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The WaveRider - EVERYONE hates mission, allow to have Yareli in another way


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13 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

You cannot even THINK of a meta without having some exceptions and outsiders

Then remove the meta, in give everything the potential to be great. I know you see thats what im saying, you already detect it doesnt make sense otherwise.

Plus something can be bad at start and have the potential to be great. You have heard of upgrades right? You dont have to make a weapon be bad and never be able to be upgraded to be good, just cause its available to new players.

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UNO : This topic is becoming toxic and should have been closed long ago because it already have been answered :

Question : The WaveRider - EVERYONE hates mission Skatting, allow to have Yareli in another way

Answer : :platinum:


BIS : STOP being angry because you're way of talking is going from being haughty to just be insulting

2 hours ago, BlackCoffee said:

No need to be a genious, but i guess you need more neurons to understand that. Unlucky.

So Please, change you way to speak, give clear argument that can participate to a debate. Something constructive instead of the "just go see reddit"

I have been haughty more that you can guess, and you are almost crossing the line...


TER : A bit of REAL FACTUAL STATS and how you should speak about stats and being constructive

How many play Yareli ? Or to be exact what is the equivalent of full time Yareli players knowing her stats !

Population of player in 20211 x Usage stats2 x Ratio of presence in 20213

28,938,377 x 0,49% x 12/6 = 283,576 Equivalent of FULL TIME Yareli Users


Also Warframe Heat map tell us that Yareli is played mainly by MR5 players and MR30+ : This mean she is usefull for low to mid level mission or to more experienced players like me who have almost all warframes but can play her so much because we arlrready have our favorite.


To conclude

A fact is I played Yareli Quest TWICE because I LOVE her STORY. Not her stats, powers or mecanism; I play Warframe and still keep it for the fun of fighting last and The story first.

You are a warmonger who play Rhino-Vauban-Volt-exca for more than 80% of your time : She is not your style, accept it because a lot of player like her being styling and nothing more. Stop Whining, try to being constructive, the forums are not here to vent your anger !


1 https://mmo-population.com/top/2021
2 https://www.warframe.com/2021stats
3 Release in Update 30.5 (2021-07-06), 6 months of presence

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il y a 5 minutes, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim a dit :

Then remove the meta, in give everything the potential to be great.

You can't. Meta is changing everytime, with every new content, with every new balance patchs, and with any new way of playing the game. Whatever you do, the "meta" is always going to adapt and to spit out weak, outisders, and exotic items. ALWAYS. That's the definition of meta. Buff Hydroid and Yareli ? Nyx and Grendel are going to be the subject. Buff them ? Then it's going to be some other frames that can't "follow". And again, and again, and again. Can't we just accept that some frames are what they are, and maybe they don't have a place in the "meta", that only exist in the mind of the players, and that's okay ? They don't have human right and we don't need to put all of them in the spotlight.

If you like the frame, play it. If you don't like, don't play it.
If you like to play meta, you only have a handfull of frames to choose from. If you ignore the meta, you can play with anything.

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44 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Can't we just accept that some frames are what they are

There'd be less and less of a point aquiring them. For the players who care nothing for efficency that i dont see to often, theyll be fine. But for the large portion of the community im sure even you see daily to the point where it feels like its everyone, who cares about efficency, the frame will eventually just sit there taking up space in the game like old raids did that DE ultimately said was time to remove from too little people playing it. A pointless feature in the game that can end up costing them more than it is benefitting them.

Those prime access packs DE releases too, LOL if you expect more people to spend money on a weak prime warframes that they can just farm for. A very good one yes, they may get very impatient and purchase it all, but a weak one? Might even miss the timeframe to get it for free, caring so little for the warframe. Its not like youre missing out on anything, the incentive is zeroing out.

44 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

If you ignore the meta

Many dont enjoy the feeling of missing out, especially if content keeps getting harder, the meta becomes more essential.

In a grind based game, grinding for meta gear is about all you have to keep players grinding. They all want to level up, and need enemies to use the meta on to even want to grind for meta. So eventually you cant ignore the meta, atleast not without missing out on content and harder grinds.

