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- Is something disrupting others from playing in their playstyle?


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***- Is something disrupting others from playing in their playstyle?***

/quote from design goals



EDIT: not about the contents of the patch.

topic about the dangers of using vague undefinable terms to enact abstract and massive gameplay changes based on an individual's personal preference that effect millions of others. 




alright you have got to tone that down and define it better, because that is selfish as well.

what's their playstyle? why are they mad?

is their playstyle braton only with no running and we all have to walk around and shoot when they do? that's not fair.

are they mad because of kills? if so why? do they feel THEY should get the kills? thats pretty selfish, so you want to group but only if YOUR carrying the others and not vice versa? 

is it hard solo? in that case YOU SHOULD NOT BE THERE if you cannot solo and group, and they carry you, say thank you.


AT WHAT POINT do you say switch to solo or that's just a you problem?


why are a loud minority allowed to dictate game design to masses they will never know or play with because they refuse to solo? 


limbo was disruptive, he put YOU the player in a state of play that was not your choice and HEAVILY effects gameplay, this happened constantly with one in the party and it required YOU the player to know how someone else's warframe worked and keep track of and counter effects because of how disruptive it was.

fighting for kills? how fast you clear a room? that's just gameplay and people being salty. well just use other guns or warframe abilities (thermal sunder) to once again clear a room, that's your gameplay, if people find warframes gameplay disruptive solo or dont play. 

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What is so difficult about understanding the idea that hogging 99% of the mission is not fun for the rest of your squad. Why do we need everyone to make threads to complain?

And geez, fix your text formatting, that white background is blinding

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It is a you problem. As in players who think it's ok to forcibly solo a mission for their squad should be the ones playing solo instead of forcing everyone else to.

It isn't selfish to put the desires of up to three other players ahead of a single Bramakong in every mission.

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1 minute ago, trst said:

It is a you problem. As in players who think it's ok to forcibly solo a mission for their squad should be the ones playing solo instead of forcing everyone else to.

It isn't selfish to put the desires of up to three other players ahead of a single Bramakong in every mission.

how did this situation come to pass?

if you group, you know it's possible for someone to carry, why group? 


what cannot be solved with friends only, solo, forming a group, looking through clans, etc. or getting over the fact that that yeah people kill things in warframe.

what is your core problem.

why does someone clearing the room ahead of you make you mad to the point of desiring fundamental gameplay alterations above ALL other options or rational thoughts before you?

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3 minutes ago, trst said:

It is a you problem. As in players who think it's ok to forcibly solo a mission for their squad should be the ones playing solo instead of forcing everyone else to.

It isn't selfish to put the desires of up to three other players ahead of a single Bramakong in every mission.

But Brahma/Zarr users are pros carrying the lazy squad!! /s

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

how did this situation come to pass?

if you group, you know it's possible for someone to carry, why group? 


what cannot be solved with friends only, solo, forming a group, looking through clans, etc. or getting over the fact that that yeah people kill things in warframe.

what is your core problem.

why does someone clearing the room ahead of you make you mad to the point of desiring fundamental gameplay alterations above ALL other options or rational thoughts before you?

Because it is a braindead "gamestyle" that needed to be removed? 

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

how did this situation come to pass?

if you group, you know it's possible for someone to carry, why group? 


what cannot be solved with friends only, solo, forming a group, looking through clans, etc. or getting over the fact that that yeah people kill things in warframe.

what is your core problem.

why does someone clearing the room ahead of you make you mad to the point of desiring fundamental gameplay alterations above ALL other options or rational thoughts before you?

And why can't the players who're already soloing the mission go play solo instead of forcibly removing gameplay from three other players?

It's very simple; if someone is going to join a co-op mission they should be wanting to play with other players. If some are going to join co-op and steal the gameplay from everyone else then they aren't there for co-op. And if those players refuse to put themselves into solo then the only solution is to try and remove/reduce their ability to steal gameplay.

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10 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

how did this situation come to pass?

if you group, you know it's possible for someone to carry, why group? 


what cannot be solved with friends only, solo, forming a group, looking through clans, etc. or getting over the fact that that yeah people kill things in warframe.

what is your core problem.

why does someone clearing the room ahead of you make you mad to the point of desiring fundamental gameplay alterations above ALL other options or rational thoughts before you?

People hop into co-op to *shock* co-op. Having an I-in-team nuke the map over and over with their zero-drawback AoE weapon and solo the entire mission was disruptive and damaging to the cooperative experience.

2 minutes ago, trst said:

And why can't the players who're already soloing the mission go play solo instead of forcibly removing gameplay from three other players?

It's very simple; if someone is going to join a co-op mission they should be wanting to play with other players. If some are going to join co-op and steal the gameplay from everyone else then they aren't there for co-op. And if those players refuse to put themselves into solo then the only solution is to try and remove/reduce their ability to steal gameplay.


