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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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I just want to know why Cypress hates the wolf frame being female. Skyrim you say? Aela the Huntress. Ginger Snaps has two werewolves as main characters and last I checked neither was male. Dog Soldiers - the literal modern werewolf has a squad trapped in a house with apparently a woman hiding out but spoiler: she is the pack's alpha female.

Really why can't you lay off on the wolf frame being a female? The boys outnumber the girls as like 27 frames are identified as male, 1 is genderless so everytime some muppet calls Xaku a masculine pronoun I eye roll and therefore the remaining 22 frames are female we literally have more of a sausage fest... then the lone male warrior who transforms into a wolf is done to death, Le Gevaudin which -started- the popularity of werewolves in mediaeval fiction was about a female wolf.... there is nothing saying that the wolf/ werewolf frame -must- be male rather the contrary as in many wolf packs it is the alpha female running things as mom to everyone bar her mate the alpha male.

Learn your Free Nation history and lore as their shaman were believed to transform into wolves on spiritual journeys as well as the skinwalkers who used it for selfish or evil purposes.

TLDR: Cypress just hates women werewolves and doesn't see them in any media be it modern or mediaeval... or believe in Free Nation/ Native American shamism and their ancient traditions which Shewolf frame may choose to combine

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:



 especially since Wisp exists (💗u Wisp)



P.s if that's too immature, or if I ever go too far, just politely tell me please has I never mean any ill will. 👍 

Not at all there honey. I think its adorbs you express yourself so honestly. I mean for real, we are all cultured here .w.

But yeah, pretty excited for the frame itself. Wonder what sort of stats, if its tanky, speedy, or maybe all around? Guess we have to see.

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15 minutes ago, Mama_Sasha said:

Not at all there honey. I think its adorbs you express yourself so honestly. I mean for real, we are all cultured here .w.

But yeah, pretty excited for the frame itself. Wonder what sort of stats, if its tanky, speedy, or maybe all around? Guess we have to see.


Aww thank u 😊. I'm going to sound like furry for a sec but, I think it's cool Wolf babe has energy tail hahah.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:


Aww thank u 😊. I'm going to sound like furry for a sec but, I think it's cool Wolf babe has energy tail hahah.

Yeh, that tail kinda has a Ivara Prime skirt vibe, but isntead of jellyfish thing, its energy, or whatever synthetic material it uses. But yeah, lets hope they wont shy away with the bust size (As a lady myself, i hope for the large chest pillows to be a reality yay.). Titania Donann Skin does have a nice bust, which was suprising to see when that skin dropped lol, so lets hope they do the same for the lady wolfie.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

I just want to know why Cypress hates the wolf frame being female. Skyrim you say? Aela the Huntress. Ginger Snaps has two werewolves as main characters and last I checked neither was male. Dog Soldiers - the literal modern werewolf has a squad trapped in a house with apparently a woman hiding out but spoiler: she is the pack's alpha female.

I love this just for the references ! but my guess is the obvious one, maybe Cypress enjoys the idea of a werewolf frame as the cleche melee enrager (which it isn't going to be) enough to want to main it but doesn't want or feel comfortable playing as a "girl frame" or just dislikes the fem frame aesthetic, which I get because nezha is the only male frame I like the looks of and play semi-regularly.


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Werewolves have long been much more in control of themselves and with a purpose compared to the much more modern depiction of monsters that rampage every full moon. Most of the time werewolves were witches or other spellcasters who shifted or were granted a new shape, often to spy and defend their homes more easily.

Wolves are silent and swift hunters unless they're hounding something bigger than themselves they can't take down in one strike, so it would make logical sense for werewolves to be the same. That isn't to say wolves aren't vicious when they want to be though.

In the first art we have of her we see a number of spirit-like entities that look like wolf heads surrounding her, and they mentioned a more shamanistic approach with her when they first revealed she's being worked on. It's likely those mouths mounted across her body will be tied to her abilities, perhaps functioning as totems for these spirits to be attached to.

They have also explicitly stated they're going to avoid claws on her since it would make her too much like Valkyr, Garuda and Sevagoth. Wolves rarely use their claws for killing anyways, using their mouths far more.

And in addition...




There's also the World of Darkness depiction of werewolves where they are half-spirits that serve as defenders and guardians for the Earth itself. They have a mixture of brute strength and durability as well as shamanic/druidic abilities.

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12 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

I love this just for the references ! but my guess is the obvious one, maybe Cypress enjoys the idea of a werewolf frame as the cleche melee enrager (which it isn't going to be) enough to want to main it but doesn't want or feel comfortable playing as a "girl frame" or just dislikes the fem frame aesthetic, which I get because nezha is the only male frame I like the looks of and play semi-regularly.


Thank you for the support and I totally agree with you on everything, plus Nezha is adorbs I do like him so much

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7 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

Werewolves have long been much more in control of themselves and with a purpose compared to the much more modern depiction of monsters that rampage every full moon. Most of the time werewolves were witches or other spellcasters who shifted or were granted a new shape, often to spy and defend their homes more easily.

Wolves are silent and swift hunters unless they're hounding something bigger than themselves they can't take down in one strike, so it would make logical sense for werewolves to be the same. That isn't to say wolves aren't vicious when they want to be though.

