      • I figured Rhino could better fit Augur Secrets’ +Strength aspect better than the identical image with Chroma (The existing Augur image with the latter would be hard to beat!), for more frame variety. Besides, the existing image with Chroma looks pretty nice, so I couldn’t think of a better image with him.
        • I’m not sure if any mods feature Rhino Prime either, come to think of it; Perhaps this could be the first?


2. The Bloodshed Sigil’s description repeats itself in the Mission Summary

  • After doing multiple Profit taker runs a while back, I happened to get the Bloodshed Sigil! I was surprised, since I was mainly working towards more credits (& more Articula for the Dojo, if it can be placed there someday). However, I discovered that in the mission summary, the text was doubled.


    • It’s not a huge issue, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t intended. When I checked in the Arsenal, the text was not duplicated there, so it’s mainly for the mission summary.

      I don’t think this is an easy bug to test unless it’s the Dev build, because this Sigil has a 3% drop chance. I’m glad I took the screenshot when I did!


3. [PH] text for some (At least one) Corpus Empyrean enemy(ies)

  • I was going through the Codex to see what entries were there (& which entries are missing), when I happened upon some placeholder text for the Juno Comba Eximus enemy:



    • The first thing I noticed is that he / she was using the new Corpus Sword and Shield weapon, which I didn’t think was in the game at the time (I first saw it on the most recent Devstream (154 at the time); Of course we can’t use it yet). But I’m pretty sure [PH] stuff isn’t supposed to be within the Codex, as far as that goes.
    • I’ve been trying to catch up on work for an Online class every now & then, so i haven’t been scanning things in Empyrean / checking the Codex too much recently; As of this writing I’m not sure if any other Corpus Empyrean entries have [PH]s as well.
    • Personal note: [PH] probably stands for phun.


4. 60 / 60 elemental stat Pet mods visually reset your pet’s stats to red defaults

  • When you place any of the Elemental dual stat mods such as Flame Gland on your Pets’ config, all the stat numbers become red numbers / dashlines, as seen in the below image;

    When placing a 60 / 60 mod in your pets’ config:


    After taking that mod off of the config:



    • After some testing, you can also remove the mod (Before exiting their modding screen), and even switch to a different configuration, and those red default stats still persist, at least visually.
      • When you exit the modding screen and re-enter it, the stats will then display normally. If you left the 60 / 60 mod in place, then those stats will show up green and proper, etc.! Naturally, if you left off the 60 / 60 mod, it will display the stats as they were without it.
    • There is one other bug that occurs during the ^ main bug: While the red stat visual bug is going on (Before you exit the modding screen, of course), and you’ve taken the mod off of your config you cannot search for that mod.



      • Essentially, if you try to search for the just-removed 60 / 60 mod by name or by the stats it provides (Like “heat”), then it won’t appear. I don’t know if it’s because I own only one Flame Gland mod in this particular case, but normally any mod should show up when searching for it, as long as it’s the correct category.
    • An interesting thing to note about this; I’ve only had it occur when outside of the Orbiter.
      • When trying to do all this in the Orbiter (At least the main visual bug), it functions normally; The stats don’t become red all over. But this can be done in Fortuna, and presumably the other HUB areas as well.

        Perhaps even the Dojo and Captura scenes, but I haven’t had a chance to test it other than at Fortuna & the Orbiter.


5. Archwing Slingshot-ed animation persists into Derelicts

  • I’m not 100% sure if this has been reported elsewhere, but I vaguely recall hearing of it before. If you use the Archwing slingshot to enter a Derelict, then you’ll be in a looping animation of flying a certain distance away, but with your on-foot weapons. The image can help explain better;



    • You can still jump and move / turn around, and the camera can be turned, but your Warframe will be swimming through the air / ground, and after moving far enough away from the camera, it’ll reappear upclose to repeat the swimming process (For lack of a better term).
  • Thankfully, you can still exit the Derelict normally, thus going into Archwing mode and being able to manually enter the Derelict. Then of course you’re going to be fine. But I haven’t tested trying to fight enemies with melee, etc. while the repeated-swimming is going on.

    I’m almost curious how that would look :)


6. Some mods picked up in the Railjack do not have images

  • I’ve only seen this happen whenever picking up Shatter Burst or Munitions Vortex, but I’ll keep an eye out for any others. I did take screenshots of these two, when picking them up while Piloting:





    • It’s been several weeks since I took those screenshots, but as far as I remember, I believe the mods did have their proper images when checking the Mission Summary screen. It just seems like the images aren’t there when first picking them up.
    • I don’t know the exact cause for this, since I already owned at least one of each by the time I discovered this issue.


7. TennoCon 2021 Ephemera overrides your Warframe’s chosen energy color(s)

  • This took me a bit of time to figure out; When you equip the TennoCon 2021 Ephemera in the Arsenal, and select “Copy Main Colors”, whatever color you had for your Armor or Syandana (Depending on where you’re copying the main colors onto), the Energy color will be changed to some sort of blue. I have some images as examples;

    First we have Xaku, after having “Copied the Main Colors” to the attachments:

    It’s worth noting that you can take off the TennoCon Ephemera, and that blue color you had copied will stay. You can test this yourself if you have a frame with Green or Red energy, for example!

    Just make sure your green / red energy colors are on your Armor, etc., then equip the Ephemera. I have a Zephyr with her default Energy colors here;

    Zephyr’s Dual Energy colors with the TennoCon 2021 Ephemera, but before copying her main colors:


    So basically, that’s what the Ephemera should look like on her. It does appear normal, until you try “Copying the Main Colors” one more time.

    Zephyr’s Dual energy colors w/ the Ephemera, after re-copying the main colors:



    It seems to be the same blue color for both slots. As far as I can tell, it doesn’t matter what Warframe you try this with. I’ve also tested this with Archwings, and they take the unknown blue color as well; Which does add evidence to the Warframe’s own energy color being altered.


    • After all of this, I discovered something; That blue color, wherever it comes from, does not match the Ephemera. If you set all of your colors to default on the attachments, you will notice the Ephemera change as well, to a different kind of blue.

      The default (Actual) TennoCon 2021 Ephemera colors vs the unknown blue color:





    • A bit unrelated, but I still think it would be neat if the Ephemera could be equipped on Vehicles / Companions, like the Vengeful Ephemera. On Companions, Necramechs and K-Drives especially, it would help you see them from a distance, for one thing.


8. Killed upon exiting a Crewship during a Void Storm, ending up below the entire Empyrean map

  • This may or may not have been reported elsewhere, but I’ll need to test this further (Hasn’t happened in a long time); During a Void Storm mission on Earth Proxima, I exited a Crewship as the reactor was melting down, and as soon as I reappeared, I was killed by something, appearing below the map:



    • When I revived myself, I heard a falling sound, implying I wasn't even in AW mode anymore; It could not be re-activated. Thank goodness for the Omni Recall, which properly took me back aboard the Railjack.

      The only other possibility I could think of would be to use Titania’s Razorwing (If I was using her) to fly back up into the Void Storm, but even then I dunno if an invisible wall would’ve blocked me off.
    • One factor I did not notice is whether a Void Storm “lightning bolt” (Not sure what to call it) was attached to the Crewship when I exited, or not. It happened too fast for me to see.
      • One more thing; SISTERS, BELOW, BELOW!