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14 minutes ago, BLI7Z said:

Explain WHY it isn't a braindead playstyle for you


for clarification I will be responding to the blanket concept of ( AOE room clear and its nerf as a concept from the perspective of what this means as a whole ) and not in defense of any specific nerf, as the patch was almost perfect but the underlying problem of how this came to pass is concerning.


using a politically vague and safe word such as "disruptive" to cover up "warframes core gameplay" of kill lots of bad guys fast because a minority of players that have a laundry list of tools to group alone, or only with others of their specific choosing, decide that that particular method (i guess lets say Zarr) was personally an afront to them, as compared to the massive list of ways to clear a room.

not because it inhibited their control, altered their gameplay, or changed the way warframe was played.


it was because they just didnt like that particular flavor of room clear.

what did they do about this unreasonable but understandable human emotion?




and got them

and this WILL continue.


we will continue to suffer changes to our daily lives in warframe, to our perks and loadouts, to what frames and guns work and don't, you wont know when and why, but know that it will be because someone you don't know, whom you will never see nor play with, didn't like that gun, or that warframe, or didn't want to farm, or thought that was too hard, or to easy. decided that something was disruptive for them, and that everyone else should change.

and the steam charts are everyone else.


that said i love most of the patch, the boreal fight sucks ass but the patch was great, shame about the precedent it sets.



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Some people hop into co-op to *shock* complete the objective, when going solo would be slow or tedious, or they want to help other players get through it faster too.

Playing this game isn't a one-size-fits-all... what is fun to one person isn't necessarily fun to another. People's goals when playing are different.

And what some people claim needed destroying to make their gameplay fun again... seem baseless in my experience.

(As a point of reference, just prior to the update, to get a feeling for this whole horrible co-op situation, I ran several public relic missions in low level fissures trying to get Khora Prime's blueprint, and only ran into 1 player using an AoE "crazy particle" weapon, and they weren't wiping out the entire map of enemies... I ran around just fine with plenty of enemies to kill with my melee, so claims that 1 person using an AoE can ruin the fun for everyone else are just overblown exaggerations. Get moving and find enemies - don't let the AoE person carry you, if it's that important to you.)


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1 minute ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:


for clarification I will be responding to the blanket concept of ( AOE room clear and its nerf as a concept from the perspective of what this means as a whole ) and not in defense of any specific nerf, as the patch was almost perfect but the underlying problem of how this came to pass is concerning.


using a politically vague and safe word such as "disruptive" to cover up "warframes core gameplay" of kill lots of bad guys fast because a minority of players that have a laundry list of tools to group alone, or only with others of their specific choosing, decide that that particular method (i guess lets say Zarr) was personally an afront to them, as compared to the massive list of ways to clear a room.

not because it inhibited their control, altered their gameplay, or changed the way warframe was played.


it was because they just didnt like that particular flavor of room clear.

what did they do about this unreasonable but understandable human emotion?




and got them

and this WILL continue.


we will continue to suffer changes to our daily lives in warframe, to our perks and loadouts, to what frames and guns work and don't, you wont know when and why, but know that it will be because someone you don't know, whom you will never see nor play with, didn't like that gun, or that warframe, or didn't want to farm, or thought that was too hard, or to easy. decided that something was disruptive for them, and that everyone else should change.

and the steam charts are everyone else.


that said i love most of the patch, the boreal fight sucks ass but the patch was great, shame about the precedent it sets.



So, why is spamming an AoE, enganging in ZERO ways with the game except spamming one botton, isn't braindead?

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4 minutes ago, BLI7Z said:

So, why is spamming an AoE, enganging in ZERO ways with the game except spamming one botton, isn't braindead?

find someone actually playing like pablo's troll, I will wait. post the vid please, go watch twitch, tons, find it, post it, ill chill.

don't use a hyperbolic straw man examples to enforce law and order and dictate game design. nobody just spams one button in warframe, we have octavia and everyone HATES HER gameplay, becuase OH GUESS WHAT ITS BORING

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

you just said they want to play cop-op to speed things up and make it more easy

someone else clearing everything IS THAT! thats the thing

or help others get through faster, THATS WHAT THEY THINK THEY ARE DOING!


but i assume YOU get to dictate what is acceptably fast or slow?

If you need AoE braindead spam to be FAST, then you don't understand Warframe and Zarr/Brahma ate your braincells. 

And just in case you don't understand, what I am saying is that there are many ways of going fast without the need of brainless AoE spam. Ways that need you to engage with different aspects of the game, how it should be. 

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

find someone actually playing like pablo's troll, I will wait. post the vid please, go watch twitch, tons, find it, post it, ill chill.

don't use a hyperbolic straw man examples to enforce law and order and dictate game design. nobody just spams one button in warframe, we have octavia and everyone HATES HER gameplay, becuase OH GUESS WHAT ITS BORING

Sorry, I don't waste time watching other people play or talk about a game I can play by myself, explore and enjoy. Braindead AoE spam with 1 bottom to clear the map while running and looking at the floor, isn't game design, it is a mistake that was left to rot player's brains for too long. 

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2 minutes ago, BLI7Z said:

Sorry, I don't waste time watching other people play or talk about a game I can play by myself, explore and enjoy. Braindead AoE spam with 1 bottom to clear the map while running and looking at the floor, isn't game design, it is a mistake that was left to rot player's brains for too long. 

sounds like you should solo, it would be perfect, or if you have some friends you can invite them, or set it so they can just drop in if you feel like being social

warframe has great options for you, i hope you have a great time playing!

*says the person with over 170 forma in Nyx, my main, lets not live in glass houses of easy gameplay*

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Just now, (XBOX)ONI LawIiet said:

sounds like you should solo, it would be perfect, or if you have some friends you can invite them, or set it so they can just drop in if you feel like being social

warframe has great options for you, i hope you have a great time playing!

Nah, I play with my GF, 100% of the time. Sometimes some random with AoE jumped in and we always outdps and outrun it with no AoE stuff. 

Maybe you can learn to adapt and stop crying, you will find the world is so much larger if you stop looking at the floor. 

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