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Mission Rewards: Corrupted Holokey drop rate is not what was publicly posted.


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Here is my own tally thus far:


In my last 50 runs - 

12 in a row no keys

3 in a row x10 keys

11 in a row no keys

1 x4 keys

6 in a row no keys

1 x6 keys

1 x5 keys

15 in a row no keys


I started keeping track after I was getting really frustrated.  If you tally this up, in comes to 44 runs getting nothing, 6 runs getting keys, which averages out to a rate of 12% chance.  During my last attempt, I did 3 runs with a guy who started the run at 33 in a row ending with 36 in a row of no keys.


RNG maybe, or maybe the system is broken like it has been so many times in the past but DE was too snide to smell their own errors.

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I'm at the point of raging with this.  They upped the amount by a bit, but the drop rate is still completely awful.  I've gotten a single drop of keys since the changes were made, it's been hours of getting absolutely nothing at this point.  I refuse to believe that the drop rate is over 30% like they claim.  It's either bugged or misleading in some way like bounty rotation reward tables can be.  I get axi relics all the time and they're supposed to be a 2.5% drop.  I've gotten plenty of sevagoth parts, a 10% drop.  I get everything but the most common drop, repeatedly.  Just being in my RJ is starting to put me in a bad mood because the one thing I'm after is refusing to drop and it's supposed to be a really common drop.

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  • 1 month later...

Yea I did 15x2 runs (30run total)

Here I got

23 of 30 were without any holokeys

12 straight no holokey

I got 7 Ignis Wraith bp

Lots of Sevagoth Relics

I really don't believe in those drop tables anymore since there is no way to check if they are even real. DE can basically lie about it and you can't do anything about it, like in example of VoiD_Glitch cease and desist letter.

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That's the nature's of RNG... Who ever set those drop rate value did so knowing there were going to be outliers and that those outliers might complain....

It wouldn't surprise me if DE was expecting this very response and has flagged it as "Working as Intended"... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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On 2021-09-20 at 1:06 AM, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

I get axi relics all the time and they're supposed to be a 2.5% drop.  I've gotten plenty of sevagoth parts, a 10% drop.  I get everything but the most common drop, repeatedly.

Axi relics are 15% (2.5% each, but there's 7, so that's 15%), and they also appear in many of the other loot-rolls available when doing void storms, so it's quite easy to get a few.

Sevagoth parts are 30% (10% each but there's 3, so that's 30%).

^ my point is, those are not as uncommon/rare as you might think.

The issue many seem to miss is that at the end of the mission, we get something like 5-10 rewards, but the holokeys are only available from one of those rewards. So we can often get a whole bunch of things we don't want and get exasperated thinking that at least one of those rewards should've been the keys, when in fact, most of them can never be the holokeys because they're not even an option for that particular loot-roll.

What's going to upset the unlucky ones, is hearing about all of us lucky ones, who get keys fairly regularly. I'm comfortable sitting about 1 in 3, though I also know that could change any time and I'll hit an unlucky streak.

I'm not suggesting it's working well, it could and probably should be adjusted. But it is very likely working as intended. 

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Started farming Sevagoth and Holokeys this week.

So far:

Sevagoth Chassis (Uncommon):  5 drop

Sevagoth Systems (Uncommon):  6 drops

Sevagoth Neuroptics (Uncommon):  4 drops

Holokeys (Common): 2 drops (10+5)

I understand "RNG", but so many warframe players currently report RNG as unlikely as winning the lottery - must be something wrong with current patch.

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday I ran some veil voidstorms with a friend & piloted, using no relics, in 5 runs he recieved 30 keys & I recieved none. I know using relics is not a requirement for getting keys.

Also too many voidstorms are corpus, I strongly suggest you run 2 voidstorms per planet, 1 corpus & 1 grineer. Each planet has enough nodes to accommodate a random node selection within those parameters. Let us players choose what faction we want to run, all too often corpus nodes are being forced upon us. Thanks

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The thing is, we would never know (assuming a rare drop actually drops) if the numbers they post are true or not.  They're probably true, but DE is a company that is out to make money (to pay employees, to make a profit, etc).  I can 100% guarantee that there is at least ONE person in a position to manipulate the numbers who, if they thought it would make DE more money AND they thought they could get away with it, they would.  Because, like every company/collection of people, their morals and outlooks vary.  Not outwardly, of course, but people are people.