9. TennoCon 2021 Armor clipping / placement, etc. issues

  • In that Update 30 bug report, the most recent bug I had found was the TennoCon Armor being misplaced above Mirage Prime’s right shoulder. However, I spoke too soon when I thought she may be the only frame affected out of the ones I own. I decided to check every skin of all my frames, and I found roughly 20+ individual cases.

    To keep all of them organized, I have a separate thread dedicated to gathering that information:
    • TennoCon 2021 Armor (List of all bugs / issues I can find)
      If anyone could help by testing that armor with frames I don’t own currently, I’d appreciate it:

      Warframes I cannot check as of this writing:

      Atlas,  Chroma,  Ember,  Excalibur Prime,  Gara Prime,  Grendel,  Harrow,  Hydroid,  Inaros,  Ivara,  Loki Prime,  Mag Prime,  Mesa,  Nezha Prime,  Nova,  Octavia,  Revenant,  Rhino,  Sevagoth, and Trinity.


      • If you do find more issues with the armor, please report them on that thread so that DE staff could find the Armor bugs all in one place! Hopefully they can be fixed before the event comes around.


10. Frost Opal skin is cut off halfway on Frost Prime, when Prime Details are toggled on

  • As I was testing the TennoCon Armor issues, I came across this bug again (The first time I saw it was over a year ago). When using the Switch’s Frost Opal skin on Frost Prime, the top half of the skin appears normally, but below his waist the default Prime skin remains.

    I’ve got a quick comparison here;

    Prime Details toggled on:



    Toggled off:


    With it toggled off, that’s how it looks on regular Frost as well (Aside from the helmet).

    • I’m not sure if any other platforms have half-skin issues like this with their exclusive skins on Prime frames either, but it might be worth testing.


With that, here are some new things regarding bugs I’ve reported previously:

11. More images for the Mirage Prime Texture bug!

  • I first saw this happen upon entering a Crewship in Veil Proxima, and for quite a while it hasn’t happened again. Until more recently; This time it happened quickly after I went into the Free Flight node on Earth Proxima.

    (Due to all the work I've been doing, I haven't been able to test this since then; It's been quite awhile now)


    A closer look:


    Mirage Prime's helmet is unnaffected.


    A full view:



    • I’m not entirely sure how I triggered this bug, but I’ll try to take note of the circumstances should it occur again. That being said, this bug actually “interacted” with another existing bug I’ve reported, below.


(Bug #11 of my Update 30 bug report; To my knowledge this bug has not yet been addressed in any patch notes)

12.  All 5 Archwings' textures can be bugged during Eclipse, including the Helminth version

  • As mentioned in another post I made on this thread a few weeks ago, I found some information that someone else discovered regarding the Eclipse ability and Archwing textures. Thanks to them mentioning how to trigger it, I was finally able to dive even deeper and learn all the ins & outs of this bug!
  • Here’s what I’ve learned:
    • As mentioned above, evidently all current Archwings are affected. Unlike what that person mentioned in their post back then, it doesn't matter what color scheme you have on your Frame compared to the Archwing, as you’ll see in my screenshots below.

      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      1. In any location where you can summon the AW, activate Eclipse beforehand.
        • Archwing-specific missions like Salacia, Neptune wouldn’t work for this of course.
      2. During the ability, launch the Archwing.
      3. The texture will be bugged across the entire Archwing, most-noticeable with Odonata Prime, Amesha and the Itzal.
      4. The texture bug can last until the end of a mission / extraction from an Open world, but if you are killed then the texture will be normal again! Ergo, you can re-trigger the bug with another Eclipse and re-launch the Archwing.
        • To clarify, it doesn’t matter if you get killed in / out of AW mode, it’s the same result evidently.
        • Coincidentally this can be thought of as a way to test the bug in a controllable environment, since enemies can “reset” the situation for you so to speak.
    • This can also explain how it happened in my past Railjack missions as well, since I could’ve had Eclipse on as I exited the ship / anywhere else. To be fair I very likely did :)
  • With that being said, onto the screenshots! I’ve taken a before / after with all Archwings, and for simplicity regarding the subsumed version of Eclipse, I have screenshots with that and Amesha (Otherwise that’d be double the screenshots).
    • All before / afters via Eclipse:






      From this angle, the right wing is easier to tell; Not only are the lights covered up, but there are some lines going over the stripes. It's easier to discern compared to the Itzal (Well, at least in one of the Itzal's default-color screenshots a ways below)


      Odonata Prime:





      I think that's actually an interesting set of colors for the Odonata Prime; Too bad it's a bug though.



      (Using custom colors)






      A pretty clear example of how other Archwing textures change with Eclipse involved! In this case, the bugged texture is including whichever colors your Archwing has at the time.







      It's a pretty hard-to-tell difference, but if you  look at the small lights along the sides of the Archwing, almost all of them are covered up by the bugged texture.



      (Using custom colors)





      I noticed that with just the default colors it's not easy to see the differences, so I thought custom colors could help show the bugged texture better.


      • The Itzal & Amesha have some customized colors, but AW textures can be bugged regardless of whatever colors your Warframe is using. This leads me to a finer point of what this bug may be doing:
        • Whatever effect is happening under-the-hood that briefly changes the texture of a Frame somehow affects the Archwing’s texture if it is launched during the Eclipse (I didn’t test Eclipse on all Frames though) . It’s a tiny bit of speculation on my part, but that’s just the impression I got when I tested this out myself.
        • Also, these texture bugs use whatever colors you have on the Archwing, which is one reason why I wanted to use default colors on most of the above screenshots.
    • Before / After via Subsumed Eclipse and Amesha:





      • I figured just one visual Archwing example was needed for that, since this appears to cause the bug in the same manner as regular Eclipse.
    • Before / After via Subsumed Eclipse & Amesha in an Empyrean mission:





      • Apparently even if the duration ends on Subsumed Eclipse (I’m presuming the normal one is the same result), your Archwing will still be affected for the remainder of your Empyrean run.
        • I then tried launching another Free flight mission consecutively before returning to the Dojo, and the Amesha was still visually bugged until I returned; Upon the third Free flight run I noticed the bug did not trigger without using Eclipse.
        • From what I can tell, the only other way to “reset” the texture is to let yourself be killed, but in Empyrean I don’t know if that’s either in or out of AW mode.

          I would imagine either way works.
      • Considering a lot of the Railjack bug images I have happened to show the bugged Odonata Prime texture, the Subsumed Eclipse in this situation is a new take on it.
    • Some images involving this ^  bug and the Mirage Oneiro skin:
      (That skin's Green Archwing bug had me curious!)






      On the Switch, this is the only green Archwing texture I can find. I'm not sure how some people on PC got a green Itzal / Elytron, etc., but this ^ is another example nonetheless.

      (One more example with custom Frame colors)


      I just wanted to rule out any possibility of a further bug with this green texture, but it does show that the Frames' color has no effect on the result.


      Odonata Prime:





      Compared to the Odonata Prime's usual bugged texture, with Oneiro it's largely only the lights that get covered over, the main texture is pretty much the same at a glance. I guess you could technically say Oneiro came with a set of it's own bug textures? Nonetheless I think the skin & animations are pretty neat :)







      As far as I could tell, the Amesha's Oneiro-Eclipse bug texture is the same as without the Oneiro skin. Unless there's some alternate minute detail I haven't seen yet in these ^ screenshots.







