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Strategies for farming protea?



Is it just me, or are the drop rates for the time crystals that are dropped by the specters in granum void really decreased? if so, how do you farm protea nowadays? specters don't spawn that quickly, rescuing solaris is a hassle in a team, even killing them with a mesa is not fast enough. How do you do it?

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4 hours ago, Lutesque said:

They said they Patched it so that it automatically ends once you reach the score needed for Rotation C.... So now it's okay to pick up the extra time and not have wait there once you already have the highest score...

by rotation C, you mean rank 3 (75 kills)?

i see..

still though, we can get 75 kills in 60 seconds with mesa.
picking up even one time triangle means the run will be more than 60 seconds.

but hey it's only couple of seconds. people should just do what brings more fun for them in the process.

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Is it possible you just had a bad run with Mesa? Are you playing with multiple people? Occasionally when I was playing with multiple people, and playing as Mesa, the other people would spawn on the other side of the Granum Void and the Spectors would spawn nearer to them, and occasionally if they were harder to locate to kill, we wouldn't get max rewards, but that was only occasionally. It does mean you sometimes have to run around for a solid group of them, instead of constantly killing a trickling few. (especially if the people you are playing with, aren't killing as fast as you are, but the enemies are spawning where they are)

I don't know the mechanics for the dropped time crystals (like if there is a set percentage for them to drop, on a kill) usually I didn't pay attention or need them to get max reward as Mesa. I would maybe pick up 1 or 2 by accident (going solo, which I do most when going to Granum Void). Last week I was using non Mesa characters to try and get different Ephemera and plenty of time crystals dropped, one time, over 10. I just assumed it was RNG (meaning sometimes a minimal, other times, a flood)


2 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Using specific frames is bad training.  Better to learn to use the Xoris.   Then when you want to go after Sister ephemera where you need to use different frames for different elements you wont have any problems.  


I mean, you can say similar about specifically using the Xoris. If say someone prefers more choice with their melee weapon. I agree if someone is struggling with a Warframe, then like yeah, use the Xoris, but there are plenty of Frames across the diff elements that are great to use, and so players who don't have any problems using them or the Xoris. So it stands to say, if you don't have problems, when you do use different Frames, then the reliance (or insistence) on the Xoris isn't necessary. 

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4 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Is it possible you just had a bad run with Mesa?

Perhaps, but most runs of mine is mostly because of time outs, not because of being overwhelmed. There's just so little time and the specters are spawning so slowly.

4 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Are you playing with multiple people?

I guess that's one of the aspects that's been holding me back.

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