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Look, It's About Our Beloved Rebecca / Lotus


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Also it's a video from ExtraCredits. Flawless victory!


(following also goes to other community managers, moderators, administrators and DEvs that post on forums)

Anyway, let's also get here my thanks for your awesome job. Starting from forum announcements, patch notes, community hot topics, livestreams all the way to "mysterious means" you have convinced DEvelopers into rethinking stuff like Damage/Armor 2.0 months back and making them use the proness of forums to share what is going on, to their hungry audience. And also the Rhino's Iron Skin, which helps getting trough ton of terrible and highly negative posts on daily basis. Keep up the great work. <3




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hey. that's some really good stuff. I agree with the fact that alot of the heat gets directed to Rebecca and Megan (which just actually get redirected to Scott and Steve) even though all they can do is say "some players have noticed....".


Keep up the good work girls(Rebecca,Megan,jaywalker) and DEdrew, we can't forget about you.

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For me, two of the DE(ar)Rebecca's most important and appreciated traits are her clear diction and overall supportiveness during the livestream conversations. What is often seems as excessive clatter of "yeah, that's great, that's awesome", in fact is a measure against awkward silence, which is self-reinforcing, if kept unattended. All the artists, programmers and designers, although confident in respective fields, may not be truly sociable people, or simply camera shy. So Rebecca breaks the silence and nurtures the dialogue. I like seeing that. It is what humans should do for each other - provide support within our roles. And it's just nice to hear her confident, distinctive diction, with no confusing accent or abrupt spelling. I try to separate Rebecca from Lotus though... I trust Rebecca with having all the best intentions for our real-life community. I wouldn't go so far with Lotus. For the sake of suspence, hyar-har-har...

Edited by Valentine_Grim
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For me, two of the DE(ar)Rebecca's most important and appreciated traits are her clear diction and overall supportiveness during the livestream conversations. What is often seems as excessive clatter of "yeah, that's great, that's awesome", in fact is a measure against awkward silence, which is self-reinforcing, if kept unattended. All the artists, programmers and designers, although confident in respective fields, may not be truly sociable people, or simply camera shy. So Rebecca breaks the silence and nurtures the dialogue. I like seeing that. It is what humans should do for each other - provide support within our roles. And it's just nice to hear her confident, distinctive diction, with no confusing accent or abrupt spelling. I try to separate Rebecca from Lotus though... I trust Rebecca with having all the best intentions for our real-life community. I wouldn't go so far with Lotus. For the sake of suspence, hyar-har-har...

True about the Lotus part, although many people still dont know that Rebecca is a VA for Lotus, that would be the reason of my title. ;)

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When my friends first for me into warframe after much nagging nearly a year ago, I quit shortly after because of numerous issues I had with the game as a new player. Then I started watching Livestreams on a lark, expecting to see the usual "Home team eye candy spouting company propaganda". Instead I saw many of my concerns/complaints being actively raised to the devs, Devs were actually being forced to give real answers. Mistakes were openly acknowledged. Promises made were followed up upon later (sometimes many times). Development decisions were explained. Lore that was implied or hinted at in game but not always explained was defined and/or clarified.  When conversations began to break down (as most genuine conversations between guys who actually get along do) into a series of in-jokes and private references, the guys were forced to re-focus and get back on topic. The game began to make more sense as a whole, and as a result I was able to enjoy it more than I did before. Gradually I went from knowing the least about the game in my group of friends, to being the go to resource for all things Warframe.

Even when I ran across glitches and/or bugs, instead of being incessantly frustrated, I could feel a sense of confidence that Rebecca, Megan, et al will keep on the guys to make sure they fix it.

On the forums, the braying and neighing of internet forum geeks are combed through for gems of actually meaningful game ideas/concepts amidst a sea of whining, myopia, occasional creepiness and in some cases (let's be honest) outright stupidity, while Patches and Hotfixes are articulated in detail. Even her twitter account is more often littered with addressing player issues & concerns or giving shout out to members of the game community who were enthusiastic about the game, rather than what could/should have legitimately just been random stuff about her off hours activity.

I've played a games where CM was virtually nonexistant, some where CM was basically an arm of the marketing team, and some where CM was just a smokescreen to screen out anything that was negative or implied any error or failure from the development team and staff. While some seem to enjoy over-critiquing how they play, at least Rebecca and Megan do play, and play in non God mode accounts, knowing enough about the game to discuss it's mechanics well enough for new people to understand while playing via Livestream, which is more than I've seen from most CMs.


My friends who introduced me to the game, who never bothered to pay attention to the efforts of the CM team, hardly play now, and I can honestly say that the differences in frustration with bugs/glitches in the game and their overall patience with Warframe between them and myself was a direct result of the CM team. All gaming experiences have their highs and lows. Devs tend to get the spotlight (and rightfully so) during the highs, And while I like the DE devs and recognize their ongoing contributions to the game, it was, and continues to be CM that gets me through the lows.


Just my personal experience regarding Rebecca and Warframe CM.. probably more than needs to be said, but not often there is a on topic outlet for this sort of thing.

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Heh, no love for Megan?


But, yeah, community managers have to deal with a LOT of S#&$.

Warframe has some of the best commods I've ever seen.


+Infinity to Rebecca/Megan.


I sincerely apologize to DEMegan, as she is doing a wonderful job as well :D

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Many thanks Rebecca, and great post Shiniko - just keep in mind it's not only Rebecca, so let's thanks all the other members of the Community Team.  People like to complain about this or that, or no info, so on.  Today will likely be another day where a new thread pops up every five minutes asking when/if U11 coming out, "why no newz?!?!?!".  When the Community Team has a definitive answer, Rebecca will announce :)


Also remember when dealing with the Community Team - it's like pizza delivery. 9 times out of 10, when your pizza is late getting to you it's not the drivers fault so don't take it out on them.  That 1 time it is, feel free to make them sing a song and dance for a tip :P

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Thanks for keeping our community calm, to be there to listen to our complaints, and to *ahem* take quite a bit of misdirected rage often.




As someone who has been on both the good and bad end of Community Management as a player and staff member This is one of the best video's i've ever seen concerning their role


Anyone who thinks CM's do nothing needs to watch this video.


*hugs* For the CM team

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I for one really grew to like DE more after watching my first livestream.  DE-Rebecca reminds me of a lot of project managers I work with, and honestly just seeing the passion the developer has makes me feel very comfortable investing in Warframe with my money, time and imagination.


Not to hijack the thread (slightly) but Steve deserves a shout out for all those interviews he did for E3 and such, he did a fantastic job selling the game and the passion driving it.


Also, does anybody else enjoy the no-spoilers attitude Scott has in the streams?  It's really entertaining to watch him try to resist as Rebecca pokes at him to give out more secret info.

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Not to hijack the thread (slightly) but Steve deserves a shout out for all those interviews he did for E3 and such, he did a fantastic job selling the game and the passion driving it.


Also, does anybody else enjoy the no-spoilers attitude Scott has in the streams?  It's really entertaining to watch him try to resist as Rebecca pokes at him to give out more secret info.

Yeah, it's hard not to notice those dark sektors under Steve's eyes... Don't know how many hours he officially spends in his office, but I have a strong feeling he doesn't just put his mind at ease by the end of a day.

And it's hard to resist poking at Scott. He's so... poky...

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