      This is honestly the most glitched out Archwing texture I've ever seen. Just to rule out anything else with this, I wanted to share another before / after using custom AW colors:





      Unlike every other texture bug I've found so far, this one may be entirely unaffected by Archwing colors. Although I guess Oneiro's Odonata Prime texture bug is pretty minor, to be fair.

      • I also tested this with custom Frame colors in addition to the above Elytron color scheme (The same colors on both), and the texture bugged out the same.







      You'll have to look real close at the wings, but the small bits of red are still there!


      • It was mentioned somewhere on the forums that Hall of Mirrors + the Oneiro skin caused the Archwing to turn green. This is not the case. It’s Eclipse, apparently.

        That being said I did discover a similarity between HoM and the bugged Elytron texture:



        The HoM doppelgangers' default colors share the same colors as that bugged texture, so that did surprise me.


        However in my testing, I discovered a few more things:
        • Similar to using Eclipse in Empyrean, when in a place like the Orb Vallis (& Empyrean most likely) if you have the Oneiro skin and use Eclipse at all during the mission, then your AW’s texture will be affected in some way until you are killed. The duration ending has no difference.
          • Therefore functionally speaking, this implies the Oneiro skin has its own version of the overall Eclipse + AW situation.
        • Turns out if you have the Oneiro skin (The body specifically) equipped, but a default helmet (Probably same situation as regular Mirage) then the textures can / will show up differently compared to without the Oneiro skin. Here’s a few quick examples:
          • Default Prime helmet + Oneiro body:





            Having a different helmet seems to have no effect on the Oneiro's Archwing texture bug, it would seem. The small lights here are covered again.


          • Oneiro helmet + default Prime body (& default Frame colors):





            It's the regular bugged texture for the Odonata Prime, using the default colors. That shows that the Oneiro Helmet doesn't do anything with the bug, but the Oneiro body does for some reason.


        • The resulting bugged Archwing texture does not seem to be affected by whatever color scheme you have on the Mirage Oneiro skin, similar to any other Frame.
    • Sharkwing is also a viable place to find a bugged Archwing texture, similar to how it works in Empyrean.

      Underwater before / after (Default colors on both):







      • I activated Eclipse before going back into the water, and the Elytron's texture once again bugged out. I did not test if getting killed will reset the texture, but I think it's safe to assume it would.
      • I don’t know if you can cast Eclipse on the surface, let it end, and then hop in the water to stay free of a texture bug (Like in the Orb Vallis), but considering I had the Oneiro skin at the time, it’s a safe bet that casting Eclipse at all would’ve been enough.
    • Lastly, I tried launching the K-Drive during Eclipse:



      • I used the default colors of one of my crafted K-Drives, and it seems that they’re unaffected by it. Necramechs appear fine too.

        Since regular Eclipse did nothing to the K-Drive, I did not test that further.
  • All things considered, I’m just happy to finally know the general cause of this bug. It’s been on my mind for nearly a year now off & on, so hopefully it can be fixed with Sisters of Parvos, if not sometime after.


(Bug #7 of my Update 30 bug report)

13. More images for the shiny Veil Crewship interiors!

  • Pretty regularly in Veil Proxima Exo, Elite Exo, and Exo Skold Crewships have some interesting lighting issues on the inside. If the floor appears quite reflective, then it’s likely your chosen Crewship is affected. Most of the time, it seems like the closer you get to a corner underneath the Reactor area, the more intense the shininess becomes.

    (These are some more recent screenshots I took before the Gara Prime Update!)






    These last two screenshots ^ are the corner I'm talking about; The shiniest examples I have.

    • It's worth noting that after I took these screenshots, I had since seen some Crewships where the shiny effect cuts off around the staircase leading under the Reactor. If you set foot far enough down that staircase, then your Warframe may be affected at that point.
    • It's a rather tricky situation to explain, which is why I wanted to share all these screenshots.


    • I’m not sure if the enemies within the Crewship are affected very much, but your Warframe, Operator, weapons, Companions, and your Necramech (If you have one summoned there) will all get the shiny treatment.
    • I think it would be interesting if this sort of effect could be made into a feature for the Dojo, if you wanted some decorations to be more reflective, perhaps! But it’s food for thought.


(Bug #8 of my Update 30 bug report)

14. Another Kosma Grineer in Veil Proxima

  • Specifically within Exo Skold Crewships, you will find nothing but Kosma (Earth Proxima) Grineer. They are all leveled up based on the Veil Proxima nodes, but that doesn’t change the fact that they aren’t supposed to be there. Exo and Elite Exo Crewships appear to have the proper Exo (Veil Proxima) Grineer.

    The most recent Kosma Grineer I found:



    • Since the introduction of Railjack, Saturn and Veil Proxima have also had all-Kosma Roller Sentries. Gyre and Exo Roller Sentries don’t seem to exist for some reason, to this day. If they could be added, it would be nice to have them scanned for the Codex!
      • It strikes me as odd even more so since I discovered the entire Crewships full of Earth Proxima Grineer outside of their own region.
    • Coincidentally, this image doubles as another example of the shiny interior.


15. Your Sentinel may be locked in position upon exiting the Dry Dock’s Railjack console

  • I think this bug has been mentioned before (Might be on the Trello Board?), but I wanted to briefly share what I found with it as well. It doesn’t seem to happen every time, but when it does, I haven’t found a way to undo it as of yet. Not that it’s a huge issue.

    (Screenshot was taken at the dojo; I'm not informed on if this can also happen in a Relay's Dry Dock)



    • I’ll try testing it further when I can, to see if it depends on what you do at the console, or if it’s a general type of action taken.


All of these bugs have been found before Update 30.1 (Except for the TennoCon Armor clipping into Rhino Prime’s shoulders; I didn’t test that until after the update), and as far as I can tell they aren’t in the more recent patch notes either (As of June 2nd, 2021). That being said, thanks for hearing me out :)

Hopefully they can be fixed in the near future!

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2 hours ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

One factor I did not notice is whether a Void Storm “lightning bolt” (Not sure what to call it) was attached to the Crewship when I exited, or not. It happened too fast for me to see.

I experienced that bug too. Solo mission. The giant lightning bolt was near my ship when I died. Not touching, if that matters.

2 hours ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

One more thing; SISTERS, BELOW, BELOW!

lol :crylaugh:


Just wanted to chip in my own report because I am too lazy to get the screenshots from my ps4... The Nova Atomica skin. It alters the rig (skeleton) for Nova slightly and, when combined with Wisp Agile animation, makes her right knee bend in the wrong place.


Thanks for grinding your research to support Warframe btw! 👍

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5 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

I experienced that bug too. Solo mission. The giant lightning bolt was near my ship when I died. Not touching, if that matters.

Hm, that's good to know. I've been doing my Railjack missions solo lately to make sure I can finish more Codex scans (Got everything in the Grineer Proxima regions aside from those intangible Missile Platform turrets & the nonexistent Roller sentries :), onto the Corpus! ); I'll try to keep an eye on that the next time I go into a Void storm.

