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Ignis Wraith Bp research, a 2 year endeavour


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10 hours ago, Anaktoria said:


The video frankly isn't that helpful anyway since it doesn't show how many Forma Bundle you gave each buyer. For all the audience knows you gave most of these buyers just one bundle and still made a profit of 15p each. At any rate, it makes no sense why you'd gift someone something instead of - you know - just letting them keep their plat to do with as they like.


You'll just be adding mistakes after mistakes, remember, all i provide is info, if you believe them or not is entirely your problem.

I am not reponsible for the hundreds of comments, videos and reports done, players did them voluntarily so if those users want to add more, they can do so, right now you don't have the excuse that "you didn't know"
So go ahead, tell other players your version of the story, lie to them, mislead them, heck maybe the accounts that received the stuff were my alts right?


Shortly after the update i noticed some players on reddit still in the hate train, thinking that finally the sellers are no more, so after 2 years i guess i need to bring the actual facts just like i did with DE.
This is a pure informational topic, you are free to dismiss what's in here, this is the story, the facts and the rality of things, i have no other info to provide so if you don't like it, nothing i can do.
The following information is actually 2 years old, you're just now getting caught with it. Player names are blured or partially removed to avoid identification

Haters will always hate, remember, all mistakes done where voluntary mistakes, you made them because you wanted to, if you go read each comment i made, the ones downvoted for example, you'll see that i was pretty much telling this exact same thing, for example requiring "thick skin" or that i would never brag about "giving the bps for free".
So i didn't tell the full story, that was the idea, if you fell or not, submited reports or not, this is all your responsibility and i sure tried to prevent users from engaging in the toxicity that was being redirected towards DE (aka the feedback), this includes any topics that were portrayed as giveaways but had direct motivations regarding luring recruits as they were a tad misleading and would on ocasion just blast the sellers as "scammers" on a monthly basis.
Whoever made those topics, not my problem.

If anyone missed the stuff from the giveaway, you'll likely need to contact via PM as i don't know if the users commenting here are making the posts on purpose to get the topic closed, which is not my intention, this is just information, if you don't like it, then go to your circle and tell them anything you want, you're not here to convince me, so if you want to mislead clanmembers, do so in your clan.

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I remember when you sold it to me and I am very grateful for that. It has been a weapon that I have wanted for many years. The fact that it can be researched in every clan now is great and I have no regrets buying it for 50pl. I am sorry to hear about the harassment you endured and want to say you did not deserve that. I hope you are doing well. 

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2 hours ago, Turtle86 said:

I remember when you sold it to me and I am very grateful for that. It has been a weapon that I have wanted for many years. The fact that it can be researched in every clan now is great and I have no regrets buying it for 50pl. I am sorry to hear about the harassment you endured and want to say you did not deserve that. I hope you are doing well. 

I am yes and i am also gratefull to you aswell.

The harassement wasn't a 100% or absolute thing that would happen, it's was a high chance based on my observations for 3 years, being the 1st signs of trouble a couple weeks after the defection event.

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People like to throw SCAM around a lot. I had someone in a pm giving me S#&$ about selling syndicate offerings because quote "you can farm them in the game". Yeah no S#&$. Literally everything in trade you can farm. Morons. 

Ignis Wraith was no different to me. The event you got it from I did the bare minimum for my clan for the gold trophy. In fact I was the only person who was active we still got Ignis Wraith as a reward. A 10% reward I got after doing the bare minimum. Know what that tells me? Nobody tried to get it. And yet for years they whined and whined because it was an easy mode weapon you just needed to hold the button down for. Truly entitlement. 

Glad it's being buried but real scams like the Riven mafias and the "i have a coupon" people are still allowed to roam free. 

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Aura:

the amount of cluelessness in some of these replys is astounding, warframe subreddit witch hunting  and subaverage youtuber fan brigading has become an infestation in every facet of warframe it seems

It's really funny how you people continue to insist that everyone with a different opinion must be brigading from some other place. You're either wrong with all the implications that has about you, or this forum is a toxic echo chamber where people who don't share the majority opinion can't bear to hang around.

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Finally, a public forum with you talking about this... 

Yeah, you don't get to scam new players anymore, take the loss on this one. 

This BP has been being handed out, for free, for years, by clans who did have it, even after it was added to Railjack rewards, and now that it's available for all, which is a plus. 

If you truly wanted to assist in such a brigade about this whole thing, you should not have been attempting to make players pay for something others can and would be giving for free, instead you should have taken it here and voiced an opinion for putting it into everyone's clan as research in the first place. 

If you were so saddened by DE keeping it out of new clans, you should have been giving them away for free and not making others pay for it, you shill. 

This was the best thing for the community as well as for newer players who never had the weapon, in terms of moving something into all clans, for all to make. 

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I am so glad you and your friends are trying to fix your image bud, but the only proof you have of gifting stuff out is to one person about a year or so ago, kind of odd they not only kept the screenshot of it or took one. for proof you "give back" and you just so happen to have them here defending you and your actions, but none of the other people who you supposedly gifted to..... 