Not to mention meta shifts make the grind more interesting from the new builds you can create. Lotta people like seeing new things to do. 

44 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

You can't. Meta is changing everytime

This is false to some extent. You cant do it perfectly obviously but you can keep things closer together. Like you know creating a weapon that can do 1million damage will be more meta than the average dealing 20k. Thats a big jump. 

Lets not pretend like the meta is created by some uncontrolable force of nature. Its created by the devs and how much attention they give to their game. If you choose to be more wild and unhinged with your ideas, your meta will change drastically. If you choose to follow more rules around a balancing your game, your meta will change more slightly. Requiring far less work for balancing.

Even if you have a big game with lots of balancing features, you should have an edittable book to record  certain parts and ideas about the game's balance that you are okay and not okay with, to help you keep track of things to make it easier to balance. Its all you need. Moment you think of something bad like "make a cc ability that ragdolls enemies" oh nope, look at your book about very bad warframe abilities. It says "ragdolls are bad, we removed them or weakened their intensity several times in the past because we saw how bad they disrupt gameplay, lets not do it a 10th time"

Takes what, a few minutes to do that if the book is organized? Less so if its a digital book and you use the "search word" feature and enter "warframe abilities: ragdoll" 

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il y a 51 minutes, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim a dit :

Lets not pretend like the meta is created by some uncontrolable force of nature. Its created by the devs and how much attention they give to their game.

But they do mistake or cant predict everything. Is the Dragon Key Shield Gating exploit an intended combinaison made on purpose ? I don't think so. Yet, it's the only "meta" nowadays.

Was Orphix Venom conceived to be Limbo's paradise ? Was Hildryn made to use her passive in Archwing ? Is Lavos a Railjack warframe ?

The Devs create things with one cool idea in mind ; and try to control the effect it has on the game. But they can't predict the result of the experimentation to all extent by the community over thousands of hours of condensed testing.

The Meta is created by the player base, using the toys the devs gave us.

If everything has to be balanced around the strongest element of the meta, why isn't every frame given the speed of Titania, the health bar of Inaros, and the aoe damage of Saryn ? Why do mk1 weapon even exist ? We should start the game with Tenet weapons and grind out mods instead. Why do we even have so many mods if only a few are meta ? Why don't the devs delete 90% of warframes content and keep the best ? You know why ? Because if they did, they will still be a meta, and some frames or weapons will be less used than others because "they dont do as well as the rest in these specific game modes with theses specific playerbase with these specific objective".

Diversity and imbalance create the meta.


il y a une heure, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim a dit :

 So eventually you cant ignore the meta, atleast not without missing out on content and harder grinds.

Let's talk about a Survival mission. What's the objective there ? Survive and kill stuff, up to rotation C. Do you need to use dragon key and shield gating spamming to be able to survive in ANY of the existing mission in the game, or else, use only Inaros ? No you don't. Do you need a Khora+Nekros to be sure to have enough capsule ? No you don't. Do you need a Saryn to be able to kills things quickly enough ? No, you dont.

The only thing you need is to survive 20mn. You have a lot of options. A freaking lot. It's up to you to choose which tools you use. Some are easier to use, some are harder to master, but NONE of the options are a bad choice if you successfully reach the 20mn mark and extract safely.

So you can ignore the meta, as long as the choices you make allow you to complete the mission.

You could argue that the Meta is to kill as much enemies as fast as possible to get more xp and ressources, but that's wrong. That's not the meta, that's a player choice. It's not needed to win the mission.

One player deciding to farm 10k kuva can do it in 5mn or 5hours, it doesn't change a thing. Maybe he used meta tools, maybe not, but he reached his goals. It's not a competition, and not a race, so what's the meta about ? How do you define "the best" at the game ? Some people are speedrunner and compete each other, creating a meta about speed and efficiency. Some people are pure afks and have meta build to do little as possible. Some people try to improve their account as quickly as possible by getting carried as much as possible by other players, avoiding to learn anything during the leveling, creating a meta mindset of "all of it is content fodder".