  • Perhaps taking out some Grineer & parking the Crewship next to a lightning bolt could be a way to test for it.
  • 11 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

    lol :crylaugh:

    Heh! As soon as I recalled back to the RJ, it was the first thing I thought of :)


12 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

Just wanted to chip in my own report because I am too lazy to get the screenshots from my ps4... The Nova Atomica skin. It alters the rig (skeleton) for Nova slightly and, when combined with Wisp Agile animation, makes her right knee bend in the wrong place.

Ooh, I wasn't aware of that. Maybe that rig changing explains why a lot of the TennoCon armor issues are happening as well.

  • Using a different animation with an alternately-rigged model causing that is good to know too; I might suspect there are other combinations out there that have similar results. Sadly I don't have the means to test for it at the moment; Saving my plat for the necessities, mainly. If only you could preview different things at the same time.


Thanks for letting me know about those things too! I appreciate it :)

I just wanted to do what I could to help improve things for as many people as I could; Still keeping an eye out for fixes on what I first reported though, like the Necramech & Acolyte bug (Where if your Mech dies from any source of damage, they treat that as a win & leave, even though you aren't "downed").

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On 2021-06-03 at 8:20 PM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

12. Odonata Prime has a new Texture bug (Separate from the other one, which can still occur)

  • For quite awhile the Odonata Prime has been having issues with a texture bug, as seen in a lot of the Empyrean bug report images I have. But some time ago, a different texture altogether had shown up, looking very similar to the texture bug I’d experienced with Mirage Prime!

    As far as I know, this new texture bug occurred when I merely exited the Railjack during a Free Flight node run; The same mission shown above in Bug #11 on this post.
      Hide contents

    (Colors used at the time, as a reference)


    Also an example of it not-bugged during a mission:



    A standstill view of the bugged texture:


    Several various angles of the bugged texture:





    Finally, an example of the original texture bug I reported:


    This makes for an interesting comparison, I think.

    • As noted above, this new texture bug may / may not be taking the design of Mirage Prime’s texture bug. Perhaps the Odonata Prime is somehow trying to copy her textures onto itself?
    • Seeing not one, but two different glitched textures on the Odonata Prime makes me think that it needs a hard look-at, at some point. The textures of that Archwing may need to be tweaked, etc. to make sure it won’t be affected by various circumstances; Of course I'm still trying to figure out what those are in general :)
    • I haven’t found a similar issue with other Archwings yet, but I’ll test that as soon as I can. If I do come across such an issue with the other Archwings, it’ll be listed right here.
    • One final factor I have yet to consider, is if this can happen because the Warframe and Archwing (Odonata Prime in this case) are using the same color scheme. If this is the case, maybe the colors are loading in differently using that data?


I just came across some new information regarding this Archwing texture bug; I will try to re-confirm it later on today.

Original info:

  • "Additionally, casting Eclipse and then activating your archwing applies the texture of your warframe to the archwing."
  • I never thought to narrow it down to a Warframe ability in particular; It's a good thing Eclipse is subsumable, because that would be a great way to test it across multiple frames. Not to mention it may indeed be possible with other Archwings.


I'll post my findings and update the main post as soon as I can get some screenshots with ^ this.


Quick Edit: I did some more checking around, and I found out about another texture bug that can occur:

  • There's a possible bug where if you use Hall of Mirrors while the Mirage Oneiro skin is equipped, your Archwing will turn green. I saw this on the recent 30.3.4 update thread, and have seen a similar image elsewhere; When I do get that skin at some point, I'll be sure to test that as well.
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45 minutes ago, (PSN)GuffyNuggets92 said:

I’ve come across where most of the Juno Comba units no longer spawn just the normal variety.

ex. Juno Nul Comba doesn’t spawn but a Nul Comba will

Juno, oh is it on Jupiter? I can see if it's happening on the Switch as well when I can.

  • Out of curiosity, do they seem to stop spawning after a certain amount of time goes by in a mission, or where you haven't found a single one anywhere even throughout entire runs?


I just wanted to double-check, since I haven't been there in quite awhile. Testing a couple of those Archwing bugs still, etc. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



On 2021-06-03 at 8:20 PM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

( Updated this bug's information in the main post! )

(Bug #11 of my Update 30 bug report; To my knowledge this bug has not yet been addressed in any patch notes)

12.  All 5 Archwings' textures can be bugged during Eclipse, including the Helminth version

  • As mentioned in another post I made on this thread a few weeks ago, I found some information that someone else discovered regarding the Eclipse ability and Archwing textures. Thanks to them mentioning how to trigger it, I was finally able to dive even deeper and learn all the ins & outs of this bug!
  • Here’s what I’ve learned:
    • As mentioned above, evidently all current Archwings are affected. Unlike what that person mentioned in their post back then, it doesn't matter what color scheme you have on your Frame compared to the Archwing, as you’ll see in my screenshots below.

      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      1. In any location where you can summon the AW, activate Eclipse beforehand.
        • Archwing-specific missions like Salacia, Neptune wouldn’t work for this of course.
      2. During the ability, launch the Archwing.
      3. The texture will be bugged across the entire Archwing, most-noticeable with Odonata Prime, Amesha and the Itzal.
      4. The texture bug can last until the end of a mission / extraction from an Open world, but if you are killed then the texture will be normal again! Ergo, you can re-trigger the bug with another Eclipse and re-launch the Archwing.
        • To clarify, it doesn’t matter if you get killed in / out of AW mode, it’s the same result evidently.
        • Coincidentally this can be thought of as a way to test the bug in a controllable environment, since enemies can “reset” the situation for you so to speak.
    • This can also explain how it happened in my past Railjack missions as well, since I could’ve had Eclipse on as I exited the ship / anywhere else. To be fair I very likely did :)
  • With that being said, onto the screenshots! I’ve taken a before / after with all Archwings, and for simplicity regarding the subsumed version of Eclipse, I have screenshots with that and Amesha (Otherwise that’d be double the screenshots).
    • All before / afters via Eclipse:
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      From this angle, the right wing is easier to tell; Not only are the lights covered up, but there are some lines going over the stripes. It's easier to discern compared to the Itzal (Well, at least in one of the Itzal's default-color screenshots a ways below)


      Odonata Prime:





      I think that's actually an interesting set of colors for the Odonata Prime; Too bad it's a bug though.



      (Using custom colors)






      A pretty clear example of how other Archwing textures change with Eclipse involved! In this case, the bugged texture is including whichever colors your Archwing has at the time.







      It's a pretty hard-to-tell difference, but if you  look at the small lights along the sides of the Archwing, almost all of them are covered up by the bugged texture.



      (Using custom colors)





      I noticed that with just the default colors it's not easy to see the differences, so I thought custom colors could help show the bugged texture better.


      • The Itzal & Amesha have some customized colors, but AW textures can be bugged regardless of whatever colors your Warframe is using. This leads me to a finer point of what this bug may be doing:
        • Whatever effect is happening under-the-hood that briefly changes the texture of a Frame somehow affects the Archwing’s texture if it is launched during the Eclipse (I didn’t test Eclipse on all Frames though) . It’s a tiny bit of speculation on my part, but that’s just the impression I got when I tested this out myself.
        • Also, these texture bugs use whatever colors you have on the Archwing, which is one reason why I wanted to use default colors on most of the above screenshots.
    • Before / After via Subsumed Eclipse and Amesha:
        Hide contents





      • I figured just one visual Archwing example was needed for that, since this appears to cause the bug in the same manner as regular Eclipse.
    • Before / After via Subsumed Eclipse & Amesha in an Empyrean mission:
        Reveal hidden contents





      • Apparently even if the duration ends on Subsumed Eclipse (I’m presuming the normal one is the same result), your Archwing will still be affected for the remainder of your Empyrean run.
        • I then tried launching another Free flight mission consecutively before returning to the Dojo, and the Amesha was still visually bugged until I returned; Upon the third Free flight run I noticed the bug did not trigger without using Eclipse.
        • From what I can tell, the only other way to “reset” the texture is to let yourself be killed, but in Empyrean I don’t know if that’s either in or out of AW mode.

