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Helminth armor stripping or damage buff abilities



So I am a huge fan or the Orvius, which we all know from the Predator franchise, the original, let's not even talk about the remakes.




With my favorite weapon being 'slashed' in half on tuesday, I thought it was time to try to do some more damage.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about it.

I guess the short version is I am thinking either Eclipse, Xata's Whisper or Roar, buffing, or Pillage or Fireblast to strip armor or even something else for armor stripping.


I noticed I need 400% power strength to get 100% stripping, which includes 4 status effects from Growing power and triggering energy conversion, which I am not that into.

Someone said if you can't strip 100% don't bother and stripping only works on certain units, where as slash, heat and viral with buffed works everwyhere?

Can't you stack casted armor strips? Or is the math a percentage of what is left? So 50% armor strip wouldn't be x2 to 100% But just keep stripping 50% of what is left, lol? Is that why it should be 100% or nothing?


So for damage buffing, since Roar was nerfed, I assume it's a better ability with better mechnaics? Mirage is supposedly 150% And Xata's Whisper is 100% I think. They don't calculate extra damage the same way, do they? What is the better option?

I mean I kind of like the sound of Xata's Whisper, with an extra status effect for CO, though maybe not relevant after tuesday, plus cheap energy usage and long uptime, but maybe it calculates it in some funky way that gives it a low output?

I can't just read the wiki numbers and then transfer them flat in to the game can I?


But yeah I am basically down for all and any suggestions, the only goal is to increase my melee damage via helminth best way possible.

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6 answers to this question

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I mean you can always use Nyx and simply press 2. But in terms of Helminth, Eclipse is great because it adds defense as well but situational due to requiring light, You could use Lull or Rest to gain the stealth bonus to  damage? You could strip armour entirely with Fire blast though that would require frequent casting I imagine. I haven't tried Xatu's whisper so I can't speak to a damage buff from that. You could also try using Ivara and using Navigator or proccing toxin on the Orvius because I'm told that's pretty fun on Glaive weapons.

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7 hours ago, Surbusken said:

I noticed I need 400% power strength to get 100% stripping, which includes 4 status effects from Growing power and triggering energy conversion, which I am not that into.

Someone said if you can't strip 100% don't bother and stripping only works on certain units, where as slash, heat and viral with buffed works everwyhere?

Can't you stack casted armor strips? Or is the math a percentage of what is left? So 50% armor strip wouldn't be x2 to 100% But just keep stripping 50% of what is left, lol? Is that why it should be 100% or nothing?

I tested with Nyx once, one build using 80% armor stripping, another build using 100% armor stripping. The 80% build NEVER stripped armor all the way, it could only reset the timer on the first 80% strip

I don't know how Mag works though, since she strips armor points rather than armor percentage, and I don't think she has a duration on it

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when it comes to skills, you can achieve that with something like frost. however, it is his 4th:


To achieve 100% armor reduction with a rank-3 Avalanche, reaching 250% Ability Strength is required. Increasing Ability Strength beyond this percentage will not benefit the armor reduction further.

another possibility would be status procs: heat + viral + corr.
2 status procs on a weapon and then 1-2 status procs on mele. both should have a useful status chance.
you can achieve that with skills. the only problem is that you should cast it and it is not an aura. example would be "Fire Blast" from ember:


Subsuming Ember to the Helminth will offer Fire Blast and its augments to be used by other Warframes.

  • Damage and armor reduction of Subsumed Fire Blast are affected by Ability Strength, while the wave radius is affected by Ability Range.
  • Armor reduction per cast is capped at 75% of enemies' current armor, achievable with Ability Strength of 100% at max ability rank.
  • Subsumed Fire Blast takes 7 casts to completely strip enemies' armor at max ability rank with 100% Ability Strength or more.

and you can see how bad the performance actually is .... with aoe weapon and high status you are much better off and can then knock down super high level enemy with 1-2 mele hits...

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