I did question whether the Protea Chassis was removed from the drop table after my 40th clear.  But I got it on my 42nd.  Clearly not 11.11% in my experience, but I'm such a small number of attempts that I don't even qualify as but barely an outlier.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2021-08-04 at 1:16 AM, krc473 said:

My experience has been the opposite of yours. The first few runs (maybe five) I did gave none, then seven or eight consecutive runs dropped the keys. I have consistently been getting keys more frequently than a 37.5% chance would suggest. I would say that over half my runs have given keys. I too have not done enough runs for this amount to be of statistical significance (under 50 runs).


I don’t think there is a problem with the drop rate. I imagine it is all down to RNG and variations it causes.

from my experience of playing this game for almost 9 years, I can say that the % are just an indication of the base drop rate. There are most likely more modifiers which skew the chances which can be seeded for individual players.

One of the things I have noticed over the years is that an item that has not dropped for you yet, will on average have a much lower chance of dropping for you than when that item already dropped for you once.

Obviously no real evidence here to prove my case other than my experience and that of other players that have experienced the same. The only way to actually prove this is by debugging the software or checking the code of the deployed binary the server is running. Since this is not really an option, considering the burden of proof goes to whoever makes a claim, considering everyone assumes it's a flat percentage(as can be seen from many discussions on the forum and above), I cannot assume drops are calculated by a flat percentage(without other modifiers/multipliers) until I have seen the evidence to the contrary.

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  • 1 month later...

The drop rates on these things are still abysmal. When they buffed it they should have buffed the rate, not the amount.

Running a mission 30+ times for one drop is a huge waste of a player's time, especially in a mission as long as Railjack missions. Nevermind the fact we need to do it a bunch of times to get the 40 needed to buy the weapon. We shouldn't HAVE to run something 1000 times just to see if a meaningless percentage number on a wiki matches up because we shouldn't be having our time wasted by this kind of nonsense to begin with.

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  • 2 weeks later...
En 3/8/2021 a las 17:32, KVenom dijo:

Dear DE, I will be honest with you: I am beginning to have trust issues.
You see, you posted the official drop table for Void Storms on Railjack.
And it was stated to be 37.5% . I was quite sceptical about such a high rate, thinking that maybe there is some catch with weapon availability at Ergo Glast's shop.

Instead, it turned out that the holokeys just refuse to drop.

30 runs. 2 drops of holokeys. That's not even 30 persent.
Meanwhile, I got like tons of Axi relics, which were supposed to be way more rare. As well as a few sets of Sevagoth.

Turns out, I am not the only one, who has that problem.



So, guys, is that another mishap, like the one with Deimos Velocipod Rarity Table, where the supposedly "rare" White Velocipods appeared more often than the green ones?

Cuz if so, ya might wanna fix that. Cuz people are getting steamed. Peeved, even.

I'm completely agree, Empyrean mode is dead because of that, I have opened many relics in Veil proxima and pluto get MKIII parts and Sevagoth. Now I have almost max the MKIII parts and no one single part of Sevagoth. How is that possible? 10% prob per part would give me at least 1 part after 20 attempts, isn't it? I have no one.

One more thing. To open 1 single relic in empyrean mode takes the triple time, so, is that funny not to get the triple rewards? No it isn't. Once I obtained all MKIII I wanted I have never back to railjack accept because DE force us to do it to kill liches and sisters 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drop rates are what they say it is, you may feel the suck because 37,5% is suck.
(I'm not saying this to argue with you but you can't assume that a programmer doesn't know whats 37,5%...)
If they want to put more tenet melees (or tenelse) in the game,
they definietly should increase the number of rolls on a mission or put them in eximus drop tables.

For DE:
People doesn't play Railjack. That is a fact. A little bit of host migration, maybe a complete drop without rewards. 
Not to speak about the endless missions. I started farming reactants in endless railjack survival and trust me, after 10 min, its only me and my irritating voidrig endless willpower.
Farming holokey sucks because neither it is hard and challenging, nor too slow. Its the third one. (boring)

Theres a lot of potential in railjack.
I know that you know.
You want to work on it and show that. Please take the time and do so.

For the individual who made the idea of Volatile mission:
Did it turned out the way you first imagined it? 

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