          I would imagine either way works.
      • Considering a lot of the Railjack bug images I have happened to show the bugged Odonata Prime texture, the Subsumed Eclipse in this situation is a new take on it.
    • Some images involving this ^  bug and the Mirage Oneiro skin:
      (That skin's Green Archwing bug had me curious!)
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      On the Switch, this is the only green Archwing texture I can find. I'm not sure how some people on PC got a green Itzal / Elytron, etc., but this ^ is another example nonetheless.

      (One more example with custom Frame colors)


      I just wanted to rule out any possibility of a further bug with this green texture, but it does show that the Frames' color has no effect on the result.


      Odonata Prime:





      Compared to the Odonata Prime's usual bugged texture, with Oneiro it's largely only the lights that get covered over, the main texture is pretty much the same at a glance. I guess you could technically say Oneiro came with a set of it's own bug textures? Nonetheless I think the skin & animations are pretty neat :)







      As far as I could tell, the Amesha's Oneiro-Eclipse bug texture is the same as without the Oneiro skin. Unless there's some alternate minute detail I haven't seen yet in these ^ screenshots.







      This is honestly the most glitched out Archwing texture I've ever seen. Just to rule out anything else with this, I wanted to share another before / after using custom AW colors:





      Unlike every other texture bug I've found so far, this one may be entirely unaffected by Archwing colors. Although I guess Oneiro's Odonata Prime texture bug is pretty minor, to be fair.

      • I also tested this with custom Frame colors in addition to the above Elytron color scheme (The same colors on both), and the texture bugged out the same.







      You'll have to look real close at the wings, but the small bits of red are still there!


      • It was mentioned somewhere on the forums that Hall of Mirrors + the Oneiro skin caused the Archwing to turn green. This is not the case. It’s Eclipse, apparently.
          Reveal hidden contents

        That being said I did discover a similarity between HoM and the bugged Elytron texture:



        The HoM doppelgangers' default colors share the same colors as that bugged texture, so that did surprise me.


        However in my testing, I discovered a few more things:
        • Similar to using Eclipse in Empyrean, when in a place like the Orb Vallis (& Empyrean most likely) if you have the Oneiro skin and use Eclipse at all during the mission, then your AW’s texture will be affected in some way until you are killed. The duration ending has no difference.
          • Therefore functionally speaking, this implies the Oneiro skin has its own version of the overall Eclipse + AW situation.
        • Turns out if you have the Oneiro skin (The body specifically) equipped, but a default helmet (Probably same situation as regular Mirage) then the textures can / will show up differently compared to without the Oneiro skin. Here’s a few quick examples:
          • Default Prime helmet + Oneiro body:
              Reveal hidden contents





            Having a different helmet seems to have no effect on the Oneiro's Archwing texture bug, it would seem. The small lights here are covered again.


          • Oneiro helmet + default Prime body (& default Frame colors):
              Reveal hidden contents





            It's the regular bugged texture for the Odonata Prime, using the default colors. That shows that the Oneiro Helmet doesn't do anything with the bug, but the Oneiro body does for some reason.


        • The resulting bugged Archwing texture does not seem to be affected by whatever color scheme you have on the Mirage Oneiro skin, similar to any other Frame.
    • Sharkwing is also a viable place to find a bugged Archwing texture, similar to how it works in Empyrean.

      Underwater before / after (Default colors on both):
        Reveal hidden contents







      • I activated Eclipse before going back into the water, and the Elytron's texture once again bugged out. I did not test if getting killed will reset the texture, but I think it's safe to assume it would.
      • I don’t know if you can cast Eclipse on the surface, let it end, and then hop in the water to stay free of a texture bug (Like in the Orb Vallis), but considering I had the Oneiro skin at the time, it’s a safe bet that casting Eclipse at all would’ve been enough.
    • Lastly, I tried launching the K-Drive during Eclipse:
        Reveal hidden contents



      • I used the default colors of one of my crafted K-Drives, and it seems that they’re unaffected by it. Necramechs appear fine too.

        Since regular Eclipse did nothing to the K-Drive, I did not test that further.
  • All things considered, I’m just happy to finally know the general cause of this bug. It’s been on my mind for nearly a year now off & on, so hopefully it can be fixed with Sisters of Parvos, if not sometime after.



This has been worth the effort; Haven't been able to get all the screenshots ready until very recently due to classwork and other things. I just thought I'd update the thread with this while I had some time. Hopefully this will shed some light on the Archwing texture situation for anyone who's been wondering about it :)


Regarding those Juno Nul, etc. Comba enemies @(PSN)GuffyNuggets92, I think you were onto something; I can't recall seeing any of the Juno variety showing up lately. I also realized it wasn't necessarily on Jupiter either, that's my mistake. They might be bugged as well at the moment in that case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

These took way longer than I expected! I’ve gone back through all of the bugs listed above, and it seems most of them haven’t been fixed after Update 30.5; however, a couple also seem different now than they were before. Therefore, I wanted to document the new findings here while I get a new bug report ready for 30.5 in the Switch’s Megathread. I'll link the new report on this thread once that's done too.

  • I have also gone through the Update 30 bug report, so I’ll list what I learned from that too; & where things have changed.

1. Augur Seeker and Augur Secrets have the same Mod image  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm this is still the case. It’ll be included in the new bug report :)


--- (3 dash lines for spacing between each bug!)

2. The Teralyst & Bloodshed Sigil’s description repeats itself in the Mission Summary  Unknown, needs some testing

  • I didn’t not see a fix for these anywhere in the Update 30.5 patch notes, so I don’t know for sure if this is still an issue. But it will be included in the new bug report just in case.
    • As noted in the main post, with the small drop chance of the Sigils, testing it would be quite unreliable time-wise unless it was on the Dev build or something.
    • Since I have since gotten the Teralyst Sigil as well, I wanted to share the screenshot of that here:


      Considering this, I suspect that the Gantulyst & Hydrolyst’s Sigils also repeat themselves. But those might need some RNG luck to test normally.

      • I recently came across a reddit post sharing an image of the Hydrolyst sigil in a mission summary!





3. [PH] text for some (At least one) Corpus Empyrean enemy(ies)  Seems to be fixed!

  • After Update 30.5, I think this has been fixed! As an example, I took a look at the Juno Slo Comba Eximus, and now they even include a brief description of the weapon they use. I think more enemies should follow that trend :)



4. 60 / 60 elemental stat Pet mods visually reset your pet’s stats to red defaults  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have confirmed that this bug still exists.
    • Although unlike before, I think I was able to search for the Flame Gland mod during the red-stat bug. I’m not sure if it’s case-sensitive at the moment, since I used “Heat” instead of “heat” this time.