DE already had ignis wraith free to everyone, all you had todo was ask someone anywhere and the only time I saw someone be told no was when they weren't at mr9 simple as that.
Maybe if your "scam" message wasn't parading ignis wraith as a "rare railjack reward" or needing to point out you were trustworthy or "certified" people wouldn't be so quick to call you out on everything regardless if you gifted stuff to the player afterwards. No one also asked you todo any of this so the whole time you chose to not only charge people for a 5k credit item but than come here to the forums about it once you couldn't do that anymore, 
but hey I'm just glad you can actually spend your time playing the game now and not worry about making sure every player can have this item anyone will give out or maybe start selling an actual rare railjack reward like he spectra vandal. cheers.


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Haters will hate, not only proof isnt necessary (given that trade logs and messages are present in several accounts) but you're intentionally missing the point. The giveaway gifts take 10 minutes or more of recording and it will only make your comments more cringe. If you disagree with the topic then prove your point ,gl


It is recomended to read a topic before replying further.

Giving the bp delayed the research release, was a source for misleading giveaways. I will not engage in the same misleading practices in order to add yet another failure to the pile of topics that achieved nothing.

Why would i add more pointless topics like those? Because it looks good?

I also didn't profit.

Read the topic because you're lagging by 2 years already


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1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

Haters will hate, not only proof isnt necessary (given that trade logs and messages are present in several accounts) but you're intentionally missing the point. The giveaway gifts take 10 minutes or more of recording and it will only make your comments more cringe. If you disagree with the topic then prove your point ,gl


It is recomended to read a topic before replying further.

Giving the bp delayed the research release, was a source for misleading giveaways. I will not engage in the same misleading practices in order to add yet another failure to the pile of topics that achieved nothing.

Why would i add more pointless topics like those? Because it looks good?

I also didn't profit.

Read the topic because you're lagging by 2 years already


Read the entire thing already. 

Need not copy/paste a reply at the top of it either.

Handing the wep out did not delay the implementation of putting them into research, DE could have done this at any time. You justifying selling it makes no sense. 

The only thing I agree with in that message, which we all can agree on, is DE finally allowing all clans make it. 

Don’t try and sound like a savior for getting this done, this was a community effort, cause all you did was make people pay for something that should have been relatively free. 

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That was the idea, to reward the right players and to show DE the toxicity that anyone would receive for a simple trade. Again this is what happened, so if you don't like it, nothing i can do. Also do read the topic before posting stuff that has been clarified. This isn't new, countless users knew this, including DE members and support.

2 hours ago, Halo said:

Handing the wep out did not delay the implementation of putting them into research

Let me explain.

For a long time there was no other source for the weapon than trading itself, clans can only house so many players, so for all to have the weapon, trading was mandatory.

When you traded, you did what DE envisioned, they had no reason to make the bp more accessible, you did that part for them.
If you did the opposite, the weapon would become, simply put, unobtainable, you cannot fit all players into the 10% of clans in the game.

But you can't control all the players in a free market, not only was the trade itself a nice way to advertise the clan (which is what some giveaways were intended to be), but even if you managed to halt all trades on the bp by convining players it was the best solution, you would have an excalating % of failing, because players would simply offer more and more plat until someone decided to sell it.
Still if you managed to halt everything by a sheer miracle, DE would require to add aditional ways to aquire the BP, if you're not being the NPC they envisioned, then they would need one.

Even with baro, giving or selling the bp is the same thing, you provide the BP to other players and as such DE sees no real reason to make it more broadly available, clans misleading clan members during the recruit stage (100% research claims) is deemed "not important", a casual player selling the bp receiving hate on reddit is also "not a common occurrance".

So selling the bp revealed that toxicity, why make a topic with dozens of examples that may or may not be outdated, when the toxic community can provide thousans of examples that are up to date and best of all, in a voluntary manner?

In terms of efficiency this is unmatched, no other solution provides this ammount of feedback, with IGN names, clans, dates,....

It only works once (you certainly won't fall for it again even if i wanted to) and there was a decent % that DE would simply make the bp untradable without releasing the research, something that would make me hide in shame as i didn't want them to create such scenario.

But now, no more toxicity, no more lies, no more fake giveaways and no more players doing virtue signaling with the entire "but i gave for free hehehe"

I didn't do anything, DE did, i simply provided the feedback alongside the buyers, the right kind of feedback.

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Take a hint and your L pill down your doggone throat, @KIREEK. You're not convincing anyone but your scammer friends, here.

Your self-insert reminded me of a PS5 tech shill who justified his actions by a moronic and outlandish reasoning that they're just here to make sure the merchandise gets into customers' hands safely.

If you're a dog, you're a dog. Take the L and move on.

Happy Cat GIF by Petsure UK

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2 hours ago, Vex. said:

The audacity you have to say you haven't scammed people is insane. 

An honest trade isn't a scam.

There were 1200 claims that agree with you (excluding the ones sent to support directly), all having slight variations i assume.

Asside from clogging the system with fake reports that contained nonsense, what you think was the decision for all those reports?

Are you perhaps accusing the ppl that oversee the reports that they did a mistake........over 1200 times?