In the first art we have of her we see a number of spirit-like entities that look like wolf heads surrounding her, and they mentioned a more shamanistic approach with her when they first revealed she's being worked on. It's likely those mouths mounted across her body will be tied to her abilities, perhaps functioning as totems for these spirits to be attached to.

They have also explicitly stated they're going to avoid claws on her since it would make her too much like Valkyr, Garuda and Sevagoth. Wolves rarely use their claws for killing anyways, using their mouths far more.

And in addition...

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There's also the World of Darkness depiction of werewolves where they are half-spirits that serve as defenders and guardians for the Earth itself. They have a mixture of brute strength and durability as well as shamanic/druidic abilities.

We're on the same Relay here and I just wish I could give you more than one Like vote as you explaineverything so well and so concisely so you have my support

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8 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

Most of the time werewolves were witches or other spellcasters who shifted or were granted a new shape, often to spy and defend their homes more easily.

In addition to this, Most lore and mythology about shapeshifters i.e. werewolves, usually depicts the animal or spirit turning into a person rather than a person turning into an animal. For example the kitsune is a demon fox that turns into a woman to lure men to devour them. Another example is the middle eastern/ afrcian creature, the werehyena, who is a hyena that turns into a person.

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On 2022-10-03 at 8:53 AM, proxyvirus said:

no, its not.  leave the warframe as it is. having it be "popular" is a good thing.  everyone is excited about it. a werewolf frame, a female werewolf frame, and a tall one at that. let people have fun, and just enjoy the game.

There are many other frames with the same size, valkyr's new skin. regular syran.  korha, wisp.   and those are fine, and very popular. so what makes this one a need to change it? no need to become a textbook example. every warframe needs to have its style. 

I'm willing to accept the outcome, I really want this frame, if they make it like this then I rather have it then not have it. I just want her cup size down. I want her shape to similar to Valkyr's.

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The way I see it some people are not happy and angry with this and they have the right to feel that way because lets be honest, to me this looks like a "bait and switch".

DE was teasing and hyping up a potential werewolf frame which is something that a lot of people were asking for, for years, only to be revealed to be something that may have nothing to do with it. So yeah how else would you feel about something like this?

While we still don't know the details on this warframe, the implications seem to hint at it being some sort of shaman with a wolf theme which once again isn't what people were expecting as they were probably looking for a beserker type more than anything.(a male Valkyr 2.0 probably)

Obviously will still give the warframe a go but don't approve of the way DE handled this whole thing around it.

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On 2022-10-07 at 9:04 AM, (PSN)reddragonhrcro said:

The way I see it some people are not happy and angry with this and they have the right to feel that way because lets be honest, to me this looks like a "bait and switch".

DE was teasing and hyping up a potential werewolf frame which is something that a lot of people were asking for, for years, only to be revealed to be something that may have nothing to do with it. So yeah how else would you feel about something like this?

While we still don't know the details on this warframe, the implications seem to hint at it being some sort of shaman with a wolf theme which once again isn't what people were expecting as they were probably looking for a beserker type more than anything.(a male Valkyr 2.0 probably)

Obviously will still give the warframe a go but don't approve of the way DE handled this whole thing around it.

As I would agree that some folks aren't happy with the design (mostly because it's a female frame / doesn't look like the fan made concepts out there) and are intitled to their opinion, l'd hardly call it a "bait and switch" 

First, [DE] in all the dev streams I've seen when talking about a "werewolf frame" have always mentioned how full form shift animations were though for them. We haven't seen her yet so, too soon to tell tho. There are a few was they could do it, but I'm taking it as I see until its officially confirmed.

 Second, I truly believe [DE] are just trying to give us what we want the best they can. They got Joe Mad to help design her, and as Darksiders fan I love that. 

Third, though I know what is typically a werewolf and what the community desired as one, [DE] did state at the Wolf Frames announcement that she was a Lycanthrope and that their trying to distance the character from other claw based ones most likely to make her more unique in some way.

I don't know everything about werewolf's but reading threw the forums here showed me there's a lot more to werewolf's than I originally knew, and I'm curious to see whatever [DE] has cooked up for us this time.

Hoping Wolf Babe turn out great in all aspects 🥰👍👍🐺(💗💗).

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On 2022-10-07 at 8:35 PM, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

I want say we need a D name cause there is no warframe with D name yet.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_(mythology) I think this is it, check this out I believe Diana just might be what we're looking for in a D name 😁👍.

Also, before anyone says buuut Ivara Artemis -_- I think we can have both Shes Greek and Diana 's Roman.

If anything, they could be bff gal pals hunting in the moon light of the forest 🎯🙏🐺

But really, I think Diana's perfect, her lore speaks of the moon, the udder world (folks thought she had a hell hound quality), hunter there's a bunch cool stuff in that wiki link

And of course, Diana starts with D which we don't currently have a Warframe for

So, what ya think folks would you like this name or some interpretation of it for her? 



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16 hours ago, (PSN)Wetselj44 said:

cant wait for another frame thats impossible to customize lol

Well, you can put on a Syandana, Chest (I'm not 😜) , and legs so 3 outta 4's not bad. Not to mention sigils/emblems 

So, I think customization going to be fine.

I know what you're saying though her shoulders are big they look really sick but big (hope [DE] keeps um a decent size imo)

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