5. Archwing Slingshot-ed animation persists into Derelicts  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm this bug still exists. However, I actually discovered some new details about it that I didn’t know before; Inside the derelict, you can still fire your weapons as normal even though your Frame is swimming through the ground repeatedly, and using an ability will pull you up and back on the surface as normal!

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming:



    • In addition, apparently this can also happen by simply entering the Derelict via the slingshot whatsoever; You don’t need to parallel-park the Railjack and shoot the slingshot next to the entrance as I once did to discover this bug.

      Although I think I might’ve just been trying to see how much damage that does to the Debug Sphere, if I recall correctly.



6. Some mods picked up in the Railjack do not have images  At least one seems to be fixed!

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm that Shatter Burst has it’s missing image now when you pick it up during a Railjack mission. I haven’t found another Munitions Vortex yet, but I’d like to think that one is fixed as well.



7. TennoCon 2021 Ephemera overrides your Warframe’s chosen energy color(s)  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm the TennoCon 2021 Ephemera still overrides your Warframe’s energy colors, same as before the 30.5 update. But in addition, I tested this in-mission, and have also confirmed (Via Nyx Prime as an example) that it really is overridden.

    Some solid examples:

    A quick before & after with the Ephemera first:


    Here's her actual Energy color; I copied her standard colors to the attachments, and only after that did I equip the Ephemera.



    An example of the energy color caused by equipping the Ephemera. the blue here doesn't match the true colors of the ephemera, however.


    Now, onto the field tests! Note the Ephemera vs ability-color:






    It's about time I tested this in a mission, honestly.



8. Killed upon exiting a Crewship during a Void Storm, ending up below the entire Empyrean map
Unknown, still needs testing if possible

  • After Update 30.5, try as I might I cannot seem to replicate this bug. I’m not sure if it was fixed though, since I’ve never seen something about it in the patch notes.



9. Lingering TennoCon 2021 Armor issues!  Not all were fixed post 30.5

  • I’m still going back through all of the cases, and roughly half of the documented Armor issues have been fixed! But some are still present; So later today, I’ll make a new post on that thread listing what cases remain. Images will likely have to come afterwards, for anything new.

    Warframes I cannot check as of this writing (Don’t own them yet):

    Atlas,  Chroma,  Ember,  Excalibur Prime (Understandably),  Gara Prime,  Grendel,  Harrow,  Hydroid,  Inaros,  Loki Prime,  Mag Prime,  Mesa,  Nezha Prime,  Nova,  Octavia,  Revenant,  Rhino,  Sevagoth,  and Trinity.


    • I did finish building Ivara last night, so I should be able to test her with the Armor later today.
      • If you do find more issues with the armor, please report them on that thread so that DE staff could find the Armor bugs all in one place! Hopefully the remaining cases can be fixed in the near future.



10. Frost Opal skin is cut off halfway on Frost Prime, when Prime Details re toggled on  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm this is still bugged. Things appear to look identical now as they did before the update, so the image provided in the main post should suffice.



11. Railjack Mirage Prime Texture bug  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I was able to get the bug to happen again in a Void Storm mission on Earth Proxima. I noticed I used Eclipse as the mission was loading in, however once the ability ended I saw no difference to Mirage’s texture. Replicating the bug based on certain circumstances isn’t 100% guaranteed to work, it seems.
    • A theory I have is that if you cast Eclipse, then exit the Railjack and enter a Crewship before Eclipse ends, or perhaps let the duration run out while in space, then upon entering another area (Including the RJ) the texture may be messed up.
    • I’m not sure if this was related, but I also somehow had defaulted the colors on Mirage Prime’s body in one of the Crewships, but not her helmet;


      I vaguely recall getting the texture bug fixed by using Eclipse while onboard the Crewship, and letting the duration run out; Similar to how the Archwing bug textures reset themselves now.

      • Now that I look at this again, I technically had the body colored separately from the helmet! I think that's a QoL idea that's been requested before :)




12. All 5 Archwing textures can be bugged during Eclipse, including the Helminth version
Not fixed, works a little differently post 30.5!

  • After Update 30.5, this bug still exists. But I noticed it seems to cause some different things now, so here’s what I know:
    • All 5 Archwings are still affected. The exact look of the bugged textures seem the same as before.
    • Eclipse is still the trigger for the texture bugs, but now the small Aura around Mirage can surround the Archwing. This goes for Subsumed Eclipse as well.


      Mesa Prime & Amesha :)

      • To be fair, as long as her Eclipse could actually help provide damage resistance / buffing your damage in AW mode without bugging the texture, I think that interaction is quite nice actually!
    • Much to my surprise, now there is no need to let an enemy kill you to reset the texture! When Eclipse ends, the Archwing texture somehow goes back to normal automatically.
      • After testing this with all 5 Archwings, I’ve noticed that you can exit Archwing mode to check the Eclipse ability’s duration, and re-enter Archwing mode to resume the bugged texture. This can be done multiple times until Eclipse ends, where the texture goes back to normal.
      • If you do cast Eclipse with Mirage / Mirage Prime, from what I noticed her Hall of Mirrors’ cloned Archwings have inherited the original behavior of the bug from before Sisters of Parvos.

        All of her cloned AWs retain the bugged texture until she gets killed, while her personal AW’s texture can now fix itself.
      • I’ve noticed Subsumed Eclipse behaves the same way, where you can exit AW to check the duration, and go back to the AW to resume the bugged texture. Although, the textures seem different for Elytron, Itzal and Odonata:

        Some post-Update 30.5 examples:

        Subsumed Eclipse + Odonata:



        Subsumed Eclipse + Elytron:



        I couldn't find the screenshot with Subsumed Eclipse & Itzal (I think it turned green?), but here's what stuck out to me:



        These two appear to be using the version of Eclipse while in a shaded area (The blue coloration that is). I didn’t check how these looked via Subsumed Eclipse prior to Update 30.5, so I can’t confirm if these are new or not.

        • I noticed that if you use something like melee to quickly exit the Archwing on the very last second of Subsumed Eclipse, the ability will end while the bugged texture remains. I’ve seen this happen with regular Eclipse & the Mirage Oneiro skin as well.
          • As noted below, you can blink during Eclipse to “normalize” the bugged texture of Elytron / Odonata / Itzal. But if you quick-melee out at the last second, blinking will not affect the texture at all.
        • Using Eclipse again while the texture is already bugged does not bug it further, at least. But if Eclipse ends at this point, it will reset the texture to normal that way; Getting killed still works as well.
      • The bugs involving the Mirage Oneiro skin and her Eclipse are still here as well. I noticed that like regular / Subsumed Eclipse, the texture can still reset itself when she uses the ability. The texture bugs look the same now as they did before the update.
        • It turns out if you blink while using Eclipse (As long as you don’t melee out of AW at the last second) then the Itzal & Odonata’s texture now goes from bright green to a more regular-looking bugged texture, until the Eclipse ends of course. In the same manner, the Elytron’s unusual bugged texture can change to a normal bugged texture.
          • In a similarity to Subsumed Eclipse & a shaded area, apparently the bugged texture will normalize if you fly into a shaded spot during the duration as well.
        • When Mirage Oneiro uses the Odonata / Prime, Itzal or Elytron (Probably Amesha too) she apparently doesn’t even need Eclipse to see it’s bugged texture; When Mirage Oneiro casts Hall of Mirrors, her Odonata / Itzal / Elytron clones all naturally have their weird-colored bugged texture!