It's all made up by the players. Devs didn't create Archon Hunts with the subtitle : "You need a Kuva Hek to complete this challenge".

Devs don't need to buff anything to the level of what's breaking the game, but they do need to nerf what's breaking the game, making a whole lot of people upset because "that was the meta". It wasn't the devs choices. It just happened. And it broke all the "balanced content" they gave us.


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2 hours ago, BlackCoffee said:

Quest is bad, let us get yareli another free way.

Entitlement much?

There is the way the devs created for you, and there is the plat way.

Devs need to get paid, so you buy the plat or you play the game the way they created for you to play (for free) and if you really don't like those choices, too bad. Go and drop €60 on Cyberpunk 2077.

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It's a laughably easy quest, I'm very familiar with kdrives and had vent kids maxed out since the fortuna release and with the pipe outside its extremely easy to clear the score challenges. Only challenge that gave me trouble was the stomp enemies but that was just poorly phrased as i thought it was the shockwave that you create that had to kill the enemy when it ment goomba stomping them with the board it's self.

The quest is easy as it's basically a tutorial for kdrives and their functions. The only reason why it's met with this vitriol is cause the playerbase can be really really stubborn learning to use some game functions cause some alternative exist in this case archwings exist so people refused to use kdrives and dub them useless and when something involving kdrives they pass the blame of them refusing to learn a system as something else to blame cause it can never be their fault.

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  • 1 month later...

Just came here to say warframe is great and fun but the very first second i tried k drive my happiness inside my soul f*cking died.

Its a miserable gimic that is somewhat forced on you if you want all the warframes, As well if you want to complete all forms of syndicates, challenges, and item mastery.

I enjoy everything about this game besides k drive and conclave. I would opt out of both of those bits of content in A HEARTBEAT. If I could make it so they dont appear in game or as

stats on my player card, yes you bet your biscuits I'd 86 conclave and k-drive so hard DE could feel them get slam dunked into the dumpster.

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On 2022-10-04 at 5:02 AM, BlackCoffee said:

let us get Yareli another way.

Platinum exists. Farm some syndicates, bounties, or Simaris for worthwhile trade-ables and get using warframe.market :V either you want her bad enough to farm/buy plat for her (or just Aquablades Subsume) or to grind out her missions, or you can just wait until she's got a Prime eventually?

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Now what I'll grant you all have as a point, is that K-Drives ideally ought to be better. The same way they're looking into allowing us to bring Necramechs into missions, which essentially functions as a backup secondary Warframe, arguably they should make K-Drives capable of being used in missions and given useful features, like actually being faster than most Warframes (barring the speedster-capable ones) or being able to effortlessly travel across laser-grid floors, water, and more effortlessly give you good jump height and air time than Warframes give, and unlike Archwings, at least allow 1-handed Warframe abilities to be cast from them.

This would actually make people feel less compelled to have to use Warframes like Titania, Wukong, Gauss, Volt, etc for speed-running Capture missions and the like, as they could travel across the tilesets with K-Drives.

To contrast, Merulina should have better baseline stats and functionalities than a K-Drive, such as the existing damage reduction and double jump and such, but it should also allow us to mod it so that we can micro-manage the performance and handling of it. Could release some corrupted mods too, that drop max speed for more cornering/turning, and drop acceleration rate in exchange for more responsiveness.

In missions, they could do more to make K-Drives more pleasant to utilize, like giving them a bit of auto-pathing around obstacles or floating over shorter ones automatically, so that it's less often that you get frustratingly stopped dead on a small object. Put a bit of "wind" or something around anything solid, so that you're guided away from walls and into the center of narrow hallways and doorways. Make K-Drives actually have level-scaling stats so that they're more reasonably plausibly usable in actual missions instead of having to hop off of them so that you can do real combat.

tldr, just actually make K-Drive feel worth using as a sidegrade to combat on foot, rather than a completely different mode entirely, that locks you out of capability of traversing normal tilesets effectively, or using abilities entirely.

Then everybody would have less to complain about with the missions, because they could do a number of them more passively in normal missions, rather than having to powergrind them specifically and getting frustrated with it.

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