Shortly after the update i noticed some players on reddit still in the hate train, thinking that finally the sellers are no more, so after 2 years i guess i need to bring the actual facts just like i did with DE.
This is a pure informational topic, you are free to dismiss what's in here, this is the story, the facts and the rality of things, i have no other info to provide so if you don't like it, nothing i can do.
The following information is actually 2 years old, you're just now getting caught with it. Player names are blured or partially removed to avoid identification

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54 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

i need to bring the actual facts just like i did with DE.

The fact you scammed lots of people to get what you really wanted to do, this sick idea of activism?


55 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

An honest trade isn't a scam.

Again, same stuff those tech scalpers (also it's tech scalps, not tech shills. Mybad, not well versed in English terminologies as I'm not a native English speaker) are saying too back in a year ago. Same thing - you're basically saying "cry more, biaitches" but on a softer tone.


59 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Player names are blurred or partially removed to avoid identification

So you can avoid street justice and get away with things you and countless others done?

Remember, the fact you had ALSO inspired countless others to rip off new players and people who are oblivious to trading system, labeling the scams as "honest trade" is both egregious and revolting. You should reflect upon your actions more and stop justifying your scummy acts.

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1 hour ago, --SA--Demmodor said:

This thread and comments are the best content i've seen in months.

10/10, would buy popcorn again

And people pls stop crying about kireek and making reputation/redemption/no proof garbage allegations.

Let the man be, it's been long enough already. Grass also exists u know

^^   Pretty much.

All this drama over a video game gun.  No laws were broken & no-one died.  If people feel hard done by, then it's a lesson for them & they will know better in the future. 

Personally, I wouldn't pay a penny for something that can be got for free with a simple google search, but if people can't be bothered to do that, and they're happy handing over a few plat, then who cares?

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7 hours ago, --SA--Demmodor said:

This thread and comments are the best content i've seen in months.

10/10, would buy popcorn again

And people pls stop crying about kireek and making reputation/redemption/no proof garbage allegations.

Let the man be, it's been long enough already. Grass also exists u know

I know of some ppl who anounced "perpetual giveaways" that ended rather quickly, i think you know those same ppl.
I also know, oddly from the same clan, players who where the ones that posted in the topic, which lured the toxicity/feedback out.

So the same clan may contain both ends of the spectrum, one helped me out while the other one made sure to advertise said giveaway to try and lure players into the clan, it was never about providing a service, aslong the service brings good publicity, that's what matters.

Carefull when buying popcorn

10 hours ago, Tenka_Isshin said:

So you can avoid street justice and get away with things you and countless others done?

Remember, the fact you had ALSO inspired countless others to rip off new players and people who are oblivious to trading system, labeling the scams as "honest trade" is both egregious and revolting. You should reflect upon your actions more and stop justifying your scummy acts.

Name and shame simply isn't allowed, while some of these cases did end up with support, it's not like i'm going to expose the alliance leader who did the RMT, otr the alliances who tought they were doing good by asking clanmembers to give the bp for free as it helped the clan grow and made it so DE never tought of releasing the research

The name and shame that you seek is available online anywhere you go, youtube has a few videos for you to watch, while it may seem i'm the one being shamed, the creator may be the one actually being mocked, they are effectively part of the feedback, anyone doing similar stuff was also the feedback.

I am also not responsible for others doing the trade, while it's likely they never used the trade as a giveaway like i did, i don't consider free market as a scam, the mods and support won't either, as such them selling for 50 or more is perfectly fine with me, i could have done the same thing and just kept the plat, but i decided to trow ppl off a litle bit, if the players had such a good conduct that was in direct contrast with the toxicity i endured daily, then gosh darn it, they should receive something to keep being like that. A small motivational gift.

I hope you don't say that gifting trolls would be better, because if it is better, you are free to do that yourself.

This topic isn't to debate what is a scam or not, the info is here, if you want to disprove everything in here, make your own topic explaining what happened, you have 5 years of content (2 being when i started the sale), so just compile the information in the best way you can to prove your point. GL


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On 2022-09-17 at 7:30 PM, KIREEK said:

Carefull when buying popcorn

Damn, still here?

Video Game GIF by Fall Guys

Touch some grass, or eat some. You need it.

Death threats don't usually last, and all bark without bite. Just make sure you don't kick yourself in the d on the way out.

The more you wanted to convince people that you're the hero, the more people with more than a single brain cell would regard you as the villain. Just give this a rest, touch some grass, grind IRL.

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You're reacting to something stated, confirmed and logged (as player accounts have all the gifting and trades logged) in 2020, you're 2 years late trying to dismiss something.
The reason i can make the claims, it's because it's not just me that have seen this or have this logged in my account, you can ask any of the buyers, mods and support and they will confirm all statements.

I can't place gifting and trades onto another players account unless they happen, you have an entire array of users in the 1st post and those are but a minority of the users that bought and were gifted, to dismiss such thing, you are essentially calling hundreds of users as fake and you're calling account logs as fabricated, but you have no proof of such thing, in fact you won't ever find such thing, no matter if you contact a single user, 10 or 100, you'll only find more confirmations.

You want to show your point of view? Prove it. Find me a single user, simple enough yet an impossible task.

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