          Some quick examples:

          Oneiro Hall of Mirrors + Odonata:



          Oneiro Hall of Mirrors + Odonata prime:


          Note how her personal Archwing still has the lights; It's the regular, non-bugged texture. Compared to the bugged texture present on her cloned Archwings.


          Oneiro Hall of Mirrors + Elytron:


          I was a tad quick with getting these screenshots, so I wasn't able to find the Itzal's situation here.


          • When using Eclipse (& Hall of Mirrors!) aboard the Railjack, the effects (Increased damage, etc.) will last for it’s duration while you go into space with the Archwing. However, since Eclipse was used at all the texture bug occurs.
            • On the bright side since the texture bug can be reset by letting Eclipse end, that fixes the bug while in space! I didn’t notice if the texture bug would be fixed by letting Eclipse end outside of Archwing mode, but I imagine it would work similarly to the Open World areas.



13. The shiny Veil Crewship interiors!  Seems to be fixed!

  • After Update 30.5, I think the interiors of the Veil Proxima Crewships are finally less shiny! I even checked underneath the Reactor area in that one corner, and haven’t seen anything unusual now.



14. Another Kosma Grineer in Veil Proxima  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm that Kosma Grineer can still be found aboard Exo Skold Crewships. I even took a new screenshot for it!


    National Geographic voiceover: "Look, here we have another Kosma Grineer "rarely" found outside of their natural habitat. Little do they know, a Warframe is standing right behind them, ready to strike."


    Just a thought that came to mind when I saw this :)



15. Your Sentinel may be locked in position upon exiting the Dry Dock’s Railjack console
May be fixed, but feel free to test further :)

  • After Update 30.5, this may very well be fixed! I cannot seem to reproduce the bug as of this writing. I tried accessing various menus and backing in / out of the Railjack’s console, but the Sentinel followed me around as normal.
    • There is one difference however compared to before; This time I switched from a Kavat to the Sentinel after already visiting the Dry Dock. I am unaware if going to your Dojo after already equipping the Sentinel allows the bug to happen or not.



The rest of these bugs come from the Update 30 bug report, so I’ll go through them as quickly as I can. More details can be found in the original report. Since some of the bugs I mentioned above would be re-mentioned from the previous Update 30 report, I’m skipping over those so it wouldn’t be double-listed here.


16. Empyrean collision detection (Missile Platform Point-of-Interest)  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm the missile platform’s top and bottom turrets are still intangible, and therefore cannot be scanned by normal means.
    • I can’t remember for sure, but there might be a way to scan them after taking down the platform; However if I recall correctly that made them all scanned simultaneously as one single scan. I haven’t been able to confirm that though, so I wouldn’t consider it just yet.



17. Empyrean → Enemies not spawning / existing  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have confirmed that Gyre and Exo Roller sentries still do not exist aboard Saturn and Veil Proxima Crewships, etc.



18. Empyrean → Specific Codex Entries missing for fully-scanned targets  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I checked the Codex again, and saw that out of all the entries I listed previously, none have been added. But, apparently the Corpus’ Cannon Battery has an entry at least.

    As a reference, these are the potential Codex Entries I’m talking about:

    (Copied & re-formatted based on the original list!)


    • Elite Exo Ramsled
    • Elite Gokstad Crewship
      • Finished scanning them, yet I haven't seen an entry for either ever since.
    • Exo Skold Crewship
      • Also lacks an entry, probably related to the above crewship's issue!
    • Top missile platform Turret
      • Doesn’t have a name, but that’s basically my nickname for it.
    • Bottom Missile platform Turret
      • Also no name, but as mentioned above, these turrets are the same collision-less situation in any Grineer proxima.
        • I still wonder if there’s 3 different entries for them from each proxima.
    • Gyre Roller Sentry
    • Exo Roller Sentry
      • Considering that these two sentries don’t spawn, there’s no way to directly search their names in the codex (To where it would surely pull them up). Although I haven't seen a blank space for them when searching “Gyre” or “Exo”, if that’s relevant.
    • Cannon Battery
      • It shows up on small asteroids in every Grineer Proxima region, but it seems to share scans everywhere you find it, at least.


    • Immunode
      • This object (Aboard Murex) can only be scanned with the Helios Sentinel, and even after I got it finished it still didn’t appear in the Codex. For those who’re wondering, this is the thing that makes Sentients invulnerable when they’re near it.
        • If you try to scan it normally, there isn’t any scannable part of the sphere that’ll register. I even tried standing on top of the node, but aiming down the north pole didn’t work either.
    • Sentient Murex Container
      • As there’s no entry for this either, I’m just giving it a name.
      • I finished scanning the regular objects on the Murex back during Scarlet Spear, but no entry was found ever since. I can only assume that the uncommon, rare, and reinforced variants don’t have entries either.
    • Various Mimic disguises
      • The Sentient Mimic enemy was scanned by my Helios Sentinel a few times during my Murex runs, and whenever I actually stopped far enough away to look at it, it’s object-form actually did glow bright red-orange, implying it could / should have some kind of entry somewhere (Or at least a different variation to swipe to in the Mimic’s personal entry?).
      • The odd thing is, I've already finished scanning the Mimic as far as I know. Yet Helios still scanned it.
    • Debug Sphere?
      • In front of an Abandoned Derelict Entrance, I came across a small round thing that you can just keep shooting at, even after the Derelict itself opens up! I even hit it with the Railjack’s artillery, dealing a large amount of Red crit damage. It makes for a perfect target to test weapons on :)
    • “DESTROY”
      • This is the core that you destroy during Shipkiller objectives. When you mouse over it though, it clearly has that name. If it weren’t for the glass around it, I imagine it might have an entry.
      • That being said, I’m still not planning on trying to glitch into that little area just to try scanning it. But I thought it might be another example of a possible missing entry or scan-opportunity.
    • Grineer Mine
      • These sometimes can be found around Grineer Ship-killer platforms and the like.


  • At the moment, I’m not sure if more enemies / objects in the Corpus Proxima regions are missing since my attention has been elsewhere lately (Gathering Focus / a good Amp, working on weapon builds, etc.).
  • At least prior to the Gara Prime Update, I believe I had finished scanning everything that is scannable in each of the Grineer proximas, other than the Debug Sphere / missile platform turrets. That said, I don’t know how many total scans the Sphere needs, and the turrets are still intangible.
    • But if anyone is aware of missing Codex Entries, feel free to mention them here.
  • On a somewhat unrelated note, I discovered three entries with the same name; the Senta Turret. Two are Corpus enemies, and one is from the Grineer.

    Exhibit A:



    I’m not sure if it’s intended for their names to match, but I thought it was unusual, so I wanted to mention it.



19. Empyrean → Particle Ram is visually bugged  Not quite fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm the Particle Ram isn’t visually bugged; In the way I thought that is. In fact, the Ram is still nigh-invisible whenever you’re not moving forward. That makes it very hard to tell if you have it activated or not!
    • I think something that would help is an indicator on it’s Avionic icon saying whether it’s on / off, or something such as that. Perhaps an “Active” / “Inactive” status indicator? When it’s launched that indicator could just not appear, since the Ram isn’t there at that point.



