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What frames would you (not) give helminth's potential permanent invigoration?


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...if helminth gave a permanent invigoration, that is?

In my case, the list of frames I'd not give the invigoration to, if I could have a say about it, is rather short, so here goes (with personal reasons why not):

  • Hydroid - I just can't get on with this frame, 4th ability is boring to use and the loot bonus is not enough to justify using it.
  • Limbo - even though I play this frame some rare times, it's for very specific purposes which don't require any invigoration whatsoever.
  • Loki - too squishy. Perhaps if I got a power range invigoration, I could make irradiating disarm build... other than that, just no.
  • Vauban - I don't know this frame too well, and while I like the look of prime and get the usefulness of some of his abilities in certain missions, still not a good pick for me.
  • (Yareli) - I don't have her yet, but looking at the abilities and stats, I don't really want her either. Maybe I avoid getting her altogether so I wouldn't get her invigorations.

There are other frames too that I'd rather not invigorate, but those five are my least favourite candidates for a permanent invigoration.

Also, would you sell the frames you don't want to invigorate if you can avoid it, so you could avoid having to invigorate them? Even if you were a collector or something?

Personally, I'll probably end up selling some of my frames rather than have them invigorated if this is how DE handles giving permanent invigorations, by not being able to choose which frame gets the permanent invigoration. It's a shame to sell Loki and Vauban Prime, and other primes too, Vauban looks nice on prime and so does Hydroid. But I'd still rather sell them than be forced to invigorate any of them. But I'll probably end up selling a lot more frames than just those 4, just to force the permanent invigoration to certain frames.
I'd like to remind DE that if players start to sell their frames just so they wouldn't have to be invigorated, you'll lose revenue from slots those players would buy for frames otherwise, less platinum exiting the market.

So as the end bit, I have suggestion for DE regarding helminth invigorations: allow us to choose what frame to permanently invigorate, at least if we'd get a certain item like a holokey or a few scintillants or extra copies of three last invigorated frames, whatever, as long as you give us the choice. The choice is ours anyhow in a way, it's just a matter of whether you give it to us this way or the way it is now. If you'd give us the choice, you could make it so that you can't permanently invigorate the same frame twice, or if you could, you'd have to permanently invigorate 2-4 other frames before giving that frame another permanent invigoration. 

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1 minute ago, PublikDomain said:

I don't think that's how they work? Is this a request for them to be made permanent? Because it reads like you wouldn't like them being permanent, but they're already not permanent? I'm confused.

Hmmm, I thought the 10th invigoration would be permanent, but I suppose my reading comprehension is awful as ever, I probably just read too much into it. Did some digging into it, and I may have been very wrong about it... sigh. :D Thank you for correcting me.

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all of them, the invigorations system shouldn't have been implemented because as we told DE, its only spreading toxicity among players, specifically with matchmaking for eidolon runs, orb mothers, etc. so if they won't remove it, i simply won't use it.

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10 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

its only spreading toxicity among players, specifically with matchmaking for eidolon runs, orb mothers, etc.

Why is this, exactly? Doesn't it only make frames stronger?

Any that loadout you've used before will still work for those runs without the invigoration. So what if someone else has one?

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27 minutes ago, Zi-of-Jinx said:

What frames would you (not) give helminth's permanent invigoration?

Any frame with a PressKeytoWin potential, Aimbotting or AFKability.

Just now, (NSW)notyetawizard said:

Why is this, exactly? Doesn't it only make frames stronger?

Game already suffers enough with Power Creep issues without the Helminth`s Invigoration roulette.

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1 minute ago, (NSW)notyetawizard said:

Why is this, exactly? Doesn't it only make frames stronger?

Any that loadout you've used before will still work for those runs without the invigoration. So what if someone else has one?

My thoughts too. I don't find it surprising that some players would resort to toxicity on this kind of an issue, but I'd find it a bit surprising if that toxicity was widespread.

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)notyetawizard said:

Why is this, exactly? Doesn't it only make frames stronger?

Any that loadout you've used before will still work for those runs without the invigoration. So what if someone else has one?

Not if it increases power strength, then you can put roar on whatever frame, and do more damage solely due to the invigorations. again there are many reasons why players don't want invigorations.

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The three weekly buffs are random. Before 10 invigorations, the warframe you can apply it to is random also. After the 10th invigoration, you can choose which warframe you attach any given buff to, such as your faviourite frame. The three available buffs will still be random, will still last only 7 days, will not be permanent.


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1 hour ago, Joezone619 said:

Not if it increases power strength, then you can put roar on whatever frame, and do more damage solely due to the invigorations. again there are many reasons why players don't want invigorations.

So, you're worried someone might, like, be strong and help you kill stuff? It's okay to not have the highest damage dealt in the squad every time.

And if they can do it, you can too! Perhaps not everyday, or even on the same days as eachother. But—again—so what?

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