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polish update for old bounties


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DE, old bounties keep breaking.  After you push out the New War, cross play, and whatever updates I hope you have planned for Yareli (and Hydroid, while you're at it), please consider polishing open world content.


Some suggestions:

  • spawns in exterminate bounties are inconsistent, and often lead to forced failure (I think that the game isn't cleaning up or moving spawned enemies enough)
  • drone escort bounties on the Plains are too slow- consider giving the drone a speed boost if it doesn't take damage for a time
  • rescue targets on the Plains should not teleport to AFK players, or players that are very far from the bounty objective
  • "spy" bounties in the Orb Vallis break upon repetition, meaning players need to go back into Fortuna if they get a "spy" bounty or risk forced failure if the bounty repeats
  • the Grineer bounty on Deimos is really poorly tuned and should be rebalanced in the player's favor
  • Deimos bounties in general are way too punitive for groups, rewarding solo play far more than multiplayer to a degree unsurpassed in the rest of the game
  • remove all cave bounties from the Plains of Eidolon (it's never clear if a bounty is in a cave, not in a cave, or sometimes both, which can lead to forced failure)
  • diversify locations of Orb Vallis bounties, removing the need for other locations to be unlocked through that weird mobile defense mini-game of claiming territory (almost everyone just launches the bounty from Fortuna or the guy right outside it, so we never see the other locations)
  • reduce enemies spawning right on top of players gathering crates in that Orb Vallis camp bounty
  • please never put any new rewards or content behind Isolation Vaults or Arcana Vaults, as the matchmaking is just too obtuse and complicated (you did improve this, but it's still a mess of players wanting the bonus or not wanting the bonus. and players leaving at different times)



I know you don't love to devote resources to older content, but Nightwave and other game systems require players to interact with old, often broken content.  I like this game a lot, and have devoted a ton of time to it, but its cracks are becoming harder and harder to ignore.  And I worry that they will only worsen, and that the delays for fixes will only lengthen, as cross play and other updates arrive.  There has to be a tipping point, right?  When do we hit it?

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32 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

remove all cave bounties from the Plains of Eidolon (it's never clear if a bounty is in a cave, not in a cave, or sometimes both, which can lead to forced failure)

Instead of removing, they should be marked as underground. Adding arrows pointing down on the bounty area would be enough. And perhaps bounties shouldn't activate when we enter the area, but above the cave.


Spawns should be definitely looked at, mainly in the liberation bounty in Plains of Eidolon, where control drops down to 0% because game doesn't spawn anything quickly enough. Strip mining in Deimos has similar problem, enemies and cell carriers don't spawn, which makes the bounty unnecessarily long.

Spawns should be looked at in general, not only open world.

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1 hour ago, Genitive said:

Spawns should be definitely looked at, mainly in the liberation bounty in Plains of Eidolon, where control drops down to 0% because game doesn't spawn anything quickly enough. Strip mining in Deimos has similar problem, enemies and cell carriers don't spawn, which makes the bounty unnecessarily long.

I don't think enemy spawn is the problem for Liberation, but the size of area you need to defend, it's way too big so there's always hidden enemies stuck somewhere obscure or groups hanging around on the edges.

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18 minutes ago, (NSW)Mbek said:

I don't think enemy spawn is the problem for Liberation, but the size of area you need to defend, it's way too big so there's always hidden enemies stuck somewhere obscure or groups hanging around on the edges.

You're probably right.  The game needs to check for enemies that are stuck or otherwise not interacting with players and despawn them more reliably... or teleport them closer.

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7 hours ago, (NSW)Mbek said:

I don't think enemy spawn is the problem for Liberation, but the size of area you need to defend, it's way too big so there's always hidden enemies stuck somewhere obscure or groups hanging around on the edges.

Maybe you're right and I simply don't see them because they are too far away or obstructed. Most of the time this bounty fails is when it appears on uneven terrain, like that one hill in the plains, so maybe it's pathing that fails.

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