20. Empyrean → Crew Customization & Sigils  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have noticed that Sigils still do not appear as bright within the customization screen as compared to outside of that screen, same as before the update.

    Some quick examples:

    In the Crew customization screen:



    Aboard the Railjack, at the Dry Dock:





21. Empyrean → Level Rendering & draw distance specific model swap  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can also confirm that a certain object in Veil Proxima still changes its size drastically depending on how far away you view it from, right down to a meter of a different distance until the size changes. This can be either aboard the Railjack or in AW mode.
    • I couldn’t really narrow down what that draw distance-limit before the change is, partly due to joycon drift issues; But it’s definitely a fine-point between the sizes.



22. Empyrean → Debug Sphere in front of Derelicts  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I can confirm that my little friend the Debug Sphere can be found in front of Derelicts in Veil Proxima. And it’s still got an unknown number of scans needed to finish it’s hypothetical codex entry!

    The latest example of it:



    Taking simultaneous Archgun fire:



    • Even though I am reporting this as a bug, I would really like to see something like it be added to the Simulacrum, as a blank target to deal damage to and set certain modifiers (Such as Steel Path settings) to test our weapons with. I’d miss it if the Sphere were gone though.
    • For some reason, after dealing damage in AW mode to the Sphere, when I tested the Railjack’s weapons a few moments later, no damage numbers popped up. I’ll try testing the RJ first when I see the Sphere again.



23. Mining UI  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have confirmed that the Sunpoint Plasma Drill’s UI will still cut off equally on either side of the screen after taking aim with it. It appears to linger around the same way as before, so my original listing of it seems to hold up.



24. Acolytes & Necramech  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have also confirmed that while an Acolyte is spawned, if your Necramech is killed by any source of damage the Acolyte will still leave, just as before the Sisters of Parvos update; Even though you aren’t “downed”.
    • In the process of re-testing my Voidrig was also killed by a different Acolyte directly, and went back to the Operator with the same result. Just thought it may help to rule that out with two Acolyte spawns.



25. K-Drive board VFX  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have confirmed the orange trail can still be seen from the center of the board, as per my original listing of the bug in the past report.



26. K-Drive jets’ VFX  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I have also confirmed that the small lights of energy come from the center of the jets rather than the tips of the models, as per the original listing.



27. Arsenal → K-Drive  Not fixed post 30.5

  • After Update 30.5, I’ve also confirmed that your K-Drive is still angled / facing upside-down when viewing it in the Arsenal, as per the original listing of the bug; Compared to the Ventkids when building a board, as a brief example.



(New bugs I found after Update 30.5!)

28. Unable to Invigorate Ivara Prime  (May not be limited to just her)

  • After installing the Helminth Invigorations segment, I noticed my first three available invigorations were for Ivara, Trinity and Mirage. I have successfully invigorated Mirage Prime and Trinity Prime (The latter is because I don’t yet own the regular Trinity).

    However, whenever I attempt to Invigorate Ivara Prime, it gives me the message “Invigoration failed, your account has not been changed”. I’ve turned the Switch on and off but to no avail, as the message still shows up. I took a few screenshots of this new bug as a reference:

    The invigoration she would've gotten:



    The result:





29. Grustrag Three seem to have messed up colors

  • After Update 30.5, something happened to the colors on the Grustrag Three. It’s not their entire bodies, but part of them is very mis-colored, similar to one of the Archwing texture bugs during Mirage Oneiro’s Eclipse.

    A brief example:



    • In the heat of the moment, I did not get a screenshot of the others; It occurred during a Kuva Lich mission, so that was my main focus when the G3 decided to visit.



30. Sigils’ icons appear vertically crushed in the Crew Customization screen

  • After Update 30.5, I noticed that the icons within the list of Sigils available for your Crew are basically shrunken / smushed. The Sigils themselves are not affected however.
    • Unless I’m mistaken, I vaguely recall this bug existing since Crewmates were first introduced, actually.



31. Crew details, etc. can be found via chat links while the game loads into certain areas

  • This is a little complicated to explain, but I’ve noticed this most-often with the open world loading areas, as an easy-to-test example. The reason why I suggest these places is because you’ll have a larger window of time to mouse-around for the hidden details. Technically any area may suffice, provided it takes long enough to load.

    If you click on something such as somebody’s riven link or a linked Ephemera name after you go into the Fortuna elevator, etc., then as the game tries loading that item (& the entire map) you can move the cursor over to the bottom-left of the screen and see descriptions of Crewmate attributes, and even the wishlist toggle!

    Plenty of examples!

    I tested this in the elevator from Fortuna, as I was going into the Vallis. I selected a link from trade chat, and since the Orb Vallis was loading, I had more time to search this screen as the item loaded too.







    I think those are all that I could find; I was using the left joycon's d-pad directions to make sure I looked all over.

    • It's almost like the crew management screen was there all along :)


    All of these have no icons of course, probably because they weren’t supposed to be there at all.
    • I’m not sure if you can use directional keys to move the cursor on PC, but that’s how I found these invisible points of detail.
    • As soon as the linked item finishes loading, then all those details go away. If you try to click on the same item, then it’ll take less time to load, and therefore you may not be able to see / mouse over them in time. So one idea could be to click on a different riven, etc. each time you test this.


It took some time to type / format these things out too, but thanks for hearing me out on it :)

Anything that hasn't been fixed here will be going in my 30.5 bug report tomorrow; I still need to go through the TennoCon Armor cases tonight while I still can, so I'll update the other thread once I'm done with that. I guess you could call this a rough draft of the bug report, now that I think about it.

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Alrighty, as of last night the bug report is finally up on the Switch megathread. 28 different bugs documented!


Towards the end I came across an issue with the Umbral mods' total Tau resistance; Apparently that isn't calculated correctly at the moment (47.3% instead of 57.9%). In any case, in the coming days I'll go back through the TennoCon 2021 Armor list, and update that as needed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2021-08-07 at 9:08 AM, Onicho516 said:

On switch in colors for warframe customization, planet map, crafting (both dojo and orbiter), mods, etc. colors, graphics, and art are not there at all.

Do you mean like a checkerboard placeholder texture, such as this?



It's the first thing that came to my mind, at least.


In any case, screenshots will definitely help if you have a chance to snag a few :)



If you haven't already, I'd make a detailed report in the PC bug-hunting megathread with some screenshots to help explain what's going on exactly. But I'm curious about it too.

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  • 3 months later...

32. Smoke effects appearing as square blocks.

  • This is most apparent when starting the Chapter "Erra" from the Codex and seeing the cutscene proceeding after. Smoke appears as very chunky 2D grey squares with obvious edges that don't blend well and end up being very distracting. This also appear on in-game instances as well. On that note...

33. Loading "The Maker" quest from the Codex will sometimes leave the Codex icons from The New War (now known as Prologue to The New War) still on screen, thus blocking the view of the entire cutscene as it plays.

  • The three Prologue chapter icons which are used with accessing one of them can sometimes be left on screen after selecting "The Maker" chapter from the Codex when directed to.

34. Lua's holographic projection in the Personal Quarters of the Operator not appearing despite meeting the requirements for Apostasy Prologue.

  • This can happen after completing "Chains of Harrow", making the player unable to proceed lest they exit out of their Switch and reload the game. (The only prompt given is for them to kneel by the window despite the objective marker telling them to check something in the exact same area.)
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